School Friends

By Bi Boy

Published on Jan 9, 2014


This story is a complete work of fiction. Please do not read it if it is against any laws that apply to you. Seriously – I don't want you getting into any trouble just because you read this – go away now if you even think you are breaking any laws by reading this. You have been warned!

This story is a fantasy work that just kind of came into my head one day and I decided to put it to paper. It is my very first story I have ever written of this kind, let alone post on a story site. It is a bi-sexual romp between junior high and high school students living in a fictional boarding school in Southern California. There is absolutely no intentional similarities between any real or fictional person living and ever having lived as far as I know. Any similarities that do exist are purely coincidental and can be attributed to just plain stupid luck.

I have no idea at this point how many chapters this story will have, but I have already mostly completed the second chapter and will be posting it soon.

I retain all copyrights to this work and ask that it never be re-published anywhere in any form without my express written consent. My email is if you would like to leave any comments or constructive criticism. If you feel like flaming feel free – but know I can hit the delete button pretty easily.

Please enjoy "School Friends Chapter 1"


Alysa loved summer, loved sun tanning, and absolutely loved the way her looks were attracting attention from boys (and girls). This year, Alysa was able to mail-order a really skimpy bright orange bikini that made her feel like she was wearing nothing. She was sure her parents would never approve, but she took advantage of her current independent status of being in a dorm. It had material that allowed the sun through the material, allowing her to get an all-over tan that she craved. Her parents own a ranch in Texas that had a couple ponds - one of which she would often lay by in her birthday suit getting tans that made her the envy of everyone at school when she returned for the fall semester. This year, her family went to Africa for the summer and Alysa just wasn't into it. So she opted to stay in her dorm at her private school in Southern California and take a couple classes. Her bathing suit allowed her to achieve her tanning goals without risking tanning nude on the roof of her dorm room and getting caught. Alysa is a stunning 15 year old brunette standing about 5 foot 8 and weighting 105 pds. She had a body that was perfect for modeling - not a huge bust (yet), long legs, and a perfect bubble butt. She loved running and biking and was very toned. She loved keeping herself perfectly bare, and took a lot of time and care grooming her pubic area as well as her hair and face.

Justin was Alysa's best friend Chloe's younger brother. Justin and Chloe had parents that were going through a divorce, and they too opted to spend this summer at the school and take a couple classes and hang out with their friends. (More than a few friends ended up staying over this summer.) Justin is 13 1/2, curly blonde hair, about 5 foot 5 and weighs just under 125. He started working out this year and the results so far were very evident. He had a very defined chest, a great start to a six-pack, and arms and legs that were perfect for his body. He had older board-shorts on that were a bit too tight for him, and rolled up the legs to get as much sun on his legs as he could. He had a light Justing of blonde hairs on his legs and a little bit of hair under his arms. He was a swimmer and so he usually kept himself completely bare, but since the start of summer break he didn't shave his legs but did keep is groin completely bare. He had no hair anywhere else.

Chloe had planned to spend time with her younger brother, Alysa, Chad and Brendan this morning and go to a shopping mall and just hang out. Chloe, Chad and Brendan had to work on a project for a class they were all in, and their procrastination finally caught up to them. So Chloe begged Alysa to watch Justin for her, and Chloe would make it up to her later. At first, Alysa was a little annoyed at having to pretty much baby-sit, but after a while, she started appreciating Justin in ways she never expected.

Both were on their backs on lawn chairs laying on top of their favorite beach towels. Justin had his legs straddled on each side of the chair, with his sandal clad feet flat on the ground. His hands were behind his head and he was wearing his Oakley sun-glasses which hid his eyes from Alysa's view. He had beads of sweat all over his body, and she suddenly noticed that his dick was obviously semi-hard and going down his right board-shorts pants leg. She too had sun-glasses on and hoped that Justin wouldn't be able to see where her gaze landed, and more than a few times she was sure that as she was gazing at him that his dick was growing further down his leg.

Justin really loved his Oakley's - he was sure that Alysa couldn't see that his eyes were open and he was having a really fun time ogling her goodies. Alysa had her legs slightly apart, and he was fairly sure that her bikini bottom had slid over a bit and that one of her vulva was fully exposed. He was trying to work out why her vulva looked as tan as the rest of her - which also made him question if that was part of her pussy hanging out, or if it was just his over-active imagination. He had had a crush on Alysa for as long as he could remember - she was perfect to him - if only she was a couple years younger or he was a couple years older. Alysa's skin was deliciously golden brown and she had a healthy sheen from her sweat and sun-tan lotion. Her bikini top was so small that the mounds of her tits were visible from all sides. He was doing his best to memorize every detail of her body so that when he went to his room later he could rub one or two out while thinking of her.

Alysa and Justin were both getting thirsty, but neither wanted to go down to the dorm's kitchen and get anything as they were just too absorbed in staring at each other clandestinely. The door to the roof opened, and Chloe appeared carrying a small cooler with some water and frozen juice bars.

Chloe, like Justin, was blonde with a natural slight curl to her hair. She was not as tall or skinny as Alysa, but in no way would you look at Chloe and consider her fat or even plump. She had a much larger breast-size than Alysa and a much rounder butt - but in all Chloe was as stunning a girl as Alysa. Chloe is 15 and shares a birthday with Alysa - one of the many similarities that Alysa and Chloe share. Standing as tall as her brother at five foot five and weighing just under 107 pds, she attracted just as much attention and admiration as Alysa did.

"Guys - I am so sorry! We are making excellent progress on our project, and we just need another hour or so and we will be good to head out to the mall. I thought you guys might be getting a bit hot up here, so I took a break and brought you some cold stuff. I have to run back - enjoy and see you guys in a bit!" With that, Chloe left leaving Alysa and Justin without letting them say a word.

Justin got up and opened the cooler. "Grape or Orange - what do you want?", Justin asked. "Orange and a water please - thanks!", Alysa responded - almost croaking as she hadn't realized how parched she was. Justin handed her the water and juice-pop, grabbed the same for himself, and sat back down on his lawn chair. Both opened their water bottles at the same time and chugged down about half the bottle, then at the same time groaned with appreciation, looked at each other, and started laughing.

"How do you get so tan all the time Alysa? You make everyone look bright white by comparison."

"Well, I have been tanning since I was nine - usually out by a pond on my parents ranch."

"You look awesome! I wish I was as tan as you!"

"You don't look that bad Justin - in fact you seem to be developing quite nicely."

Justin was a bit shocked, and just kind of stared at her with his mouth slightly open. Alysa felt a small shudder as she just realized she had pretty much admitted to Justin she had been paying attention to him. She quickly opened up her juice bar and laid back to enjoy it.

After a short while she looked at Justin who was enjoying his juice-bar, and for reasons she couldn't immediately understand, she felt herself get completely wet down there. She was mesmerized watching Justin eat his juice bar and was trying to figure out what it was that was driving her nuts. Then she saw it - Justin had an absolutely huge tongue! It was whipping around the juice bar quickly lapping up the rapidly melting juice as fast as it could. Her juice bar was melting onto her, mostly covering her left tit and running down her cleavage. After a short time, Justin looked over at Alysa and was all the sudden dealing with an instant major hard-on. Alysa was obviously staring at him, with her juice-pop melting and juice dripping down her body. The stream of juice was just now making it to her navel. He was intently watching, hoping the line of juice would make it lower when Alysa realized what she was doing.

"Crap - I zoned out there for a bit - I need something to clean this up - did Chloe put any towels in the cooler?"

"I didn't see any - want me to go get you something?"

"If you don't mind - thanks!"

Justin got up not realizing just how tight his board-shorts were - or how major his wood was. He walked by Alysa who couldn't believe the bulge that a thirteen year old boy could have and walked to the door on the roof. Alysa just couldn't help herself but stare at his perfectly outlined butt in his tight board-shorts. After the door closed behind him, she quickly ate what was left of her juice-pop and then started thinking about what she was feeling. Justin was turning her on, that much was sure. She idly felt down to her pussy and then suddenly had another realization - her pussy was pretty much half-way out of her bikini-bottoms. She wasn't sure if Justin had seen this, but she thought it was possible that was what was causing him to have such an aroused state. She had thought Justin thought of her as more of a sister - they had known each other for more than four years, and not once in that time did she think there was anything more than a good friendly love between them. Now, she just wasn't sure what she felt - but she was sure that she was going to try and see just what Justin had in his pants - as well as just what uses he could put his tongue to. As she was thinking about Justin, she absent-mindedly started to finger herself, and her bikini was now fully moved to the side as she rubbed her clit slowly but steadily.

Justin had been in the girls dorm many times, but he didn't really know it all that well and wasn't sure where they kept paper towels or other cleaning items. He was in the kitchen up on his toes looking at high shelves when Susie walked into the dorm's kitchen. Susie was a bit of a mystery to everyone. She was extremely smart - probably the smartest in the school, and she wasn't bad looking either. But Susie didn't like to primp herself much - instead she liked to wear her hair in a pony-tail and didn't care for makeup much. Susie for the most part kept to herself, and she didn't have a room-mate. All of the attempts to put a room-mate in her room ended with them demanding a new room. No one was talking as to why. She was about five foot seven and probably about a hundred pounds if that much. With dark brown hair, she had budding breasts and a nice body. She was fourteen years old and would be fifteen by the end of the summer.

"Can I help you find something?"

"Yea - just need some napkins or paper towels - got any?"

"The kitchen isn't as well stocked during the summer - I have some in my room - follow me and I will get you some." Justin turned and faced Susie - and was now aware of how cute she was. Susie immediately noticed Justin's aroused state but quickly averted her eyes - she didn't know exactly how to react to a cute blonde boy with a obvious hard-on practically naked in her dorm kitchen. And now she was leading him to her room. She couldn't find anything wrong with the situation though, try as she might. Justin was thinking that he needed to cool off somehow or he was going to blow - and soon.

Susie turned around and started walking to her room. Justin followed - staring at Susie's butt and thinking he needed to relieve himself soon - he was ultra horny. After going to the other end of the building and down a flight of stairs, they arrived at her room. She unlocked it and Justin followed her inside. He stopped suddenly when she realized that she had her computer screen showing a porn site that she had just finished using to get herself off. Her sudden halt caused Justin to walk right into her - and he just about came from the contact of his crotch to her butt. He was pleased that he didn't blow - he didn't think he could deal with the embarrassment.

"My room is a mess - would you mind waiting outside? I'll only be a moment"

"No problem - thanks!"

Just turned to leave - but he did notice the computer screen - and he was pretty sure what he saw was two very young guys servicing one girl. He grinned as he left thinking that he wasn't as big of a perv as he had feared - girls like porn too.

Susie closed the door and grabbed a roll of paper towels. She was certain Justin had seen the computer screen, and now that she realized that Justin was Chloe's younger brother, she was a bit worried that Justin would spill the beans to her sister. Susie 'really' liked Chloe and she didn't like the thought that this incident might interfere with her plans to get to know her better. She opened the door and threw the roll of paper towels at Justin - who caught it in the nick of time.

"Thanks! I'll bring this back when I am done!", Justin yelled to the closing door.

Susie locked her door, undressed and went over to her computer. She grabbed her favorite pair of vibrators and selected another video to watch. She was unaware that Justin was still outside the door in a bit of shock and could hear the hum of the vibrators as she turned them on.

Justin wasn't sure exactly what he was hearing, but he had an idea. He turned around to leave and head back to the roof. All the while he was thinking what a weird day this was turning out to be, and he still had his hard-on to deal with. It had gone down a bit - but to say he was horny would be like saying ice-cream is cold. He was still fairly clue-less just how much he was showing his aroused state as he had not really looked down and saw just how obvious his hard-on was. Truth be told, even if he was soft, the shorts were tight enough to leave little to the imagination - but he wasn't soft - not at all.

Alysa was pretty much lost in her thoughts, eyes shut, fingering herself, and just about to have a great orgasm when the door opened and Justin appeared. She was so into what she was doing, she didn't realize that Justin was staring at her, mouth open, and pre-cum making a huge wet-spot on his shorts for some time. She suddenly realized where she was, and that Justin would be back soon and she opened her eyes to see Justin frozen and openly staring at her. She was busted big time.

"Um . . . . . . hi?" "Yea - hi. Have some paper towels here."

As he walked over to her to hand her the roll of towels, she simply moved her bikini back into place and tried to pretend like it didn't happen. Justin knew exactly what she caught her doing, and he was in more than a little shock himself as to how to process it. As he got closer, the hard-on that Justin was sporting looked like it was going to break out of his shorts and wave 'hello'. Alysa got a funny feeling looking at Justin - how cute he was - how great his young body was - and made the decision right then and there that she was going to help the poor boy deal with his issue.

"Justin - do you want to talk about what you saw me doing?"

"Um . . . . . huh?"

"I know you saw me - and you look like you liked what you saw.", Alysa stated with a slightly husky voice as she then lifted her sun-glasses up and looked directly at his crotch which was now within arms-reach of her. Justin didn't understand why, but he started giggling - but he stopped abruptly when he felt her hand start the trace the outline of his hard-on.

"I . . . . um . . . . . Alysa?"

"You have grown up quite a bit over the last year or so - you look amazing! And I am very impressed with what this looks like - do you mind if I take a better look?", Alysa asked while grinning like a cat.

Justin was simply frozen - he was starting to panic - this was just totally unreal. He didn't reply, so Alysa simply undid the bow-tie knot keeping his shorts up and loosened the waist. Then she slowly brought the shorts down his body. Justin started to shake.

"Are you OK? I don't want to do something that will make you uncomfortable - but you look like someone who is ready for this . . . "

Justin looked down at Alysa - saw the compassionate look on her face as she said that - then saw how her look changed to lust as she then proceeded to slowly pull his shorts down. Alysa was aware that Justin had probably never been touched liked this by a girl - and she was right - so she wanted this to be as special as she could make it - given that they were on a dorm roof out in the open and any one could appear on the roof at any moment.

"I'm OK if you are - this is just new to me. You are hot as hell!"

Alysa continued pulling Justin's shorts down, and the base of Justin's penis appeared. At first Alysa thought that he didn't have any pubic hair yet - but then she saw how big it was and quickly understood he shaved just like she did. It was thick - very thick - probably exaggerated a bit because he was after all not even a fourteen year old boy. And as the shorts got lower, it was obviously long as well - she was fairly certain it had to be at least seven inches or more. Finally the mushroom head popped up and bobbed, completely covered in pre-cum. It was now freely bouncing as Justin's heart beat was dictating.

It was simply beautiful. Alysa was dumbfounded - this had been here all along, and she didn't have a clue. She looked up at Justin, who now seemed a bit more calmer, and had a shit-eating grin on his face.

"Amazing. Now sit down.", Alysa demanded.

Justin did as he was ordered, and sat down on the lawn-chair. Alysa pushed him back and stradled him, sitting directly down on top of his bare penis. She leaned down and kissed him. Justin was quickly getting a grip - he had had a crush on Alysa since he first met her - this was simply a dream come true. Now Alysa was quickly reminded about the other overly large appendage Justin was blessed with - his tongue. At first, Alysa had forced her tongue into his mouth and fluttered around - then pulled back a bit and turned her head slightly and then kissed him again. This time his tongue snaked inside of her mouth and caught her completely by surprise. She was sure that if he wanted to, he could stick his tongue down her throat. Justin was at first not aware that he might cause her to gag, but for some reason he quickly caught-on that he might not want to get too aggressive and [1]backed off a bit. Alysa's juices were flowing right onto Justin's crotch, and were starting to drip down his balls onto his beach-towel. Justin pulled back and pushed her up a bit.

"I don't think it's right at all that I am here naked and you have a bikini on. Do you mind?"

Alysa, smiling, nodded no quickly. Justin reached up and felt her tits through her bikini top. He was not sure just how much he could take as he was hotter than the sun right before coming back to the roof, but he really didn't care. Alysa moaned at the same time Justin did, and she quickly reached behind her and undid the knot and ripped her top over her head. Her tits were gorgeous. Justin quickly noticed that they were as tan as the rest of her body, and filed it away to find out about later. Justin leaned down and licked her left nipple. His tongue snaked all around and lapped at her breast like he was licking a really big scoop of ice-cream. Alysa was absolutely dripping - and feeling like this was shaping up to be the best sexual encounter so far in her young life.

"Um - can we remove your bottoms now?", Justin asked after completely bathing the right tit with his tongue.

Alysa jumped off Justin - ripped her shorts down and was about to straddle him again when she felt Justin grab hold of her and sit her down on her lawn-chair. He pulled her down so that her pussy was right in front of his face, and he went down and starting eating like a starving kid. As soon as he saw that she was tan down there and hairless, he realized what he was looking at earlier was real - and because he was dreaming all this time about what it would be like to eat Alysa, he decided not to wait any longer.

At first Justin licked the outside of her labia - up the right side - down the left side - up the middle - down the right side - then alternated this routine a bit. Then he started to snake his tongue into her dripping hole. At first Alysa was again clueless about Justin's tongue. But then it started to penetrate her - and she immediately grabbed his head and pulled him in. His tongue continued going deeper - and deeper - and deeper. She swore that his tongue was now as deep in her as her last boy-friend could get with his dick - and that was at least five inches.

Justin was holding her butt in his hands, and working his tongue all over inside her vagina as best as he could imagine would feel good to her. He was new to all this, but he had seen plenty of videos and read lots of stories and had imagined in detail what he would do if given the chance. Well his lottery ticket was a winner, and he was putting all his investigatory learning to work. Alysa was seconds away from cuming - and this cum was going to be on a level much more intense than any she had previously experienced. Justin somehow figured out how to lick her g-spot inside of her vagina, and that triggered an orgasm that she figured would kill her.

Justin knew he was doing something right - her hands were pressing his face so hard into her pussy that he was having a hard time breathing - and she was moaning to the point where he was sure they would be heard from the ground - but he didn't care at all at this point. When she started cuming, he was blasted by her watery cum - she was squirting for the first time in her life. He somehow knew it wasn't pee, and he kept doing what he was doing as vigorously as he could.

About a minute later, he glanced up at her, looking over her having breasts and see's she is in total bliss. He realizes he hasn't paid much attention to her clit, other than it rubbing against his upper lip - and decides to see if he can get a repeat performance from her. He pulls his tongue out of her, and starts licking up and down like he did when he started. She starts moaning again, but doesn't do anything to stop him. He decides to start paying special attention to her little nub, and focuses his tongue up and down and all around it. She arches her back, moans something about 'not again', and wraps her legs around his neck.

Alysa can't believe this - all this kid has done is eat her, and she has already had the best orgasm of her life. She isn't really aware of her squirting, but she knows that her body did something differently - and she absolutely loved it! Why on earth had she not even noticed Justin in this way before? No matter - this was not something that would be a one-time deal. When he started attacking her clit, she debated on pushing him away - but his tongue was just too magical. He had her butt cheeks in his hands and were massaging them while he was feasting on her clit. This was heaven to her, but she needed something right now that couldn't wait.

"Finger fuck me NOW Justin!!!"

Justin again did as he was told, and stuck two of his fingers into her, but regretted it soon after as it meant he couldn't hold her ass which he enjoyed so much. He knew to jack is fingers back and forth as he had seen in countless videos, and within a minute she was cuming again. To her it felt just as hard. He knew she was cuming, but this time she hardly squirted at all. He filed all this away - he wanted to make sure that if there was another opportunity, he would be better prepared for her.

After Alysa calmed down, she looked down at Justin who was resting his chin right on top of her pubic mound and staring up at her like a kid looking for praise. He looked so cute it was unbelievable. She ruffled his hair and then pulled his ears so he would come up and lay on top of her.

"That was simply amazing! I had no idea! Where did you learn all that? I didn't have to tell you hardly anything - you have such a natural ability - you've done this before?"

"I wish! This was the first time I have seen a real girl naked! I have been lusting after you for some time - I still can hardly believe this is happening!". He kissed her hard - and then started involuntarily grinding his penis up and down her taught stomach. Alysa realized that this poor boy had to be relieved soon, or he was going to die of blue-balls. She knew he was going to take mere seconds - she remembered the first time she broke a virgin in. Brenden was that boy, but now they were just friends. Still - you never forget you're first.

"Justin - your turn now. How do you want it? I will do whatever you want me to do - anything at all."

Justin had dreamed about this for a long, long, LONG time. He knew exactly what he wanted.

"Um, can we . . . . you know . . . . do it?"

"Yes!! Of course!!!"

"This is amazing!!! I don't have a rubber though - is that OK?"

"I would normally say no - but since I know this is your absolutely first time, and I am on the pill, let's not worry about it."

"Great! Can you do me a favor and get on all fours? I absolutely love your ass!!!"

"You don't mean . . . . I am not sure I am up for anal right now Justin . . . "

"No! Sorry - should have been clearer - just want to do you from behind! I have dreamt about this forever!"

Alysa couldn't believe this kid. At this point if he really did want to do anal, she probably would - she had never tried more than a finger or a very small dildo up there before - but for Justin she would be willing to do anything - and over and over again,. She got up - got on all fours on top of the lawn chair, and simply looked behind her and winked.

Justin couldn't believe he hadn't cum himself about a dozen times by now, He couldn't believe the site in front of him. Her ass was a work of art. Her butt-hole did look very inviting, but he had a goal, and he wasn't going to go off the rails now. Her pussy was literally winking at him - opening and closing slightly as Alysa awaited what was to come. He angled his penis down - put his mushroom head into the hole, and started very slowly pressing in. He knew that any major movement would end this right away, and he wasn't about to have that. He grabbed both ass checks with his hands and swore he would never wash them again - then realized that probably wasn't realistic and giggled. Alysa looked back again to make sure he wasn't giggling at her - and one look at his face told her he wasn't. The kid was obviously dealing with so much right now that he was reacting a bit strange - but she somehow knew there wasn't anything funny about her to him at this moment.

Justin slowly sank his dick in balls deep, and just held it there. Alysa was squeezing his dick with her pussy and that was all she wrote. He let loose - flooding her with at least ten shots of teen cum. It was oozing out around his dick and dripping down onto the towel below them. He was ashamed for a moment, but then realized that he wasn't going soft. This wasn't like a beat-off session where he would roll over and go to sleep - no this was his dick in a pussy and fucking. He knew he had to rest just a bit - and also allow the sensitivity to go down a bit so he could start thrusting in and out.

Alysa knew he had blown his load - and a huge load at that. His penis was in deeper than any boy had ever been, and she knew then and there that she was in deep trouble. She immediately understood she was going to be madly in love with Justin by the time they got off the roof. How was she going to explain this to Chloe? To her friends? To Chad whom she knew had a crush on her? Then Justin started to thrust, and her mind quickly went to other things.

"Oh my God Justin! You are going to make me cum again!!! What a fucking stud you are!!!!"

Justin couldn't feel prouder. He had always been concerned that his first time would be fraught with confusion, inexperience, not being able to get the girl off, etc. But so far, he was absolutely sure that Alysa was enjoying this as much as he was.

"Alysa - you can't believe how good this feels to me - I can't believe you are letting me fuck you like this - let me know what I can do to make it better for you - ok?"

Alysa heard this and decided to give this kid the fuck of his life. Every time Justin would pull out, Alysa would tighten up her pussy as much as possible. His dick was hitting her in places that she never knew existed, and she was already making plans on when and where this would happen next. Her only concern now was how long Justin would last now that he had busted his nut.

Justin couldn't believe how much different this felt than his nightly jack-off sessions. He could also blow himself, and while he didn't mind swallowing his cum, it just didn't seem to him that it was the same as if someone else did it. Still - he usually went down on himself about once a week. It just happened that he hadn't had a chance the last couple of days to masturbate since school ended and went into the summer break - he had been spending a lot of time with Chloe and friends to try and get his mind off his parent's pending divorce. Right now it could be argued that Justin wasn't even capable of knowing his name, let alone who his parents were or what their situation was. As it turns out, it was a great thing he had saved up some spunk for what was happening now.

Justin was slowly increasing his pace. Alysa couldn't keep up with her pussy muscle assault on his angelic prick, but it didn't matter. Both were on pace to have major orgasms and neither could be happier.

While this was happening, Brenden had come up to get them and ask them to clean up so they could head to the mall. He had been watching them since Alysa had gotten on all fours and watched proudly as Justin lost his virginity, Brenden loved both of them - they were pretty much his brother and sister for all intents and purposes. He was an only child, and his parents pretty much just paid Brenden to keep to himself while they went off and did whatever they wanted. Brenden had been living at the dorm pretty much full time since he started school there five years ago. Brenden had also been dealing with some conflicting feelings of late - he was finding his male friends as attractive as his female friends, and especially was attracted to Justin.

Justin and Brenden had started working out right after Christmas and had watched each other blossom from scrawny to brawny. Brenden had seen Justin nude several times, and while he knew the kid was hung, he wasn't prepared for how big Justin's dick was hard. He was also very appreciative of Alysa - she was stunning. Brenden watched on as Justin started pounding Alysa's pussy with impressive speed and stamina. The conflicting thoughts really started to come out when he realized he was imagining what it would feel like to have Justin pounding his ass the way he was watching him pound Alysa's pussy. Brenden briefly remembered how Alysa took his virginity last summer, and wondered why they never continued their relationship. Watching Alysa now reminded him how tight her pussy was and how great his first time was. Alysa was a dear friend in any case. Brenden didn't feel jealousy, but instead was thrilled that his young friend Justin was getting what was sure to be the fuck of his life.

Brenden had been hard as a nail since opening the door, and after realizing that he had been watching them for some time and they hadn't noticed him, slowly stepped forward and closed the door as silently as he could. He then went behind one of the air conditioner units and dropped his shorts, releasing his six and a half inch dripping dick for him to work on while he watched. Justin's stamina was amazing to Brenden (and to Alysa as well), and the way Justin's butt dimpled every time he pushed in was cute as hell. At the angle he was at now he could see Alysa's tits swing in response to Justin's thrusting, and Brenden was sorry he forgot his cell in his room, or he would have had an excellent movie to watch later. Brenden was also mesmerized watching Justin's balls slap back and forth and was now wondering what it would be like to play with them.

Justin was feeling his balls tighten, and he started moaning, softly at first, "I'm about . . . I'm about . . . . I'M ABOUT . . . . YEA!! I'M CUMING!!"

Alysa wasn't waiting for Justin to cum, but when Justin started chanting, she knew she was going to cum soon. Hopefully just before he did, but soon. When Justin came, and flooded her pussy with another six or seven strong shots of cum, she came herself. While neither of them was able to see, and because Justin had loaded up her pussy with enough jizz to impregnate an elephant, she did squirt again. All Alysa knew was that she was absolutely, and most assuredly, fucked.

Now that Alysa and Justin had calmed down, and they weren't making much noise, they became aware of someone else moaning. Justin slowly withdrew his dick from Alysa (regretting it all the while) and went over to investigate the noise. What he saw actually made Justin a bit conflicted as well. Brenden was on the ground - pounding the hell out of his dick, eyes closed, and a grin on his face. Justin motioned Alysa over by putting a finger over his mouth in a 'shush', and then motioning her to come over. Alysa stood up, and tried as much as possible to keep the flood of Justin's cum from coming down her legs. Alysa rounded the side of the air-conditioner unit and saw Brenden. She stood beside Justin and held his hand. Both were thinking the same thing - Brenden had watched them and gotten so horny that he had to do this. Neither of them felt sorry for him, or felt this awkward or weird - they both loved him as a brother and were actually kinda happy that he was going to bust a nut. However, as they watched Brenden, both also started having more than brotherly thoughts towards him. Alysa knew that no matter what she may be feeling for Brenden at that exact moment, it was more lust and not the deep feelings that she knew she was now feeling for Justin. Still, Brenden was a very cute red-head and thanks to his working out with Justin, had a very hot body. His dick wasn't as big as Justin's, but it was absolutely a great dick and he had a nice set of balls too. He was very slightly tanned - almost bright white in fact - with soft freckles all over his chest and shoulders. Brenden was hot. About the only thing wrong with Brenden was that he knew he was hot. But that was just the way he was. Alysa did admit to herself that Brenden had grown nicely since the time last summer she had taken his boy cherry.

Alysa squeezed Justin's hand, and somehow Justin knew what Alysa was thinking. So he knelt down, and tapped Brenden on the shoulder. Brenden's eyes flew open in a panic, and Alysa quickly knelt down and softly assured Brenden that there wasn't a problem here. Then she went in and kissed him. It wasn't a long kiss, but they both stood Brenden up, walked him over to Justin's lawn chair, and laid him down. Alysa pulled his shoes and shorts off, the started exploring Brenden's soaked package with loving care. Justin had sat down next to Brenden and watched as Alysa expertly gave Brenden a hand job. Justin looked up at Brenden and saw that Brenden was staring at him. Not knowing exactly why, Justin leaned in and kissed Brenden. Now it was Brenden's turn to realize Justin's tongue. Brenden was completely blown away (pardon the pun). Brenden started moaning loudly into Justin's mouth, and Justin guessed correctly that Alysa had gone down on Brenden. Justin, thinking that really nothing that happened for the rest of the day would shock him in the least, decided to do something he was curious about, and joined Alysa down at Brenden's crotch. He decided to start by licking his balls, and so he snaked his tongue out and started bathing one ball, and then the other. Brenden was absolutely on cloud-9. Justin's tongue triggered what Brenden knew would be an orgasm that might blow poor Alysa's head off. Brenden tried to warn her (which wasn't necessary - she could tell) but he just couldn't talk. Brenden shot off five healthy spurts of yummy teen cum into Alysa's mouth, and Alysa did her best to swallow as much as she could. Still, rather than swallow the last spurt, Alysa pulled off of Brenden's fuck-stick and went into kiss Justin. Justin received the kiss and the remnants of Brenden's cum with no complaints. Both Justin and Alysa then went to work cleaning Brenden's penis, which did start to go soft.

"Guys - that was fantastic! Um - thanks?", Brenden said.

Justin stood up and waved his impressive dick at Brenden and stated, "Next time this is yours to try buddy - although I really didn't get a full shot at yours this time."

"I don't think it will be an issue Justin - all I can say is thanks! This isn't going to make things weird between us, is it? I have kinda wanted to fool around with a guy - and you - for a while now. This didn't disappoint me at all. And Alysa - WOW!! I never thought this would happen between you and me again!"

"Nah, in fact, I think this was really cool!" Justin replied.

Then Justin turned to Alysa - 'You cool with all this?"

"I'm not sure why right now, but yea - I'm cool with it. In fact, I am kinda pissed I didn't pay more attention to you guys kissing - I think I want to watch you guys get it on one day."

"Right now, I think we should all go and get cleaned up - your sister and Chad are waiting for us. I don't know how to explain this to them - can we keep it just between us for now?", Brenden kind of pleaded to both of them.

"Yea - I think so. But what are your plans tonight? I was thinking about a dorm sleep-over", Justin replied.

To be continued . . . . .


Next: Chapter 2

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