Seaman Terry Whicher

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 2, 2021


terry felt the car stop. It wasn't a smooth stop, and he woke up from a state halfway between sleeping, hallucinating, and actually sleeping. He had experienced this feeling before, and often: when his ship was at sea, and he was bunked down, the rolling of the ship, the constant hum, and the metallic smells all put him into that state. He and his buddies had joked that they hadn't had a good night's sleep since they left the Navy. He heard the key in the trunk of the car. It was night, and dark, but the change in light intensity hurt his eyes, and he squinted. "It'll take a minute boy. Just relax. Nice and easy. You're gonna be stiff too. I'll uncuff you pretty quick, and you'll be fine. You're healthy."

Terry opened his eyes and saw Paul standing over him, hands on hips. "WHERE AM I? WHERE AM I?" "Let's just say in the country right now boy. I'll give you more information as we go along. Now, how about we get you outta the trunk?" Paul's grip was firm, but gentle as he eased Terry out. "Stand still boy, and I'll uncuff you. " Then Terry began to scream. "HELP! HELP! I'VE BEEN KIDNAPPED. " Then he felt Paul's strong hand cover his mouth. "HMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" he squirmed to get out from under it, but Paul was strong, and Terry had been in that uncomfortable position for a good half hour. "Like I said boy, you're out in the country. No one but the moon and the wildlife can hear ya. I'll gag you if you really wanna keep on screaming. It'll make sure your throat doesn't get injured. And I'll keep you cuffed. That's up to you. You're not going anywhere unless I take you. You gonna calm down." "HMMMMMMMMMMPH. Hmmmmmmmmmph . mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph. mmmmmmmmmph. mph." Terry nodded assent. "Good boy. Now, this may aggravate you just a little, because of that position, but you circulate your arms, and.. you'll be fine." Terry heard the click of the key open the handcuffs. He thought, just for a minute, of trying to punch this guy, but thought better of it. He was clearly stronger, he had a gun, and Terry didn't know where he was. "Thank you Sir. " He began rubbing his wrists, and moving his arms in small circles. "GOOD. That's all good stuff. I think you probably need two things: some water, and a nice long piss. Am I right?" For the first time, Terry realized he was thirsty. And his bladder was full. "Yes sir. Yes. Both. Please." "Ok," Paul smiled. "Let's get you in the house. Use the bathroom as long as you like, we'll rehydrate you, then we'll talk just a little bit. "

Paul led Terry into the house, holding his right forearm firmly. Terry looked around. It wasn't a palace, but it reminded him of "the rich people houses" he knew when he was growing up. He would go over to them sometimes, looking for work mowing lawns, or washing windows. It was at one of those houses that he had had his first gay, or near gay experience. He had been wearing a tight sailor's t shirt (Terry always wanted to be at sea), and a pair of washed out, cut off shorts. One of the sons of the couple who owned the house was there for the summer. He had a bedroom on the first floor, and Terry was washing the windows, when he saw the young man pull out his cock and start jerking off. He was mesmerized. At first, the young man didn't notice Terry, but when he did, he crooked his finger "come in." Once Terry did, the young man gave a two word order "SUCK IT" when Terry hesitated, not because he didn't want to, but because he didn't know what it meant, the young man shoved his mouth on his cock. Terry gobbled it up. He heard the man moaning, and then he felt the jizz going down his throat. The man looked at him and smiled. "Ten bucks on the table if you want it kid." Terry grabbed the money and ran out. He didn't even ask for his pay for washing the windows. He didn't understand what had just happened, or the hard on in his pants. He came out of the reverie when Paul pointed to a room. "In there. Take all the time you need. Call out if there's something you need." It felt good to empty his bladder. Terry hadn't pissed since he had been on the ship so that was... SHIT how late WAS it? It had already been four hours when he and the guys were on the train. How late was it now? Did he have to take a dump? Not yet. He would. But for now... he washed up, and came out to the living room. Paul was sitting there. He had taken off his vest, and the tie, and he had his feet up on the coffee table. There was also a pitcher of water with ice, a pitcher of iced tea, and Paul was drinking what looked to be a brandy. "I didn't know what you preferred, boy, so I put out choices. " He smiled. "I figured you'd probably want brandy too, but that's gotta wait till we get you rehydrated." "Thank you Sir. Water is fine." Paul poured for Terry, and as he handed him the glass, he said "SLOWLY. SLOWLY. You can have all you want. Just do it slowly." "Thank you Sir..." As he drank, Terry looked at Paul more closely. What looked like a real police uniform in the train and the bar now didn't seem... quite right." "Sir, are you a police officer?" Paul laughed. "Oh you ARE green aren't you boy? HELL NO. This is a leather costume." "But... but Sir.. You have a gun." Paul took it out of the holster and tossed it to Terry. "SIR . A LOADED GUN'LL GO OFF.." The gun fell and Terry saw... it was a prop. "No young man, I am not a cop. To tell the truth, I'm an architect. I built this house. To MY specs. And it's lacked one thing: a boy. But that's gonna change. " Terry gulped. "You mean, ME Sir?" "Only other person in the house is me, and I'm a MAN. So I guess it's you. Now, I'm getting tired of calling you boy. What's your name? I'm Paul. But you should get used to calling me Sir, or Sir Paul." "I'm... I'm Terry Sir. Terry Whicher." "Pretty boy terry. Nice to know your name. So... tell Sir Paul.. why'd you come back to that bar?" "I left my phone." "Yeah, you did. You left it deliberately. I saw ya put it down. " Paul smiled as terry turned beet red. "terry boy, I've been watching ya since the train, and you haven't taken your eyes off me either." He looked at terry. "How old are you boy?" "28 Sir." "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Good one. If you're 28, I'm 175 pounds. Now tell me the truth. And while you're at it, get those boots off my feet." terry blushed again. "I'm 23, Sir." He didn't know why, but terry began unlacing Paul's boots. "Not too much experience in the gay world huh, 23 year old terry?" terry felt like he wasn't gonna stop blushing that night. "No Sir. Not really. I mean, I've.... " he spoke very softly, "sucked cock, but..." "But you haven't had it up the ass and you're wondering." Paul's left boot came off with a "whoosh" "yes sir. I was. " He hesitated. "is it ok to put the boots here Sir?" "SURE. Put em wherever you want. Tomorrow your job is gonna be cleaning them. "Sir, tomorrow, I have to try to...." Paul laughed. "boy, you're not going back to the ship, you're not going anywhere. " He moved his hand around the room. "This is your home now. You're gonna be my boy. And boy, stop dallying and get that other boot off me." "Sir... they'll declare me AWOL..." "And they'll never find you. I told ya, we're out in the country. Your buds don't know where you went, the ship don't know. Only people who know where you are , are you, and me..." He smiled. "More water?" "I think I'm fine Sir" "Then go get a glass from the sideboard. Pour yourself a brandy. You can use it." terry normally didn't drink brown liquor, but he felt like he could use it. "You keep calling me a boy, Sir. Can you explain." "Sure. Come sit here.." Paul patted the seat on the sofa next to him. "I know you don't have much experience. You read much?" "LOTS SIR. " "Ok... so you know what a Top and a Bottom are?" "Yes sir. " "You identify as either." terry blushed. "I.. I never had my cock sucked and.. I always dreamed about getting fucked... so, " "So for now, we'll call you a theoretical bottom. That's ok. Lots of em out there. Lots more theoretical tops if you ask me. " He smiled his white smile. "But you lucked into a REAL one. Now, the boy part. Harder to explain. Means there's an age difference, and there is. I'm 45. I could be your Dad - but I HATE being called Daddy, so don't ever use it." "No Sir. Never. " "A boy is... well, not quite a slave, and not quite an equal. I think you'll learn it as we go along. " "Like the boys in porn?" "Ha ha. Not quite. But some things'll be similar." Paul yawned, big. He looked at his watch. "FUCK. It's 2 a.m. I think we better be getting to bed. We'll cover more in the morning." "Am I... am I... sleeping with you Sir?" "You got that right. Now, lemme see who I'm sleeping with. Get outta that uniform. All the way . Nothing but naked sleeping around here." terry sighed. "Do I have to Sir?" "Yeah, ya do." "Ok.. terry knew he was going to have to strip down, but he was embarrassed about the hard on he had. "HOLY COW. If I hadn't been the one to sweep you up, you mighta been a REAL top and not a theoretical one either. But having a boy with a sizeable piece. HOT DAMN." Paul got up and started undressing. terry saw that the uniform made him look fitter than he was. He had a belly. He had muscles, but not serious ones. But his dick.. SHIT. It was like the guys in the porn he read. "Ever been kissed by a man, boy?" "Just my father, Sir." "Well, here's to your first." Paul got real close to terry, and ran his fingers around terry's lips. terry automatically opened his mouth, and Paul's tongue shot in. "MMMMMM. MMMMMMMMMM. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" terry didn't want to let Paul's tongue go . He didn't know if it were ok, but he wrapped his arms around Paul's middle. He felt Paul cup his ass. "Not tonight, boy, but tomorrow. Tonight. We sleep."

It didn't take terry long to fall asleep. He was exhausted. He thought he was dreaming, when he felt two strong fingers begin kneading his nipple. "You like how that feels, boy? You like the feel of another man taking charge?" He heard Paul whisper in his ear. "MMMMMMMMM. I like it. Yes sir. I like it." terry tried to reach down to fondle his hardening cock, and he felt Paul's other hand smack him away. "boys play with their cocks when they have permission. Got that?" He felt Paul's second hand close on his balls. The pressure felt good. "OH GOD YES SIR. YES. MMMMMM." He pushed against Paul and he felt Paul's hard cock. Paul laughed. "Not so fast young one. Not so fast." Then he felt the kiss on his cheek. And more whispering. "You may goddamn well be the sexiest boy I have ever had in my bed."

terry had learned to tell time from the position of the sun, and when he woke up.. SHIT. It was nearly noon. DAMN. He had slept through watch... then he realized: there weren't going to be any more watches. Paul wasn't in the bed, but he heard noise in the living room. Paul was in there, in a tight navy blue t shirt, old jeans, and sneakers. "HEY. Morning boy. Sleep well." "I did Sir. I did. " terry realized at that point he was naked. "OOPS. Sorry Sir. I..." "HA HA. No worries boy, no worries at all. I've got your navy whites washing, but you won't need em unless we go partying. You'll be naked around here most of the time anyway, but we'll be getting you some stuff. For now, there's some old stuff that's from my ex. It ain't fancy, but for now, it'll do. I prefer you naked, but if you still feel the need to dress for lunch, I understand. " He smiled. "you drink coffee boy?" "Yes sir. Light and sweet. " "HA HA. I coulda predicted that. Coffee drinking may separate Tops from bottoms, ya know." "How.. how do you take your coffee Sir?" "Straight up black and STRONG. We'll get ya there." "Let me go and get some clothes Sir. " terry was beginning to like this guy. He seemed pretty mellow, and terry HAD gone to sleep fearing he was going to be raped during the night. "I can at least compromise," he thought to himself, and pulled on a pair of shorts, but no shirt. "NOW LOOK AT YOU. YOU ALREADY FIGURED OUT OLD PAUL LIKES A MAN WITH NIPPLES. OR, MORE TO THE POINT, A BOY WITH NIPPLES." He pushed a cup in front of a chair next to him. "SIT. " "Yes sir. " terry drank a sip of coffee. DAMN it was better than what was on ship. "I. I knew you liked nipples from... this morning, Sir." "Oh yeah. Couldn't help myself. You looked so damn sweet sleeping like that. I had already gotten up, and I saw you, those curls, that pouty mouth, and I got right back into bed. " He winked at terry. "You got a pretty ass too. I was tempted. " terry blushed. "You stopped me when I tried to jerk off Sir." "AH! Good point! Glad you brought that up. I don't wanna give you a rule book or anything like that, but here's first rule: you need my permission to jerk off. PERIOD. If I catch you cheating... " Paul had on a pair of glasses that he looked over. "You ever read about enforced chastity boy?" "Yes sir. It sounds hard." "It could be. And that's the penalty if I catch ya jerking without me saying you could. Clear? You're a navy rat. You should be good with rules." "Yes sir. It's clear. " "GOOD. Now, you're probably trying to figure out what the hell you're gonna do around here: kidnapped Navy man, no job, no nothing, just a fat outta shape top pushing you around. " terry laughed. "You make it sound funny Sir." "Well, it kinda is, ain't it? I mean, I didn't exaggerate anything, but that's where we are. " "I dunno. It just feels like... like I'm back home with ..." "DON'T SAY WITH YOUR DAD, BOY." "No, no sir. That's not what I meant. What I mean is... I'm feeling much more comfortable than I thought I would. " "AWWWWWWWWW. You're as sweet as I thought you would be. But lemme get to business. I digress a lot. You'll have ta get used to it. So, here's what we're gonna be doing. There's a SHIT LOAD of work to do on this property. C'mere with me boy. Take your coffee with you." Paul led terry over to a picture window. "Know where my property ends? " "I don't see a fence Sir" "No , ya don't. Just keep looking. Gimme landmarks and I'll tell ya if you gotta look further." "Uh, that copse of pines Sir." "COPSE. DAMN I haven't heard that word since I studied for the fucking SATs. Nope. Look further." terry felt a hand on his shoulder, as he looked. He squinted... I THINK I see an old stone wall out there Sir." "Mine goes a mile further than that boy. But right now..." He locked eyes with terry and kissed him like he did last night. "Sir, please let me put my coffee down. Please..." terry embraced Paul, and he pulled, trying to get more, and then more, of Paul's tongue. "Sir, I've never been kissed like that." Paul's voice was low and raspy. "Neither have I. You know, I thought I was gonna take this slower but.." this time, when he shoved his tongue into terry's mouth, terry responded by wrapping his legs around Paul, as Paul put his hands on terry's butt. "Gonna teach you something new boy." Paul began walking back to the bedroom, terry wrapped around him. "I'm scared Sir." "Good. " "Is it gonna hurt?" "Maybe a little. We'll see." Paul picked up a jar of lube, and put a wad of it on his finger. "Lemme know if this starts hurting boy. I'll stop if it does." The lube was cold, and the finger was strange: terry had experimented at home, with different "things" he later found out were dangerous. Nothing had felt as good as Paul's finger. He began to moan, as Paul shifted his finger around. "You alright boy." "Not really Sir. I want more." "HEH HEH. I like ya terry. Ya want more? Here ya go." "OOOOOOOOOOOH." terry jumped when the second finger went in. "How much more you want, boy?" Paul looked at him seriously, and terry looked back, smiling. "How much more you got Sir?" terry saw the tip of Paul's cock, but only for a second as he entered terry. The fingers had done a good job: terry was loose, and lubed, and he sighed when Paul slid in. "MMMMMM. Finally." he sighed, as Paul began to slide back and forth. "You ok, boy? My pretty boy ok?" "I am ship shape Sir." "HEH HEH. Well let's rock the boat then." He pushed into terry hard. REAL hard. "NNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGG" slipped out of terry. "OH GOD. I didn't imagine it would feel this good." terry's legs were wrapped around Paul. He didn't want to let him out of his ass. "You still wanna cum boy?" "YES SIR. YES. PLEASE. MAY I?" "Yes, but... Sir Paul is gonna do it." He rubbed his hand over terry's excited cockhead, and it was all the 23 year old needed. "AAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIii" Paul pulled his face away and avoided a squirt of terry's jizz. He kept pounding and finished his own orgasm a few minutes later. "Sir..does it get any better than that?" Paul smiled. "You're a silver tongued little devil ain't ya boy? That's ok, cause you got a velvet ass. Ok. we gotta get cleaned up. I have a few stops we'll make, get ya some new clothes, and then.. we'll get into the swing of it. You go first. Incidentally boy? "Yes sir?" "We don't ration water like they do on a ship. You take the hottest, longest shower you want." "Sir, one question?" "Sure boy." "You seem to know a lot about the Navy. Did you serve?" "Ha ha. Yes, and a long story. Maybe when we head out for our drive. Gotta get some food in you, some clothes on you, and get some jobs on your work detail. CLEAN UP SAILOR."

Next: Chapter 3

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