Seans Revelation

By Iain Bell

Published on Nov 8, 2019


Sean's Revelation – chapter two

This story is about a young man initiation to the world of the gay skinhead and he owed everything to his father. Like all my stories on NIFTY they are from my own perverted mind and all content belong to me and me alone, please feel free to contact me on with any comments you may have. Lastly and most importantly you do need to contribute to keep this valuable archive afloat.

I knew what he meant, he wanted to fuck me. "I think so but it scares me."

"As much as I want to fuck the shit out of you and fuck you so hard, I won't I want you to enjoy it, the hard skinhead fucking will come as soon as you can take it. I want to keep on seeing you, I want to make you mine. Kelvin is a good mate but he isn't the sharpest, it will be good to have somebody I can talk to properly. I know I am a skinhead and live round here now but I was bought up in a good family and well educated, I am an intelligent man who went to a good public school." I must have looked shocked Flash just smiled. "I want a boy who I can use at my will and also have an intelligent conversation."

I nodded and smiled. "Can we have a cigarette?" Flash nodded and we went outside. We lit up and sat back on the wall enjoying the cigarette. "You did enjoy yourself didn't you?" he said looking at my shorts. They were very wet, I must have cum when Flash was fucking my throat and didn't realise it. "Are you sure you want to take this to the next level?" I nodded quickly. "If you take to getting screwed as well as you did me fucking your throat you and I will be well matched. What are you doing on Saturday?"

"I can be free, I have a few chores but apart from that I have all day."

"Good. I've got to go into work for a few hours first thing, be here on Saturday at about 10:30, is that okay?" I nodded. Flash looked round and not seeing anyone he kissed me "see you Saturday posh boy" and he was gone.

I finished my cigarette and made my way home. I ignored the looks I got as my crotch was still showing the signs of my earlier cum. I got indoors just as dad was running up the driveway. He looked down "been enjoying yourself Sean?" I nodded "do you know what you are doing and most of all are you happy with what you are doing?"

"Yes to both dad."

"Good" dad opened the door and we went indoors. "Can I show you something? Lee got them for me, it was Lee who you saw the other day." I nodded and dad took me upstairs and in his cupboard he pulled out a pair of super skinny jeans, not something that dad owned. "Lee wants me to wear them next time we meet but I'm not sure."

"Go on dad try them on." he shrugged his shoulders and not one to be shy he pulled off his running shorts and he was in a jock strap. I moaned and didn't realise it was that loud.

"You like jocks straps then?" I nodded. He pulled it off and threw it at me. "Here." He grinned, it will make me feel good that my own son is wearing one of mine. Dad stood before me naked apart from his trainers which he took off, mum and dad were never shy about me seeing them in the buff but this time I saw not my dad, I saw a good looking man with a nice dick and I wanted to be on my knees sucking him. I went forward and it was as if dad read my mind "NO" he said firmly. "We are not going there son." He pulled on the jeans and as he pulled them up they fitted like a second skin.

"Very nice dad."

He looked in the mirror "They show everything."

"Yeah of course they do, they show off your muscled legs, your firm thighs and your big dick too. I'm sure Lee will approve "when are you seeing him again?"


"Well make sure you wear them, you will no doubt get the fucking you deserve wearing them."

"I hope so, he is a well-built lad." Dad grinned "so what about you, I see you are smoking I can smell it."

"He likes me to smoke as he is a smoker. All I have done is suck his dick, he wants to take it to the next level and, well I can't wait." We both heard the front door, I went into my own bedroom and dad stripped off his new jeans and hid them away. I had a quick shower and dressed in some new running shorts and vest and went downstairs.

"Hello Sean, did I hear dad?"

"He ran home from work, and I think he is in the shower." I made some coffee as I needed some and I knew mum and dad would. So I got the extra-large cafetiere out and made enough for the three of us.

The next few days were dead slow, I think I was actually looking forward to Saturday. Friday came and as I sat in my bedroom before going to college, I got hard as I thought of Flash standing there in his gear, his boots shiny from my licking, and him pulling down his tight jeans and revealing his smelly jockstrap covering his big snake. The bedroom door went shaking me out of my thoughts. "Come in."

"Sean, I am out early tomorrow, a long run and then round to see Lee. Here." Dad handed me £250.

"Dad, I don't need all this."

"Go and buy yourself some tight skinny jeans like mine, and anything else you want I'm sure he'll appreciate them." He said with a grin.

"Thanks dad." I got up off the bed and hugged him.

"No problem son." He closed the door behind him and I got ready for college and dashed off.

The professor at college had issues with some of my work and after a long chat he was understood where I wanted to be with my work and he was finally happy.

As soon as I got out of that place I headed for the shops. I tried a lot of jeans on before finding a pair that I thought I liked. The guy manning the fitting room spoke through the curtain. "Found anything you like yet?"


"Let me have a look and I'll tell you what I think." I pulled the curtain back and he looked me up and down. "You want them as tight as you can get them, yes?" I nodded. "Well hang on a moment" he dashed off and came back with a pair of denim jeans that I hadn't see on the racks. "These have just a little stretch but not as much as the ones you have tried on. They should really hug your slim figure properly, you'll probably get on better if you take off your underwear" I'm sure he licked his lips but I may have been mistaken.

He pulled the curtain across and pulled down the ones I was wearing and pulled off my underwear as he suggested and started to pull up the pair he gave me. "Blimey, these are tighter" I managed after a lot of huffing and puffing to get them up my slim legs. I pulled the button closed and pulled up the zip. I looked in the mirror "wow." Just then the curtain opened and the assistant looked at me.

"Told you they would be better didn't I?" I nodded "turn round" I spun round and he started at my arse "Nice." This time he did lick his lips and I could see him looking at me. I turned so he could see clearly my hard dick inside the extra tight denim. "Yeah much, much better." He pulled the curtain across and knelt on the floor. He pulled the super tight jeans off my hips, I wiggled so they came down and my hard dick sprang out.

"Mmmm" he leant forward and took my dick inside his mouth, and quickly down my throat, I shot my load very quickly which he swallowed. He stood up and kissed me, he must have kept some in his mouth as he passed my own cum back to me. "Thanks" he said kissing me again. He left closing the curtain.

I changed back into my own jeans and went to pay. I left the shop with a smile across my face and headed home. Dad was driving past, he stopped and I jumped in. Before he drove off I showed him the jeans. "They are even tighter than yours. I grinned. They show everything. Apparently the guy in the shop said I had a nice arse."

We arrived home and went inside, mum was making dinner. I went up to my bedroom and put my jeans away and got on with my homework as I wanted to make sure it was finished well before I saw Flash again.

Mum shouted a couple of hours later that dinner was ready "Ah perfect timing. Just finished."

I ran downstairs and sat at the table, dad was pouring mum a drink and made me one too. "What chores am I doing tomorrow as I have to go out and meet a mate."

"Just the lawn Sean." said dad knowing full well I had a date.

"What about the other things he usually does on a Saturday?"

"They can wait, they are not urgent." Dad winked when mum wasn't looking. I mouthed a thank you.

I cleared the dinner things away and then went back up to my room. I looked through my things as I wondered what I could wear with the new jeans. I got my white trainers out of the wardrobe and a white belt that had a large oval buckle. "Mmmm a t-shirt, but which one." as I looked through my things I found a Fred Perry polo at the bottom of the drawer, I had totally forgotten about it, it was a gift from an aunt and I had never really liked it, I guessed that Flash might appreciate it, so I hung it up so the creases where it had been folded would drop out.

I went back downstairs and watched some television with mum and dad. I was getting fidgety as I couldn't settle. I was thinking about tomorrow. "Will you sit still?" Mum shouted.

"Sorry, I'll go upstairs out of the way, I'm not into this anyway." Mum went back to watching the television and dad looked at me and nodded his understanding.

I sat on the bed in just a pair of shorts. I was apprehensive and also excited about tomorrow. I put my head phones on and listed to music, I must have fell asleep as the next thing I knew mum was shouting up at me "Breakfast." I jumped in the shower, wore a pair of old shorts and a t-shirt and had breakfast. I went straight out to the garden and got on with the lawn. I mowed it quicker than I had ever done before. I finished in record time and it looked straight too, the lines were all parallel.

I ran upstairs and had yet another shower and dressed in the things I had laid out. Dad appeared at my door. "Looking good Sean." He came in and closed the door "If that outfit doesn't get you fucked nothing will. Have fun Sean." And dad left me to finish getting ready. I used the wax to get my hair just how I like it.

One final look in the mirror and I was out the door and running. I arrived at exactly 10:30, Flash was already there standing proud in his boots. "Ah posh boy, at last." He looked me up and down "You look fuckable wearing those jeans. New?" I nodded. "Come on posh boy." he said with a smile.

Flash took me to his flat, I admit we looked an odd pair, he was a well-muscled skinhead and I was a shorter and slim guy wearing jeans that looked as if they were painted on. He opened the door and let me go in first. "This is nice."

"Just because I live in a rough part of town it doesn't mean I live rough. Oh and you are the only person to ever see where I live, Kelvin had never been here and never will. Now come here posh boy." I walked over and he pushed me against the wall, he pushed his tongue into my mouth and we kissed like long lost lovers. He felt my dick through the super tight jeans "Mmmm, hard and all because of me." We kissed again and he then took my hand and led me into the lounge. "Sit down posh boy." I sat on the settee and he disappeared.

Flash came back with coffee for us both, I thought he was getting beer. "Hey I am a skinhead yeah but I am also a realist, I didn't get my body by drinking beer at 11am in the morning."

"Sorry, I didn't know what to expect."

"You of all people should know not to judge a book by its cover." I nodded looking at my own feet. Flash came over and lifted my head. He was grinning. He kissed me again pushing his tongue into my mouth.

"I love kissing you Flash, I've messed with a few girls but you know how to push my buttons."

"Thanks. I think." We sat down again and drank our coffee "So are you sure about taking the next step?"

"Yes, very sure."

"Good I hoped you might, I won't push you into anything you might not like or want, I know I am the first so I will be easy on you, I want you to enjoy it and I want you to come back for more."


"Yes, now drink your coffee so I can take you to bed and do this properly."

I was used to drinking hot coffee and so I down it easily "Finished." Flash laughed "You are eager posh boy." Flash finished his and stood up "Come on then."

"Why do you call me posh boy?"

"Well you are."

"So are you."

"Ah yes but not when I talk like Eliza Doolittle. Now if I was to say that name to Kelvin he wouldn't have a clue what I was talking about, so I have to change my language, I can be myself with you and that's why I want you."

"Want me?"

"Yes I want you, I want you as my boy, lover, bitch, call it what you will, but I want you as my personal property, I knew the moment I saw you."


"That's why I am taking my time with you, I don't want to frighten you off. Now get naked posh boy." I took my off clothes while Flash sat down on a chair and watched. My eyes never left his and at one point I nearly fell over. "Ooops a daisy." He said with a grin. I finished undressing and he patted his lap. I sat down my own dick was rock hard and needy. I could feel his hard lump underneath me. I moved around until I could feel it directly underneath me. "Better now?"

"Yes thanks" and I kissed him.

"Not much hair on your body, that's good." I had no idea what he meant but quite frankly anything was fine by me right now. He picked me up in his arms and lay me on the bed. "Now be as relaxed as you can, if you can relax everything will be much better." He sat down and took his boots off and then socks, his jeans and finally his polo shirt.

I saw his body full for the first time "Fuck that's hot."

"Thanks posh boy, you will always dress and undress me from now on as that is one of your jobs, and to make sure I always look good." He had his nipples pierced and had his chest and legs totally covered in tattoo's. He lay on the bed next to me and dwarfed me. "Ready?" I nodded.

Flash sat up his back against the headboard and pulled me over him so my arse was ready for him. He picked up a tube of Vaseline and coated a finger. "Relax posh boy, relax." He used one finger and pushed inside my anal opening. I didn't tense at all, all I could feel was his finger playing with my arse. "Okay posh boy?" I only moaned as a reply.

Flash must have lubed a second finger and after a whole I felt that entering me, a little bit of pain but it was more uncomfortable that painful. "You okay posh boy?" I only moaned again but not a moan of pain. "Fuck posh boy you are tight, it will take me a while to open you up enough to take my big snake." His two fingers hurt bit I just tried to ignore it. "I can feel your dick against me posh boy, tells me you are enjoying me playing with your cunt." He tried another finger but that was quite painful and I couldn't cope with it so he stopped. "Okay posh boy that is enough for today." And he slapped my arse gently.

Flash stood up and sat on the side of the bed "put my boots and socks on posh boy." I got off the bed and got his socks, as I picked them up I realised that they smelt of sweat. It must have shown on my face and Flash laughed. "You'll get used to it posh boy" I pulled them on his feet and up to just below his knees. I got his boots and put one of his foot and Flash showed me how to lace them up properly. I did the other one for him and when I finished I sat back "good job. Well done. What do you want to do now posh boy?"

I immediately got to the floor and started to clean them with my tongue. I looked up at Flash to see if this is what he wanted, as I looked he scowled, so I looked down and concentrated on what I was doing.

When I thought I had finished I stopped and sat up and looked at Flash a little worried about what he would say. Only this time he was smiling "good job posh boy." I looked down and his snake was rampant. He laughed again "watching a boy lick and worship my boots always make my snake wake up, you ought to remember that." I looked into his eyes and smiled. "Come on then posh boy, get to fucking work." I lowered my head and licked the head of his snake. I licked all-round the head and took it inside my mouth. I slowly moved down taking it deeper until it hit my gag reflex. I stopped and licked up and down on as much as I could manage. "Come on posh boy, you've done it before." He snarled and I forced my throat to relax and work his snake until all of his large dick was lodged inside my throat.

I could feel the tears rolling down my face, I wasn't crying, the tears were because I was hurting, I know I had deep throated him once. I knew this time it was because I couldn't relax. "You are fucking useless posh boy." and he pushed me away.

"I'm sorry Flash, I will learn, please let me learn."

Flash snarled again and perfectly mimicked my voice "Please let me learn." I looked down at his boots and licked each one once and then sat up and looked up at his again in his common voice he spoke again only this time his tone was softer. "Every time you want to apologise to me you will kiss each boot once no matter where we are, do you understand posh boy?"

"Yes Flash I understand. Does this mean you aren't kicking me out?"

"No. Not yet." He grinned. "Now fucking get back to sucking my dick and remember to relax your throat, I want to be balls deep posh boy." I nodded and took the head of his snake in my mouth again, I worked up and down several times and slowly, oh so slowly I worked deeper and deeper, I must have relaxed properly this time as I managed to take all of him easier that before.

"Good work posh boy. Fuck yeah work that snake."

The praise he gave me made me feel good about my achievement and so I worked harder making sure that I was giving him the best I could manage. I heard Flash moan and his moans of lust also made me feel good. "Fuck posh boy, I so much want to fuck your throat, when you have learnt properly I will fuck your throat so fucking hard, it'll make it hurt for a week, I love my sex hard and you will learn." I felt a little scared and Flash could tell, I don't know how he knew "don't get scared posh boy, when you have trained up you will want me to fuck your throat."

I continued with sucking his dick all through he chatting and I realised that I did want this, I wanted him to take charge of me and I wanted to learn everything he could teach me. I felt Flash start to lift his arse off the bed, just a little making me work even harder.

Flash suddenly moaned and I felt the first volley of cum hit the back of my throat and then a second and a third. "Oh fuck yeah posh boy, good fucking job." He said when he had finished shooting his load.

I licked the head of his dick as I moved back, he saw me smiling "Pleased with yourself then?" I shrugged my shoulders "worried what I might say?" I nodded. "Well don't be, you are a fast learner, you suck dick like a pro, shame your arse isn't as accommodating, but it will be posh boy, it will be."

"Come on downstairs" Flash sat on the couch and patted his lap. "Come and sit here posh boy." I sat on his lap and he pulled my face round and we snogged. As we snogged I felt his snake start to get hard again making me moan "see what you do to me posh boy. Oh and stop using that fucking wax in your hair, it makes a right fucking mess and he grabbed hold of my hair and pulled me back into a long hot kiss.

We parted and Flash reached for the cigarettes and took me out onto the balcony, he lit two and handed me one. We sat together and smoked, I totally forgot I was naked "Can I ask a question?" Flash nodded. "Why me?"

He smiled at me and then kissed me. As soon as I saw you I knew I wanted you and I don't mean just for now, I want you long term." He pulled my hair back and kissed me. "You will train up nicely posh boy, now I have some things to do and you cannot be there, so go home and I want you to use this." He handed me what I learnt was a dildo, it was smaller than his snake "Use loads of lube and be gentle, whenever you are alone start to fuck yourself slowly, it will help open your arse up." I nodded and kissed him. "Go" I got up and he slapped my arse playfully. "I like to slap posh boy, so you will have to learn that as well." I looked at him shocked, Flash just grinned "go."

I ran into the bedroom, dressed and left for home. The house was empty when I got home, so I went to my bedroom and stripped off and jumped on the bed. My own dick was hard remembering every single thing that Flash said to me, even the ones that scared me. I beat my dick four times shooting each time. "Fuck that was hot." I said to an empty room, I jumped in the shower to clean everything away. I remembered how Flash said I was quite hairless and that he liked it. I rummaged round and found mums hair remover in the bathroom cabinet. I read it intently and decided that I would use it to remove what hair little I had.

After waiting the required time I jumped in the shower and what hair I had disappeared down the plug hole. I was totally hairless all over from the neck down. I dried myself and went back to my room and suddenly realised that if I wore my usual shorts, mum would know and I didn't want daft questions. So I put on a pair of chinos and a t-shirt. I was going to sculpt my wet hair with wax and remembered what Flash had said, so I left it as it was.

I heard the front door open and went downstairs, mum was arriving home. She looked at me "Why are you wearing long trousers, usually wear shorts."

"No reason, just felt like a change."

"Mmmm, no wax either. Very odd." she said and walked off in search of a drink no doubt. I knew she wasn't convinced.

I went into the lounge and watched some television, an arts programme that I recorded as I knew it would help me with my college work. When it was finishing I heard dad arrive home, he was in shorts and a t-shirt again. He looked at me and winked and went into the kitchen to see mum. I heard them talking "What's with all this fitness lately?"

"Well I need to keep up my strength otherwise I won't be able to keep on satisfying your high sex drive."


"Oh come on, he knows what goes on in our bedroom, you are not exactly quiet. I never knew why you earned the nick name wolf until that first time I fucked you."

They both went quiet and I guess they were snogging. I crept upstairs to my bedroom, I tidied it up as it was a little messy. I heard a wolf cry from the kitchen and knew mum was getting screwed.

Dinner was late that day as I heard mum scream at least three times, when I eventually went down for dinner both mum and dad were glowing and the smell of sex permeated the kitchen.

I must have had a permanent smile on my face which they both noticed but neither said anything. I sat in the garden when dinner was over, mum went and had a shower and went out with some girlfriends, and I ran upstairs and changed into running shorts and went back in the garden. Dad showered and changed into shorts and came out with me.

He sat on the chair next to me and did a double take at looking at my legs but said nothing. "Want a beer dad?"

"Great idea Sean." I went to the kitchen and came back with two, I handed him his and we lay in the loungers drinking.

I finally broke the ice "So what did Lee think of the new jeans then?"

Dad turned and grinned "Thought they looked great on me. Gave me the fucking of my life too. What about you?"

I thought for a moment or two "He says he wants to fuck me but I need to loosen up first, so he is being gentle with me." Dad smiled nodding. Nothing else was said we drank our beers and enjoyed the late evening sunshine together.

As the sun slowly went down dad sat up on the lounger "Sean, thanks for not saying anything. You could have made life very difficult for me and divorce would have no doubt followed. I do really love her you know, but I have needs too."

"Dad, you don't need to explain anything. I can see the love you two have for each other, in fact I can hear the love you have for each other."

Dad grinned "Mum was always vocal."

I nodded "I am happy for you, I really am and in fact you could have made life difficult for me. I heard a rumour at college that when one guy came out to his parents they threw him out. Apparently he lived on the streets for three months until a homeless charity took him in."

"Sean you are my son, even if I could hate the fact you like guys and not girls I could never throw you onto the streets, mum might take a little time to come to terms with it though."

We both heard the front door open and mum came into the garden, took one look at us both, she noticed my shaved legs but just raised her eyebrows and shook her head and walked off.

Dad and I sat chatting until the sun started to go down, mum was in the lounge just finishing a programme on the television. She turned to us and switched off. "Sit down please Sean." Dad went to walk away. "You too darling." We both looked at each other and sat down. "Now, something's up. I can't quite work out what though." She smiled at me "have you got a girlfriend?" I must have gone very red "A boyfriend then?"

I was totally embarrassed "Honey, you are embarrassing the lad."

"I want to know why my son is behaving strangely and shaving his legs."

"I don't exactly have a boyfriend"

"Look at me Sean."

I looked up and was surprised as I expected a scowl or something else quite nasty but she was grinning. "And what is not exactly a boyfriend?"

"I've met somebody that I like and he likes me, we are taking it step by step as it is all new to me. He doesn't want to scare me off."

"What's his name, where does he live, what does he do for a living." I started blubbing.

"Steady on honey, you are pushing far too much."

Mum got up and came over and hugged me "sorry Sean, I only want what's best for you." We hugged for a while "Sean, if you are happy with what you are doing then so am I. You are my son and I love you and that love is unconditional." I cried onto mums shoulder. "Go on son go." I got up and went to my room.

I lay on my bed and cried myself out more from relief than anything else. The door to my bedroom went "Come in dad."

"How did you know it was me?"

"Mum never knocks, just bursts in."

"Ah I see. You okay?" he came over and sat on the bed with me. I nodded "good." he pulled me to his shoulder and I lay my head on his and we just sat there. I felt relaxed totally by the time he said he had to go as he was meeting Lee.

"Thanks dad."

"What for."

"Just being there at the right moment."

"That's what dads are for Sean." He grinned and went to his bedroom closing the door behind him.


Next: Chapter 3

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