Sandy and Bud Ricks

By tomas weston

Published on Oct 25, 2004




The Smeaton Islands comprise two long thin islands plus many more that barely rise above the water. Travelling to them from the east, Great and Little Smeaton appear as small rocks but their length is hidden behind them especially the longer Great Smeaton which is to the left- it curves in a low crescent on which is a narrow but thick palm forest- and on its south side is the wide white sandy beach on which both Sandy and Bud had frequently ran naked but its north side is rocky but manageable. The white sandy bay offers cover and anchorage but it is rarely visited and has never been inhabited. About two hundred metres to its north lies Little Smeaton- it is shorter and formed of solid but dipping rock which although fringed with plants is difficult to visit due to alack of suitable moorings. That was until the Ricks brothers discovered the narrow inlet which although difficult to see from the water gives a site to moor and explore and from which the cave system was discovered. Between the islands the water is relatively shallow but only suited to swimming in calm conditions.

When Captain Bud was looking the wrong way out to sea- his stance making him scout to the north of Little Smeaton- and with his first mate' focused on the skippers' bare cheeks, they had not noticed and realised the consequence that a small boat had come into view, from behind Great Smeaton, and that it was heading directly towards them. Eventually the boat's noise drew their attention and frantic at his lack of clothing Bud hauled on his tee shirt, pulled up and tied his pink swimbriefs and yanked up and fastened his cut offs so that the teen and the boy were fully dressed as the boat drew near. However, they felt seriously worried for as the boat pulled alongside- its three smiling male occupants were dressed in green including the one with the rifle in his hand. Automatically, Bud moved forwards for protection and Dan wrapped his arms around the boy.

Sandy was sucking the last of his sticky cum from inside the moist pouch of Mason's jock strap when a large thud hit the wooden decking; he looked down to see Mason haul a second then eventually four more thin but long wet sacks into view. Then after he had helped Mason climb from the water, Sandy found the corporal had also returned. Awkward at being left naked and also wary of the ever hungry mosquito, the blonde asked for clothing to be allowed but got short change from Chip who made the point that now he would remain naked even allowing for an increase in the number of mosquitoes. Sandy noted that the blank expression on Chip's face contrasted sharply with Mason's broad grin which was revealed when his headgear was lifted although Sandy was undecided as to whether it was to greet his dangling and swaying cock or in happiness at the discovery of the sacks.

Mason informed them that six sacks had been fixed and weighted to the legs of the landing stage. Chip knelt and slit open the ties of one sack and shook out the contents. Both wrapped notes and coins became visible- the latter added no doubt for weight. Happy at the discovery Chip ordered Sandy to empty the other sacks whilst he loaded the money into his formal marine case. Once the money was safely stashed, the three of them began the task of refilling and retying the bags with mud and stones. Whilst Chip ventured beyond the derelict building to collect more stones Sandy was ordered into the creek to assist Mason.

Immediately the blonde felt hands grasp his long swaying cock on the premise that it was important for the diver not to confuse it with a passing wriggling snake or eel but any further opportunity open to the diver was forestalled by the corporal's return. Once Mason had replaced the bags he joined the other two on the landing.

Chip's orders were clear. Mason was to search the derelict building and then walk part way up the footpath just to ensure there was no evidence that the sacks were delivered on foot whilst Sandy and himself would scout along the banks of the creek.

Sandy followed Chip through the low undergrowth along the north side of the creek but the route became impassable so they turned southwards but about a hundred metres upstream a mud slip provided another barrier, so they turned and headed back to the landing to wait for Mason but once there the corporal took the initiative by telling Sandy to lay down, face upwards, on the wooden decking.

Sandy's cock arched forward- drooping with the weight at its end- the red and bitten head hanging below the bunched up balls and grazing the soft downy hairs of his legs. However as soon as Chip placed a flat hand on the teen's hairless chest the long tool surged upwards to proudly stand vertical. Chip rested one hand on Sandy's sensitive left nipple whilst the other hand travelled across the tort flat stomach to rub amidst the blonde's silky pubic hair. The corporal twisted the longer hairs between his fingers and then, after informing the teen that all the hair would have to go, turned to poke then grasp the teen's hard warm balls.

As Chip twisted the left pink nipple the vertical cock twitched but it was not able to evade the marine's warm lips nor as the oral session unfolded the marine's tongue and hard teeth-all the slow exhilarating effort being concentrated on the red thick cockhead. As one hand regularly switched between paining the hard nipples, the other focused on yanking downwards the blonde's large balls for no other reason than to see how far they would stretch. Sandy was in ecstasy as his body and cock continued to twitch but in pain from sharp nails and biting teeth.

The actions continuing for an agonising and painful --for the blonde- ten minutes until Chip finally relented by releasing both hands after biting into the cockhead- then as Sandy lay still he climbed on top of the teen and surprisingly but happily for the blonde held him in a long and lasting embrace. The kiss which Sandy returned with great enthusiasm was only broken when footsteps were heard in the distance.

Sandy remained horizontal and naked on the deck as Mason came into view. The two marines engaged in a conversation from which it became clear that the footpath was also blocked by a rusted gate and that unless the sacks had been carried overland long distances then they had only reached the landing by boat.

Ignoring the naked teen the two men loaded up the boat and then finally Chip ordered Sandy aboard.

Sandy was given the wet jock as clothing which at that time failed to contain his rock hard cock but this problem was entirely ignored for with the boat ready Sandy was ordered to steer towards the first landing.

The search undertaken there proved fruitless- which all three had expected- and as they finished at this landing Chip ordered their return to harbour plus he made short work of the blonde's second plea for additional clothing by informing him that if he asked again he'd be stripped from the jock and stood naked at the front of the boat with his whities attached to his flagpole for everyone to see as they entered the harbour. Sandy felt obliged to remain quiet for the rest of the journey but later when Mason moved to sit near him- in a soft quiet tone the diver offered to rub cream into all the places affected by biting mosquitoes after they docked at the harbour.

There was no shouting or confusion as the leader of the three men ordered Dan and Bud into their boat- but for some reason Bud decided to contest this requirement once he had clambered aboard. Dan sat quietly on a rear bench but when Bud was told to move forward but refused. All this did, however was provide amusement for the man carrying the rifle who although speaking in a broad Spanish dialect conveyed to Dan the idea that a small boy was confronting grown smugglers - but then one of the men grabbed Bud in a bear hug to move him during which the boy kicked out frantically.

The two tallest men were of similar age- Dan guessed about Bud's father's age although the one `wrestling' with Bud was taller and stronger than the one with the gun who was shorter and much stockier. The third soldier looked, to Dan, only slightly older than himself but his loose and ill-fitting clothes gave a semblance of bulk that did not exist and the whisps of hair covering his upper lip were seemingly in defiance of the red cheeks and smooth olive skin. As the struggle continue the young Green Smuggler tied the boats together and then, purposely sat behind Dan in a position that left him pressing into the teen's back. Dan not one to decline any situation --even this one- pressed back until for the sake of stability the young green had to put both his hands around Dan's waist -- before the young smuggler laid his chin on Dan's shoulder and slowly exhaled warm air onto his captive's neck.

During this time as Dan was getting accustomed to his predicament, Bud was still making defiant gestures- that is until he became straddled face downwards over the bench seat with his head near the floor of the boat. In addition, his tee was around his neck and his pink waistband was showing. Then, finally, the smuggler sat on Bud's rear.

The boy still struggled so the now unarmed rifle man yanked the boy's hands back to bind them then when Bud started kicking with his feet he attended to those as well. However, although Bud clearly felt the pointlessness of further struggle he countered his bindings with verbal abuse- that was until he was gagged. Now with only one captive able to speak the unoccupied smuggler turned his attention to Dan.

Dan's story was quickly contrived and although he felt concern for his friend's predicament, no doubt Bud's constant interruption would have made the storyline even more difficult to establish- although it did allow a silent Bud to listen and take in the detail.

It transpired that two boys, an older ginger haired one named Mike and his friend nicknamed Red, were visiting Great Smeaton to swim and relax before returning to watch the dolphins at play. Fortunately both Mike and Red lived inland and Mike's father was a dentist-which was actually true- and Red's father ran The Stores at Normanton Harbour- which was quite untrue. There was little reason for the smugglers to disbelieve the story and Dan had ensured no detail of marines, coastguards or the like came into the tale. Apparently satisfied the smuggler started the engine and slowly the boats turned and headed towards Great Smeaton.

There were in Dan's thoughts two secrets that were left untold; firstly, he was glad that he had not divulged his mother and eldest brother's police occupations and secondly, that when asked for Red's real first name he had inexplicably, and now regretfully, said Willy.

Dan hoped that one day Bud would forgive him for the smuggler that now straddled the boy was light-heartedly commenting on the name.

As the boats passed the palm fringed headland and turned into the bay, Dan was able to see that activity was centred at the far end of the island. There, a large coaster was anchored beyond the western headland although even half hidden by the end of the island it was not exactly camouflaged. Anchored at the end of the beach was a large red and white launch and there were figures there and also walking towards that area along the beach- then as the boat closed in a series of tents-fairly well camouflaged- were half outlined beneath the palms.

At last Bud was totally calm- caused by the man sitting on the his rear running his large hands over the boy's bare back- massaging as well as idly stroking the smooth skin. Dan hoped that for the present Bud was content, for it might not be as peaceful for both of them once they were ashore- and as if to break this idyll the young smuggler holding on to him bit into his neck- for although Dan understood the reason for this action it tempered his idea of them being in totally safe hands.

Once the boats were beached adjacent to the large red and white launch, Dan was able to walk freely from the boat whereas Bud, perhaps not entirely unhappy, remained trussed and, hence, was slung over the smuggler's shoulder to be carried ashore.

It was fortunate for the jock strap clad Sandy that no one watched the boat slip from The Sound into harbour. In fact, the water was also clear of dolphins so unhindered the boat came to a halt in front of the boat house doors. Nimbly Sandy jumped from the boat and opened the doors .When the doors were fastened, he became aware that Bud's boat was missing but with little time, at present, to consider this, he moved smartly to wait by the steps whilst the others disembarked.

Mason stood by the blonde as Chip informed them he would go to the control room to despatch the relief (and wife) home whilst they were to remain here until he returned. In what Sandy perceived as humour and whilst still amazed by Mason's quips, the diver saluted and replied `Aye Aye Captain'. If it caused the corporal any degree of amusement he hid it well, but as a retort (if it was one) he ordered Sandy to strip the wetsuit from Mason and leave him naked.

Of course, Sandy did not need to follow any order but to him it was not exactly an unpleasant task but before he had time to act Mason forced the blonde backwards leaving him pressed against a wall.

Mason took hold of the sides of Sandy's head and at the same time as pressing his body against the teen's soft flesh, he forced their lips together. Sandy responded with enthusiasm for as tongues came together the diver forced a hand between them to grasp the jock pouch with his long fingers. Lips parted for a moment as Mason crushed the blonde's crotch harshly-then the second meeting of lips tasted sweeter.

Mason still holding the pouch stepped back and cursed the lack of time he had in order as he put it `to fuck Sandy senseless' but he finally gave relief to Sandy's cock and balls and offered his body to the teen. It took little time for Mason to be stripped although Sandy was forced to take considerable time in extricating the marine's swollen cock from the wetsuit. The long hard shaft appeared to be too dry from the powder applied earlier and Sandy was just thinking of offering it some moisture when the far door opened to herald Chip's return.

Mason and Sandy moved away from the wall and when the corporal stood before them Mason once more saluted and announced to his captain that he was ready, willing and able.

Chip surprised Sandy by taking Mason's cock in his left hand and gently stroking it as he gave them orders.

Once they had heard the relief's car leave, they were to unload and store the equipment then Sandy was to fix food and a large jug of coffee whilst Mason was to dress correctly as an active marine- (Here the corporal adding comment as to it never having happened before- which generated a Mason smirk) and finally they both were to come to the control room to seek their next orders. Chip explained that he needed to contact Ranger Nash and that he would have new information shortly. He seemed reluctant to release Mason's cock but after he did so and before leaving he threw Sandy's whities at the diver telling him that they were his now as clearly the blonde was born not to be without a jock. Looking directly at Mason the corporal held up the blue shorts with the words that he intended to keep these as he had an idea of how later to get the best out of them.

Mason slipped on his new whities and with the upper half of his erect cock exposed and flat against his stomach, he stepped into the boat to pass the equipment to Sandy.

Next: Chapter 8

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