Seans Revelation

By Iain Bell

Published on Nov 3, 2019


Sean's Revelation – chapter one

This story is about a young man initiation to the world of the gay skinhead and he owed everything to his father. Like all my stories on NIFTY they are from my own perverted mind and all content belong to me and me alone, please feel free to contact me on with any comments you may have. This story will be in 5 parts and lastly and most importantly you do need to contribute to NIFTY to keep this valuable archive afloat.

I was a lucky kid, my parents were both good looking and looked after themselves, you know keeping fit, eating properly, not smoking, and not drinking to excess. I got the best genes from the pair of them. Sadly I was an only child but it didn't stop me from making some good mates, I wasn't cocky or anything but all the girls and some of the boys threw themselves at me. I was a late developer and the thought of sex was repulsive, sex of any kind.

Everything changed when the college I attended announced that they had to close early due to a large swarm of wasps that had made their home in the main dining hall. I got home and unusually dad's car was in the driveway, I let myself in and was about to shout for dad when I heard a noise from upstairs. I know the sounds of love making when I heard it as I had heard mum and dad at it more than once.

I shrugged my shoulders and said to myself maybe dad was horny, mum was also usually at work and probably managed to get away. I went upstairs and I had to pass their bedroom to get to mine, what I saw shocked me to the core. Dad was on the bed and standing over him was a man who was thrashing his arse with a whip. "Call me Sir, Boy." The man yelled. The man thrashing dad was huge, he had loads of muscles and he was clearly getting off on what he was doing to dad as I noticed his huge dick was steel hard which caused a gasp from me.

"Yes Sir, I am sorry Sir, thank you for thrashing me and making me remember my place."

"I'm sure you forget on purpose boy, just so I can thrash your smooth, cute bubble butt. You know what it does to me and you know I will end up fucking you so hard sending my alpha seed deep in your cunt." I dropped my satchel on the floor with a crash. They both looked my way, dad saw who it was and had a shocked look on his face.

I ran out of the house and I started crying, I just ran and ran and ran until I was crying no more. I sat on a wall and realised I was in a part of town that I usually kept away from. I saw a couple of lads walking towards me "Look Flash there is one of those kids from college. I recognise him as a swot, my younger brother told me about him."

"Fuck yeah, I wonder what he is doing in this part of town." They came closer and I started shaking, they looked so menacing and scary, they both wore clothes I hadn't seen before but for some reason I couldn't take my eyes off the boots they were wearing. They were black and came up to the knee and were very shiny. "So what the fuck are you doing in this part of town posh boy?"

"Sorry." I managed to babble out.

"Ah, the lad is fucking scared of us Kelvin." The boy named Kelvin put one of his booted feet on the wall next to me, I was still staring. "I think he likes our boots Flash." Flash also put his booted foot on the wall only this time he was the other side.

"What's your name posh boy?"

"Sean." I snivelled.

"You scared of us Sean?" I nodded. "Good." And Flash grinned. He reached in his bomber jacket and pulled out a packet of cigarettes. Both Flash and Kelvin lit up and lit a third and handed it to me. "Here."

"I don't smoke."

"Do as you ae fucking told posh boy." I took it and puffed, I nearly coughed my guts up on the first ever drag of a cigarette both Flash and Kelvin laughed at me. They smoked and they both blew perfect smoke rings. "Wow."

"You impressed?" I nodded. "Fucking get on with smoking posh boy." By the time I had finished the cigarette, I had to admit I enjoyed it even though it made me nearly puke. They handed me another and this time I took it willingly. "Come with us posh boy."

"I should get home."

"Just fucking do as you are told posh boy, now come with us." I looked at them both and they were angry with me so I simply nodded. Flash held my arm behind my back and guided me to a large block of flats. I thought that they were going to take me inside but they took me round the back and into a smelly room with only one small light. "Kneel posh boy."

I shook my head, Flash used his boot and kicked me in the nuts. I fell to the floor holding my crotch as the pain he inflicted with the toe of his boot was unbelievable. "That posh boy, is the steel toecap you can feel, if you don't want more you had better do as you are fucking told."

I moved gently and knelt on the floor still holding onto my nuts. "Now fucking get down on the floor properly and kiss the boot that just kicked your nuts." I looked up and Flash was looking at me scowling. I leant down further and kissed the tip of his boot. "Now the other posh boy." I kissed the other without even looking up. "Good job posh boy." Those were the first encouraging words that that either of them spoke.

I went to move but Kelvin went behind and put his boot on my back and pushed me back down to the boots in front of me. "Lick, and you had better do a good fucking job otherwise you know what will happen don't you posh boy." I started licking his boot, working my tongue all over the black leather, all the way up to his knees and back down again. "I think he's enjoying himself." I wasn't sure that was exactly true but I knew I had to do as I was told as I didn't want more pain.

I went to the other boot and worked that as I did the other. I suddenly felt a hand on my nuts and was scared again that I was going to be inflicted pain "hey Flash, posh boy has got a hard-on."

"Has he now, he must be enjoying worshipping my boots." Flash gently kicked me away. "Did you enjoy that posh boy?"

"I don't know" I said realising that Kelvin was right, I did have a hard-on "I suppose I must have."

Flash smiled and walked over to me and pulled my head to his face, he planted a kiss on my lips and I automatically opened my mouth and he pushed his tongue inside. I moaned with pleasure, I had no idea why I was getting pleasure from this beastly man but something inside me was enjoying it and I knew I must be enjoying it as I suddenly realised that my dick was harder than I have ever felt it before.

"I'm confused."

"Face it posh boy, you have just woken up and realised that you are a faggot, a faggot that likes to worship boots, a faggot that likes it when a butch muscled skinhead takes charge." I was looking up at Flash as he spoke to me, he smiled down at me and pulled his braces over his Fred Perry polo shirt and started to undo his jeans, I hadn't seen jeans like them before they were blotchy blue and white and very tight over his muscled frame.

He dropped his jeans and he was wearing a jock strap which was bulging, he too had a hard on. "Please no."

"Please no" he mimicked me perfectly, I had an upper crust voice where his was common and vulgar, it must have shown on my face. Flash leant down and whispered in my ear "I am from the posh side of town" he said in perfect upper crust English "but" he stood up and continued in vulgar common speak "it didn't go with the image I like to portray."

He cupped his jock strap and made it bulge even more. "Now it is time for your next lesson posh boy." I looked at his bulging jock strap and shuddered. He pulled the back of my head towards him "sniff posh boy." I did nothing, he slapped me over the back of my head and Kelvin kicked my arse with his steel toe capped boot. "I said fucking lick posh boy."

I poked out my tongue and licked the pouch, it tasted as foul as it smelt. "That posh boy, is man you can taste, a real butch alpha skinhead man." He pulled my head back and forced my mouth to the pouch of the rancid jock strap, as much as I didn't want this I knew I wasn't in for more pain. I licked the jock strap and felt his dick pulsing underneath. "Mmmm good job posh boy, my snake is waking up." I could feel his dick getting harder in the pouch, he pushed me away and took his dick out of the pouch of his jockstrap, and it was big, and getting harder by the second. He had a tattoo of the head of a snake on the head of his dick with the rest of the body of the snake weaving down his shaft and disappearing under and towards his arse. "See posh boy, I told you my snake was waking up, give him a lick."

I looked up and something inside me told me not to refuse. I poked out my tongue and as I did some pre-cum leaked out the head. I closed my eyes and licked. I immediately liked the taste and wanted more. I put my head round the head of his dick and licked and gently sucked." Fuck yeah, good job posh boy. Kelvin, get lost, I'll ring you later."

Reluctantly I think Kelvin left us alone. Flash, put his hand round the back of my head grabbing my blond hair and pulled it towards his crotch, more of his dick went into my mouth "suck posh boy. You will take more and more but now just suck on what you have in your mouth."

I did as I was told, mind you I was starting to enjoy the taste of a real man as he put it and the rancid smell of his jock strap didn't seem that bad now. I wondered what the hell was wrong with me. "Yeah posh boy, you are doing a good job for a first time cocksucker. I worked that dick, sucking the pre-cum as it flowed into my mouth. Flash was now gently fucking his dick in and out of my mouth, I wasn't able to take much but he clearly was turned on as he soon moaned loudly and shot his cum in my mouth. I had no alternative to swallow and as it slid down over my palate and down my throat.

"Did you enjoy yourself posh boy?" Flash asked when he pulled his dick out of my mouth. I started to sob again but I did manage to nod. "Good." He put his dick away in his jock strap and pulled his jeans up. "Come on posh boy." he took me outside and walked away from the block of flats. He lit two cigarettes and handed me one, I took it and started smoking. "Well done posh boy." I looked up at him and smiled.

As I smoked I realised that I wasn't scared of him anymore. "Smiling posh boy?" I nodded still smiling as we walked. He took me to a bus stop where I could get the bus home. "Here comes your bus posh boy."


"Please what" he said in his upper crust accent grinning from ear to ear."

"Can I see you again?"

"Do you want to?" I nodded. "Be here tomorrow at 4pm and I can continue your education." I got on the bus "Bye posh boy." he shouted after me.

I got home smiling, I went indoors and mum and dad were sitting in the kitchen. "Where have you been all this time?" asked mum.

"Just out with friends."

"Can we chat later dad?" dad nodded "I'm going to my room, I don't need anything to eat tonight mum. See you later dad." I heard dad breathe a sigh of relief as I left to go upstairs.

I undressed had a shower and lay on the bed in my underwear listening to music. I heard dad's rap on my bedroom door. "Come in dad."

"Sean." Dad said unsure for probably the first time ever.

"Come in dad, sit down please." He came and sat on the bed. I knew I had the upper hand here. "Dad I was shocked at what I saw but I know you love mum, I hear through the bedroom walls how much you love her."

Dad actually smiled. "I do love your mother but I need men, I need men to fuck me and fuck me hard and I also need to be beaten by a real butch hard man. Can you ever accept me after what you have seen?"

"Of course, you are my dad and I love you. I might ask you for a hand out occasionally, I do need some new clothes and a few other things."

"Are you attempting to bribe me?" he said with slight anger.

"No, I just think that you can be a little more generous with my allowance." I grinned at him.

Dad looked thoughtful for a moment or two. "Okay son, I will have to trust you won't I?" I nodded and hugged him closely. He got up to leave and he turned and smiled before leaving me on my own and to my thought about what happened today.

As I played the thoughts of Flash in my mind I fell into a deep sleep thinking of sucking a skinhead's dick,

I woke the next morning and I knew I had enjoyed what he made me do as my dick was rock hard all the time, and it still was as I think about him now. I jumped out of bed and looked in the full length mirror. I liked what I saw, I knew I was good looking as I said earlier, my blond hair and blue eyes and a good slender body showing just a hint of muscle, I wasn't overly muscular as that would look silly as I was only 5ft 6inches. But I was told on more than one occasion I was `well put together.'

I jumped in the shower and pulled on a pair of running shorts and a light vest, the weather promised that it was going to be a very humid day. I put some wax in my hair, sculpted it to a messy style that I loved and went down stairs. Mum was still in bed but dad was there eating his breakfast and unusually he wasn't dressed for work, he too wore running shorts and a vest. It must have shown on my face. "I am going to run into work today Sean, I need the exercise." I looked dad up and down and he looked great.

"Good on you dad. You can't work like that though."

"I keep a couple of suits and shirts, ties and business shoes in the office Sean in case." And he winked.

"Ah" I smiled back.

"I really thought that my life had ended when you came home early."

I shrugged my shoulders. "I've already told you dad, I love you and as long as mum doesn't get upset, I have no problems with anything I saw." I got up and pulled dad's shoulder length blond hair and planted a kiss on his lips. Not a father and son kiss either. I pulled away and smiled at him.

"Sean." He said confused.

"Dad I think I might be gay. I liked what I saw, oh yes it shocked me deeply but once I thought about it, it turned me on."

Dad didn't say anything for a while he just looked at me open mouthed. Finally he spoke. "I suppose this is why you want a bigger allowance, new clothes, and some decent spending money?" I nodded. "Well I certainly won't refuse you then." we both hugged each other tightly just as mum appeared.

"What's with you two?"

"Oh nothing mum, dad has agreed to up my allowance." Dad poured mum some coffee and dad kissed mum and ran off to work as I jogged to college.

As soon as I got out of college, part of me wanted to go home but the other part wanted to see Flash again. As I stood there thinking, I wanted a smoke. I went to the shop and bought a packet and a lighter and lit up. "Mmmm" I moaned as I took a drag. That one simple action made up my mind. I walked to the other side of town and towards the block of flats. I looked around and seeing nobody I went inside the dimly lit room. Flash wasn't there and I was dismayed. I went outside and sat on the low wall opposite and lit another.

"Oi, oi." I heard from a distance. I looked in the direction of the voice and saw Flash. My mood brightened immediately. "You came then?" I nodded smiling "I didn't think you would." I looked him up and down and he was wearing the same as yesterday, except his jeans although still blotchy were even tighter making his large bulge looked bigger, he wore a different colour Fred Perry polo shirt and his braces were slung low over his arse. He still wore steel toe-capped boots up to his knees only these were brown. "So like what you see posh boy?" I nodded looking up at him. "Want more experience then?" I nodded quickly and grinned. "Give me a fag and then you can." I handed him a cigarette, he lit up and we chatted easily whilst he smoked his cigarette.

He got up "come on then posh boy." and we went inside the small dark smelly room. He stood there arms folded looking down at me. I seemed to know what he wanted without him even saying anything. I dropped to the floor and kissed each boot once. "Well done posh boy, I like the fact you know your place in front of me." I smiled again "much better than those tears yesterday, now fucking get to work and lick and worship those boots posh boy."

I did as I was told and got to the floor straight away and work hard licking his left boot. I worked the leather with my tongue and even used my hand to caress his calf as I licked. "Yeah good job posh boy. I've been looking for a good boot licker." I worked hard I knew my dick was hard as I could feel it underneath me. Flash used his other boot and put it on top of my arse and gently pushed.

I worked even harder making sure that I licked and worshipped every part of his leather boot. Flash took his boot away from my arse and for some strange reason I felt sad when he did, but he pushed my head to his other boot and I got to work, he lifted his clean boot up and placed that on my arse and a sound of pleasure came out my mouth as I licked and worshipped his other boot.

As I work on his boot, I could feel the other pressing hard on my arse, I couldn't understand but I felt good about myself. Flash grabbed me and hauled me to my knees. "Good job posh boy." he pulled my hair towards him and kissed me, he pushed his tongue deep in my mouth and I totally relaxed into the kiss. "You are a good kisser posh boy, excellent." I smiled at his comment. He pushed me to my knees, he rubbed his jeans making his bulge stand out even more. I moaned as he undid his jeans pulling out the same smelly jock strap as yesterday.

I looked up at Flash and he was grinning from ear to ear. "Get to work posh boy." he said mimicking me perfectly again. I smiled up at him again amazed at the way he can talk perfect upper-crust English and switch back to the common language he usually used.

I licked the pouch and took in the smell as I licked, I could feel my own dick leak making my shorts damp with pre-cum. I used my teeth and released his dick from the pouch of the jock strap. I looked again at the tattoo of the snake head and saw a pearl of pre-cum appear at the very tip of the snake head, I put my tongue out and licked it up tasting again the sweet flavour. I wanted more, I looked up at Flash and he nodded, so I took the head once more in my mouth, I closed my eyes as I took the head inside my mouth, I knew at that moment this is exactly where I wanted to be, on my knees in front of a butch alpha male.

"You will take more of me than you took yesterday posh boy." I knew I wanted more but the thought scared me how would I breathe with this big fat dick blocking the way. It was as if he could read my mind "As you take more posh boy, breathe through your nose, when you start to gag just swallow hard." I knew I wanted to please Flash and do as I was told. I did start to breathe through my nose and fear left me. I started to gag and after a few failed attempts, I swallowed hard and all his big fat dick was lodged deep inside my mouth and throat as I felt his large balls hitting my chin. "Well done posh boy, you are a natural cock sucker, I fucking knew you would be."

The praise from Flash made me feel good about myself. I worked his dick slowly remembering to breathe as I worked up and down, Flash was groaning and I could see from my vantage point on my knees he had a shit eating grin on his face and his eyes were closed. "Mmmm fuck yeah posh boy, good work." He moaned out.

Flash took hold of my head and kept it still, he used his dick and fucked my face, he was a little hard but I knew deep down I wanted to give him pleasure and if this means a little pain then I would accept it willingly. My throat was hurting as he pushed his dick in and out of my mouth and throat but I put up with it.

Suddenly Flash yelled out and I felt his cum slide down my throat and into my stomach. He pulled his dick out of my throat and pulled me to my feet. He kissed me pushing his tongue into my mouth. "Thanks posh boy, I know that you must be hurting but you gave me the alpha male pleasure and that is what counts." I nodded and kissed him back.

"Are you enjoying me using you?" I nodded. "Good, I enjoy using you too." He smiled at me. "Do you want to take this to the next level?"


Next: Chapter 2

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