Say Goodbye to Sparkleland

By Timothy Lane

Published on Jun 1, 2024


Say Goodbye to Sparkleland Chapter 27

Thank you for supporting Mitchell on his journey. Don't forget to support Nifty for the service the platform provides.


Layton's text threw me. I checked it again: "I know you are seeing Carter." I knew Carter wasn't planning on telling Layton. I'm sure he had his own personal reasons, but at the same time, I had just broken it off with Layton a few weeks ago. It made sense to protect his feelings.

I didn't know how to respond. "??"

He replied: "He told me. Call me."

My heart was beating faster. I didn't like this. Was Layton mad? Did he want us to try to get back together? Was he warning me about something? All the unknowns had me distracted from my friends' conversation.

"Umm. Sorry, guys. I think I need to head out a bit early."

"Is everything okay?" Larry asked.

"I think so. I just ... need to check on something."

"Call us if you need anything," Cooper said.


I walked to my car. Fuck.

I took a deep breath. Then I dialed Layton.

"Mitch! Thanks for calling."

"Hey." I didn't know how to bring up anything.

"We need to talk."


"I know you don't like me anymore, but..."

"Layton, that's not true. You're still my friend. We just probably needed space."

"We can talk about that later. Can you come to The Black Stallion tomorrow night? I'd like to talk to you face to face."


"Well, actually, Sunday and Monday are the only nights Carter and I have." I guessed it was all out in the open at that point.

"Fine. Lunch tomorrow then?"

"I gueeessss."

"Good! Pick a place."

"Um. Downward Dog?"

"Great. Can you make 11:45?"

"I – I – I guess."

"I'll see you then."

Well ... fuck. Now what? Did I tell Carter Layton called? Is Carter to know that I know Layton knows? Was I in the middle of something?

My day with Carter suddenly got trickier.

Surprisingly, we hadn't talked about either of us staying over at the other's place yet. I put a suit bag in the trunk of my car, just in case. If I didn't, I had the next day's work clothes picked out already.

I was a little early, but I knew that would be okay.

Fletcher gave my entrance a single "arf" and then he jumped up on my legs, wagging his tail like we were old friends. Carter gave my entrance a solid kiss and warm hug.

We walked straight to the kitchen. He was playing a CD of a band I didn't recognize. I inquired. He said it was a band from the `80s called Xymox.

"You weren't even around then."

"I wasn't around when The Beatles were around, but I have several of their albums too."

"Fair enough."

Xymox had a danceable synth vibe that was interesting.

"I grew to love the dance club music from this era."

"So, who gets to decide what is played at Stallion?"

"Not me, that's for sure. I can handle country. No problem. I'm sure I have at least fifty or sixty country albums. But that's all up to the DJs. And, of course, some nights we have bands."

"Do you like those nights?"

"I suppose. I appreciate live music, and it brings in more customers, but it makes it harder to hear."

We moved to the kitchen, and Carter peered into the oven.

"If you have the impression that I am a health freak, I'm going to burst that bubble today. We're kind of going a Tex-Mex route today."

"Yum," I said. "It smells good."

"Cheese enchiladas with Spanish rice. For starters, I have a layered dip ... thus the olives question."




"Glass or no glass?"

"If the bottle is cold, I will keep it in that."

I looked at the placemats. Carter had them both set with silver with a napkin folded beneath them. It had a restaurant look. There was a saucer on top of the plate; I assumed it was for the dip.

"Was work busy last night?"

"For Saturday, it was one of our better ones as of late. A good money night."

Layton would sometimes tell me what he made, but Carter almost never mentioned money.

"How's Layton?"

Here was the opening. Here was the chance for Carter to tell me that he told Layton about us. Or did Layton make that up?? But why would he lie?

"He's good. He and Harper, our boss, kind of got into a spat, but ... it was okay. I was in a good mood though."

"Any reason?"

"Seeing you today with no interruptions."

"Aw. At least we worked in a ..."

"Quickie?" he inserted.

"I was going to say a little time for each other. But ... yeah. Although we didn't even get to take our clothes off yesterday."

"Your dick was still magnificent sticking out of your jeans."

"When you meet my parents, let's not share things like that with them."

He laughed. Then he turned to me. "Do ... do you want me to meet your parents?"


Carter stood there just blinking at me.

"What?" I was confused.

"Other than a boyfriend in high school, I've ..." He stopped. "I can't think of a single time I've met someone's parents."

"Not even all those years in Chicago?"

"No." And then nothing further about Chicago.

He turned back to the counter, fiddling with hot pads. "I – I think that would be nice."

A moment later, he pulled the enchilada dish from the oven.

"We'll let that cool a moment." He gestured me to sit at the table.

Next, a bowl of layered dip was placed in the center, and he ripped open a bag of tortillas chips. Some were poured into a large bowl.

"So, what are the layers?"

"The bottom is refried beans, then sour cream, diced tomatoes, ground beef, diced onions and cheddar cheese on top. No olives. I could have put a layer of guac in there, but I didn't get to the store."

I scooped a chip through it. And a second. And a third.

"Okay, I'm a fan."

He smiled. "Good. We'll nibble a couple of minutes, then I'll dish us up some enchiladas."

The beer and the dip were quite good together. Lunch smelled good too.

A couple minutes later, he slid those food items back and placed a hot pad in the center of the table. He quickly poured the rice into a serving bowl. Digging through a drawer, he was on a quest for a long metal spatula. He placed the bowl of rice first, then used another hot pad to bring the casserole dish down. He stood with the spatula.

"Two to start?"

"Um, sure."

He finagled the spatula to separate two enchiladas from the grouping of others. The cheese looked gooey, but it wasn't as hot as when it was straight from the oven, so they didn't drip. He then put two on his plate.

I added some rice to my plate.

"You went to so much trouble."

"It wasn't bad. But ... I tell ya, it's kind of nice to cook for someone other than myself."

"Looks like you will still have leftovers."

We ate some without talking. The food was the perfect temperature at this point. I would still occasionally reach over and run a chip through the dip.

"Ah!" Carter jumped up. "Sorry. I have salsa and sour cream if you'd like either on top of your enchiladas."

"You're so cute. It's fine." But I put both on anyway, perhaps just to acknowledge his efforts.

"I wasn't sure if you were a jalapenos fan, so I left them out of the dip."

"Either way."

Fletcher looked at us longingly from the floor, but nothing on the table looked dog-friendly.

"It's supposed to be low 60s today," I said. "Are you thinking of anything for us to do?"

"Do you jog?"

"Uhh ... I have, but I'm not dressed for it."

"I'm sure you can wear something of mine."

"Ooo, if your junk has been in them, that sounds hot."

"You're a perverted freak ... and I love it. But no, I would offer you clean clothing."

An hour later, we were at Rebbie Park. In contrast to our late-night Valentine's Day walk, there was a large amount of people there. With the weekend and the weather, it was no wonder.

"Okay, there are some cute guys here," I said.

"Sundays are full of them, particularly in the spring when college is in session. I love all the hot college guys that pull off their shirts when they get warm," he said. "Wait, should I say that to you?"

"Just because we're a couple doesn't mean you are blind," I answered.

He turned to me. "Are we? Are we a couple? I like to think so, but I didn't know ..."

I clutched his hands. "Yes, Carter. I think of us as a couple."

He couldn't get a grin off his face. It was funny that something so simple seemed to make him happy.

"Can I hold your hand?" he asked. "There are a lot of people here."

"I've been gay my whole life. I'm not making it a secret now."

"College towns tend to be accepting," he said. "And large cities."

"Although conservative pricks can live everywhere."

"My parents."

He didn't elaborate, but that was just an iota of information offered. Carter seemed to keep everything inside.

"Not to spoil the mood, but ..." I said, slightly swinging our clasped hands. "If we ... if we want to be a couple, we have some challenges most couples don't."

He stared ahead, but I could tell by his brow that he didn't follow.

"Do you mean something gay related?"

"No. I love our time together ..."

"Me too."

"But ... realistically ... we kind of have to work to make it work. I mean, you're at The Stallion at night; I work during the days. Logistically, it's challenging."

He pulled me over to a bench. He stared at his knees, refusing to look at me. "I know you're right, but ... Mitch, even if it's just a couple of days a week, I'm grateful to have that."

Ask me to spend the night, ask me to spend the night, ask me to spend the night.

"It has been nice," I said. "Most people work on scheduling time together. Ours is pretty much dictated to us."

He squeezed my hand tightly. "Are you okay with that? Are you having second thoughts about us being a couple?"

"I wouldn't call them second thoughts exactly, but ... I'd be lying if I wasn't concerned our jobs were an obstacle for us."

"If so, it's one I'm willing to work around." His hypnotic eyes stared into my soul again. "I know you are someone worth every effort. I want to be with you as much as I can."

Ask me to spend the night, damn it.

A teenager on roller blades sped past us. "Fags."

We glared at him. "Ten years ago, that might have bothered me," I said. "Not now."

"I've been called everything. It all rolls off my back."

"Tell me more."

He paused. "How about we run. If I can get you warmed up enough, maybe you'll take that shirt off for me."

"Who's the pervert now?"

"That's not perverted. It's just being smart to get what I want."

We started a moderate jog.

"Since spring is almost here, I wouldn't mind doing this regularly on our Sundays," I said.

"Our Sundays. OUR Sundays. I love that."

"Well, in a year or two, you'll find that your metabolism isn't as kind."

"You're in great shape. Don't sell yourself short."

"I notice changes. I used to be able to eat anything, damn it."

"We'll be good for each other."


Having a jogging partner was one more thing in the plus column. Challenges and obstacles I saw when we first started seeing each other didn't seem as insurmountable now. But our time off together was pretty much forced upon us. Sundays were the only complete day we had. Monday night and Saturday day were the others. Was that enough? Could a relationship exist in those time frames?

I may have still been in shape, as he said, but he clearly had more stamina.

"Break, please."

We found a new bench.

"I don't see guys tossing a football around in the spring as much. I always like that the best. They're always touching each other."

"I love this voyeur quality of yours," I said.

"When you're alone, it gives you something to look at."

"Can I ask you a personal question? You're so good looking. Why has it been eight months between boyfriends?"

"Because most men are straight. The ratio is against me."

"Surely you meet other gay men than customers."

"A few at the hospital. Many of them are partnered. A couple don't do a thing for me."

"Do you ever go to other bars than your own? Daniel's? Indigo?"

"I'm pretty much working the busiest nights. I suppose I could. That bartender Bryce at Daniel's was kind of cute on Valentine's Day."

I slapped his arm. "Hey! You're with me now."

He put his arm around me and pulled me into him. "And I love it."

Before we could get too cozy, "Break's over." He was up and jogging again.

Eight months still seemed like a long gap between boyfriends. Although, it was even longer for me. Granted, I was hung up on Cooper and eventually landed in therapy.

It was a good fifteen-minute jog on top of the initial ten. I was more than warmed up. I felt sweaty spots on the shirt he had loaned me. Carter had them too. I loved when he pulled the bottom of the T-shirt up to wipe his face.

I pondered if this was the first "date" day where he allowed his tattoos to be visible to me. I guess once we entered sexual territory, nudity showed it all. I hated being judgmental, but I thought he would have just a spectacular bod without all the ink on his arm.

We stopped and breathed heavily for a moment. We both had water bottles strapped to us. I guzzled mine.

"Nice ink," a passing jogger said.

Swell. I was an awful boyfriend.

We got back in the car after 3 and began the drive back to his house.

"What a beautiful day," I said. "I needed this."

"I'm glad. I liked it too."

Fletcher was pleased to see us return. I didn't get so much as a bark. He was used to seeing me with Carter.

A text came in. "Hmm."

"What is it?"

"Mom. It just says to call when I can."

"Go for it. I'm going to hop in the shower."

I called my mother and we chatted for a few minutes. I think she felt better after talking with me.

Carter's house was old enough that he didn't have glass doors in his shower. It was a simple shower curtain. I heard the spray of water, but above it was his voice. He was singing, "All I Want Is You" by U2. I opened the curtain a foot.

"Can I join you?"

"We should be able to fit."

I had already taken off the shirt and put it in Carter's hamper. I dropped the shorts.

"Everything okay with your folks?"

"Yeeaaahhh. Dad goes in for some tests tomorrow, but I don't think it is anything to worry about. Mom was just letting me know."

"Hmm. I guess it could be more serious. I hope he's okay."

"Thanks." I closed the curtain. "I heard you singing. You have a fantastic voice."

"Pff. I don't know about that."

"Carter. You do. Have you ever ... sung with anyone before?"

"Like how?"

"In a band, in a show ..."

"Good grief no. I've done karaoke once in my life."

"Babe, you have a wonderful voice. I liked hearing you sing."

He kissed me. "I just like you being here with me. Naked. And calling me `babe.' That's worth singing about."

I found the soap and began rubbing the bar on his back. When he turned to rinse, I rubbed it on his chest. I was worried about rubbing the barbell piercing too hard. I avoided it a little. I rubbed his right arm and suds up into his armpit. I looked at his left arm with all the tattoos. Gently I slid the soap over them.

"You don't have to be careful."

With just enough soap on my fingertips, I slid over the multi-colored ink on my boyfriend's body.

Carter watched me intently. I made sure not to have an expression of disapproval.

"Did it hurt?" I softly asked, continuing to glide my fingers over his arm.

"Well, yeah. I guess they all do. Interestingly, the shoulder hurt a lot more than the arm. I'm not sure why."

That was not interesting. I wished he hadn't gone through it. Picturing him hurting for something so unnecessary bothered me. But it was his arm; it was his body. I was a bad boyfriend.

I kissed him to block out any opinions he might have had about me judging his tattoos.

I reached for his cock. It wasn't hard. It was just wet. I broke free from our kiss. I grabbed the soap and generated some lather, eventually working it into his crotch. He wasn't hard. I washed his balls. Turning him around, I added suds to his crack and lightly teased his hole with my finger. He turned back once again. His crotch was rinsed. I held his cock. It was not hard. But it was getting there.

By the time Carter had gone through all those steps with me, I was as erect as could be. He held his dick to mine. He clutched them together. We kissed as water poured over both of us. Each of us had one arm around the other's body. We kissed passionately and forcefully.

Carter turned off the water.

He reached for towels for both of us. Our erections hadn't gone away.

We began toweling ourselves off, and then finished each other. Our erections hadn't gone away.

Carter's hair was short, but he still ran a brush through it. He then handed it to me. Our erections hadn't gone away.

We walked to the bedroom. "Get on your hands and knees for me," he instructed, but kindly.

I crawled on the bed. Fletcher came to the room. Our erections had not gone away. Fletcher left.

I felt Carter's face stick in my crack. He pulled my cheeks apart and licked my hole. His tongue ran up and down the crevice. I felt his hot breath blow against my rosebud. As he licked me some more, he reached below me to find my crowbar.

"Mitch ... can I-"

"Fuck me," I immediately finished his thought.

"Sit down with me for a minute," he said.

That seemed odd. We sat side by side. He was still extremely hard. I held his cock.

"After Jhace, I ... I went for a test. Not that I expected anything. We were safe, but ... whenever I break up with someone, I make sure I have one taken so a next boyfriend can ... well, you know. Feel comfortable. I have it in the drawer."

"Okay. It's been a while for me, but ... like you ... I'm always safe. But I'd feel better if you had it on paper and didn't just take my word."

He gave me a compassionate smile.

"I can wear a condom if you still want," he said.

"Look at me."

His eyes stared into mine. He was earnest and sincere.

"I trust you 110 percent. I know your eyes will never lie to me. I like our relationship getting stronger by trusting each other." I gave him a simple kiss. "I welcome your dick inside me. Can't wait."

I had not released his cock as we talked things out. It still felt hard in my grasp. I leaned over to cover it with my mouth, knowing it would be in my ass soon. Carter stretched out and cooed as my mouth slobbered all over his stiff organ.


I sucked him for a few minutes. I was still every bit as hard as I was in the shower.

"I'm yours," I whispered to him.

"Do you mind being back on your hands and knees again?"

"I was kind of digging it, so ... take me."

I took my position. He scrambled to get the lube.

I felt a slick finger slip inside to prepare me. "Ungh," I called out. Two slipped in. "Mmmmm. More."

Carter probed my hole in and out for a minute. Then he dripped lubricant onto his hard-on with his hand held below. After that, I couldn't see anything. He moved directly behind me. I felt his erection press in the right spot. He gently pushed the head in; I slightly moved back. I gasped at the intrusion, but Carter gave me a moment to adjust.

"Are you okay?"

"Just a sec."

I had to breathe a bit, but the pain gradually subsided. My breathing helped me accept the fullness within me. I pushed back further on his hard shaft.

"Oh yeah," I said.

Slowly, he pushed all the way in. "Yes. Ohhh yeah."

His hands were on my hips. Carter started his rhythm slowly. Then he picked up speed.

I hadn't intended to be loud, but for some reason, my position on the bed made me groan with more volume than I expected.

Carter had nice girth. Not so large that his dick was painful, but full enough to where I could feel it slide in and out of me. Pushing. Sliding. Moving.

"Fuck yeah," I breathed.

"Mitch, God. I haven't fucked anyone in so long. You feel good. So good."

"Yeah. Fuck me. Fuck me, Carter. Fuck me, babe."

He groaned as his rhythm picked up. He moved his hands from my hips to my shoulders. He scratched his fingernails down my back. I called out: "Aaaahhhhhh."

His arms reached below me and gripped me tightly. My back was pressed to his chest. He lifted me up and thrust his cock into me harder, attempting to find a deeper passage. His fingers teased my chest hair. I felt his forehead on my neck.

He whined in his sexual stimulation. I moaned in mine.

"Fuck yeah."

"Fuck yes."

Pushing. Thrusting. Moving. Shoving. His dick inside me was heaven.

My head dropped and I looked at my own cock bouncing and bobbing as Carter battered my ass with his wooden beam.

Our volume didn't escalate. In fact, we both continued to moan, but it was now softer with longer moans.

"Carterrrrr," I whined.

"It's feels so amazing in you, Mitch. Ohhhh. Ohhhhhhhhh."

"Fuck me, babe."

His arms squeezed me and lifted both our bodies upright. His barbell piercing lightly ran along my back.

"Ow." I wasn't sure if I uttered that loud enough for Carter to hear. Seconds later, he let go of me. The ends of the metal were rounded, so I don't think it scraped me.

I dropped back to my hands and knees. Carter shoved me faster.

"Ohhhhh, Mitch. It's so good in you. So good. Ohhhh. I'm getting close."

"Stop! Stop fucking me."

Carter pulled his erection from me. I had startled him.

"What did I do wrong?"

"Nothing. It was awesome. I – I just need to see you. I want to look at you."

"Oh." He pulled his body away from me. "Okay."

I dropped onto my back. He put just a squirt of lube on top of his dick. A drip landed on my leg. I pulled my legs wide open for him.

He positioned his cock correctly. The head went in. I breathed in. The whole organ penetrated me. I gasped. "Oh yeah."

His rhythm was moderate again. I was hoping with that pause that he could last longer. He had said he was getting close. I loved being filled with him.

I jerked my flesh. I was bone hard.

I looked into his eyes. He looked into mine. We had an uncanny gift to peer into each other's thoughts, each other's soul.

"You have such beautiful eyes."

"Thanks," he said, with a harder thrust.

It was a sexual stare-down contest. We couldn't look away. Our faces weren't flattering. They were contorted and twisted with stimulated sensations.

My eyes said: "Kiss me."

He did.

His eyes said: "I love you."

Mine replied: "I know."

His eyes gazed into mine as if seeing a mirror. My eyes looked into his like I needed him inside me more than anything.

"Fuck," he breathed. "My cock is throbbing."

"Mine is on fire," I panted. And I continued to jerk on it.

My other hand reached up to hold his face. I touched it and stroked it and my thumb rubbed along his chin.



"I – I think ... I'm..."

"I want to watch you come inside me. Look at me. Shoot it all in me."

He did.

I loved seeing his eyes as his orgasm crashed over him. His look was the most sensual thing I had ever seen. My eyes told him that.

He didn't stop. I knew after half a minute, he had to have stopped coming, but he didn't stop. He pushed his cock in and out of me. He didn't want to stop. His eyes told me over and over that he loved me.

"That's it, Carter. I'm getting there."

Our continual stare made it hotter, made it more passionate.

"You fill me. Your incredible body makes me ... whole. Fuck me. Keep fucking me."

He was silent. His eyes were screaming everything: love, sex, bronco-riding, heavy metal, male pleasure, cum.

We stared. We didn't say anything. I yanked my manhood.

We stared. We didn't say anything. He pushed his thick shaft in me over and over.

I knew he was tired after his climax, but he didn't stop. He didn't break his stare.

"You're amazing, Carter. Fuck the hell out of me, babe."

He groaned and attempted to go faster.

"That's it."

Our eyes were cast in glass. I whimpered as my orgasm built. He put his forehead on mine, his nose touched mine.

"Babe. Carter. Honey."

He pulled back to stare into my eyes as I unloaded.

"I'm coming," I whispered.

"Ohhhh," he moaned. I knew my cum hit him first before dripping down to my navel.

"Ohhhh," I echoed.

I pulled my cock harder, all but removing the base of the shaft from my crotch. My back arched and my last release of cum escaped.

Then I collapsed as if being a thousand-pound weight. He looked down on me. I reached up to pull him into a wet, messy kiss. Tongues were all over our mouths and faces and chins.

I squeezed him tight. Then his piercing pressed into me a bit too much. "Mmph."

He pulled up. "Did I scratch you?"

"No, it was just pressed into me a little too hard."

"Damn it."

"Don't worry about it. That was an amazing orgasm."



He smiled.

Carter was in turmoil. I knew it. He so wanted to say the words "I love you" but he knew I would think it was too soon. Because it was. But I felt wonderful for knowing he felt the way he did. I needed to feel loved.

He got up to get a washcloth. Fletcher followed him back into the room. I was sniffed as Carter washed my torso. I was afraid Fletcher would sniff too close to my balls, making me ticklish, but he didn't continue toward my crotch. I scratched him behind his ears, and his tail wagged harder.

The three of us were content to just relax on the bed. Before we became too comfortable, a canine parade around the bed eventually led to him climbing between us. I smiled.

Carter petted his dog. "What's your hunger level?"

"Not serious. Why? We can go pick up something simple."

"I can make us a salad. I have enough fresh produce."

"But you fixed lunch."

"It's salad! It's minimal effort."

"Well, okay."

Even with Fletcher between us, Carter extended his arm, and I moved my head and shoulder into it. Our bodies made a V, which was still fine with Fletcher.

"How long have you had him?"

"About six years. I got him fairly quickly after moving back."

"And the house?"

"I've had it about three years. I know it's not fancy, but I was determined to own something."

"Exactly. My money just goes to the apartment owners." I used a free hand to lightly rub his chest. "What was Chicago like?"

"Nothing notable."

"You don't like talking about Chicago, do you?"


He was quiet. I hated prying.

"Hey, Carter. I ..." I stopped.

"What is it?"

"I'm not sure if I should say it."

"You can tell me anything, Mitch."

"That's kind of it. I'm willing to open up. You seem to want to keep things from me. If we ... if we are going to be a true couple, I want you to feel comfortable in sharing with me. If not ... I don't know how far we can actually go."

Whew. That was a big statement to make. I didn't want to ruin things with intrusive demands, but I couldn't be in a relationship when I was kept in the dark.

Carter lay there silently. Stone silence. He didn't say anything for what seemed a long time to me.

He rolled onto his side and pulled me closer to him. The gap between us began to seal and Fletcher jumped up and off the bed.

"That scares me."

"Why? I mean, if you really don't want to tell me, I am not pressuring you. If I'm your boyfriend, though, I need you to be able to be open with me. I don't want you to pull away from me."

"I know. That's fair. But it doesn't make it easier to talk about."

"What scares you?"

"You leaving me. Pushing me away."

"Why would I do that?! For being honest?"

"Hold me."

We moved closer. We were in each other's arms. The tips of our noses touched.

"I am afraid that if you know everything about me, you won't want to be with me."

"Carter, we've been friends for months now. I know who you are. I care for you so much. I'm very grateful you are in my life."

"You don't really know who I am ... or was."

I took my hand off his back and touched his face. "You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to."

"But you're right. If I can't be honest with you, then ... what chance will we have as a couple?" He closed his eyes, wincing in pain. "I just don't want you to leave."

"I'm here. I'm not going anywhere."

"I volunteer because I need to feel good about myself. I hated myself in Chicago. I was determined to own a house here because I was foolish with my money in Chicago. My life sucked."

"I'm sorry," I softly said. My hand didn't leave his face. I softly and slowly stroked his beard.

He sighed heavily. I knew he didn't want to tell me anything further.

"Please, please, please don't think bad of me," he whimpered.

I held him tightly again. I gave him a quick peck on the lips. "I'm here."

"You're such a good person, Mitchell. And ... I'm not."

"Stop thinking of me that way. I cheated on Cooper. I'm not that good of a person."

"You're a good person who made a mistake and accepts it. Me? I was shit for years."

"I find that hard to believe."

"I was 19 when I left home. When Dad saw me kiss a boy in high school ... that was it. We hardly spoke. He didn't want anything to do with me. Once I was 18, he said if he knew I was in love with another male, I would have to get my own place. A friend and I ... yeah, gay ... kind of decided to leave town. We didn't think we would be happy here, so we decided to run off to Chicago where there would be a real gay scene, and we would be accepted."

"I see."

"Thankfully, we both got jobs easily, but getting an apartment was tough. It took a hard-luck story that my parents abused me for me to get an apartment manager to rent to someone 19."

"Your father didn't hit you, did he?"

"No. I embellished the story just so we could have a place to live. We both had graduation money and had worked our senior years and that summer. We had a couple of months' worth of rent. We each had a car. Old cars, but we had cars. We looked nice and presentable at the time."

I rubbed his arm as he told his story.

"We worked in restaurants. The money was fair, but we could make rent. After a few weeks, we started seeking out the gay night life, the gay community. We were underage, so we couldn't get into clubs. We looked 21 by appearance. We found one that would let us in without carding us. Drinks too."


"It wasn't okay, Mitch. We were young and reckless. By all accounts, I should be dead. We were so irresponsible. Had it been 30 years before, we'd both probably have AIDS. When I told you the other night that I have done a lot of things you haven't done, I meant it."

"How do you know what I've done?"

"Have you been in a sling?"

"Uhh... no."

"I did every recreational drug there was. I woke up in places I didn't even remember going to. I was fucked by so many people I couldn't even remember who they would even be nowadays. I didn't even know names most of the time. It was sex and drugs and partying. Anything and everything. At the time, I felt free. I could do anything I wanted without my parents' judgement. I felt moving there was the best thing I could have done."

Carter sniffed back a tear, trying to keep it under control.

"All along the way, I was so irresponsible. Sexually. I rarely used protection and those that fucked me didn't either. I've had so many things stuck in me; it disgusts me now. I started wearing different clothes. I even wore eye liner for a couple of months, if you can believe that. The tattoos and piercing were just a small part of it. I loved dancing at clubs. I went out almost every night after work. And money got tougher and tougher. It was all about living in the moment."

He whimpered.

"I'm here," I softly said.

"With each year, the fun seemed to be ... less fun. The friend I moved there with left after a couple of years. It was always a struggle to find someone to share the apartment. There was no way to afford it on my own. Drugs ate up a lot of money. And alcohol. Trendy clothes. Rent came down to the wire every month.

"I knew I had saved nothing. Owned nothing hardly. Our furniture was junk. By the time I was 24, I started getting more and more depressed about my life. Friends ... if you can call them that ... took me out for my 25th birthday. I couldn't even tell you where I was. My wrists were tied up and some older dude I didn't even know tried to ..."

Carter breathed heavily, trying to allow himself to finish the sentence.

"He was planning to fist me. You know what that is, right?"

"Um. Yeah."

"He was probably three fingers in, and I hated it. He pushed further and it hurt like mad. I told him to stop, but he didn't. He pushed further. He was smoking. A long chunk of ashes fell on my crotch while he tried to ram further into me. I screamed. My hands were tied up. I couldn't do anything. The ashes just sat there burning. I kicked. Finally, he understood. He flicked them away. I demanded to be untied. My friends were outside, and I screamed at them to take me home. I was naked, Mitch. I was holding just my jeans in my hand because it had my wallet. I ran to the car. No shoes."

"My God."

"That was it. Rock bottom. I hated everything about my life. Within a week, I was back in Jackson Bend."

I exhaled. "Wow."

"So ... there you have it. You know everything about me. I was worthless for so many years. I wanted to be something respectable when I came back here. For the first time in my life, I had goals. I didn't have a college degree. I pleaded for a job at the Stallion. I started doing menial stuff. Cleaning. Harper saw me working hard. We talked a lot. He taught me to be a bartender."

"Babe." I squeezed him tight.

"I realized when I got back to Jackson Bend that ... I never felt loved there. I had friends, if you want to call them that. They were nothing like Layton or you. It was all superficial."

"I'm sorry."

"And that's not even everything." Carter sat up. He looked down at me as I rolled on my back. "Do you see why I don't want to share my past?"

"It's horrible. I get it." I reached for his hand. "But ... doesn't it feel better to tell somebody? Someone who will listen?"

"You mean like a therapist?"

"I mean like a boyfriend."

"Oh. Now that you know ... do you still want to be stuck with me?"

"I'm not stuck with you. I choose to be with you."

He exhaled. "Why can't you see how wonderful you are, Mitch?"

"Because I live inside my brain. Things from my past rear up to haunt me too."

"Well, now you know who I really am."

"I knew who you were weeks ago. Now I just know some things from your past. That's not who you really are. Carter Robinson is kind and loving and ... a beautiful man."

"You didn't see me in my eye liner phase."

I laughed. "Find me pictures!"

"No. Jesus, I had a pierced ear. Sometimes a black cross, usually something dangly. When I got away from the makeup, it was just a ring or stud."

"Does Layton know?"

"No one knows outside of people I knew in Chicago ... except you. You're the only one I've ever told."

"And now you don't have to feel like you're running or hiding ... because you have me."

"All this shit doesn't scare you?"

"I seem to recall you and Layton telling me you were attracted to me because I was honest and vulnerable. It works both ways."

I needed to pee; he was thirsty. We got up, but we didn't get dressed.

"I'm kind of craving Chinese for dinner," I called out from the bathroom.

"Possibly. I'm not that hungry yet. Maybe in an hour?"


I went back to the bedroom. I felt like I needed underwear on if I was going to sit on furniture. When I walked back into the living room, Carter looked disappointed.

"Aww. I love looking at your dick."

"It's yours whenever you want it, babe." I walked up to him and reached for his soft cock, hanging at three inches. "And I could taste yours all day too. But ... I'll feel better about being in the kitchen with at least something on."

Carter opened some food and fed Fletcher. His tail wagged.

"We didn't take him to the park with us. I guess if I got dressed, we can at least take him for a walk."

"Sounds like a plan."

Fifteen minutes later, we began a stroll in Carter's neighborhood just as the sun was beginning to set. It wouldn't be dark for another forty minutes, so we were good. Carter said he didn't have to put Fletcher on a leash; he never strolled too far. However, he sniffed every tree we came across. And virtually every yard had a tree. But we never had to call him. He kept up.

There was something pleasant about us walking a dog. It was like being a true couple. I contemplated how compatible Carter and I would be if we lived together. Overall, I didn't find striking differences that would be a problem. It would just be our schedules.

He reached for my hand.

"How many boyfriends have you walked with in your neighborhood?"

"I don't know."

"Did you with Layton?"

I could tell he was thinking.

"I might have. We didn't hold hands though. Layton wasn't a big hand holder in public. Not then anyway. Maybe that was my fault. I wanted things to be so different from Chicago. I wasn't sure how accepting my neighborhood would be either."

"And now?"

"I'm holding your hand, aren't I?"

We continued our walk with clasped hands.

"At the end of this street is another gay couple. I'll talk with them on occasion. We're not friends or anything, but ... they know I'm gay. When we turn the corner, there is a house that two lesbians live in too."

By the time we had walked a few blocks, twilight had descended. Fletcher was content to be back inside.

"Okay, I'm hungry," I said. Carter agreed.

We got the Chinese food as takeout. As I pulled into the driveway, Carter said, "You should be home before it's too late."

"Right," I said, but my head fell in disappointment.

"What's wrong?"


Obviously, I wasn't being asked to spend the night.

We unpacked the containers on the kitchen table. Carter made us both a glass of iced tea.

"Thanks for treating," he said. I nodded.

He noticed I was quiet.

"What is it, Mitch?"

"I'm fine. It's fine. Everything's fine."

"Look me in the eyes."

I knew my eyes couldn't lie to him.

"I'd rather not say."

"Oh, come on! I spilled my guts out this afternoon. I confessed my worst! And now you want to keep something inside?"

I groaned. "That's fair." I looked toward him but couldn't look at him directly. "I was kind of ... sort of ... hoping you would want me to stay over. But ... that's okay."

"Oh." He got up to get a fork. I was fine with chopsticks. "Well ... usually I spend about an hour to ninety minutes kind of ... getting ready for the next day. I pay bills. Check email. Just read a little bit for myself. I guess I figured I would be ignoring you if you were here. But if you want, you can stay." He paused, then added, "That'd be nice."

"It's fine. If you look forward to that nightly routine, then it's all good." I didn't think I sounded convincing. "I'm good."

Carter looked like he was disappointing me. Our meal was quieter than usual.

"I'd love for you to come over again tomorrow evening."

"Okay. I'd like that."

It was clear that he felt bad. Between Carter feeling he had let me down and his horrible retelling of his past life, it was a draining day.

By the time we were done, it was about 7:30. We could have watched a movie or something, but we had spent a lot of time together that day. I turned down a beer. I said I would just pet Fletcher a bit and then head home.

Carter sat next to me and leaned his body into mine. Fletcher seemed to be enjoying the attention I was giving him.

"It's really fine if you want to stay. It would be nice to have you here."

"We'll do it soon," I said.


At 8 o'clock, I kissed Carter goodbye. "Thank you for trusting me," I said.

"Thanks for not running away." He held me tightly and didn't want to release his hug.

"I'll text you tomorrow afternoon. We can decide what to do tomorrow evening."

"Okay," he said. "I loved our day together."

"Me too. Making love to you is amazing," I said.

"I couldn't agree more." He then gave me a long kiss.

"Good night," I said.

On the drive home, I remembered Layton insisted we have lunch tomorrow. How would that go? What would he say? Was he against me seeing Carter? Was he jealous? Did he want me back? I knew I would lie in bed obsessing over that meeting.

I fiddled around the apartment picking up things. Carter said he used this time to be productive. That seemed like a good idea. I put a few things away. I threw in a small load of whites into the washing machine.

After folding the laundry from the dryer at about 10:20, a text came in. It was Carter.

"I feel awful. I wish you were here. I'm sorry that I didn't make you feel like you could stay."

"I'm fine. Trying to get some things done here as well," I replied.

"I've felt terrible all night. I can't stop thinking about you."

I hated that he felt bad. "Really. I'm fine. I'll see you tomorrow."

He texted back: "I love you."

Whoa! There it was in print! He said it in a text.

My phone immediately rang. "OH MY GOD! I don't know why I sent that," Carter screamed. "Forget you saw that. You don't have to reply or say anything at all to that. It – it just came out of me. Don't respond in any way. I'm so sorry."

"Carter, for heaven's sake. You didn't call me an asshole or anything."

"Mitch, it's way too soooooon for me to say that. I'm sorry. It just came out. Ohhhhh gawwwwd."

"I'm fine."

"You're never going to want to see me again."

"That's not true. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow."


"YES! I'm fine. Take a deep breath. Everything's fine."

"Oh, God. Okay. Just forget all that. I'll see you tomorrow."

I recognized the sheer agony in his voice. I'd known the terror of something just coming out of my mouth. Accidentally calling Cooper "Derek" destroyed all we had worked toward in repairing our relationship — weeks and months of trying to make it work. I wanted to take that moment back a million times.

It was funny, Carter was terrified that his past and his love for me would drive me away, but it didn't. I cared for him so much as a friend, but now I knew him as a fully realized person, with frailties and fears. He wasn't only a stud bartender. He was real.

I hadn't had onion rings at Downward Dog in more than a year. It was a bit of a drive, but I still made it there in a little over ten minutes. I'm glad we selected it.

Still, I worried about this meeting. When I walked in, I saw him at a table.

"I just ordered," he called out and gestured I do the same at the counter.

I received my cup and filled it with Sprite before sitting down. I admitted I was a bit nervous.

"It was a bit chilly to eat outside, I thought," he said as I walked up.

"Yes, inside is better."

He stood; his arms opened.

"I miss you," he said in his hug. "I really miss you."

"Thanks. I miss you too."

"I'm so sorry that things didn't work out for us. I really liked you, Mitch. I understand why you didn't think we were a great fit."

"Are you seeing your old friend?"

"On occasion."

"Friends with benefits?"

He looked embarrassed. "Yeah," he softly said.

We each drank from our glasses.

"You felt it important we meet ..."

"Right. I just wanted to tell you-"

"Layton!" an employee called out. Layton held up a finger. "Hold on."

He went to pick up his food. I was exasperated in frustration. What did he want to tell me??!

He returned with his food, which looked great.

"So, anyway, this thing with Carter ..."


Guh. I went up to get my food. I came back with my chicken Caesar wrap. He had a club sandwich. Both of us had ordered onion rings — because that's what you do at Downward Dog.

He dredged half a ring through a puddle of ketchup. "Oh my gosh. It's been way too long since I've had these. Mmmm."

I ate one as well. We began eating our meals, but neither of us talked.

After a couple of minutes, I started, "So ... Carter ...?

"Right. Yeah." Layton put everything down and wiped his hands on a napkin.

"Mitch, this is very strange to ask but-"

"How is everything, gentlemen?" the manager asked, strolling through the dining room.

"Awesome," Layton said. I nodded in agreement.

But what I really wanted to know was what was on Layton's mind!! What did he want to ask me? To stop dating Carter? To start dating him again? To not date either so I can come back to the bar?

He turned back to me.

"Carter means a lot to me," he resumed.

"Me too."

"I could tell a difference. He was very happy for a week or two. I noticed. Finally, I cornered him. I asked him what the deal was."

"He was different at work?"

"VERY. I love that man. We're ... I love him as much as I would a brother. It was nice to see him happier than I had in months, but ... it was almost out of place. So, I asked. At first, he was reluctant to tell me, but he finally admitted you two had been seeing each other."

"Okay." So, where was this going? Why did he want to meet?

"I was very surprised. But ... then I was happy. You know I think the world of you. I mean ... we went out for a while. We fucked. So ... I know what he sees in you."

"Thanks ... I think." I debated if there was a compliment in there. "But ...?"

Layton took a deep breath. "Mitch, please don't hurt Carter. He internalizes things so much. If you guys don't work out, please make sure he isn't hurt in the process."

"Are you implying we won't work out?"

"No. I'm just saying ... I can see it in him. I know. He loves you. He loves you. I probably shouldn't have told you that, but-"

"He accidentally told me that last night."


"He said it just came out ... and then he freaked out by saying it so early in our relationship."

"But it's true."

"I know. He confessed he's had feelings for a while, even when you and I were seeing each other. I'm just newer in this."

"I get that. I hope you two make each other happy. But ... if it doesn't work out, take care of my friend."

"I care enough about him that I don't want him to be hurt by anything."

"Good. But you're doing a great job so far. He's all but levitating off the ground at work."

"Oh, come on."

"You're a catch, Mitch. Know that."

"Thanks. Is it okay for me to say that I did enjoy my time with you. I very much miss seeing you. But Carter — since we're dating — doesn't date customers. He's asked me not to come in."

"I thought it was just because you hated me."

"Layton! I don't hate you. I care for you very much. I love our friendship. Sure, it was awkward at first, but ... I like seeing you right now. I hope we can remain friends."

He leaned toward me and surprised me with a quick kiss. "Absolutely."

The rest of our lunch was pleasant, and we were lost in a deep, long hug before we got into our cars.

"Oh, thank heavens you came. I was afraid you might bail on me," Carter said, answering the door.

"Why would I bail on you?" I kissed him before he could answer.

"I was kind of a crazy person yesterday. I was paranoid you would think I was some kind of neurotic."

I chuckled. "You're my little neurotic. But, no, you were just honest — and I appreciate that."

We walked into his living room.

"I do have something to ask you though," I said.

"Uh oh. What?"

"It's fine. Stop worrying, will you!?"

He breathed.

"Next Sunday ... would you ... would you be willing to meet my parents?"

Carter was stunned into silence. I didn't know if that meant he was touched or appalled that I would ask.

"You – you want me to meet your parents ... because ...?"

"Because you're important to me. If we take this relationship further — if we're a couple — I want them to know who you are."


"I do."

He crushed me like a boa constrictor. "That's so nice."

"You haven't met them yet."

"Wait! You said you liked them."

"I love them. They are great; they are supportive. You'll just be the `new' boyfriend."

"Oooo. Should I be worried?"

"No. They've always liked my boyfriends. They just might ask a lot of questions."

"What if they ask about my past??"

"Tell them you grew up in Jackson Bend."

"Hmm. They probably don't like tattoos either. I should wear a long-sleeved shirt."

"Just be yourself, babe. Now, I wouldn't rip open your shirt just to bare your chest and your nipple piercing."

He chuckled. "Noted. I hope they like me."

"I'm positive they will."

"How do you know?

"Because I like you. That's all they need to know."

He smiled.

"I heard from Layton."

"You did?" he said, surprised.

"Yeah. He told me you told him we were seeing each other, so ..."

"Yeah. He kind of cornered me. I hope that's okay."

"We have nothing to hide. He seems to be happy for us. He asked me to take care of you."

"Aw." He looked at me. "I was just glad he wasn't jealous."

We went into the kitchen. He offered me a beer, but I chose iced tea.

"I have a bit of ... unfortunate news," he muttered.

"Uh oh."

"I had more of the layered dip for lunch today. I'm not sure why, but my stomach didn't take to it today. It has been a little wanky. For dinner, I was just going to do a soup, and I can make a salad."

"That's fine. No big deal."

He sat down. "And ... the way my stomach is, I don't think that ... later ... I will feel very ... sexual."

I reached for his hand. "Babe, I thoroughly enjoy making love to you, but it isn't a requirement for us to have sex every time we get together. We didn't for the first two weeks."

"I know. I made you wait. I wanted you to like me for me and not just because I had a dick attached. Back in Chicago it was instant sex, falling into bed immediately. I didn't want that with you. I wanted us to start out on more than that."

"And we have."

"But ... just because my stomach is all jacked up doesn't mean I can't take care of you. If you'd like a blowjob, I'll be happy to."

I kissed him. "I think just being in your arms a while will be just perfect."

He smiled.

After we ate, we snuggled on the couch listening to music. Kissing was enjoyable as well.

"How about ... after we see your parents next week that ... you spend the night here?"

I turned to look into his eyes. I smiled. "I'd like that."


I didn't stay late. He offered to suck my cock again, but I told him I was content to just relax with him.

I had finished telling the coffee group that I was taking Carter to meet my parents. They were excited to hear my new relationship was going well. I drove straight from Joe to Carter's house.

He answered the door wearing slacks, a dress shirt, a sharp belt and dress shoes. "Do you want me to wear a tie?"

"Good Lord, no. If it was any warmer, I'd be in shorts. You're meeting my parents, not the governor."

"Do I look okay?"

"You look fucking hot. Not as hot as you did on Valentine's Day in that blazer, but a close second. Come here."

He walked into my arms, and I gave him a huge kiss.

"I'm nervous."

"Don't be. My folks are sweet people. They may just ask a zillion questions. I'll intervene when necessary."

Carter's expression was slightly pained. I knew he was experiencing the uneasiness of anxiety. I wondered if the estranged nature with his own parents didn't factor in as well. He was humbled to be introduced to my parents, but he didn't have any desire to see his. Did that embarrass him, knowing he could not reciprocate this gesture with me?

"Should I know anything before we go in? Is there any family stuff I shouldn't mention?"

"You don't know any family stuff. We don't really have skeletons. I have an older sister Penny that I hardly ever see. She lives in Virginia, but it seems like her work has her out of the country about a third of the year."

"Wow. Will I seem too plain and ordinary to them?"

"Cooper was an accountant, so that wasn't anything super exciting."

"But ... that's much more respectable than a bartender."

"They have never been judgmental of any of my boyfriends. Just be yourself."

Carter took a deep breath. "Okay."

"It's not far. Only about thirty minutes outside of town. My mother actually works in Jackson Bend three days a week."

"It's – it's nice that you see them. You know, fairly regularly."

"I guess. At least once a month. I'm lucky to see Penny once a year. She kind of lives her own life. Nothing's wrong or anything, but she just does her own thing. The distance makes it hard too. She turns 40 next year, which is shocking."


"Nope. Very career-oriented. No children. I'm sure that disappointed Mom to an extent, not that she would ever tell Penny that. They fly out to see her twice a year usually. She tries to come home for Christmas, although last year she was in Singapore."

We walked to the car. As we drove, Carter softly sang to the radio. I was impressed that he knew the lyrics to almost every song.

"Your voice is so beautiful."

"Oh stop. Now you made me self-conscious."

I reached over to hold his hand. I turned to look at him again. "You're so handsome."

I glanced again a few seconds later, only to smile to see that his face had turned a little red.

I pointed out a few spots on a country road that had relevance to my childhood, not that anything was really interesting. I felt him knowing a bit more about me might help. He had shared a lot of his past. The only thing of mine he knew was that I was a cheater.

Soon, we were in the driveway.

As we got out of the car, he had a moment of panic. "Damn. I should have brought something. Like flowers or something. Fuck, I want to make a good first impression."

"You will if you don't cuss, so that's the only tip I need to give you."

"Okay. Got it."

I knocked on the door, but I never waited for them to answer. I just opened it and ducked my head in. "We're here!"

Carter looked so handsome, but handsomely terrified.

Both my parents met us at the coat closet, as I hung our jackets.

"Mom, Dad, this is Carter, Carter Robinson. Carter, these are my parents, Glenda and Hudson Sanders."

"It's very nice to meet you," Carter said, extending his hand and shaking those of my parents.

"Well, come in. I'm just wrapping up fixing lunch. It should be ready in about fifteen minutes," Mom said.

Dad had been looking through the Sunday paper. I liked that he still did so. Many people comment on how it is a dying industry; I was proud my father championed it. Emory always had one at Joe too.

"It smells good, Mom," I yelled to the kitchen. "Do you need any help?"

"I'm fine," her voice answered.

I looked to see the table had been set as well.

"Apparently you rate the good china," I softly said to Carter.

A few minutes later, Mom began darting back and forth from the kitchen to the dining room with this and that: butter, salt and pepper, trivets, a sugar bowl, a gravy boat, dressings.

"Mitchy, you can put ice in the glasses if you want to help."


"Mitchy," he whispered with a smile. "How cute."

"Not as cute as your Sweetie," I whispered back.

I gave him a quick kiss, and our telepathic glance conveyed how impressed he was that we could do that with our parents in the room.

"All right, men. It's ready," Mom said.

Carter hesitated a second to make sure he didn't sit in the wrong spot.

"My, you are tall," Mom said, putting her hand on his shoulder. "And I always thought Cooper was tall."

Ooo. Would Carter want to hear any references of my ex? Heaven knows I would make numerous mentions of him from time to time. Now my parents?

Mom had the table now covered with a roast, mashed potatoes, green beans and a large salad. She realized she forgot the bread, so she ducked back to the kitchen.

"This looks quite wonderful," Carter said. "Thank you for preparing it."

"Oohhh. We are glad you are here," Mom gushed.

"How did you two meet?" Dad asked us.

I took control of the question. "Well, we became good friends first. As you know, I was in therapy last fall. When I got out of my session with Logan, I often just wanted to go ... somewhere ... go out. I'd hop into where Carter works on Wednesday nights."

I could sense him stiffen knowing I was about to tell them he was a bartender.

"Carter tends bar at my favorite place. He is great at his job."

"Oh," Mom said.

"If there is something funny to our story," my boyfriend added, "It's that I don't date customers. Over the weeks that Mitch came in, I kind of really fell for him."

"Awww. I can see why," Mom gushed.

"And yet, my own personal policy of not dating customers kept me from asking him out. Then, when a coworker of mine did — and that didn't work out — I knew that I didn't want to miss my chance."

"So ... what about your workplace's policy of not dating customers?" my father asked.

"Oh, it's just my own rule. I went out to lunch with Mitch one day and asked him to stop coming in."

Mom laughed. "Goodness."

"It was a lot to ask. He could have said `no,' but he ..."

"I wanted to see where it might go," I jumped in.

"We're not quite four weeks into it, but ... I find Mitch to be very special."

Carter was scoring points with Mom by complimenting me.

"Well, I think so, but I'm a bit partial," she said.

With no questions surrounding his profession, Carter seemed to breathe a little easier. His kind words about the meal also made Mom warm to him.

"Are you still seeing Logan?" Dad asked.

"Only for drinks."

Dad laughed.

"I'm probably doing better spending money on drinks than in his therapy sessions. I am sure I am probably getting the same advice off the clock.

"Where do you guys go?" Carter asked.

"We only go out every couple of weeks probably, but ... Daniel's."

"Of course."

I switched conversation to my parents' lives. I figured that would take the spotlight off of us.

As lunch was winding down, Mom curiously — but not surprisingly — went into a series of questions toward Carter.

"Tell us about your family."
"Have you always lived in Jackson Bend?"
"Do you have any special interests?"
"How do you keep so fit?"
"Do you two have any travel plans?"

She beamed at a picture of Fletcher on Carter's phone. After enough questions, Dad intervened.

"Carter, while Mitch and Glenda clear the table, how about I show you the back of the house."

Dad winked at me, and I mouthed the words "thank you" to him.

Because the house was outside the city, we had a huge back yard growing up. It went back to a forested area at the end of our property.

Dad walked him outside. As Mom and I cleared the plates, I said, "Okay, Mom. Enough with the Twenty Questions."

"Oh, I just want to get to know him. He's very different than Cooper."

"That he is."

"He isn't your normal type."

"And what exactly is my normal type?"

"Ohh, well. Maybe more business-like."

"You've probably met four of my boyfriends my whole life. Cooper was the most business-like of them."

"Perhaps. You've told me about others. I like this Carter just fine. He's handsome. It's a different handsome than Cooper, but ... he's nice."

"He's very nice. I like him a lot. And he likes me."

"And that's all I care about."

We had everything loaded into the dishwasher and leftovers stored. Dad and Carter came back into the house five minutes later.

Mom asked if we'd like coffee with dessert, but we said our iced tea was fine.

As we enjoyed a slice of cheesecake, I mentioned that Cooper was terrified of Corey getting his learner's permit in a week.

"You still talk to ... Cooper?" Dad asked, his eyes going back and forth from me to Carter.

"Yes. We're still in the same building. We've become good friends again." I paused. "And Carter knows all about Cooper. Everything."

I made sure that was on the table. Mom looked slightly forlorn for a moment, but she then recovered.

"He has invited me to a surprise birthday party for Larry later this week."

"He has?" Mom asked.

"He has?" Carter echoed.

"He has," I calmly said to Carter. "It's good. It's fine."

Carter gave me a small smile and winked.

I did hope that night would go well. I couldn't see why anything would go wrong.

"Ungh! Ungh! Ohhh. Ohhh!! Mitchell! Sweetie. Ohhhhh. Yeah."

I spread my legs wider. Carter's cock pushed powerfully into me. "Come in me, babe."

"Yeah! Oh yeah!!"

"Unload it in me. Shove that cock into me."

"Oh yeah. Oh yeah. I am. I'm coming, Mitchell. I'm ... UNGH!!! ... I'm coming ... Coming ... Coming ...Coming ... Coming ... Oohhh..."

He pushed his erection into me one last time before leaning down to devour my mouth. His tongue forced his way in to touch mine, rub mine, to dance with mine.

He lifted up. He stared into my eyes but dared not tell me he loved me — but his eyes did.

He pulled his cock from my hole. With nary a second of hesitation, his mouth was on my stiff organ.

He sucked me for a minute.

He sucked me for three minutes.

He sucked me and jerked my cock.

He sucked and jerked and hummed into my cock.

He sucked and jerked and hummed into my cock and fondled my balls.

I reached over to grip his hanging penis. With a couple gentle pulls, that was all I needed. Even though Carter had climaxed minutes earlier, he swallowed all of my eruption. I groaned as I felt his tongue lap all the cum that was coating it.

His mouth made a tight seal. A centimeter at a time, he ever so slowly pulled off of my shaft.

Our mouths and tongues once again played with each other.

Then his body was nuzzled into mine. I extended my arm, and his shoulder moved into my armpit. His teeth gently nibbled an ear lobe.

"I enjoyed meeting your parents," he said. "They were nice."

"They are. Slightly quirky, but ... I'm sure everyone thinks that of their parents, but ... yeah, they're nice."

"Quirky isn't a word I would use for mine."

"I was glad you could meet them. Thanks for being willing."

"I've never been asked. It was ... kind of meaningful, if that doesn't sound dumb."

"Your compliments to Mom sure won her over."

"Every one of them was sincere." His hand turned my head to look at him directly. "I didn't embarrass you in any way, did I?"

"Of course not. How would you do that?"

"I just want to live up to your expectations. I know I don't in some ways."

I leaned on an elbow. "Don't do that. I'm the one who should do that."

"No. You're per-" And he stopped. He knew I didn't like to be called perfect. "You're everything I hoped you would be when I decided to ask you out."

"I'm so glad you did. Our time together is ... it's wonderful. I look forward to spending time with you, Carter."

We rolled into each other's arms and kissed madly. Our dicks slightly touched. Our ankles intertwined.

For twenty minutes, we just held. Naked. Feeling the warmth of each other.

"Hey, what did my Dad talk about when you were in the backyard?" I asked.

"Oh, acreage. Mowing. Trees."

"He didn't grill you with further questions?"

"No. Once I mentioned something about my house, and he knew I owned one, I guess he knew I wasn't a financial mooch."

I laughed.

"Are you hungry yet?" he asked.

I turned to the clock. It was a little after 6.

"Not famished. It was a big lunch."

"And your mother sent home leftovers for both of us." He chuckled.

"Yeah. That's her. I have lunch for tomorrow."

"Good. If we don't have to eat immediately, I can hold you longer." Carter pulled my body tight to his.

My arms held his arms. My chest touched his chest. My dick touched his dick. My nose touched his nose.

His hand moved from my back to an ass cheek.

"I love it when your body touches mine," I softly said.

"Same here. Not everyone can do this."

"What? Being held?"

"After sex?? Oh no." Carter pulled back a couple of inches. "Some guys don't want to be touched after they come."

I kissed him. "Foolish mortals." He kissed me.

My fingers roamed his chest. I felt the soft hair. I touched a nipple. My fingers went to the other nipple and gently felt his piercing.

"That didn't hurt you or anything today, did it?" he asked.

"No. I've only felt it a couple of times." I pulled back. "Have you ever caught it on something?"

"Only once. A loose thread inside a shirt snagged and pulled it. Ouch. But just that once."

"Hmm." I gently touched it further. I didn't get the allure of ever having one, but I was used to Carter's piercing.

Carter reached down to hold my dick as my hand explored his body.

"Did you get all the tattoos at one time?"

"Heavens no. It took a few weeks. Maybe twelve hours total. Line work first, color next."


"Mmm. It was just under a thousand, but that was several years ago."


"I know you don't like it."

"Don't give that another thought. It means nothing in how I feel about you. I think you're ..." I kissed him. "Very ..." I kissed him. "Awesome ..." I kissed him. "Just as you are."

"Thanks for giving me ... us ... a chance."

"Thanks for wanting a chance. I'm glad you're in my life."

He gave me a passionate kiss.

"I love our time together," he said, pulling his lips from mine.

I realized my cock was still in his grip, hard as a rock again.

"God, I love that thing," he breathed, peering down at it. "But we should get up."

A quick peck on his lips, then: "Okay."

As we stood, I saw that Carter was also erect on the other side of the bed. Despite our "taking it slow" at the beginning, our sex life was good. Very good.

"Let's see what I might have in the freezer," he said.

Slipping on underwear and T-shirts, we both sauntered into the kitchen.

Carter gazed into his freezer. "Hmm. I don't see anything here. Wait. There's a half loaf of bread. What would you think about a grilled cheese."


He pulled out four slices onto a plate and placed the remaining bread in the freezer.

Fletcher became interested in us again once we were in the kitchen — and had some clothes on.

7 o'clock: grilled cheese and tomato soup.

8 o'clock: Only Murders In The Building, the first three episodes

9 o'clock: Frozen yogurt

10 o'clock: The news

At 10:45, we headed to the bedroom.

"Is it hard for you to go to bed this early?" I asked.

"I may not fall asleep right away, but having your body next to mine is a great way for me to relax."


"I'm just worried that I will snore and keep you awake," he said.

"We'll see."

He reached into a drawer and pulled out a small plastic bag with ear plugs in them. "If worse comes to worst."

I laughed.

We brushed our teeth, peed and stayed in our underwear and T-shirts.

Fletcher was up on the bed, claiming his spot.

"I'm glad you are staying over," he said, turning out the lights.

"Me too. You're sure it's okay?"

"Of course."

After walking around the bed, Fletcher wedged himself between Carter's legs and mine.

"I guess we'll see if it's okay with him," I joked.

Carter chuckled.

"Mitch ... did you ... were you ... were you wanting to have sex again?"

"Oh, babe. As much as I love being intimate with you, we just did it a few hours ago. I mean ... I could, but you have satisfied me today." I paused. "Did ... you?"

"I'm good. I just didn't want you to be disappointed if you were staying over."

My arm went over his chest. I kissed him on the cheek. "You never disappoint, Carter Robinson."

"Thank heavens."

My hand went down to his bulge. As much as we both said we were fine, we were both hard as steel.

"Is it okay if I just hold it for a while?" I asked.


My hand slipped under the waistband, and I gripped his cock.

"You feel good," I said into his neck.

"Mmm," he hummed in the darkness.

After holding his erection for a minute, I let go and petted Fletcher. I felt his tail whap into my hip.

"Hey, babe, you're okay with me going to Larry's surprise party, aren't you?"

"That's fine." He turned to face me. "That's really your thing to figure out. I knew you had concerns over the holidays, but I feel you have worked things out with him ... and Cooper. I'm okay with it."

"Okay. Good. I don't want to do anything to mess us up."

We kissed. He felt my bulge. He didn't touch the hard flesh, but he rubbed the outside of my underwear.

"You're so sexy."

"We are. Together."

And we were. We were working out great. As much as things seemed to be clicking, I felt the same with Layton before. But I knew where Carter stood. Layton threw me a curve. I was glad I gave Carter and me a chance. We were good together. I liked him. I liked him a lot. A whole lot.

How deep were my feelings? How deep did I want them to be?

I didn't know how long Carter was awake, but he took his arm from my protrusion and wrapped it around my chest. I fell asleep quickly.

I stared at my card. What does one write to the boyfriend — partner — that replaces you??

It was nice to be invited to Larry's party. He and I had been on good terms for a couple of months now. We talk, we hug. We both would probably admit there were a few threads of awkwardness, but I fully accepted that Cooper was his. He knew that too.

But what does one write?? If I just signed it, that would probably be fine. But did I want to be fine?

The question was ... what did I feel? And could I put that into words? I would always love Cooper in some form. Cooper seemed incredibly happy. Even though it tore me apart that I wasn't the person that made him happy, I was still glad that he was. I respected Larry for that.

I picked up the pen.


Time has a way of making us understand
certain things we don't wish to accept.
I want you to know that I am happy for
you and Cooper. I still have to work at
becoming a better man, but know this,
I am. It may take me time, but I hope to
be someone like you one day, someone
who knows how to love properly. Cooper
chose the right man.

I signed it.

Was that too much for a birthday card?? Did I overstep? Did that make things easier between us or harder?

I drove straight to Cooper's street immediately after work. The instructions were to park a block away and walk to the house. The weather was nice enough.

As I arrived, a few people were there already. I thought I had met Natalie's husband, but I couldn't pull out his name. Corey reminded me, after he gave me a bear hug. I said hello to them. I didn't know one gentleman. He introduced himself as Kenton Shuppe. He had sold the store to Larry a few years ago. Emory and Don arrived. That was two more familiar faces. Mike and Trent arrived. I didn't know them well, but they were kind enough to talk to me, even though they felt slightly uncomfortable around me.

Cooper made sure we knew the instructions. We were to hide. He told Maria at work to detain Larry a little longer to make sure we could all get here.

"Shhhh," Cooper said to everybody. "He's here."

We took our hidden positions. A minute later, Larry walked in through the front door.

"Ugh. I stink like hell. I need a shower," he said.

"Surprise!" everyone yelled around each corner, jumping out in celebration.

"Holy fucking hell!" Larry screamed. "You scared the bejeesus out of me!"

We stood motionless and silent, but we remained smiling, dumbfounded how to respond.

"Well. Huh. Sorry about my response there. This is ... well. I'd hug each of you if I wasn't so foul. I'm sorry. I'm all sweaty and sawdust is stuck to me and ... you wouldn't believe my day at work. Please. Just give me ten minutes to rinse off."

Larry headed off to the bedroom beet red from embarrassment.

"Okay. That was sort of unexpected, but we can give him some time," Cooper awkwardly smiled.

Since Larry was home, Cooper fired up the grill to cook burgers. I went out to see if he needed help.

Natalie had baked a nice cake. I complimented her on it. She had always made nice cakes. She and I were never super close, but she was pleasant enough to me.

Corey started making a few side dishes. Mike and Trent had brought an Asian salad. I felt kind of bad for not contributing, but neither did Don or Emory or Kenton.

We were told no gifts, but there was a selection of cards on the coffee table. Mine was in the stack.

Larry emerged as quickly as he could. He had put on a fresh shirt and new jeans. Cooper confirmed that he smelled great and managed a quick kiss. He mingled with each guest and profusely apologized for his initial reaction. He particularly asked for Corey's — and indirectly Natalie's — forgiveness for his choice of words. Corey hugged him strongly with a "Happy birthday." Natalie seemed forgiving.

"I'm glad you are here. Having family here makes it a real celebration," he told Natalie, Corey and Daryl. I felt a little bit hollow. I pictured Cooper, Corey and me as a family for so many months. And I wasn't a part of this configuration of family at all. That stung, but I accepted it. I owned it. And I was happy for Larry — and those he felt were family. He seemed to have made better inroads with Natalie than I did, even though she was very polite to me now.

Cooper carried the hamburger meat out to the back deck. Larry saw him and followed.

I saw them talk a moment and then kiss. Larry was obviously surprised by the event, but I could tell he was pleased with Cooper's efforts.

Mike and Trent came up to me. I had a hunch they felt sorry for me. The fact that I was invited confirmed that Cooper and I had patched things up. I didn't know what all Cooper had told them, but I appreciated their small talk to make me feel included.

The first hour was lively with laughter and conversation. The burgers seemed to be fine with everyone for a "dinner" and Corey's Dr Pepper baked beans and scalloped potatoes were a hit.

Cooper received a text and started hot water in the kitchen sink. A minute later, the doorbell rang.

"Babe, my hands are rinsing all this. Can you get the door?" he called to Larry. The ruse continued.

Larry went to answer. When the door was opened, he found his whole staff outside. "Happy birthday!" they screamed in unison.

A second layer of surprise was the goal. Maria and Cooper had planned this for weeks he told me at work.

With everyone there, Cooper instructed Natalie to cut the cake, and Daryl was on hand to scoop ice cream. Corey was ready with a candle for Laramie's slice. The rest of the group had been warned not to sing. Trent and Corey had practiced a special rendition of "Happy Birthday to You." It had enough harmonizing and flourish that it doubled the length of the famed tune, but it was nicer than anything ever heard sung in a restaurant. The group clapped, and Larry blew out his candle.

Their song made me think of Carter's wonderful voice. I couldn't wait to see him again. It would only be two days.

Everyone complimented Natalie on the cake. She blushed at the praise. It was a strawberry cream cake, one of Cooper's favorites.

Maria had brought an edited video on a flash drive. The staff had spent a couple of weeks filming Laramie at work. Some of the clips were funny, some showed his dedication. More than anything it portrayed him as a great boss. It moved him; we could tell. I didn't know Larry well when Cooper and I were trying to make things work. We were casual friends. In the past weeks, I surprisingly had seen Larry's softer side on Sunday mornings. He was a good man.

Cooper's surprise had come off well. Larry was touched and happy. Seeing him happy with Cooper warmed me in a way I didn't expect. Their interactions — their love for each other — were a joy to watch. It reminded me of ... Carter and me.

Larry started opening his cards. Most were funny, but there was a serious one here or there.

He paused after reading mine. I could tell it affected him; I hoped in a good way. He didn't pass it around. He slipped it back in the envelope. I could tell Cooper was curious. Larry nonchalantly scanned the room to find me. He couldn't say anything, or people would have wondered what I had written. His eyes moistened and he put his hand on his heart. I understood.

We were told the party would not be an all-night affair. Cooper had more plans and surprises. Larry was touched by everyone's presence. Around 9 o'clock, his staff headed out. They had offered a gift to him. With everyone pitching in a little, it was simple enough to provide Cooper and him with dinner out at Lawrence Creek.

Each of his employees hugged him, even all the men. I heard him say, "I appreciate all of you." They left.

"We're about to leave," Corey said, giving me a big hug.

Daryl shook my hand. Natalie paused in front of me.

"Mitch, I hope things continue to go well for you. I honestly do."

"Thanks, Natalie. It's nice to see you. I hope you and Daryl are happy and healthy."

We smiled. We didn't have much to say. I was grateful I was no longer the "man who turned her husband gay." She had learned a lot and accepted a lot.

Daryl, Natalie and Corey began their exit. Hugs continued. I think Larry hugged Natalie the most. he whispered something into her ear.

Corey hugged Larry. I could see a strong love between them. He then walked back to me to give me a big hug. It was obvious to me that Corey was mature enough to recognize when adult situations could contain tender wounds. He was a smart kid; I would always love him.

It was my turn to head out. I said good night to each person remaining. Everyone was kind to me. I wondered if they somehow felt sorry for me. I was the one "who didn't get Cooper." But they knew it was all my fault. I just hoped they accepted me in spite of my mistakes and flaws.

And I knew Carter did.

I walked up to Larry.

"Your words moved me. I appreciated you being here," he told me.

We gave a quick hug.

"Hope it was a great birthday, Larry."

He pulled me back in and hugged me tighter. That embrace conveyed a lot. I found Larry to be an empathathetic and sympathetic person. Who couldn't love him? He and Cooper were a great fit.

Just like Carter and me.

I sat in my car. I didn't turn on the ignition. I sat there. Thinking.

Just like Carter and me. I thought of every single obstacle that should stand in our way and how we didn't let it be an issue. We were quite different, but we were also quite ... right.

I couldn't wait to see him in two days. As I sat there, I realized I literally could not wait.

I started the car and drove to The Black Stallion.

When I arrived, I walked in with determination. Lorenzo saw me first.

"Mitch! It's great to see you! I've missed you."

I didn't reply. I kept walking.

Having heard my name, Carter turned and saw me in the bar. He looked at me completely confused.

I kept walking. I didn't stop. I kept going until I was behind the bar. Layton was at the other end, and he watched, also confused.

"Mitch, what are you doing h-"

My lips were on his before he could finish his question. I sealed them together. I held him tightly and didn't allow the kiss to break.

Patrons at the bar cheered.

We finally separated. "What's going on?" he asked.

"Give me your keys."


"Give me your keys."


"Give me your keys. I want to be waiting for you when you get home."

"But ..."

I took them from his hand and removed the house key.

"I'll be waiting for you when you get home."

"But ..."

And I left.

"What the hell?" he said as I walked away.

I knew Carter's house didn't have an alarm. I helped myself to a beer. I spent a little bit of time giving Fletcher some attention. He was not expecting me, but after a few barks, his tail was wagging. He sat next to me on the couch as I watched the news.

I knew Carter wouldn't get home until after 2:30, but I wanted to be there. I prepared for bed to get some sleep before he returned home.

The thoughts in my head made no sense. My brain tried to connect them, but the sounds I was hearing caused them to continue to fade. I opened my eyes. The dream that I realized was bizarre faded as I sat up. I could hear Carter's voice. I looked at the clock. It was 2:48. He was in the shower. He was singing.

I walked down the hall to the bathroom. Fletcher was sitting outside the bathroom, but the door was ajar. Carter was singing "Believe" by Cher. I loved listening to him sing. I opened the door enough to walk in. As I let the sung words flow over me, I knew it was right for me to be here. To be with him. Right now.

The shower curtain had bands that were translucent enough for him to become aware of my presence.

"Mitchell? Are you there?"

"I am."

He pulled the curtain open a foot. I saw the body I loved soaking wet.

"What are you doing? Oh. I'm sorry. My singing woke you up. I'm sorry, Sweetie."

"I love listening to you sing."

He rolled his eyes.

"You know what else I love?"

He didn't answer. He just looked at me. He waited for me to tell him.

"You. I love you."

His eyes darted all over the place as he absorbed my words.

"You ...?"

"Yes. I. Love. You."

"Are you sure?"


"Get in here!"

He pulled my arm and I barely avoided stumbling over the edge of the bathtub.

"Wait. I'm in my underwear."

"Who cares?!"

He kissed me and held me and smothered me in masculine, wet arms.

"I love you, Mitch," he said over the water. "That's okay to say now, right?"

"It is. I love you too. I know it now."

"It's just been one month. Are you sure?"

"I knew it tonight. All the things that are supposed to let you know, I felt them all. I just kept thinking I couldn't wait to see you. All the pieces fell into place. For some reason you love me. I don't know why. But I don't want to fight it. I love you too."

My underwear was completely soaked in the hot spray. The outline of my cock was completely obvious. But we didn't care about dicks or sex or showers. We were thinking with our hearts.

My forehead touched his. My nose touched his. Water poured over both of us.

"I couldn't wait until Saturday. I had to tell you tonight," I said, water spitting from my lips. "I needed to tell you I loved you."

"I'm glad," he said. "I'm just afraid that this will turn out that I'm already in bed. I'm dreaming it."

"You're holding me. Feel me. I'm real. I'm here." I kissed him. "I'm here because I love you."

"But, what about ..."

"There are no buts. I haven't felt this way in so long. I'm certain. It's like a ... a siren. I'm just absolutely certain."

He grabbed my ass, covered in cloth. I pulled my underwear below my balls, so that my dick could rub against his.

"Oh, God," he breathed. "I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you."

Our mouths and tongues wrangled. He put a hand behind my head and pressed my lips harder onto his. I held our two cocks together.

The spray poured between our faces again.

"If we don't get out of here," he said over the cascade. "I'm going to give you a blowjob in this shower ... and I want more than that."

He turned off the water. He reached for a towel he had on a hook. He toweled himself as dry as he could.

"Get out of those wet things," he said.

My underwear fell to the bottom of the bathtub. He stepped to the closet to get me a dry towel.

"Stay still."

He was my towel boy.

We entered the bedroom with most of our bodies dry, but our hair was pretty wet. His was shorter, so it would dry quickly.

"Make love to me. Fuck me, Mitchell. Please?"

"I can't think of anything that would make me happier."

Carter shut the bedroom door to keep Fletcher out.

A minute later, a candle was lit at 3:03.

3:04. Our bodies were entwined in their warm flesh, endless limbs and hard organs.

3:05. We had begun moaning and groaning as we kissed and rubbed.

3:06. Carter took his tongue from my mouth, begging me breathlessly to fuck him.

3:07. Two fingers had Carter writhing and squirming with his hole now lubed.

3:08. My slick cock went all the way inside the man I loved.

3:09. I began a pleasing rhythm for both of us — me and the man I loved.

3:10. We moaned at the same level as my cock went in and out of the man I loved.

3:11. I stiff-armed my body to push my erection in deeper. I stared down at the man I loved.

3:12. I groaned louder as I fucked the man I loved.

3:13. My back, my shoulders, my ass were being gripped by the man I loved.

3:14. "Fuck me harder!" was screamed at me by the man I loved.

3:15. We howled. I was screaming, so was the man I loved.

3:16. My cock was alive and throbbing inside the man I loved.

3:17. I came inside the man I loved.

"I'm coming, Carter. Ohhhhh, God! I'm coming inside you, babe. I'm commmminnnnnnnnngggggggg."

"Yes! DO IT! Unload your love in me!" he grunted at me at the same time.

Carter grabbed his cock and jerked fiercely.

"Stay in, Mitch. I'm ... I'm ... holy fuck. I'm gonna. I'm. FUCK YES!"

Cum hit my chest. I felt it's warm, sticky wetness.

He panted for air, still stroking his erection.

"Holy fuck. I was so ... so worked up. That was so hot. Wow. I didn't realize I needed to come. Man, that was fast."

Still up on my elbows, I looked at him; he looked at me. We smiled.

We were in love. Our smile said it. Our eyes said it.

"We're good together," I said.


I pushed my dick into him one more time. He closed his eyes and breathed out "yes." He clutched my ass, his fingers digging into my cheeks. He pressed me into him. Even though it was beginning to soften, my cock filled him.

I leaned down to kiss him, and then our bodies were no longer conjoined. I crawled from the bed to get us a washcloth. As I opened the door, Fletcher came into the bedroom.

I wiped off his chest. I had taken care of mine in the bathroom.

I blew out the candle and felt my way back to the bed.

In the darkness, we kissed one last time.

Hopefully, I would be able to get a few more hours of sleep, but I was caught up in the magic of our love.

"Love you, Mitchell," he whispered.

"Love you, babe."

My hand gently rubbed the jaw of Carter's face. He opened his eyes.

"Oh!" he said, seeing me standing above him, fully dressed. "You're ready to go."

"It was tough to leave the bed."

"I didn't even hear your alarm," he said groggily. "Did you shower?"

"I did."

"Slept through it all."

"That's a good thing."

"I'll see you tomorrow."

I leaned down to kiss him. He reached for my neck to hold me. Following our kiss, we hugged.

"I love you, Carter."

"Thank you for coming over last night. I love you, too."

So often over the past year, I entered work with a TGIF attitude. As I started my car, I simply thought to myself, "Thank God, I'm in love again."

* * * *


Next: Chapter 28

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