Saturday Night Series

By moc.liamg@pohswpj

Published on May 22, 2023


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Saturday Night - Part 2

It had been a couple of weeks and I had put that fateful night behind me. It was such a bizarre story that no one would believe me if I told them. I had almost convinced myself that it was just a crazy nightmare. I had managed to get my life back to normal. The problem was, since I lived in the neighborhood, I would have to drive past that rundown apartment building all the time. I thought about filing a police report, but decided I wanted to forget about it and move on with my life.

I had been busy with work and pushed myself to get ahead. I wasn't too busy to join my co-workers for happy hour one Friday afternoon after work. It was a festive time since we had just wrapped up a big project and we partied till about 7:30pm. We finished up and everyone said their goodbyes and headed out the door. I noticed an old pick-up truck driving by that looked strangely like the one from the gas station. I put the thought out of my head, chalking it up to my imagination, and walked the three blocks to my parked car. Just before I reached my car, the same truck came racing around the corner and pulled up in front of me. Both doors opened, and there running towards me was the man and his nephew. I turned and ran in the other direction, but having had a few cocktails, they were easily able to overtake me. I tried to scream for help, but nothing came out. My voice just squeaked a weak sound.

There was one on either side of me as they grabbed me and ushered me into a nearby alley. The older one wanted to know where I had been and was disappointed that I hadn't been back to see him. He stroked my hair and said that he had missed me. I tried to explain to him that I did not enjoy what he had done to me, that we were never going to be lovers, but he wasn't listening. I pleaded with him that he had made a mistake and I was not gay. I begged them to let me go because I had no cash or valuables. They backed me up against a brick wall in the alley behind a dumpster. The younger one ran his hands up and down the collar of the navy-blue suit I was wearing. He stroked the tie which was still loosely wrapped around my neck. The alcohol had kicked in, my head was spinning, but I was still coherent enough to know that I needed to get out of there. But these two men were in my face, and I could not budge.

The nephew pointed to the black tasseled loafers that I was wearing and exclaimed that they were the prettiest pair of shoes that he had ever seen. He asked where I had bought them, and I mumbled an answer. He asked if he could take a closer look and I lifted my leg. He said, "No come on man. Take it off so I can look at it." I reached down and slipped off my left shoe and handed it over to him. He exclaimed, "Umm Umh. They sure are nice. Let me see the other one." I slowly reached down, pulled off my right shoe and handed it to him. He flipped them over and over in his hands, admiring the workmanship. He looked down at the navy blue houndstooth patterned socks that I was wearing and said that what really made the shoes was those socks and wanted to take a closer look. I refused and his uncle took a closer step towards me and was going to put his hands around my neck. I had no choice but to bend down, slide the left sock off my foot and then the right one. I put the two together and handed them over. He held them up individually and marveled at how nice they were. I was uncomfortably standing in the graveled alley in my bare feet. He said that I probably had lots of pairs of shoes and socks and that I would not miss those. He wanted to know if he could keep them. Those were my favorite pair of work shoes and socks. They complemented my power suit and were integral to my image as a young professional on the move. I didn't own a lot of shoes because I had focused on quality and not quantity and these Johnston and Murphy's had not been cheap. I could not bear to part with them, but the intimidation was too much. So, I surprised even myself when I told him yes, he could keep them.

He said that since I had given him my shoes, that I should consider giving him my suit. I screamed at him to keep his hands off and not get it wrinkled. I needed my suit for work, and I was not about to give it up. The older man was rubbing my body. He massaged my arms, my chest and then began rubbing my cock which was pressing at the seams of my boxers. He easily put his hand in my pants pocket and pulled out my car keys. He told me that if I ever wanted to see my car again, that I would give his nephew my suit. I told them I was not playing with them and needed to get home. He unzipped my pants and fished out my dick. He was lovingly stroking it and it responded by leaking jizz into his hand. He screamed at me they were not joking either. In my mind I considered my options - give him my car or my suit. There was no way that I could outrun them in my bare feet. I struggled with the decision and was still considering escape routes when I finally decided that I really needed to stop this and give them what they wanted. I needed my car to get back and forth to work, so I would give them the suit. I had no choice, so I slowly stepped forward and slid my suit jacket off my back. I handed it to the nephew who eagerly accepted it. He pulled my Tom Ford sunglasses out of the inside pocket and put them on. He was scowling at me through the dark lenses as I unhooked my belt, unzipped, and pulled my suit pants down and off. I had planned on keeping the belt and slowly started pulling it out of the pants. The nephew stopped me and said that was ok, just leave it. He pulled the pants out of my hands before I could remove my cash, cell phone and wallet. He knew what he was doing, it was almost as though he had this planned. And for the second time in my life, I am willfully taking my clothes off in public and I am unbelievably humiliated. He told me that he would need the shirt and tie to go with the suit. The older man nodded his approval which was my clue to give it to him. I pulled the tie from around my neck and handed it over. Both men starred at me as I unbuttoned my shirt sleeves and then the front of my shirt. I paused before pulling it off my back and handing it over. He added it to the rest of his collection.

He reached into my pants pocket and pulled out my cell phone. He said he was going to need the code. I told him that I was not comfortable giving it to him. He screamed at me and gave me a hard, swift kick to the nuts. I cried out and fell over in pain. He told me that if I wanted it rough, he could give it to me. I reluctantly gave him the code.

I really thought I was done with the nephew when he said to me that he really like my underwear. It was just like I was wearing before and he found the cotton boxers stylish and comfortable and he wanted them. He would also take the tee shirt. He used my phone to make a wide shot video of me stripping off naked in the alley. He made sure to catch all the surroundings as well as get close-up shots of my face and body. He ordered me to wank myself off. It was difficult being out in public, but I managed enough of a spurt to satisfy him. He made sure to make it look as though I was doing this willfully. He captured my clothes on the ground and made it appear as though I were alone, butt naked in an alley. He caught it all on video.

He told me that I was lucky that he didn't hurt me. I had stolen from him the last time we met. He had the balls to accuse me of stealing from him when all I did was take the stuff back which he had ripped off from me. He accused me of stealing his watch. I told him that it was a graduation present and it was mine. He called bull shit and unhooked the watch and removed it from my wrist. He screamed at me to give him the gold chain from around my neck and the rest of my jewelry. I had no choice. These were two of the craziest men that I had ever met. I was truly afraid of them. The only thing I could do was to stand there with my head down.

The nephew said he wasn't done with me yet. He grabbed my right nipple and twisted it as hard as he could. The pain raced through my body as he dropped me to my knees. He told me that he had what a sissy boy like me needed and to open my mouth and suck on his chocolate lollipop. He shoved the giant monster into my mouth and filled my throat. There was no way I could take the whole thing. I was gagging and gasping for air as I felt him push harder with his ball sack slapping my face. He yelled at me to breathe through my nose and proceeded to fuck my mouth. The other man was on his knees behind me and started licking my ass. I had never been rimmed before and the feeling was amazing. My cock immediately responded. As it rose to attention it started dripping as if I had no control. Both men noticed it immediately. After a few sensual minutes and just as the nephew was about to shoot into my mouth, the other man grabbed my cock and started jacking. As the nephew pumped load after load of chocolate milk into my mouth, I sprayed my chest with my own juices. It was the biggest and wildest orgasm that I had ever experienced. I came back to reality when I noticed that the nephew had captured it all on another video. The nephew said to his Uncle sarcastically, "Yeah. He ain't gay." He pinched my nose and told me not to waste any of his liquid gold. I had to swallow it all and it left a nasty salty taste in my mouth. My head was spinning as I complied with his order to lick it clean.

The younger man picked up all my stuff and walked up the alley towards the street. The older man still had me up against the brick wall. I jumped when I felt his hand caress my ass. He smacked his lips and proclaimed how he loved a tight pussy. I was repulsed as his hands worked their way around my body.

He apologized for his nephew's behavior which I found a little amazing because they were both nuts. He said that it was time for him to leave, said goodbye, kissed me square on the lips, and headed out of the alley. I screamed at him and asked him where was he going? He couldn't leave me there like this. He said that I made it clear that I didn't like him and that we were not friends. I started sobbing and asked him why was he doing this to me. He couldn't leave me. He would have to help me. He changed his mind and told me to wait there. He would go get the truck and pull it up to the end of the alley. He headed out and disappeared. I didn't know if he was coming back or not. I sobered up quick as the cool evening air brushed against my naked body. I had my eye on the street hoping to see his truck pull up. Instead, I saw my car passing by with the nephew driving. Shit, shit . . . shit. Why did I believe these two? They were liars and thieves.

What happens if someone shows up and sees me like this? How was I going to get home? How was I going to get to work on Monday? What's he going to do with those videos? My head was spinning. Finally, after what felt like forever, the old truck appeared. I stealthily headed towards it, eager to not attract any attention. I finally made it. The door opened and I hopped in.

I started giving him directions to my apartment, but he wasn't listening. He kept referring to me as Sissy boy and told me to be quiet. I was very self-conscious as we headed across town in traffic and I was completely naked. He had his hand on my leg and as he massaged it, my dick got hard. He played with my dick and it started to leak. It was extremely uncomfortable and humbling. I was so pathetic I couldn't even take care of myself. He pulled my head down into his lap and forced me to suck him off. He lovingly stroked my hair which made me cringe. I tried to remind him that I was not a cock sucker, but he told me to shut the fuck up and get my lips around his dick before he threw my ass out.

After a while we pulled up in the back of his building. He reached in the back seat and pulled out a long- sleeved shirt which he told me to wrap around my waist. Even with the shirt, I was still mostly exposed.

We made it up to the apartment and he pushed me inside. He told me to get my ass in the bedroom and wasted no time in slapping me around. He yanked the shirt from around my waist and once again I was completely naked and afraid. He pulled me in close. He caressed my face and head and proclaimed how he missed me. He stuck his tongue in my mouth and twisted it around. He was so close I could see the bottoms of his pores on his face. I felt nauseated. It was a big shock when he slapped me hard in the face and told me how I disappointed him. He didn't want to look at my monkey body and kicked me into the bathroom telling me to get in the tub. He gave me a razor and shaving cream and told me to get to work. He wanted my body completely smooth. I started out slow and he told me he was going to beat my ass if I didn't hurry the hell up. I started with my arms and watched as the short hairs fell from my skin leaving a pale white texture. I did my pits and chest and continued south. He smiled as he watched me scrape my cock and balls clean. My legs had even more hair, so it was a bigger shock to look at them when they were shaved smooth and had that pale white texture. He pointed to the little hairs on my feet and wanted to make sure that I didn't miss those. He told me I was lazy and worthless as he made me redo three different areas. When he was satisfied, he told me to turn around. He took the razor from me and shaved my back and ass. He wanted to be sure that my body was as smooth as a newborn baby and this was his way to take away my manhood. He turned on the water and rinsed me off. I was finally relieved when he told me to get out of the tub. I hadn't touched my face. I was sporting a neatly trimmed 5 o'clock shadow which had taken me months to figure out how to keep it perfectly styled. It made my baby face look more mature and I felt it made me look more attractive. I received lots of compliments on my professional appearance. I was shocked when he stopped me in front of the mirror and told me to get that shit off my face. He said to not stop until it was as smooth as my ass. I pleaded with him to come to his senses and once again he slapped me hard against my head. He yelled at me that I needed to learn how to behave. I was just a sissy boy and needed a real man in my life. I shaved my face twice until he was finally satisfied. I watched as my facial hair went down the drain. All my grooming efforts were in vain. When I looked at myself in the mirror my heart sank. I really did look like white trash.

He played with my hair, ruffling, and twisting it. The hair paste which normally held it neatly groomed was gone. I desperately wanted to comb it back into place. It was longer than usual because I hadn't had time to get to the barber and had an appointment scheduled for the next day. He stroked it and reminded me that he wanted me to grow it long. I told him no, I was not going to do that. My job would not tolerate that. He told me that he would check on me in a couple of weeks. Sissy boys wore their hair long. If he found that I had cut my hair, then he would shave it and give me one of his momma's wigs. I knew that he wasn't kidding.

I stood there motionless when he slapped me again. He told me to get my ass in the bedroom. He kept shoving me from behind while running his hands all over my body. It was an eerie feeling. His rough hands on my silky-smooth body. He couldn't get enough of it. He complimented me by calling me sexy. But I had a problem and needed to learn how to be more obedient. His voice was deep, booming and almost hypnotic. He fingered my ass and proclaimed how tight it was and then added that it wouldn't be like that for much longer.

I begged him to leave me alone. I offered to go out with him to find a hooker. If it was pussy he wanted, we could find some on the street. He said he didn't want that. He liked a tight pussy and he wanted me. He pushed me to my knees and ordered me once again to get his big black dick in my mouth. I was repulsed and scared at the same time. I had no choice. I fell to my knees and resumed my cock sucking duties. I got him close to orgasm and thought he would pull out. Instead, he held my head close and pumped load after load down my throat. I gagged and coughed. The taste was nauseating. I knew that it was a taste that I could never get used too. He laughed at me, called me a stupid cunt, and told me not to worry, I would get used to it.

I tried to get the thought out of my head, but he started slapping me around again and calling me names. I wondered why I couldn't defend myself against this condescending bastard. I told him I wanted out and he told me that was not a problem. But not before he first planted his seed inside of me. I was at least thankful that he lubed my ass and then his cock. Maybe it wouldn't hurt so much this time. I was wrong. The pain brought back the memories of the first time I was raped. It was brutal and painful once again. He passed me a bottle of poppers and told me to inhale. He called it his fuck juice. The world was spinning around me, and my ass was on fire. He showed no mercy as he rode me like a wild bronco. I pleaded and begged for him to stop, but it only encouraged him to plow faster and harder. He was getting off on my pain and suffering. He climaxed by dumping another load inside of me leaving me full of his juices. I have never felt more dirty or worthless. He collapsed on top of me smothering me with the smell and stench of his body. It was disgusting.

He jumped off me, cleaned himself up and hurriedly got dressed. I was exhausted and spent. He yelled at me to get my nasty ass up. He threw me a pair of draw string shorts. I couldn't understand why he was in such a hurry, but he agreed to take me home. I couldn't wait to get out of there.

On the ride back to my apartment he told me that I was getting better but was going to need a lot of training. I informed him that I had no plans of having sex with him again. I wanted to get my stuff back from his nephew and get them out of my life. He just laughed. I asked him where his nephew was, and he replied that he did not know. He snickered when he said that he would show up soon.

Next: Chapter 3: Saturday Night 3

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