School Photography

By Dude Sweet

Published on Jun 5, 2003



I played Pop Warner football, but mostly sat the bench. When it came time for High School, I knew I was to shrimpy to play, even on the Freshman team. I went to practice anyway to see if I could be a trainer. Well it was too late to sign up, so I had to pick another class. I picked journalism because maybe I could be a photographer. I got a new digital camera for my birthday last month. So anyway, I went to class one day late, and when I explained why, she said I could be a sports photographer for the Freshman teams. That way, I could still hang out with the football players, but do a job to. Sounded cool.

So I go to practice, with my camera. I explain to coach that I am the official team photographer. He doesn't even listen or pay any attention to me, but he says ok. Cool. I'm in. You have to know that I am 16 when I am writing this story down. 16 and gay. But when I was 14, I wasn't gay. Or if I was gay, I didn't know it. I thought I was totally straight like everybody else. I had no idea, not even little suspicions. I was a idiot.

Anyway, I took tons of pictures at practice. It was a digital camera, so film didn't cost anything. Then when I got home, I would only copy the good ones on a floppy and turn them into class. I knew a couple of the guys on the team, so I didn't feel totally left out. During practice, I had to stay totally out of the way, but before and after, I could go where ever I wanted. So I got a couple of good ones of Devon. He was the quarterback. I printed them out on one page and showed him. He liked it. Then all the guys were wanting me to take their pictures. It was cool. Brian was one of my friends from before. He took off his helmet and shirt and shoulder pads and was sitting on the bench, resting. I got some good pictures of him to that he liked.

One day, after they lost a game, coach was mad and said they lost because they were out of shape. He had them wear gym shorts and made them work out instead of practice. Most of them took off their t-shirts to. When I was looking at the pictures on my pc, I noticed that when Devon was laying down, you could see up his shorts and see his underwear. Lots of pictures showed underwear waist bands, but this showed from the leg holes. I printed it out anyway for him, cause it was a good picture.

When I show him, he looks at it for a while, then tells me he likes the picture and thanks me for it. I ask him does he know his underwear is showing. He grins. Yeah, that's why I like it. I will give it to my girlfriend and she will be hot for me he says. She likes your underwear I ask.

"Naw, she's never seen me in my underwear. Maybe you should take a picture and I will give it to her. Hey, would you?" I think he is asking me to take a picture of him in his underwear. Well why not.

"Yeah, if you want. Where? In the locker room?" I ask.

"Haha I don't think the other guys would like that. My house. Want to spend the night tonight?"

"I have to ask, but yeah its ok with me." He gives me his phone number and address. When I get home and ask my mom, she asks the usual questions. Anyway I can tell she's glad I'm making friends, cause I haven't had any sleepovers since high school started. She calls and talks to his mom to make sure they will home and all that. My mom drops me off. We eat dinner with his rents. We go to his room.

"How does all this digital thing work?" he asks me. I explain that I take it from my camera and put it in my computer and print it out.

"So you don't have to go to the film place and develop it?"


"So nobody sees it but you?"

"Yeah. Why?" I wonder.

"Just thinking about some stuff" he says. Well the only thing I can imagine is he wants some porno pictures. But without his girlfriend here, well it just didn't make sense. So he strips off his clothes, even his boxers, puts on briefs and football. Yes that's what I said, he strips naked in front of me like he's done it a million times before. Maybe he has. I know they take showers after practice.

Anyway his is way bigger and hairier than mine, I noticed. I take pictures. He takes off his shirt and does muscle man poses and stuff like that. Then he pulls open his pants, so his underwear shows and I take a few of those. Then he pulls them off and stands around in his briefs. I take some more, wondering if he has a boner or semi or what.

He says "this is secret right?. Nobody sees these but me and you?"

"Yeah, I promise."

"You swear to god, hope to die, and I will kill you if you show them."

"I swear. I'm not gonna show them to anybody. I swear."

"Ok . You scared of boners." What was he talking about scared of boners?

"Well sometimes, I'm scared that I will have to go to the board in class, when I got one" I admit.

"No, dumbass, are you scared of others peoples boners."

"I never thought about it. No, why would I be scared."

"Put the camera down." I do. He gets under his bed, pulls out a magazine. A Huslter magazine. "You like naked chicks?" he asks me.

"Hell yes," I say, truthfully.

So while we are looking, he is squeezing his boner in his briefs. It looks huge. He grabs it and says "I got a big one."

I look at it, my eyes almost popping out of my head. "Yeah, you do."

"You got wood?" he asks me.

I grab mine, though my shorts, "Hell yeah."

"Ok, cool. Get your camera."

So now he poses with his boner in his briefs. Man its pretty damn cool or funny if you ask me, and I'm not sure which it is. Cool or funny. Probably both I guess. So I take some more. He says "Ok enough. You jack off don't you?"

"Yeah" I admit.

"Want to jack with me now, we can look at the magazine." Well I never showed mine to anybody, and sure never jacked with anybody.

"Uh, I'm not sure."


We sit on the bed, looking at the magazine. He puts his hands in his underwear, I put mine in my shorts, cause my boner is justing wanting to be jacked now to. After a little, he pulls his out and jacks for a few seconds and shoots sperm everywhere. Its really pretty cool. He uses some Kleenex to clean up, pulls on his boxers and goes to the bathroom. While he us away, I jack mine and come. Use Kleenex and just put mine away before he come back.

As I undress for bed, he says "You finish?"

"Yeah" I admit.

Want to borrow some clean boxers?" he asks. Cool.

"Yeah if that's cool."

He gets me a pair out of his drawer. I pull mine off. I still have sperms.

He sees and smiles. "Better use more Klennex" he says as he tosses me the box. I clean again and pull on his boxers. Its not that embarrassing cause he did it first and I saw everything. We chat and sleep.

In the morning, he comes with me to my house. I load up all the pictures. He is excited. He picks out a bunch. I print them out. 2 show his boner in his underwear. He's pretty brave. He says "what will happen to these pictures now?"

"I will erase them, that way nobody, not even me, can see them again."

"Ok. Do it." So I erased them.

Now, 2 years later, I wished I had cheated and kept a copy.

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