Sarah Knight and the Fawn Princess

By H'eidi Eros

Published on Jan 19, 2014


Hello and Welcome back to the final section of the story. One last push now and I reveal the truth in the 'Will they, won't they?' novel to rival Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. Feedback, and yah!! I finally got some, thanks Ralph! x (to whom this last section is dedicated) .... err, yes .. feedback to

As always going to hassle you about two things .. so brace yourselves. Copyright. While I'm excited to have written this, I don't own any of the movies mentioned within the text (except on dvd) and their copyright rests with their owners. Likewise actors and other stuff ... all belong to themselves and eternity. Donate: It is the right thing to do. If you have some spare money in these turbulent economic times, you know where the button is! Go on and click it .. oh god, that feels so good xx

"No way is Leela sleeping in the awning tonight!" Elaine declares as we huddle next to the heater to warm up. Inside the caravan is warm and inviting, but the awning itself was as chill as a freezer as we crossed it moments before. "How are we going to arrange things then?" Sarah asks. "Pull out bed, next to yours. Excessive hand holding and late night whispering allowed. We are going to read a little and then switch the lights off." Elaine says. Chris is already reading from inside a king size sleeping bag. He waves at us from the other end of the caravan. Sarah pulls out a fold up bed and forces the thing open with springs creaking alarmingly. We shove it against the edge of her bunk and unfold our sleeping bags and blankets so they form a fairly communal sleeping area. Elaine chuckles at our antics and wishes us a good night. She pulls a screen across the centre of the caravan to give us a little privacy. Sarah crawls across the fold out bed and it groans and creaks. "Not even highly trained ninja could have sex silently on that bed." Elaine laughs from the other end of the caravan. "We aren't having sex, mum!" Sarah complains. "I know, that just sounded like you both climbing across the fold out bed and onto Sarah's bunk!" Elaine said. "Are you honestly giving them suggestions on how to avoid the noisy no sex bed for the quiet bunk?" Chris said. "Oh crap!" Elaine said, laughing. "We are just talking and holding hands!" Sarah said, pulling aside her pajama top to flash me a glimpse of her right breast. I slapped my hand over my eyes and shook my head. I carefully climbed onto the fold out bed to a protesting chorus of complaining springs. I tried to slide into the sleeping bag without waking up the whole campsite. I adjusted the pillow and slowly lay down. The bed springs groaned like a German opera as I moved my head. "Teenage pregnancy would be preferable to listening to that bed all night!" Chris said. "Two girls without ovaries down here, dad ..." Sarah said. I started laughing silently at this, but the shaking I created suppressing the audible laughter caused the bed to creak in rhythmic protests. "God, what are you both doing?" Elaine said in between her giggles. "That is Leela is laughing, transcribed for symphony orchestra by bed springs! This isn't going to work, Mum!" Sarah said, reaching a hand out to encourage me to climb across onto the bunk with her. "For goodness sake, Elaine. Let them share the bunk. Nothing is going to happen." Chris said. "Promise mum!!!" Sarah said. "Nothing illegal or annoying to Government Ministers!" "I'm not driving back to North Wales with that hideous old fold out bed in the back." Chris announced. "You'd better make your peace with hauling it along on holiday for the last time." "Okay, enough enough ... I give in." Elaine said. "It would have driven me mad listening to it creak every time Leela breathed as well." "Thank you!" Sarah said, gesturing for me again. I scooched across onto the large foam wedge of Sarah's bunk. It was a narrow fit and only possible because Sarah and I were relatively petite builds. I didn't know how practical it was going to be sleeping, but for cuddling it worked perfectly. We gleefully wrapped ourselves into a tangle of limbs and bumped noses. "If this is the only bit of peril we'd experienced all holiday my book is going to have a lame climax and final chapter." I said. "You are really going to write our story?" Sarah whispered. "I'd like to, but I'd never send it to a publisher." I replied, kissing her. "I'd have to change so much to make it acceptable as a real book." "Nobody in the universe would believe our original meeting!" she said in a whisper and pulled a face. "I don't believe it, and I was there!" I said with my mouth pressed against her ear. "It seems insane in retrospect?" "It also seems a longtime ago .. has it really just been three days?" she sighed. We took a moment to adjust the sleeping bags and somehow accidentally ended up in the same one. It was warmer and cut down the chances of one of us, probably me, slipping off onto the fold out bed sometime in the twilight hours. We talked in whispers and held each other. At different points in the night we slept. Sometimes together I think, but more often than not Sarah would sleep and I'd just hold her. Stroking her hair and listening to her breathe. When I drifted off out of exhaustion I would wake sometime later to find her looking at me. Her eyes seemed huge in semi-darkness and she would smile. Sleeping together is obviously an acquired skill I was forced to conclude. While I wouldn't swap that night for the world, it didn't involve a lot of rest on either of our parts. We whispered a lot to each other. A billion things of massive importance that 15 years of distance have robbed from both our memories. I am sure it was hopes and dreams for the future that seemed to be knocking on both our doors. Worries about things that seem so trivial now. Plans for things both insane and mundane. We planned to return to the tea room in the little village on Friday afternoon and I vaguely remember Sarah wanting to march on Parliament to protest the inequality of the age of consent. A billion tiny things seem important in the early hours of every morning. I've laid awake worrying over such things before and since. One thing that makes such nocturnal concerns easier to cope with is having another soul snuggled beside you feel a connection with. I am sure this is how and why human beings began to bond as couples. Not the rush of mad chemicals that fried their brains during bouts of primal loving earlier in the night, but the soft feel of kindred soul to look out into the darkness with. To whisper a dream to and share a worry.

Chapter Ten

The dawn found us utterly exhausted. I heard Chris rise and turn on the heater. I could see my breath in the thin light that crept sheepishly between the curtains. Sarah stirred. At some point in the early hours she had turned to face the wall of the caravan and I was snuggled into the curve of her back. I loved having my face buried in her hair and my groin pushed tight against her bum. My morning erection was now also here and that pushed very sweetly at her behind. "Oh my god," she whispered to me. Reaching back with one hand she fumbled for it. "Don't encourage it!" I hissed. After the night of feeling connected on the cosmic level with Sarah, this was a hard reminder that we had a physical connection that would continue to delightfully intrude between us. Sarah took hold of her pajama bottoms and pulled them down so her bare behind now rubbed against me. My erection had already managed to also escape from my pyjama bottoms, though quite by it's own cleverness and with no help from me. Sarah lifted one leg slightly and quickly moved me so I rested in between her thighs. She dropped the leg back down so I was trapped. "You evil minx!" I breathed almost wordlessly into her ear, loving the feel of two warm thighs clamped around me. I reached over her thigh and toyed with her growing erection. She purred a contented sigh. "I am so comfortable, go and put the kettle on, will you?" she asked loudly enough for the whole caravan to hear. "I'm asleep." I said in my most authentic sleepy voice. I felt her bum move, a leisurely and seemingly casual pull forward, then push back against me. The movement achieved its aim of tugging enchantingly on my trapped erection. "Really?" she said in an equally sleepy voice. "I've got it!" Elaine said. We could hear the clatter of camp kettle and the click of the lighter igniting the gas. I lay perfectly still and thought the most un erotic things I could muster. It didn't really help. Being clamped in between the thighs of someone you utterly lust after is the default position for happiness. The only thing nicer is being able to be able to move. I lay still and tried think of a way of both maintaining this position and still being able to accept a cup of tea in a few minutes. No way around it. With reluctance that was palpable I withdrew. Pulling clear of those smooth expanses of loveliness. Sarah let out a grumble of disappointment. I rolled over and faced the other way, pushing a hand into my erection to try and stifle it. Sarah rolled with me, bringing her morning erection into contact with my bum. "I wish we had our own place." she whispered into the back of my hair. Her left hand moved the back of my pajamas and pulled insistently. She was rewarded with an section of my behind and I felt her rub herself in circles against it. "You've woken up in a happy mood?" I said. "I'm putting toast on, you girls want some toast and jam?" Elaine called from the kitchen area. "mmmmmmmm, jam!" Sarah said, reaching a hand across my hip and down onto my erection. She was really in a horny mood this morning and my body reacted utterly to her desires. There was no way we could even quietly consummate our lusts however. The only realistic thing we could do was try to calm down so we get out of the sleeping bag. The unrealistic thing was to continue this low level mutual arousal .. and both be nursing morning hard ons that would refuse to go down without some kind of resolution. "How do couples get out of bed in the morning?" I wondered out loud. I unzipped the sleeping bag part way down and slithered across onto the creaky spring foldout bed. My abandoned sleeping bag was spread across it and I hastily pulled it over me. I looked back at Sarah's face and pushed my tongue out at her. "Knock knock, hope everyone is decent!" Elaine called, giving me a couple of seconds to adjust the sleeping bag. She slid the screen back and walked through with two cups of tea. "Good morning," I said, accepting the first cup of tea. Elaine popped the second one down on the ledge beside Sarah's head. "Grrrumph!" said the lump from under the sleeping bag. "You are welcome most lovely daughter!" Elaine sang. "Toast in two minutes." I leaned over and patted the part where Sarah's head was. She rewarded me with a growl, but it was quite sexy. Elaine and Chris got up and sorted quite quickly. Much more quickly than my family ever managed, but I suppose having an 11 year old will act like an anchor chain on your momentum. Their plan was a day out with Claire and Ryan. This gave my mum and dad a day free to do something .. and myself and Sarah a day free to mope together about not seeing each other for a week. Tonight was going to be a meal out in the Chinese Restaurant Elaine and Chris had discovered in St Austell. Sarah and I seemed to have a terrible sluggish feeling about getting up. It was probably the lack of sleep from the previous night, but there was no way Elaine and Chris would leave us tucked up in bed. I got up first and pulled on a simple skirt and jumper. I was thankful for the very tight briefs that allowed me to hold my penis almost flat against my stomach.

The weather still hadn't recovered from the day before, so I wore tights and my boots. I was about to tie my hair back in a simple ponytail when Elaine offered to braid my hair. Having my hair fussed over was initially slightly awkward, but as I relaxed and submitted to the brushing and various clips being poked in, it became fun. My hair looked great in a long back braid. I put on my cheap sunglasses to try to look optimistic about the day and decided to take a short walk up to the camp shops. Sarah was providing a little hard to rouse, so I figured I would try my first proper solo walk as a girl.

The English Channel looked like a flat grey pancake, slightly tinted green by the sunglasses. Thankfully the wind had died down to a playful breeze scooting between the caravans and tents. I glanced down at my own breasts and admired my own handiwork. I'd packed my own bra this morning. I might have been a little more generous than Sarah normally liked. I pushed out the front of the jumper in a quite appealing way though. The boots and their slight heel gave my walk a little swagger. I found myself looking to see my reflection in the windows of caravans as I passed them. This felt a tiny bit narcissistic, but this was still a whole new world for me. My look and my walk were still work in progress. I wasn't even sure I liked the name Leela. It was a tiny bit too close to my original name. I wondered how many transsexuals took names close to their original names .. and what sort of percentage took whole new identities to celebrate the liberation from the gender that never felt right. "Hi," a voice startled me from my thoughts. It was a young man, probably around my age, maybe a little older. He'd been walking behind me and sped up a bit to catch up. "Hello," I said. "I'm Dave, Dave Aston." he said. "Leela," I said, "Leela Knight." "Are you enjoying your holiday, Leela?" he asked politely. Falling into step beside me. "Loving it," I said, smiling. Was I being chatted up? "I am as well, Cornwall is such an interesting place. Witchcraft and ship wrecks." he said. "I know... all those windswept moors, smugglers and castles." I said. He laughed and leaned in a conspiratorial way. "I'm here with my family, which is a bit of a downer. They tend to take off during the day and leave me with the beach and gift shop for company." "There are some great comics in the gift shop!" I pointed out. "Cool, a girl who enjoys comics." he said. "Attractive and well read." Oh crap, he was chatting me up. I began to pay a little more attention to his body language. He did appear to be glancing at my slightly over generous chest measurement. I cursed myself for the extra pair of Sarah's socks that I'd used. "I've seen you around a few times this week." he said when I didn't reply to his 'attractive and well read' flirt. "You are normally with your sisters, aren't you?" "Yes," I said, thinking how I can possibly answer this. I suddenly hear myself saying "The blonde spiky haired one is my sister, but the girl with the dark hair is my girlfriend." "Oooooooooooh," he said, looking crestfallen. "I feel stupid, sorry .." "No, don't feel bad .." I said. "Cute, likes comics and is a lesbian!" he said. "Brilliant combination and just my luck!" "I'm sorry!" I said. "It was a real compliment you talking to me though." "Thanks," he says, still looking crushed. He manages a weak smile. I remember as a boy that fear of approaching a girl. Waiting for the crush, the knock back. I smile at him and want to give him a hug for just trying. "This is so awkward now," I say. I hold out a hand and demand a handshake. "Friends?" I suggest. "Friends." he agrees. "You really are a lesbian, that isn't just some way of putting me off as painlessly as you can?" "Honestly, I have a girlfriend and she is my absolute world." I naturally don't add the part about her penis being bumped up against my butt just 30 minutes earlier. No reason to freak out this sweet young man anymore. He would probably melt down if he knew he was trying to chat up a transsexual. Who knows. I surprised myself only four days ago. "Cool," he says, shrugging his shoulders as philosophically as he can manage. We arrive at the shop and I introduce him to the world of ALIAS Comics. I pick out a few new issues for myself and some I might use as a lure to bed bound Sarah hiding under the covers. I think her lying there and wonder about buying some condoms. It suddenly it occurs to me that I should have no reason to need them in my lesbian relationship. Dave gets into ALIAS, though I am disappointed he doesn't react to Puppies of War with quite the same enthusiasm as my extended family does. I pick up some energy drinks and chocolate, then make my goodbyes. He promises to see me around and tell me what he makes of his ALIAS purchases. I laugh, tell him he will love them and scurry out of the shop.

Walking back to the caravan is weird. I want to tell Sarah about the being chatted up, but I don't want the issue to intrude on our last day. How do I go about this? I could write about it in a letter, but I imagine getting that letter if our roles were reversed. It would suck massively. I reach the Knight caravan and discover Elaine and Chris have already left on their adventures. There is a note on the door telling me Sarah is still asleep and good luck waking her up. They will be back around mid-afternoon and have a great day. I dump my bag of goodies in the awning and enter the caravan. Chris and Elaine have left their bed up set up. Sarah has abandoned her narrow bunk and now the lump under a huge sleeping bag is her. She has taken over the giant bed that fills the entire sofa area of the caravan. I quietly slip out of my clothes and place them carefully on the bunk. I crawl onto the bed and unzip the edge of the sleeping bag. Sarah is sound asleep, flat on her back and breathing very gently. She has pushed her pajama bottoms slightly down around her hips so a small area of pubic hair shows. I find it irresistible and slip my head under the covers to burrow toward it. As gently as I can I nuzzle at the opening of her jammies, trying to find her soft penis. It is just inside, all it's earlier zest and rudeness have departed now she is asleep. I lean forward, kiss it and breathe a long shuddery breath of anticipation. My hands are freezing cold from the walk to the shop, so I don't wait to touch her with them. The only way to get her softness into my mouth is going to be use my tongue and lips to sort of gather her up. I move my head to line up with the end of her foreskin and lick it. Her hips move protectively and she moans a little protest in her sleep. Even if she registered a subconscious intrusion at my actions her penis has registered it as quite pleasant. It has stirred a little at my tiny flirtation with it. It lifts a little clear of the thigh it was resting against. I blow warm breath against it again and it rises a little more. This is a proper 'blow job' I think, taking a deep breath and holding it until my body heat has warmed the air temperature. I slowly blow a soft series of little breaths against her. Her penis lifts and rolls upward, semi-erect and inviting. I use that change of direction to slip my mouth over her. I can feel a little heartbeat in the blood vessels running along her length as my tongue caresses her. She hardens in my mouth with an exquisite slowness. I think it is probably one of the most erotic things I have ever experienced. I start to suck and draw my head back, bringing her to edge of my lips. Inside my mouth the head of her penis has grown and pushed back the foreskin. I use my tongue to say good morning to it. "Oh dear god!" I hear a sleepy voice exclaim from outside the sleeping bag. I slide my mouth down completely over her length and swirl my tongue around her. Her hands move down to my hair and stroke it. She discovers the braid and grabs it firmly in one hand. Her hips move, grinding her bum into the mattress. Her hand on my braid now tells me to pull up again. I slid my mouth up again, letting her head slip almost clear of me. My tongue circling around her. The tip of my tongue runs across her opening. A tiny dribble of something warm escapes it. I think she is going to cum as she trembles under me, but her hand gently encourages me to slid down again. We repeat this slow languid process again and again as Sarah wakes up properly. The speed of each stroke begins to increase and I have less time to lavish my tongue on her. I sense the tell tale trembling running through her thighs and hips that signal her orgasm is on it's way. She begins to push up into my mouth with desperate, but wonderful little hip thrusts. Any second now ... I long for that sensation her cock twitching against my tongue. I discover the only drawback of this type of lovemaking, being unable to verbally tell your partner just how much you want them to cum. She spasms under me and cries out loudly. I'm a little taken aback with the volume, but continue to pump my mouth against her. I can't keep count of the times her cock throbs in my mouth, each pulse a warm release. "Oh, fuck!" she gasps, pulling on my braid to encourage me to move up the bed. With reluctance I let her slide from my mouth and obey. I haven't swallowed a drop of her, and discover there also isn't anyway to say 'I have a mouthful of you, is it okay to kiss you?' in this state. We press our lips together and she pushes a tongue through into my mouth to discover this fact for herself. She groans at the discovery and clamps onto my lips like a sea limpet. We lie side by side kissing and playing tag with our tongues for as long as our body oxygen can handle just breathing through our noses. When you are this aroused, that sadly isn't long. "Holy shit!" she says, finally breaking the kiss. "That is the way you must wake me up for the rest of my life!" "I can't promise that, it took more ninja skills than I really possess to get the drop on you today." I said, kissing her neck and burrowing into her hair. She reached a hand down to my erection and grabbed it. "After that I am prepared to offer you almost anything as a thank you!" she whispered. "I just want you, so I'm happy." I said, kissing her again. "That is not very creative or kinky ... you have the opportunity to let your lusts dictate something quite deviant and I will joyfully go along with it ..." she said. "I don't think I'm that kinky .." I protested helplessly. "Yeah, sure thing Miss Swimsuit and tights .." she laughed. "That is probably the most kinky thing I've ever done and I was discovered doing it by complete strangers. The trauma of that has probably put me off doing anything adventurous for the rest of my life." I moaned, shifting my hips so Sarah could get at me easier. "Rubbish, firstly being discovered by us was the best thing that could have happened to you on this holiday!" "Okay!" I had to agree. "I love that word!" she chuckled. "And secondly the trauma of it didn't stop you enjoying a wonderful hand job from a complete stranger." "Another excellent point." I was forced to concede. "Ahh, ha!" she said and immediately let go of me. I whimpered in disappointment as she slid from the bed. I could rattling in cupboards and moments later she reappeared with the blue leotard she had worn on the first afternoon. "I've washed it, it is fresh," she pointed out. "And tights!" She waved a pair of black tights at me. "Who goes on holiday with leg warmers and a leotard ..??" I asked. "Was there an Aerobics Convention I didn't hear about?" "That's it, use humour to divert us from the difficult question of who gets to wear it!" Sarah whipped at me with the leotard. "Ouch!" I complained. "Come on .. get into it and I will aerobics you until we have to wash it for a second time this week." she promised. "That is tempting ..." I agonized. "Or do you want me to wear it, be your little workout girl who is all sweaty and needy?" she fixed me with the 'I've already decided' look. "That one, please!" I said. "I knew it," she laughed. "But you'd rather we both little workout girls, yes?" "Heck, yes!" I said. "Nothing wrong with that," she smiled. "You've a birthday to celebrate soon and the cost of some extra workout gear is top of my list now." She went to fetch her leg warmers and I lay there holding myself. Sarah took a deliciously long time to get dressed. Pulling the tights on was a lesson in how to smooth the fabric evenly across every millimetre of her legs. She reached her hips and turned around to give me a full view of her behind as she eased it inside and smoothed the nylon over herself. She turned around again to show me adjusting herself, one hand down inside to tuck herself neatly into the gusset. Then she took the leotard and stepped into it. First one shapely leg, then the other. She smiled and pulled it over hips. "You are another girl in the gym, watching me with a shyness from the corner of your eyes." she told me. I began to stroke myself and nodded. "I can see your hands fluttering to touch yourself as I get ready for my workout." She pulled the leg warmers on, then pulled the leotard up over her breasts and pushed both of her arms into the half length sleeves. She grinned at me, obviously a little embarrassed, but enjoying my reaction. She stretched her arms upward, an effect only spoiled slightly by the lowness of the caravan roof. "Oh my god, you are beautiful and sexy ..." I moaned. She climbed onto the bed and made sure as much of her body rubbed against me as physically possible. "I'm sorry, this gym is a bit cramped .." She explained, brushing a hand over my crotch. "You don't mind if I warm up in here, the main hall is too busy!" "Be my guest, you have an amazing body." I breathed out in a shudder. "Thank you," she rolled over, presenting me with a wonderful view of her bum. I reached out to stroke her and she writhed under my hand. "Oh, what ... what are you doing?" she protested. When Sarah decided to roleplay something she was perfect. "God, I'm sorry, I thought you wanted me to touch you!" "I do, but I didn't expect you to." She said. "Can I touch you again?" I asked. "Yes, but this is a public changing room ..." she whispered. "We might be discovered at anytime!" "It is worth it .." I said. Running my hand down her back and feeling her behind. "If you are feeling that bold, take off your leotard and prove it!" She turned and pretended to help me roll down an imaginary leotard. Kissing my chest, stomach and pubic hair as it slid off my body. She reached my erection and stopped. "What?" I said, desperate for her continue. "Are you a transsexual?" she said, hand lightly brushing me. "Yes, I am sorry I didn't tell you .... is that okay?" I said, a little embarrassed. "Of course it is .. I was just a little surprised." she said. She reached and took my hand off my erection and replaced it with her own. "It is perfectly okay .. wonderfully okay .. just what I secretly wanted you to be." She moved back up and kissed me long and gently. "Thank you!" I said. My whole body was humming with anticipation. She lay back down and stretched out. I reached out to stroke her legs, feeling the crackle of static as my hand moved up her. "That feels so nice, please, do it again." she purred rolling over to present me with her behind again. I brushed the soft material of the leotard stretched over her bum. She moved onto her side and looked back at me. "What is it you want?" I asked, feeling turned on but confused about how to continue. "This morning, before we got up ... it was great feeling you trapped between my thighs. Do it now ..." she lifted her right leg up and created a space I longed to fill. I moved close so my pubic hair rubbed against her bum. My erection fitted blissfully against the gusset of the leotard and she closed her legs around me. I wrapped my arms around her kissed the back of her neck. "That feels good." I said, pushing forward a little. "Hang on ..." I felt her shuffling something around in front of herself. I looked over to see she had spread a towel across the bed. "We can't get anything on the bed covers." "Good idea .." "Now you can perform as much aerobics between my thighs as you wish without worry of losing your gym membership." she said. "That does allow me certain freedoms." I replied. Sarah snuggled back against me and moved her pelvis. The nylon of the tights rubbed against me. It was nice, but not as slippy and sensual as I'd hoped. The tights generated quite a bit of friction. I tried to experimentally thrust my hips, but once I'd reached a certain point it ceased to be pleasurable and hurt a bit. "This isn't going to work, much as it is a beautiful and erotic idea." I said. "I did wonder ... even just thrusting between my bare thighs would probably require some lubricant." Sarah said, lifting her leg to free me. "Damn," I said. "I was so looking forward to that." "Reality meets fantasy, sadly fantasy usually loses." Sarah sighed. "But on the bright side you have me squeezed into this thing and I'm all stretchy and gorgeous. Pick somewhere else you want to cum and we will make it special." "Do you have any condoms left?" "A few?" She said. "Can we retry this with me wearing one ... it is lubricated." I said. "I think we'd pull it off with our movements, but lets give it a go." She climbed out of bed and opened the side pocket of her suitcase. Moments later I was sheathed in brightly coloured latex and trying again. Sarah didn't clamp her legs quite so tightly and I didn't slip out of the condom. "Oh god, I think it is going to work." I said. "I wish you were inside my bum ..." Sarah said suddenly. I looked down at her amazingly shapely behind and wished it as well. "You could hold yourself against me, not quite inside, but just pushed up against it. You know, like you did with your finger.. and just cum ..." "Oh my goodness!" I gasped. "That would be so nice!" "Perhaps you could just be inside a little, just a tiny bit .." she groaned. "You have a condom on .. just the head of your penis ... only a little way inside." "Don't ... " I said. "Why?" "That is what your mum is worried about .. actual sex between minors." "It isn't sex if you don't push all the way inside!" she said unconvincingly. "I want this before I go! Just make me properly yours!" "You are mine ... oh god ..." I said. My common sense felt in tatters. "This is your libido talking, you can't be serious now .. not after what we talked about last night!" I slowed my thrusting down and stroked her back. "Your morning wake up call to me took care of my libido for several hours, I want to do this for other reasons." "Let me cum ... let me calm down so the blood isn't pushing my body into acting rashly. We can talk and decide ..." I said. "Agreed," she said. I took hold of her hips and began earnestly thrusting, but I'd lost the plot somewhere along the line. The temptation of a reality had trumped the fantasy. I sighed and stopped. "You sold me on the fantasy last night, you in the red silk dress, me dressed like a schoolgirl in a proper bedroom and loving." I said. "And we will ... I don't want to rush you into giving me this, I am sorry." Sarah said quietly. I rolled onto my back and looked down at my quivering erection pointing skywards. "You aren't rushing me, I want it as well ... but I am nervous." "We can stop at anytime, we aren't going to actually have sex, just take each other's cherry, so to speak." she said. "Take off the leotard then .." I said. She pulled down the neck and wriggled her arms out. Peeling down the entire thing in a series of tugs and pulls. She lay back and arched her hips, dragging the leotard and tights off as one item. I helped ease off the tights from her feet and calves. She rolled onto her hands and knees and presented me with her behind. "Will you kiss me there?" she said. Her voice seemed to be getting quieter. I leaned in and used my hands to part her bum cheeks. All our excessive hygiene last night meant she still smelt of shower gel and soap. I gently blew against her little ring and her muscles caused it to pucker. I moistened my lips and tongue. "Please!" she begged softly. I traced my tongue around her lightly. Circling motions and occasionally darting inward to push against her tightness. My hands holding her behind felt a deep trembling across her hips. I continued to lick and kiss, her bum crease getting wetter and wetter as my saliva generously lubricated it. I kept pushing my tongue against her circle. Easing at it to open a little, pushing my tongue past the outer tightness. Even just inside she still tasted of shower gel and our recent cleansing. Her muscles relaxed and I suddenly found myself with the tip of my tongue really inside her. "Holy ..." she hissed. I pulled back a little. "Don't stop, sorry!" I sucked on my index finger and teased her with it's slipperiness. It slid past the initial ring of muscle and inside. Sarah began breathing in short pants, like the breath control thing they teach pregnant women. She eased slowly back on my finger. "Are you okay?" I asked lamely. "Totally fine, just gently push downwards." she asked. I softly curled my finger downward. "Now just hold it there, please!" Her muscles took over and she softly gripped me. She made tiny movements, almost just tensing and relaxing around my finger. Her hands grabbed fistfuls of the towel she had spread out to catch my excitement earlier. With some difficulty she dragged it under herself. She continued to work her muscles around me. We stayed like this for long minutes. I kissed her bum and tried to work my tongue around my finger to the ring of her anus. It was tricky, but possible. I kept my finger completely still, just that gentle down pressure. The trembling I felt earlier slowly built in intensity. I glanced between her legs at her penis dangling enchantingly down. It was still flaccid following her earlier orgasm, shaking slightly with her trembling. I reached my left hand forward to affectionately stroke it in a downward milking motion. "Wooooo, too much, too much!" she gasped. "Sorry!!" I apologized and let go. I hung back and just waited. I could feel her heading toward an orgasm with deliberate and wonderful slowness. "Close!" she whispered, going back to the panting Lamar's breathing. I looked between her legs again in time to see her soft penis suddenly twitching. Little drops of cum falling from it and mostly hitting the bunched up towel beneath her. Her arms buckled first, and she bumped her head down onto the bed. "Holy Mother of the great Zeus!" she cried into bedding. Her bum clenching tightly to my finger. I didn't dare move it, or remove it .. I just continued to hold it there. "You are so gorgeous!" I said, kissing her behind. "You can take it out, thank you!" she breathlessly said, half turning her buried face toward me. I eased clear of her. Her legs buckled and her pelvis bumped flat onto the bed. I slipped my hand under her left leg and moved it. Her penis was as soft as before, but with a dewdrop of cum still clinging to the end. I dipped my head down and took her into my mouth. It meant rubbing my hair on the towel and I felt the stickiness of her. She shivered and pulled at me. I let her slip from my mouth and pushed up until our heads were level. "Just hold me." she was crying. I reached over and pulled a sleeping bag over us both. We lay there just clinging to each other for a long time.

I think we might have slept. I know I drifted off, I awoke the odd sensation of condom bunched up around my flaccid penis. I hadn't cum inside it, so it looked at me accusingly when I glanced down. Its whole purpose in creation defeated because I'd let myself go limp. I looked over at Sarah. She lay beside me just watching my self examination. "You okay?" I asked. Her eyes were red from crying. "I'm not really, but I'm getting there." she said. "You thinking about tomorrow morning?" I asked. "That and some other things ..." she bit her lip and then tried to smile. "I am sorry I was so selfish then. I really took over and got carried away." "It is fine, honestly." I said. "No, you are being too nice about this." she said. "I was in a terrible place in my head, keeping some demons at bay, not very well ..." "I didn't know." I said. "You couldn't have." she snuggled against me and rubbed a hand across my tummy. "I am a bit fucked up sometimes. It is probably hormones and stuff making it worse." "Have you forgotten to take them?" "No, good grief, I mean all the sex hormones." she gave me a weak smile. "I am not normally this ... turned on, quite so frequently and quite so intensely. Hormones really mess with your head. When I'm stable with my female ones I feel less selfish, more connected to my emotions and gloriously centred." "But all my playing with your bits ... and making you cum a lot?" I asked. "Probably stimulates the male hormones ... and male hormones really mess with me. I feel more selfish, crabby and dominant in a bad way. Pressuring you and not listening to you." She said. She reached over and played with my penis, still encased in wrinkled latex. It stirred into life almost instantly. "We shouldn't be doing this then?" I said. My mind said 'stop it' but the traitor in the condom said 'don't stop it' .. "I feel bad about you missing out ... just let us do this, then we can both climb into dresses and feel proper." "Okay." I agreed rather too quickly. "So, your choice ... I am through being bossy, except in an endearing and jokey way." she said. "Just in your hand, with you looking at me and talking to me .." I said. She smiled, rolling her hand over me. She began to tug off the condom. "No, leave him on .." I said. "Him?" she looked quizzically. "Condoms are masculine, aren't they?" "Surely since they embrace the male sex organ and exist to joyously accept the cum from excited men ... and transsexual girls ... doesn't that make them female?" "Your sexy pillow talk is very strange ..." I said. "But damn erotic, yes?" she fixed me with that challenging stare. "Absolutely!" I said, feeling her hand concentrating on me. "Straddle me?" I asked. Without a word she climbed onto me. Her hand still toying with me. I was nearly totally hard now. The condom had thankfully accommodated my new arousal without needing adjustment. Sarah began to pump her hand up and down. She leaned forward and her hair spilled over her shoulders and hid her breasts. I reached up and brushed one handful of hair away. "Mmmmmmmmm" she mumbled as I began to push upward into her down strokes. "You must have been a heartbreakingly beautiful boy." I said. "It takes one to recognise one, my lovely girl." she said. She tucked her hand against her crotch and held me against her. She bucked her hips driving me up between her fingers. Her breasts began to bounce in time with the thrusts. "I can't wait to have breasts!" I said. "You will suit them so well." she ground into me. My orgasm rose inside me. I imagined my own bra clasped around a real chest. My own little breasts tucked into the cups. Sarah's hands exploring the nipples through soft satin fabric. "I love you!" I said, hovering at the edge of cumming. "I love you right back!" she grinned at me. I let myself go.

My release was joyous and cleansing. Sarah continued to thrust through it. Pulling each ounce of pleasure from me. I reached up and tugged at her shoulders, drawing her down and against me. She relaxed and lay fully prone on top of me. The condom squashed between us feeling full and odd each time we moved. I stroked her back and buttocks. Kissed her hair and made appreciative noises to her. "Nice?" she asked redundantly. "My god, yes!" I said with a long sigh. "Magnificent and epic!" "You make me sound like a 17th Century sonnet." she commented. "Shall I compare thee to a Shakespearean stanza, though art more wanton and an extravaganza!" I improvised. "I'm an extravaganza?" she asked, pulling a face. "I was struggling for a rhyme for stanza!" I protested. "Dictionary definition 'an elaborate and spectacular entertainment' seriously?" she asked. "Who quotes dictionary definitions after sex?" I said, trying to get my hands somewhere ticklish on her. "Your girlfriend, with the Mensa level I.Q. and the photographic memory!" she said, trying to grab my hands. "No fair, you didn't mention being a genius and having photographic memory before." I got a hand onto her bare behind and pinched it. "They aren't the sort of facts you share with someone you are trying to chat up." she protested. "But you share them straight after sex?" I asked. "No, I mention them after I've realised that I'm really and truthfully falling in love with someone, jerkface!" She pinched me back on my arm. "Really?" "Really ..." she said. "And it is freaking me the hell out." "Me too, but as freak outs go, this is one I don't want to miss." I managed to get my face into hers and kissed her. She completely relaxed and returned the kiss. The moment was only spoiled when we realised that during the wrestling and kissing the condom had slipped off and was now leaking my morning passion out over us both. "Wet wipes," she hissed urgently. She climbed off me carefully, stomach glistening with an impressive amount of my product. She rubbed a hand across it and gathered anything that looked in danger of dripping off her. The kitchen area had a roll of absorbent paper. She used a couple of sheets on herself and threw the roll to me for emergency measures. "These are the moments that writers miss out of romance stories ..." she called, hunting for the packet of wet wipes in my bag. "Make sure you include this one, it will counterbalance all the frankly unbelievable sex and masturbation we've been having." "It hasn't been frankly unbelievable." I protested. "Yeah, you include the afternoon you orgasmed five times and see how many readers buy that." she said, returning with the packet of wipes. "Who keeps count?" I demanded. "Girlfriend with eidetic memory, that's who!" she pointed to her head. "I should have mentioned I'd already masturbated once that afternoon before I'd walked up to the Secret View!" "Six times!" she laughed. "Thank god you are slowly down and letting the rest of us catch up."

We spent a furious 20 minutes with wipes and kitchen roll trying to clean up the caravan. This is probably another scene that writers edit from their epic romantic novel manuscripts, or, more likely, never actually write in the first place. We did it naked and frequently broke off the cleaning to kiss each other. That doesn't quite qualify it as another love scene, but it is an endearing enough memory to include here. We opened the windows to try and clear the air of the smell of teenage passion. By the time the caravan looked habitable again lunchtime had arrived. We snacked on cold leftover barbecue food and gathered our shower stuff to go.

I will not write another shower scene, since it already appears from the preceding narrative that we pretty much spent the holiday showering and masturbating. More often than not a combination the two, if you recall.

After our shower we walked the short distance to the camp shop complex. We picked through the ALIAS Comics for the final time and shared a coffee from the refreshments kiosk. We grabbed a plastic chair each and sat on the unappealing concrete veranda. As it sipped our drinks and picked through the handful of Alias Comic Classics, it became obvious we had picked area of the campsite the new arrivals pulled up to book in. Overloaded cars and caravans kept appearing. Sweaty and tired looking dads climbing out to go into the Reception Office. Unhappy kids with cabin fever pressed against smeary car windows. Trying to see the sea or longing just to get out and run around a bit. I wondered what they would make of the Alias Comics we'd left behind in the shop. The people arriving did forcefully remind me that by this time tomorrow the Knight family would be packed and gone. Sarah would be looking out of the back windows of the Volvo Estate as it chugged them back up the country. I could imagine her, but couldn't see myself. What would I be doing this time tomorrow? As we sat there watching the arrivals the Knight Volvo maneuvered around the bottleneck of caravans and trailers. Chris spotted us, stopped the car to wave. He cranked the window open and we stood up and walked over. "Hello my brave knights!" he said. Elaine leaned past him and gave us a cheery wave. "Hi Dad," Sarah replied. "Want a lift back to the Caravan?" Elaine asked. "No, I'm okay ... we are going for a little walk." Sarah said. "We've dinner plans with Leela's family for tonight remember. Chinese restaurant just outside St Austell. Booked for 7 so leaving at 6.30, so don't be too late getting back." Elaine said. "Check, okay." Sarah said. "Are we meeting my family there?" I asked. "Yes," Chris replied. "Claire and Ryan are travelling with them." "Thanks." It felt weird that I hadn't seen my family all today. We heard a beep behind us and discovered a car desperately needing to get past. "I'd better move," Chris said and put the big Volvo into gear. "See you later!" "Bye!" Elaine called. We waved numbly as they pulled away. "Lets walk," Sarah said. We strolled through the camp site. As we passed one caravan a portable tape player was playing Mike Oldfield's Tubular Bells part one. We paused and listened to it. The haunting riff seemed so perfect for the mood of the day. Beautiful, but unsettling. I had a conviction that, as long as I lived, would never be able to listen to that music without being taken back to this day in my mind. "At least we have some sun today." Sarah said. "I know, the cloud hanging over us today would have been even worse had there been no sunshine." I said. She took my hand and we walked on down to the beach.

The shoreline seemed to be filled with young couples. Drifting along hand and hand and very much in love. It seemed unfair, though we were just another couple. They were here for another week together, or perhaps just sharing the last day before the real world sucked them back into it. Even if was the latter, at least the real world would suck them in together. "You have made this week so perfect." I said, needing to express some of the emotion that was threatening to wipe me out. "It has been perfect, hasn't it." she said after a pause. "I resisted coming along on this holiday." I said. "I nearly nearly convinced my parents that I was old enough to be trusted to stay home alone." "Really?" she laughed. "I could so easily have missed meeting you." "You might have fled, clutching your jeans and army backpack, when we first discovered you .. instead of freezing like a deer in car headlights." Sarah observed. "A hundred different ways each of these moments of chance could have played out." I said. "If there is no divine plan or fate or destiny .. and we are all just random collisions in the great darkness of the cosmos .. then this meeting was against all the odds." "And we are amazing fortunate, as well as being an amazingly adorable couple." I added. We laughed and fell together, nearly tipping over onto the sand. The laughter might have bordered on the slightly unhinged. It was holding in behind it, or perhaps letting out a small expressible trickle of the well of emotions we were wrestling with. "Lets go and get ready for dinner." I suggested.

The restaurant was lovely. Giant fish tanks everywhere filled with curious tropical fish. Chinese lanterns hung from ornate wooden ceiling. Our table was huge and covered with an enormous white table cloth. At Sarah's suggestion we arrived much earlier than the arranged time. This allowed me to dress exactly how I wanted and then hide 50% of my outfit below the table line. I'd picked a black blouse with slightly flared sleeves and high collar. Under it I had a bra, but only subtly contoured. Sarah had been most restrained in her creation. I would have to push my chest forward to reveal I'd got anything going on at all. I'd picked Sarah's black skirt with silver embroidery to complement the blouse. I had black tights and my Dracula boots to finish off the look. Sarah's idea was to arrive at the table and be sat down when my family arrive. The blouse did look feminine, but not obviously and massively so. Without seeing the whole outfit, it might not appear to my folks or Ryan that I was spending yet another day as a girl. At just before seven o'clock Ryan came dashing in with Claire in tow. She looked exhausted, but happy. It might have been happiness that she was finally going to get a break from my little Puppy of War brother. "Hello you!" he said, shooting me. "Hello back at you!" I said, bouncing the bullet away from my face with my imaginary Wonder Woman style wrist bracelet. "Energy bullet, you can't deflect those!" he announced. "Arrrrgh, curses dead before the starters arrive!" I said. "Vampire Princesses can't be killed that easily." he said. "Thanks for reminding me!" I replied. He popped his head under the table cloth to check the hidden part of my outfit. "ACE!!" he hooted, "You are the Vampire Princess again!!" "Yeah, but don't tell mum and dad ..." I said. "They are going to see the minute you get up to go to the toilet!" Ryan said. "Good point!" I said. I hadn't thought of that. I looked at Sarah and she began to laugh. "Genius I.Q. at my disposal and that hadn't occurred to me either." Sarah groaned. "That is my little Canine Commando!" Claire said, ruffling Ryan's hair.

Mum and dad pick this moment to arrive. Chris and Elaine stand up to greet them. Everyone gets seated and the menus get passed around. The meal passes like a high speed blur for me. Dishes sweeping past, soups, rice, prawn cracker dust everywhere. Fortune Cookies appear and my proverb tells me "The Key to failure is trying to please everyone." I laugh at my doubts there was a divine plan or higher power. He/she/it has obviously arranged for this fortune message to be in my cookie. Ryan digs into an ice cream and the rest of us enjoy banana and pineapple fritters soaked in rich sugary syrup. "I need the toilet!" Ryan announces. "I'll take you," Claire quickly jumps in. "You've been his total slave today, Claire." Dad says. "Lee, take your brother to the toilets." "I need the toilet," Chris says, "come with me." He gets up, but so do I. My mum and dad don't bat an eyelid at my skirt and boots. We disappear off to find the toilets. Ryan vanishes inside with Chris. I stand outside the gents for a minute wondering what to do. I've gone around a corner mentally and I won't ever go into another gentleman's toilets in my life. I walk back to our table. "Chris has taken him in." I say. "Thanks, Hun." Mum says. "So, what are you going to wear next week when all these frocks have gone home with Sarah and Claire?" Dad asks me. His voice isn't hard, though I could take the question as a slight criticism of tonight's fashion choices. "Ryan has been talking about you today." Claire says, leaping tangentially to my defence. "He loves the vampire princess. I think he thinks you are very cool for being brave enough to wear it." "If it is okay with you both," Elaine cuts in, "we can leave Lee enough changes of clothes." My dad starts to laugh. My mum looks hard at him, but then her face softens as she sees he isn't laughing unkindly. "I never dreamed I'd be coming to Cornwall to discover I had a daughter." Dad says. I want to apologise to him for putting him through this, but I can't find the words. "Are you happy?" Mum asks me. "Yes," I answer. I keep wondering if Elaine will tell my parents not to worry and that she and Chris have gone through all this with Sarah, adding the double whammy that I'm not just a transsexual, but I'm a transsexual dating another transsexual. In retrospect I shouldn't have worried, Elaine and Chris respect Sarah's privacy passionately. "I am honestly okay, but I would have liked you to have talked to me first" Dad says. "I feel I am the last one to know here." "I am sorry about that, dad." I said. "I've been on a long journey this week. I have wanted to talk to you and mum about it, but I've not known how to start." "Well lets not worry about that now." Dad says as Ryan and Chris return from the toilet. "There are Temple Dogs in the toilets!" Ryan announces. "Temple Dogs of War?" Claire asks. "They will be Foo Dogs, traditionally they guard the Imperial Palace and homes of wealthy Chinese." says my girlfriend with the genius I.Q. "Well in Cornwall they guard the toilets!" says Ryan.

We all wander out to the car park together. This is another aspect of the evening we hadn't thought through well enough. Did I think I would say goodnight sat at the table while waiters cleared away the dinner debris around me? I conclude to myself I always wanted this plan to fail. Either that or I am an idiot. "I assume it is okay for Lee to stay over tonight as well." My mum asks. "We've got used to having her around." Elaine says, then covers her mouth at the gender slip. "It is fine," my mum laughs. "I'll be used to having her around soon enough." Ryan protests at not having Claire to stay a second night. Claire promises she will call for him tomorrow morning and they will visit the Camp Shop to raid the ALIAS Comics. He negotiates a £1 advance from mum and is delighted to discover it will get him ten whole comics. "That is if the shop hasn't cottoned on to the collectability of these things and raised their prices." Chris says. I hug mum and dad goodnight and they drive away. We stand in the car park for a few minutes more. I didn't think anything would raise my spirits today, but I feel okay.

Back at the caravan I discover that Chris has disappeared the spring fold out bed. Elaine doesn't complain. They had stuffed the inflatable camp bed in it's place, though it is slightly too wide to fit comfortably and forms a weird horseshoe shape. Sarah is delighted to discover late night on BBC 2 is Orson Welles night. She drags me breathlessly to watch Citizen Kane for the first time in my life. We snuggle together and I'm introduced to another of her favourites. I have to confess to not giving it my full attention as I constantly find myself watching her joy. Her face bathed in the cool greys of the cathode tube. Lips parted slightly as she soundlessly delivers the actor's lines with them.

Elaine and Chris draw the line at watching A Touch of Evil, which doesn't conclude until the very early hours of Saturday morning. It is late and Chris has hours of driving ahead of them tomorrow. We discover Claire has wordlessly taken herself off to bed and is fast asleep. We allow the Knight's to convert the sofas back into their bed and we pad down the caravan to Sarah's bunk. Sarah climbs over me and I crash on my inflatable horseshoe. She reaches down a hand and holds mine. We fall asleep, I'd like to think together.


While I've shared many intimate moments with you through this book, I find myself feeling awkward and weird sharing our goodbye the next day. I know this must seem crazy to the reader, contrasting as it does with having been us while we discovered Sarah's prostate and my helpless cross dressing wood nymph of the forest moment. Why am I copping out of letting you share our goodbye? I don't know. Maybe a revised version of this story will have a different epilogue. 'Sarah' herself, who has read and approved (and disapproved*) of each draft feels this is a terrible way to end things and I find it hard to disagree with her on this.

For now let us consider this version one of possibly Book One. Book two is currently being considered from the mass of old letters and the terrible fantasy novel I wrote as therapy to fill my days that long second week. I can guarantee it will contain more dramatic tension than this shower/masturbation heavy memoir... which has to be better, yes? Who knows.

Thank you for reading.

Heidi Knight (Leela Brown) 2014

  • She point blank refuses to proof read and correct my spelling and grammar. My text apparently has it's own charm she will not corrupt it. Sounds like a cop out to me.

Next: Chapter 7

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