Saving Art

By Mack Marek

Published on Jan 17, 2017



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The job was decent, but the office sucked. There were five of us in all in the Ogden office for the company, with 150 more in the main office in New York. The company was struggling a little bit financially and to save money, they were renting a decent-sized room in a decrepit old office building downtown.

The walls were peeling, not all the lights worked, the plumbing creaked. Too hot in the summer, too cold in the winter. But we made it work.

Jason, Konstantin, Rob, Arturo, and myself, Mack, were the five most talented software engineers in the company. Normally we'd be on separate product teams, but with the precarious financial situation, we'd been teamed up to put together a last-ditch product.

We were all pretty strained. It'd been a lot of long hours and long weekends. Jason had a wife, Rob had a wife and two kids, and while the rest of us weren't in relationships, it was still exhausting. But we were all dedicated to the job. We had goals, we had deadlines, and there was a light at the end of the tunnel for us.

Rob and I were the team leads, so we probably put the most hours in of anybody. In addition to churning out at least as much code as the rest of the team, we had to review code quality from everyone else, organize the roadmap, and establish goals.

Arturo was quiet, reserved, and kind. He seemed to produce more work output than Jason and Konstantin combined somehow, and he never complained. He was a tall, chubby Hispanic man, a big bushy beard and soft, friendly brown eyes. He wore thick-rimmed glasses which he pushed up his nose when he was focused on work. His arms were coated in dark hair, and he always wore a tight plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He was irresistibly cute to me. While the others laughed over juvenile sex jokes at lunch or jabbered about the latest episode of whatever bingeworthy show is on now, Art always seemed lost in his own world, tackling his newest task.

I'm a pretty good looking guy myself, though I'm not my own type and I've never really tried much to maintain appearance. I guess it's my youthful metabolism, because I mostly go home and collapse in bed, so I don't get much exercise. I'm tall, average weight, crew cut, with a handsome face I suppose.

I was 26 and still a virgin, probably because I was selective on who I come out to, and I wasn't the type you can tell is gay when he walks into the room. I knew I could probably find sex if I wanted it, but I was a romantic to be honest, and I wanted the moment to happen naturally. I had a big crush on Art, but I doubted that he was gay, let alone interested in me.

It was just another Thursday afternoon at the office, hammering out code, the caffeine starting to wear off. I was hammering away at a task when smoke fumes furled up from under the door.

"What the hell?" I stammered.

Jason, Konstantin, and Rob jumped up from their chairs as they noticed too. The damn building was falling apart and it was too old to have proper smoke detectors. Something must be burning in the hallway.

I threw open the door and smoke billowed in, enshrouding our office. Immediately I started choking on the fumes, tears forming in my eyes. I could vaguely hear the coughing of my coworkers behind me, and I was already starting to feel dizzy.

I stumbled forward into the smokey hallway. Flames were licking up the sides of the walls. Electrical fire, no doubt, probably from the ancient knob and tube wiring. I pushed forward, hands ahead of me, almost blinded by the smoke. The exit was close ahead. Three feet, two feet. I tripped and fell forward, slamming up against the door and it burst open into the cold night. The three guys followed close behind, falling down the steps, collapsing and wheezing.

The world was swimming in and out of focus. The building was being enveloped in smoke, pouring up into the cold night sky. I laid on the cold concrete, catching my breath, staring up as wisps of ash streamed overhead.

"Where's Art?" I blurted suddenly.

Rob's eyes widened. "I think he went to the bathroom," he wheezed.

With a pump of adrenaline, I jumped to my feet. "Wait!" Konstantin yelled, but I was already heading back in.

My eyes were burning. I tore off my shirt and wrapped it over my mouth and nose. I stumbled forward blindly, feeling my way along the wall with my hands. My feet somehow found the floor ahead of me.

"Art!" I called, which ended in a coughing fit that doubled me over. Amongst the crackling, I heard a weak "help" from ahead.

With newfound energy I pushed forward. I saw his silhouette, wrapped in a fetal position on the floor, convulsing.

"Come on," I gasped, my voice cracking. I reached down and grabbed his arm. He seemed defeated but finally his fingers closed around mine and he lifted himself into a crawling position.

I knew we didn't have long. The building was unstable and we were both on the brink of consciousness. The room spinning, I lurched forward. It felt as if my skin was sizzling, as if my eyes were boiling out of my head. I just wanted to rest, to sleep. Instead, I pressed on, dragging him behind me.

We fell through the door together, tumbling down the steps. I landed back on the cold concrete, face up.

Snowflakes were beginning to gently fall, the first of the season. Art's face wavered over mine. He was blurry, swimming in and out of focus. He seemed pleading, but everything sounded far away and I struggled to hear what he was saying. There were tears in his eyes. The snow fell on my bare chest and the cold felt good against my baking skin.

"Hold on, please. I love you."

I blacked out.

Blinding white light. I squinted as it materialized into shapes. Fluorescent lights. Beeping machines. A hospital.

I turned my head to the right. Art was in the chair beside me, fast asleep.

My throat burned. There was a glass of water on the table beside the bed. I reached for it but knocked it to the floor. Art jumped up, startled by the crash. When he saw me, his expression softened and he smiled. "You're awake."

"Water," I croaked. I could barely speak.

A nurse walked in, checking my vitals and asking me questions. I gave one-word answers as I replayed the night's events in my mind. She handed me water and I gulped it desperately, even though it hurt. She asked me if I had any family I wanted them to call, and I said no, resolutely.

"Visiting hours are over," she said in a matter-of-fact tone, gesturing towards Art. I glanced at him; he looked disappointed, hesitant to stand.

"Let him stay."

"It's family only at this time of night."

"Well then, he's my family," I said with surprising strength.

She frowned. "Fifteen minutes. Then he's out. You need rest."

I thanked her and she shut the door behind her. We were alone.

"You saved my life," he whispered. He stared down at his shoes. "The doctors weren't even sure you were gonna make it."

"Yeah. Well, I had a reason to fight."

He looked up. "How much do you remember?" He seemed nervous.

I didn't answer. Instead I reached out my hand and wrapped my fingers around his. They closed back around mine. Tears were welling up in his eyes.

He shifted in his seat. "You can't -- you can't like me."

"Art, you're the most beautiful man I've ever seen." I smiled, staring into his eyes, and tightened my grip in his hand. I felt myself tearing up as well. I was so tired, and I wasn't sure this was really happening.

I blinked, and when I opened my eyes, he was gone and daylight was streaming through the window.

I slept for most of the next day, waking for tests and to take medication. I was beginning to think it was all a delusional fantasy when finally that evening the whole team showed up to check on me.

I got a lot of hugs, fist bumps, and get wells. As they streamed out of the room, Art held back and I motioned silently for him to stay.

He sat beside me on the chair. With a struggle, I sat up in bed, level with him.

"When I get out of here, what do you think about getting dinner?"

"I think I owe you some," he said with a smile.

I leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. He was shaking but didn't pull back. After a moment, he leaned forward, pressing our lips together. I tilted my head sideways and pushed my tongue. At first, he was hesitant; then his lips spread and welcomed me, and I slipped into his mouth, exploring his teeth. His hand reached around, wrapping around the back of my neck in an embrace. My hands slipped around his back, exploring from his shoulders down to his tailbone, caressing him gently as my chest pressed against his soft, pudgy frame.

He broke the kiss after a time and laid me gently back against the bed. I closed my eyes and smiled, relishing his taste in my mouth. His fingers ran softly across my head, lightly massaging my scalp.

The doctor barged in, interrupting our moment, and Art pulled back abruptly.

Good news: I was being discharged. I signed a form and slowly, shakily, stood as the doctor clicked the door behind him.

Art stood, preparing to leave. I pressed my palm against his chest, motioning for him to stop. Then I spread my arms around him, squeezing him tightly, and pushed my tongue back into his mouth with a sudden force. He melted in my arms and exchanged his tongue into my mouth, exploring the crevices.

I shoved him back and he landed on the bed with a resounding creak. I climbed on top of him, straddling him, and leaned down over him, digging deeper into his warm, wet mouth. I felt the breath from his nostrils tickling against my stubble as my chin was buried in his thick, dark beard. I lifted my hands up the back of his shirt, caressing his back. It was hairy, like his arms. I ran my fingers along his spine, using my forearms to pull up his shirt as I did so, until I was pulling it up over his head. He lifted his arms as I rolled the shirt off.

I ran my hands through his thick chest hair, tracing the outline of his folds of skin around his breast, his round tummy, flicking his nipples playfully. His skin was a dark chocolate brown, coated in thick black fur. I ran my hands over his love handles.

He seemed self-aware and muttered, "I'm so fat."

"Cuddly," I corrected laughingly, and I pressed our chests together as I laid flat on top of him, showering the side of his neck with kisses and running my fingers through the forest of hair on his chest.

He closed his eyes and exhaled. I pressed the side of my head against his chest, feeling it expand with air as he breathed in, the warmth flooding my cheek.

I was wearing only the hospital gown. His fingers found their way to the strings and untied it and it fell from my shoulders, floating down between us. I leaned back and cast it aside, now lying naked on top of him. He reached up, feeling my well-defined chest, tracing my happy trail down to my exposed and erect cock pointed at him.

I lowered myself quickly, pulling us into a tight embrace and kissing him again. He ran his hands along my back, squeezing my glutes, tracing their shape down the back of my thighs. I gently ground my bare cock against his jeans, feeling the shape of his boner pressing against the fabric, straining to escape. I pulled back again, sitting up, unclasping his belt.

I slid his jeans down and his cock bounced out from the open fly of his boxers. It was short, thick, and uncut, nestled in a bush of dark hair, whereas mine was longer and circumcised. I pressed them together, the undersides tickling each other, and with both hands, gripped them tightly together. I slowly began stroking, lost in pleasure.

He groaned, his body squirming with delight. I tucked his cock back into the fly briefly to pull down his boxers. Then I pulled back on the bed, sliding down his legs until I was level with his crotch. Leaning down, I buried my face in his musty crotch, exploring the folds between his thighs with his tongue, licking up sweat tenderly in the crevices. Opening wide, I slipped one of his balls into my mouth, licking the underside, while I caressed his thighs with one hand and enclosed his throbbing cock with the other, stretching the foreskin back and exposing the bulbous head, glistening with precum.

I pulled my mouth up and worked its way to his cock, licking the underside and catching the dribbling precum. He moaned and his hips thrust upwards, meeting me halfway. As my lips closed around his throbbing meat, I gently tugged on his balls, rolling my fingers around them and yanking playfully. He squirmed and his dick twitched in my mouth.

I took the rest into my mouth, sliding his cock until it rested against the back of my throat and my nostrils were buried in his pubes. I took a deep breath, intoxicated with his manly scent, and allowed the nectar of precum leaking from his cock to coat my mouth. I held it in place as long as I could, until it was hard to breathe, before pulling back slowly, running my tongue along the sensitive underside of his beautiful, thick penis.

"Please," he gasped.

I sat up. "What?"

"Give me yours."

I got up, repositioned, rotating my body into a 69 position. I got on all fours above him, dangling my cock above his mouth, and took him back into my mouth. I felt a wet warmth as I fell into his and twisted my head to watch my long cock engulged into his greedy lips. I closed my eyes and moaned.

I returned to worshipping his delicious dick, running my tongue around his loose foreskin. As I took it all the way to the base again, my chest rested against his rotund, hairy abdomen.

I had an idea. Pulling off his cock, I stuck my fingers into my mouth, lubricating them as best I could. Then, after slipping him back in, I gently circled his hole with my wet fingers. He instinctively spread his legs wider.

Gently I pushed my middle finger in an inch or two, and felt his body quake below me. Ever so slowly, I pushed it deeper, until it was swallowed completely. It felt as if he was pulling me in. Finally my fingers pressed against something ridged, and a moan escaped his lips, vibrating against my cock.

I began finger fucking him, slowly at first, but with growing intensity, as my mouth bobbed up and down on his cock. His whole body was trembling, and I felt him jiggle beneath my chest. I knew he was close. Feeling emboldened, I thrust my index finger alongside my middle, plunging into his tight hole.

Without warning, hot liquid began flooding my mouth. As the salty nectar hit my tastebuds, it was too much and I felt myself emptying my balls into his greedy mouth. As volley after volley of cum shot into me and I thrust my fingers violently inside him, I felt my own cock thrusting through the oily liquid that was filling his. Not wanting to waste a drop, I expanded my cheeks, storing his seed. I stopped bobbing and left it to him, as he humped spasmically, fucking my mouth like an animal. I could feel his Adam's apple working to keep up with my own stream, guzzling my unending load.

After a few minutes, I finally felt myself return to life. His cock was still soft in my mouth and I felt mine enveloped in his own warm, wet wonderland. Using my tongue, I squeezed the last few drops of his semen out, then rolled off of him, my dick falling out from between his eager lips. I laid beside him on the bed, swishing his cum in my mouth, relishing the salty flavor before swallowing in a few hungry gulps.

Last, I pulled my fingers longingly from his tight hole, causing him to shudder again. I repositioned myself again to be beside him upright and kissed him slowly. I could still taste the memory of his seed and I imagined it mixing with my own in his mouth. I ran my hands all over him, caressing his thighs, his stomach, his chest, his shoulders, his scalp.

After a few minutes of just catching our breath, we regrettably got up to dress and leave before the nurse walked in.

He drove me home. It was late by now, almost one in the morning. He stopped out front of my apartment building.

"Why don't you stay the night?" I asked.

He seemed torn. I ran my hand along the inside of his thigh and that was all the convincing it took. He pulled into a parking spot and we bounded up the stairs together.

We stripped down to our boxers and climbed into my bed together. As we drifted off to sleep, I wrapped my arms around him and spooned him tenderly from behind, feeling the warmth of his back radiating against me.

I awoke as light streamed through the window. He was still caught in my embrace, snoring softly. I cupped his bare breasts in my hand, feeling my arousal beginning to boil.

As I traced my hand down his big furry belly and to the fly of his boxers, I felt my cock spring up, growing against the small of his back. Trying not to wake him, I slid lower on the bed until it aligned with his crack.

As I reached into the fly and toyed with his foreskin, I felt it expand my hand. I gently stroked it, stretching the skin back and forth over that succulent, engorged head.

Just my luck, there was a bottle of hand lotion on my bedside table. I grabbed it, coating my fingers with it, and slipped my fingers in the elastic band of his boxers, sandwiching my fingers in between his crack. I pushed gently, massaging the edge of his hole. He was still snoring softly, taking slow, deep breaths that inflated his chest.

With my left hand reaching over and gently stroking his cock, I pressed the fingers of my right deeper into his ass. His body instinctively pushed back, thrusting his ass onto my fingers and enveloping them in warmth. He seemed to moan, still in a dream. His cock twitched in my hand.

Holding both hands still, I let him do the work. He rocked slowly back and forth, impaling himself on my fingers as they rubbed against his prostate, then forward, fucking my hand. His pace quickened.

Suddenly he gasped and his eyes flew open. "Oh my GOD!" he shouted as he rocketed a load against my sheets. He groaned loudly, pressing back hard against my fingers, which dug deeper than ever inside him. Even though he was no longer pressing against my left hand, his cock continued to spew shots of cum, which were pooling on my bed. He shuddered in my embrace, lost in pleasure.

As he slowed, he turned back to look at me. With a pleading look in his eyes, he begged, "Fuck me."

"But you just came --" I started.


I was horny and didn't give it a second thought. Grabbing the lotion, I lubed up my cock excitedly and rolled him onto his stomach. As he spread his cheeks for me, I slipped in.

And I thought his mouth felt good! His ass was tight and warm, pressing against every cell of my cock. My eyes rolled back with pleasure and I thrust in deeper. "Fuuuuck," he groaned. I felt the underside of my cock slide against his G-spot and past it, far deeper than my fingers could go.

I pushed until I couldn't thrust any deeper, and held it in place for a second, catching my breath. Then I began to pull back, making sure every motion dragged my engorged penis against that spot. The sensation was incredible, and my hands fell to my sides to steady me as I rocked with pleasure. My left hand slipped in the cooling pool of cum beside us and I mopped it up with my palm.

I pulled my cock completely out and, using his cum, I gave it a fresh coat of lubricant he wasn't aware of. Rubbing his seed all over my cock, I slipped it back in and it glid smoothly. He cried out as I pressed against his button again.

At the height of sexual arousal, I began fucking furiously, relentlessly, pistoning up and down into his hole. He was gasping, sweat pooling in the small of his back. I worked my thumbs into his back, spreading it around, massaging his back with his sweat, and I felt the muscles melt under my grasp.

When I could hold back no longer, I unloaded into him, injecting my life-giving seed deep inside him, and I collapsed against his back as I let nature take its course automatically.

As I did, I felt his body shake and he cried out, frantically humping the bed. He was cumming again! Although I was spent, I was still hard and embedded deep inside him. I gave a few more quick thrusts with the last few ounces of energy and he let out a quick moan with each stab.

I slid out of him and rolled him over. Sure enough, his belly was coated in his second load of the morning. Eagerly I licked off the still warm substance, relishing the taste of his cum mixed with sweat.

I worked my way up to his face and kissed him tenderly.

"That was the best orgasm I've ever had in my life," he laughed.

Straddling his naked body, our skin pressed together, I smiled and said, "Ditto." I cupped his cock in his hand and he shuddered.

I crawled out of bed and headed to the kitchen to start the coffee pot, still naked and damp with sweat and the nectar of men.

"Guess if the office burns down, we get to work from home," I called back to the bedroom.

"I like the way you think," he replied as he followed me into the kitchen.

He stepped behind me and slid his hands around my waist, his thick, shapely body compressing against my smooth back, his drying cum sticking our skin together. Bright orange light flooded the kitchen as the sun was rising, the frost on the windows casting beautiful reflections and illuminating the season's first snowfall.

"You know where the shower is?" I asked.

"Yes --" he began.

"No you don't. Let me show you," I grinned slyly, turning around and kissing his neck.

We were late for the morning meeting.

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