Satisfied Moose

By Hardly Cored

Published on Jul 24, 2006



It all started out pretty innocently actually. Schoolboys are notorious for teasing each-other, especially the larger and older teasing the younger and smaller. It was never supposed to go any farther than some harmless pranks and hardcore sexual innuendo. I never dreamed it would go any further, even if it actually got that far, but I certainly would have never believed that I would be partly to blame.

My name is Christopher, never Chris, if you please. I am 17 years old and have recently started my senior year of high-school. I am 6'2 and 210 pounds of solid jock muscle. I am your all around American boy. I play for our state champion basketball team where I specialize on defense and 3 point shots. I have been the quarterback on our school's football team since I was a sophomore and this is completely unheard of. I even wrestled a little bit in my freshman year but decided it really wasn't for me. In a town this small and with a athletic resume like mine, I guess you could say I am sort of a local hero. I can't even go to the video store without being mobbed by junior high kids and the parents of less athletic boys at our school or of girls that I have dated. With my squared jaw, messy all-American thick blond hair, bright green eyes, sports sculpted physique and a thick beard I have been shaving since 8th grade you can bet that I have dated, and probably fucked, most of the girls in our town. I doubt their dads would be flocking to me so readily if they knew that little secret.

I have a reputation in our town. If your elderly mother needs someone to cut her grass, paint her fence or stop by the grocery, you can bet, I am your man. I try to be a productive member of my community even if I am only what most consider a boy. This is my home town, this is my life, this is all that I know.

I also have another, more unsavory, reputation with the high-school set... both boys and girls. The girls all know that when I ask them out on a date that, although I am not looking for a long-term relationship, they will have a fantastic night out in our small town and will probably have a better time in my family's barn before going home. It has always worked that way and I can't say that I have ever been turned down. I have probably dated and fucked more girls at 17 than most of the grown men in my town. I like girls and screwing one of their pussies raw is way better than jerking out a load of my own. I prefer not to beat off and do it very rarely.

With the boys? Well... it is a whole other kind of reputation. There has never been a male, other than my dad of course, who has ever seen me with a hard-on. When I am hard my abs slope down into the coarse brownish blond pubic hair that covers the base of my 7.25 inch boy cock. It does not grow a whole lot when it gets hard but none of the boys know that. What they do know about the kid they call Moose, and have since the first gym shower in 7th grade, is that my hanging cock is over 6.5 inches long, as thick soft as it is hard and swings around my thighs to beat heavily on my thighs as I strut around the locker-room. From the time the first kid said, "Hey look at that moose-cock !" the name stuck and so did the reputation. Since I have talked sex with all my friends, I know that they all believe that my dick grows to some incredible proportions when it is hard. I hear jealousy from most of the guys I talk to. Unlike me, a lot of these guys have been hard at one time or another in the locker-room and, what they do not know is, a few of them are quite a bit bigger than I am. My best friend for example is probably an entire inch bigger than me when erect but, like the other boys, his dick looks pretty thin when soft and hangs real thin at about 3.5 inches. I guess, like all of life, the truth is really just perception. Still... not a bad reputation to be saddled with.

I would not say that I am the most popular kid at my school but, by the same token, I would challenge anyone else who thought that they were. One of my problems, and the source of my popularity, is that I often times go along with the crowd. A lot of times, in an attempt to be cool, I will even pick up something someone else starts and run with it on my own. Sometimes what is meant as just a joke can get really out of hand. And so it is with the beginning of this story...

As a senior I was not required, or in most cases expected, to take a gym class. Of course all of the jocks in my school took what is called advanced phys. ed. after our two semesters of required P.E. were completed our freshman year. It is a pretty hard class but we are pretty hard boys. A lot of times we have just enough time to shower and dress before our next class and not even that most times. With this in mind, all of the seniors in advanced phys. ed. have a lunch or study hall immediately following. This way we can take or time getting our showers and sometimes even have time for more hard work provided by our asshole coach.

We ran over the very first day of classes. As we entered the locker-room to peel off our gym outfits and sweaty jockstraps the next class was already there getting ready. I have to say that I enjoyed flaunting what everyone believed was a huge cock and could not wait to see the looks on the faces of these freshman when they saw a real man's cock. My pride was to be my downfall...

As I went to my locker, the same one I had since I was a freshman, I noticed that the young kid next to me was easily a foot shorter and a hundred pounds lighter. I think that he was really more of a kid than most of the other boys in the room. Undeveloped and scared looking.

As I was pulling my jock off I was joking back and forth with a couple of buddies. I was only paying enough attention to keep up with the barbs and witty banter and was paying no attention to this little boy at all. That was until...

"What do you think you're looking at, Kid? Haven't you ever seen a cock before? Or maybe you're just a little fagot cocksucker who wants a closer look, huh?" Butch was his name and really said it all. As soon as I heard his voice I turned my head in the direction it was coming from. Butch was sitting behind the little kid that was in the locker next to mine with his legs spread out on each side of him. The kid, who looked like he would start crying at any moment, still had his eyes locked on to my flaccid pussy sticker.

Before the kid could respond Butch said, " That's it ain't it queer boy?" and placed his hand on the back of the kids head and pushed it right into my crotch. I could feel my balls on this kid's lips and my soft cock covered almost his entire face.

As I actually felt the boy's tears sliding down my cock to tickle my cut head, the locker-room door flew open and in walked the coach, "OK, Ladies, stop jerking around and get your showers and get out of her. It is time for these little girls to start class."

With one last crush of his face into my dick the boy was gone. he ran out the door to start gym class so fast that I wandered if maybe he should go out for track.

The whole locker-room was in an uproar as Butch said, loud enough for all to hear,"Did you see that little fag. I think he was wanting to get some of the Moose. What did he do, Christopher, give it a little snaky lick before leaving?" At this question he was actually pointing out the wetness from the boys tears on my shaft and head.

I playfully punched Butch is his bicep and said,"No , those are his tears, you asshole. You made that little boy cry. Maybe you went a little too far that time."

"Naw... you did not see the way that little fagot was looking at your dick, Man. And when I pushed him into ya, Moose, he didn't even fight me. I think he was liking it."

"Well, the tears say different man. He is just a little boy. he probably ain't never even seen a cock before besides his own and you freaked him the fuck out. Just leave him be, Man."

"Awwwww, Moose has got a girlfriend," he started singing in a chant that picked up fast all around the locker-room. I do have to say though, one disapproving look around the room from me and the song stopped QUICKLY ! My boys know me and I don't play that gay shit.

After showering and dressing we all went on our separate ways but in two groups. Those going to study-hall followed me and those going to lunch followed Butch. I was lucky not to have lunch after gym so I did not have to loose any time from my lunch period. As the boys followed me down the hall it was one joke after another. It was never anything serious with these guys and it has always been a great way to relieve all the stress from the serious life I have set up for myself.

As I walked into study-hall we all received a nod from the MobaMonster, that is how referred to Mrs. Moebius, that signified she already knew who we were and why were late. Looking across the room I saw Gretchen with an empty seat next to her and a sparkle in her eyes. At her smile I went straight to the empty seat.

"Hey, Christopher, have a good time in gym? God you look absolutely pumped." Her eyes did this deer in the headlights thing that makes me want to hit most of these girls. Having been with Gretchen once last year though she knew that, besides getting that pussy tore up, she had nothing to be scared of where I was concerned.

"Thanks, Gret. You are looking pretty good yourself. Did you have a good summer in Alabama?"

"Oh, yeah. It was not nearly as hillbilly as I thought it would be and there were lots of cute guys, none of which seemed to own a shirt. All in all I would say it was a pretty hot summer and I don't just mean the heat." This was said in a little girl giggling sort of way that really almost made my stomach turn.

I thought that witty and nasty was the best response here and responded with,"Well, Gret, did any of them boys find a shirt while they were between your legs?" and I gave her that eye contact with my crooked smile that always gets the girls hot.

Giggling again she said,"Moose ! You are always so nasty," and she said nasty in that girl way that made it sound like it had 30 or 40 "a's" in it.

"But you know you love it, Girl ! Hey, what are you doing tonight? You know, on the first day, there ain't gonna be no homework today? Would you like to get welcomed home by going out with The Moose tonight?"

Coyly, she said, "Why. Moose, I thought you'd never ask," with a southern drawl that, honestly, made me want to punch her again but, still, fuck her more."I would be happy to accompany you on your night out. Where did you intend on going, your parents barn?"

"Awww, Gret, have we ever had a date that didn't end in my parents barn?" I asked in my best intellectual voice that was followed by her teen girl laugh.

** The date does not evolve either of these character in any way so, in

the interest of moving the story along, I have not included it. If you

wish to hear about this date please let me know in your response to the


My cock was already hard as I pulled into the driveway, with Gretchen in the passenger seat, and drove around to the barn. I had been out with Gretchen before and knew this date was gonna end the way I wanted it to.

No sooner did we clear the back of my family home than Gret's hand landed right on the flaccid cock that was lying down the right side of my slacks. She squeezed my dick so hard after that initial contact that it began to fill with blood instantly. I am not much of a masturbator so, even if she had just looked at it with a crooked smile I would have been totally boned.

"Christopher, you know, none of the boys from this summer had anything between their legs like you do. I was missing you the whole time. I hope you don't think I'm a slut. Every time I fucked one of them, I was thinking about you."

With a mischievous chuckle I said,"Aww, Gret. I stopped hoping and thinking you were a slut after our very first date. Now? I am just glad you are."

As I parked the car in the barn she gave one more girl giggle and began to unzip my pants. As her hand went through the fly she found I was wearing no underwear, in anticipation of this moment. My cock was already hardening fast and, as her fingers lightly played over my cut cock, I finished the race to erection in record time. Not a word was said as she used all the strength she could muster and pulled my rock hard shaft through the fly.

As Gretchen's head fell into my lap I was reminded of exactly why I asked her out tonight instead of one of the many other girls I could have got. With previous knowledge of her skills, as soon as her lips close at the top of my cock-head, my right hand sent her down with a force that made her gag. As an experienced cocksucker, she recovered very quickly and the extra saliva she had worked up, presumably just for this moment, leaked down the side of my hard teen-aged throat fucker and rolled into my pubes. I could hardly keep myself from chocking her with the force of my hand holding her down as she started the long trip back up my wet cock shaft. Her tongue was doing such incredible things to me that all I wanted was it flicking around either my base or my head. Since she had already started at the base, the desire to keep her there until her lungs collapsed was almost overwhelming. Each slide of her lips from the head, which her tongue professionally snaked around, until that same head was trapped in the spasming motions of her throat muscles, made me want to just choke her with the thing. A 17 y/o boy has little control and all of these little bitches are lucky that I have ever, especially in this situation, been able to find mine.

The up and down motions combined with her wet tongue licking every inch of my cock, along with my teen-aged refusal to jack off when there was pussy around, had me ready to cum in no time. I do not know what she was after but this load of jock scum was not meant for her stomach.

With all the muscles of control in my body, my ass clenched, my dick swelled (choking her even more) as my hand forced my dick further down her throat than she thought possible, and I held off my climax by holding there and raggedly breathing,"No... No, Baby. Not just yet. You know me better than that,"

The head of my flared and football shaped cut teen-aged jock god dick exited her mouth with a POP as she said,"Oh God, Moose. I have missed you so much this summer. I would have had most of those little dick boys squirting my throat in minutes. Show me what you got now, big boy," and she laid her back against the car door and spread her legs.

I was struck immediately by the smell of her wet and hairless pussy, that she had not even bothered to cover with a pair of panties, pushing out from underneath her hiked-up skirt. I always love it when a girl shaves for a date, that way I can avoid getting hair in my mouth. I think pubes on a girl are pretty nasty anyway. I began rubbing her incredibly hot and wet mound with my entire left hand and I leaned over a started giving her the deepest french kiss she has even had in her life. As my tongue hit hers I could make out the taste of my own precum and it drove me on to fuck her mouth with my tongue even more brutally.

Gretchen's mouth opened wide as I slid my middle finger through the folds of her cunt lips, wetting my finger to lube up her clit. She has always been a big one for clit play and her hips began to buck as her eyes closed and she seemed to loose all control of herself. I moved from her mouth to her neck and bit her hard enough to leave tooth impressions. She yelled out, "Awwwww, yeah... fuck yeah!" and started ridding her clit across my fingertip twice as hard as before. Just as her body began to shake, Gretchen grabbed my head in her hands and forced me back to her mouth where she chewed on my bottom lip as she quaked through her first orgasm. I decided to go in for the kill and sank my mouth down to her clit and sucked it between my teeth like spaghetti before grabbing it in a bite and chewing her on to two more ground shattering orgasms.

As Gretchen's quaking subsided to a constant and gentle shake, I looked up to her smiling face and heard her say,"God, Moose, I haven't gotten off like that all summer. I sure missed spending time with you. Now how about I get a bit of Minnie-Moose?"

"It sounds like you didn't have such a good summer after all, Girl. It always amazes me how selfish guys can be when it comes to getting a woman off. I personally would rather it be juicy for the main event. I certainly do not want to get skin burns from some frigid virgin," at which Gretchen turned up her nose in the universal yuk face and began laughing.

Her laughing stopped suddenly as I grabbed her legs to turn her sideways into the seat. Taking her ankles in one hand to hold them, I pushed them back to her face, grabbed my rock hard cock by the base and slammed home into her wet fuck slot with a single thrust.

"Oh, Moose ! Yeah, Man, give it to me." And I intended to do just that...

I let my long and fat teen-aged pussy pounder soak in Gretchen's steaming slut box for a second then pushed in with my hips to make sure she was getting it all. After taking one of her ankles from my left hand to my right I began the thrusting motions that was going to bring us both to our teen-aged heights of pleasure. With each outward pull I was bringing my cock head out to rub against her clit with an,"Ummmm...", from Gretchen each time and with my inward thrust I was going back in hard enough to rack her body and make my abs slap against her pelvis.

It was time to get into some serious high-school whore banging. Pulling my cock from her steaming snatch I flipped the bitch over. Grabbing the back of her hair I pulled until she was up on her knees and in the perfect position. I lined up my rigid jock cock up with her whole with a quick rub through her slit for juice and pushed home again. This is Gretchen's favorite position, as well as mine, and she began screaming like a banshee as I once again began feeding her cunt my baby making delivery system. We were rocking with the fuck and I was prepared to give her all I had for as long as she wanted when my mind flashed. Before I knew what was going on I pulling my cock out of her cunt and rubbing in her ass crack. As my cock head made the first thrust up above her crack I began unloading to the picture of some little scrawny kid's tears on my fat cock head. With that thought my first shot hit the window above Gretchen's head. My body shook with the unbelievable pulses of my cock and my next two shots landed in her hair. After three more shots coated her back in my white, thick and creamy jock juice I fell back against the door on my side trying to catch my breath. I was so excited that my lungs felt numb and tingling and my mind was still thinking about some fucking runt-of-a-kid freshman.

With Gretchen I got the same as always. There was several minutes of her telling me what an excellent fuck she got. I bet she says that to all the guys. I was so excited and exhausted that I did not know or care whether she got off with me at the end or not. I put my still erect cock back in my slacks as she just pulled her shirt back on over my cum splats and rubbed her hands through her hair to get rid of the cummy evidence. Then she did something completely hot and unexpected. She leaned over and licked my thick shot of boy nut off the window and came in for a kiss. Nothing ever tasted as good as my lumpy scum on Gretchen's tongue. And with that, I drove Gretchen home with a hard-on that did not go down even after I jacked it off in my bed. I hate beating my own meat pole but shot as hard as I had before with Gretchen and just went to sleep with the cum on my face, neck and chest as I remembered the boy with his face in my crotch.

I woke up the next morning to the sunlight beating on my face. My morning erection was throbbing hard on my abs and demanding attention but that would have to wait on whoever my date would be tonight. After scrubbing off the flaking white scales of my spent and dried ball juice, I jumped into a cold shower and washed until my erection finely subsided enough to not be embarrassing in my pants and headed off to school.

I had spent a lot of time thinking about why mind kept flashing to the gym runt. I had of coursed beat off with my friends when we were in junior high and had even allowed one uncle and a few cousins to suck me off when I was younger. Then it was just anything to get a nut. I had stopped all of that shit when I found out I could get just about any girl to open her mouth or legs and I certainly never sat around thinking about a boy on my jock, even when they were. But this boy... his tears on my cock had touched me in a way that I never expected and was making me hot as hell as each thought seemed to be of him with his face covered by my cock and balls.

Between classes I found myself in seriously need of a piss. Walking into the boy's john, I walked up to the urinal closest to the back wall and pulled out my cock. It was impressive soft anyway but with the slight bloat of the excitement I was experiencing this entire day I had to smile at myself as I looked down at it. Just as my strong stream of jock boy piss began rocketing out of my piss slit the bathroom door opened and, to my horror, there stood the gym runt.

With 10 other urinals to use at the wall, the runt slowly walked over to the one right next to me and began to unzip. I was mortified as my plumper fattened to a full scale erection and began to throb as my piss stream stopped. I do not know what I was thinking and was too awestruck to even put myself away and leave. All I could do was slowly turn my head and look down in that way that all boys do to check out the kid next to me. I was shocked to see his extremely small and completely hairless dick as he had pulled his foreskin back with his thumb and forefinger to begin his stream. I almost started laughing as I looked on at this 13 y/o kid who had a dick the size and development of a baby's.

Looking up to his face I saw that his eyes were once again locked on The Moose. This time it was no limp thing to be ogled slyly from some curious boy but a hard a throbbing man dick that was demanding attention with each pulse. And the little fucker was actually licking his lips. Once swipe of his pink tongue over his plump ruby red lips and my body took over from my brain.

"What the hell are you looking at you little fucking queer?" and, before he even had a chance to answer, my hands were on his head forcing him to the floor. As his knees hit the dirty tiles of the bathroom I grabbed his head harder and pulled it into my hard and throbbing cock and said,"Here, get a closer look. That's what all you fucking fags want right? A big fucking jock dick in your face."

I was vaguely aware that the boy was still pissing as I could feel the warmth of his stream soaking through my shoes and warming my feet in his bladder stream. Then, without trying once to get away, the kid actually stuck out his tongue and swiped off the last drop of piss that was clinging to the head of my rock hard jock cock. And as his piss stream subsided he opened his mouth and took in my fat cock head.

I did not care what was happening at this point. The thought of this kids tears on my dick had me hard for hours and he was going to take care of me. He did not seem to mind, in fact seemed as if he wanted to help, but his inexperience and my lust was going to make him care real soon. With my hands still in his hair, I grabbed a hold of his strands and pulled until his nose was in my pubes, his eyes were bulging and he was choking with the invasion. I just held there watching this little fucking prepubescent kid suffer as his lungs struggled to get the air they were never going to get with my fat jock cock shoved all the way down his throat. I wonder if the kid actually might think he was going to die. I wonder if he actually thought I was going to let his little queer ass give me the loving blow-job he seemed intent on starting.

Gripping his hair even harder, I began to fuck this runt's face like I have fucked so much pussy in my life. Even through his struggle to accommodate me his tongue moved around the underside of my cock, teased the bulging cum tube and circled around the head. I held him in place as my hips jabbed back and forth giving this little fag the skull fucking of his life.

I could not believe what I was doing. I could not believe how good this was feeling. I could not believe that I was fucking this kids face and my hips were moving a hundred miles a minute. I could not believe that I was cumming in this kid's mouth.

"AAAAArrrrrrgggggghhhhh, fuck...fuck...fuck," and then, with one final slam of my hips into his face, !!! BAM !!! my first chunky shot of jock jizz went right down his throat. I continued to hump his face as my dick contracted each pulse of cum from my balls and my orgasm racked me from the floor up. As the little cocksucker choked on my cock my jock nut actually flew from his nose to land in my pubes. As my dick stopped spasming and the little kid tried to regain some control, my cock did something it had not done in about 12 hours... It deflated.

I left the kid on the bathroom floor with his saliva covering his face and my cum dripping from his nose as I went to the locker-room to change my shoes. No after cum guilt... just pure satisfaction, finally...

!!! THE END !!!

This story is pure fiction, no to say that there is not some kid somewhere in some bathroom right now with cum leaking out his nose... it just never happened to me.

All questions, comments and suggestions will be well received. If you enjoyed this story, and your hard cock says you did, then might I suggest that you read my other stories. I have, so far, posted to gay/incest two stories... one called learning about my boy and one called brother's little secret and have written to bisexual/adult/youth a story called another daughter's skateboarding boyfriend. I hope you enjoy all of them and, as I said before, all emails will be well received.

This particular story is at an end so please do not look forward to any other installments.

I'll keep keep reading

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