Search and Rescue

By Matt Hunter

Published on Mar 1, 2002


The usual disclaimers still apply, but I thought I'd throw my own little ramblings at the end for a change. Without further ado....

"Search and Rescue" Chapter 30

"I'm so nervous I can't sit still," I confessed, tapping my patent leather shoe on the hardwood floor.

"No kidding," Nick laughed. "I've been trying to tie your tie for the past half-hour."

"And you know he's not very good at it," Drew added helpfully. "You're normally the one who does this for us."

"I know," I croaked, "but I can't make my hands stop shaking."

"We've noticed that, too," Jeff called from across the room.

"Why are you so panicked?" Justin asked.

"I don't know," I smiled.

"It's not like this is your first wedding," Drew offered. Nick cut him a hard look, and I could tell that he really wanted to smack him for the remark. Instead, he just frowned before giving me a sympathetic smile. "It's not like you don't know what you're getting into," he pointed out.

"Or who you're getting into it with," Jeff added.

"JC is a great guy," Nick reminded me. "Even Mom approves, and you know how rare that is."

All of us just laughed at the truthfulness of that statement. "I know," I reiterated. "But I'm getting married."

"And why are you getting married?" Drew asked.

"Because I love him."

"And why do you love him?" Justin continued.

"Because he's one of the most wonderful human beings who has ever walked the face of God's green earth, and because every minute away from him breaks my heart."

"And why is he marrying you?" Jeff asked, reaching around Nick to help untangle the tie but only succeeding in making matters worse.

"Because he loves me," I forced myself to admit.

"And why are you having this ceremony?" Nick asked.

"So that he and I can make a promise to each other," I replied.

Seeing the lopsided grin on my face, Nick offered me a knowing smile. "See? No more shakes." He started to walk across the room before turning around and interjecting a "So tie your own damn tie."

Looking down, I realized he was right. The nervousness was gone. I calmly knotted the tie and straightened it against the pleats of my shirt. "I wonder if he's going through the same thing right now?"

"He is," a soft, feminine voice answered. I turned to see one of the most beautiful sights I'd ever beheld. There stood both of my daughters, looking identical. Each wore a white lace gown with pearl accents and some other accoutrements I couldn't pronounce but I remembered Kathy mentioning. Both had their hair up in very classic styles. Jewelry on their ears and necks and a thin layer of make-up on their faces only made them look more radiant--more mature. My teenaged daughters looked anything but. What a difference the year since the dance at their school had made. Their cousins, Jeff, and Justin just stared at them, speechless.

"We stopped in to check on him before we came to check on you," Caitlin informed me as she folded her arms and leaned against the door.

"What's up?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

"We just wanted to have a talk with our other Dad," Colleen smiled. I was quite sure there was a lot more to this than they were telling, but by the pleased looks on their faces, I got the distinct impression that I wouldn't be getting the rest of the story.

"You two look sensational," Drew smiled before leaning in to kiss each of their cheeks.

"Not gonna get a lot of sleep for the next few years, are you old man?" Nick laughed as he walked over to the girls, repeating his brother's gesture.

"At this exact moment," I grinned, "I'm thinking none."

"We need to get out there," Jeff reminded the others.

I nodded before adding a panicked, "Nick, do you have the ring?"

He just smiled at me and raised his right hand into view, revealing the ring on his finger. With that, he motioned the rest of the guys out of the room and shut the door behind him.

"So I'm not the only one acting like an idiot?" I repeated, glad I wasn't alone in these feelings.

"Not in the least," Colleen smiled.

"Dad can't talk," Caitlin giggled. "He keeps twisting his words and grunting inarticulately."

I had to smile. It seemed not only was he experiencing the same thing, but it sounded like he was having a worse time of it. I still marveled that they had started calling JC "Dad" the last time we were together. I hadn't even thought of suggesting it. I think he and I were both content with them calling him "JC," but I have to say, the first time he realized that they were speaking to him, I could see his heart melt. I was instantly grateful that neither one of the girls was the manipulative type, because at that exact moment, they could have gotten him to do anything, whether I approved or not. It was one of those heartwarming moments that I was quite certain he'd remember long after the girls had children of their own.

"Everyone was trying to get him to relax," Colleen smirked, "but they weren't having a great deal of success."

"Lance just kept shaking his head with an exasperated look on his face," Caitlin began, " and it was all Joey could do to keep Chris from strangling Dad. Uncle Justin was the only one who seemed to be keeping a cool head."

I smiled to myself again. They'd been around Curly so much that they had started calling him Uncle Justin. Even though it had sounded silly initially, I had to admit, it made it easier when both Justins were in the room. Still, I couldn't help but laugh at the thought of Curly being the only voice of reason.

"I have to say," Colleen added, "that if it hadn't been for him during the whole tuxedo fiasco, I think there would have been a nervous breakdown or two."

"What tuxedo fiasco?" I asked, alarmed.

"The mixed the two Justins' tuxedos up, since the first names were the only ones on the ticket," Caitlin explained.

"How come I didn't know about this?" I continued.

"Because Nick took care of it before you ever found out about it," Colleen grinned.

"Why didn't he tell me?" I demanded.

"Let me think," Caitlin smirked sarcastically. "Could it be because you made him the best man, and that's the type of thing the best man takes care of so the groom doesn't have to?"

"Watch your tone, young lady." Apparently, my warning wasn't all that impressive, because she just kept smiling at me. They realized better than I did just how on edge I was.

The volume on the organ escalated, and we all realized that this was it--the ceremony was about to begin. My hands began to shake again, and I started to break out into a cold sweat. "Am I ready for this?" I muttered quietly, not realizing I said it loud enough to be heard.

"Readier than you've been for anything your entire life," Caitlin smiled with uncharacteristic understanding. She leaned forward to kiss my cheek before disappearing into the hallway, making her way to where JC was waiting.

"You're ready to start your life," Colleen smiled, kissing me as well and handing me the long-stemmed red rose I'd almost crushed in my skittishness. She gently took my arm and wrapped hers within it.

As the musical prelude drew to a close, everyone took their positions. >From the vestry where I was standing, my groomsmen entered and walked to the front of the church in unison with JC's counterpart. First was Justin Jeffre and Chris, then Jeff and Lance, Drew and Joey, and finally, our best men, Nick and Curly.

The girls emerged next from the opposing antechambers, each of them holding a burning white candle. JC and I followed, each of us holding a single red rose, and as I watched him enter the room, I couldn't hear anything. I couldn't see anything but him. At that exact moment, I had never been more sure of anything in my entire life.

The minister began to speak. A couple of people had been surprised we had chosen some of the aspects of a more traditional religious ceremony, but considering both of our backgrounds, it seemed appropriate. JC had decided to leave the Catholic church during my illness--apparently the result of some falling out with a priest. In its wake, he'd adopted the Mennonite faith, which earned him no small amount of teasing from the guys. Chris liked to call him Amish, because that was the closest approximation he could make, and since it didn't bother JC in the least, he let him do it. Though they harassed him from time to time, JC held his beliefs very dear--in many ways, even moreso than Justin and Lance, who were more vocal about theirs--so it was always in fun.

It wasn't like we'd really had all that much choice in the wedding at all. Once Karen and Kathy had gotten involved, we had become silent partners. It was a little unsettling at first, but considering that they only had our best wishes at heart, we quickly learned to roll with the punches, only objecting when we had particularly strong feelings about something.

I'd asked one of the chaplains from the hospital to perform the ceremony. In truth, I didn't even know what religion he practiced, but he was a dear, sweet elderly man, and something about the way he talked to families and cared about them let me know that he would be agreeable to it.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today, in the presence of God and these witnesses, to join together this man, Matthew Nicholas Hunter, and this man, Joshua Scott Chasez, in the bonds of Holy Matrimony."

"Let us pray--Almighty and everlasting. You are the creator of all things.

You make us and you sustain us. We depend upon you. Grant us purity of heart and strength of purpose, so that no selfish passion may hinder us from knowing your will, and no weakness from doing it; that in your light we may see light, and in your service find perfect freedom through Jesus Christ our Lord. Be present at this hour and grant that what is said and done in this place may be blessed, both now and forevermore. Amen."

As everyone raised their heads, he motioned to the altar. Karen stood from one of the first pews, patting Roy's hand and Tyler's knee. She paused just long enough to give Heather's hand a squeeze before walking up to Caitlin, standing beside her eldest son. She took the candle from her, and Caitlin smiled before walking over to join Colleen beside me. Caitlin took another candle and lit it from Colleen's. Having done that, the girls and JC's mother walked up to the altar. Three white candles, the middle larger than the others, stood unlit. Karen brought her flame to the one on the left while the girls simultaneously lit the one on the right. They extinguished the lights they had carried before returning to their seats in the front pews.

"The two outside candles that have been placed here are lit by members of both families to represent the lives of Matthew and Joshua to this moment. Their lights, representing the faith, wisdom, and love they have received from their parents and extended to their children are distinct, each burning alone. After the exchange of vows, Matthew and Joshua will light the center candle, representing the union of their lives."

Curly took to one of the podiums. "I'll be reading from I Corinthians, Chapter 13. If I speak in the tongues of mortals and angels, but do not have love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give away all my possessions, and if I hand over my body so that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. But as for prophecies, they will come to an end; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will come to an end. For we know only in part, and we prophesy only in part; but when the complete comes, the partial will come to an end. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became an adult, I put an end to childish ways. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face.

Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known. And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love."

Nick took his place at one of the others. "Marriage is a commitment to life--to the best that two people can find and bring out in each other. It offers opportunities for sharing and growth no other human relationship can equal, a physical and emotional joining that is promised for a lifetime. Within the circle of its love, marriage encompasses all of life's most important relationships. Husbands are each other's best friend, confidant, lover, teacher, listener, and critic. There may come times when one partner is heartbroken or ailing, and the love of the other may resemble the tender caring of a parent for a child. Marriage deepens and enriches every facet of life. Happiness is fuller; memories are fresher; commitment is stronger; even anger is felt more strongly, and passes away more quickly. Marriage understands and forgives the mistakes life is unable to avoid. It encourages and nurtures new life, new experiences, and new ways of expressing love through the seasons of life. When two people pledge to love and care for each other in marriage, they create a spirit unique to themselves, which binds them closer than any spoken or written words. Marriage is a promise, a potential, made in the hearts of two people who love, which takes a lifetime to fulfill."

As Curly and Nick returned to their places alongside JC and I, the minister continued. "Let us pray--Almighty God, we ask your blessing to be with Matthew and Joshua as they now make their wedding vows. Draw them closer to you and help them to grow together in love and commitment to each other from this time forth, and forevermore. Amen."

"Would the parents and family of Matthew and Joshua please stand?"

Karen and Roy stood on one side of the sanctuary while Caitlin and Colleen stood on the other.

"Will you receive Matthew and his children into your family and uphold them with your love as they establish themselves as a family within your own?"

"We will," Karen and Roy answered.

"Caitlin and Colleen, you are entering a new family. Will you give to this new family your trust, love, and affection."

"We will," the girls answered in that unnerving way they had of speaking in unison, though for once, it was intentional.

"Matthew and Joshua, will you be faithful and loving parents to Caitlin and Colleen?"

"We will," we answered together.

As our respective families once again sat, the minister looked at JC and I.

"Please join hands and face one another."

My heart was ready to explode. When the minister nodded at me, I began, praying to God that my voice--and my words--would not fail me. "Josh, I love you, and on this day I wed you, not just for who you are, but for who I am when I'm with you. I love you not for what you've done with your life but for what you're doing with mine. I love you for making me good, happy and whole, because, Josh, that is what you do--without a word--without a gesture--without a doubt--just by being yourself. Such a simple thing...but no one else in the world can do it. Only you...forever. This day, before our family and friends, with joy in my heart, I pledge myself to you as your husband, promising to love you, to cherish our moments together, for now and forever."

I could tell that he was choking back tears as he replied. "Matt, I've searched for you my entire life, looking for you, watching for you, needing you, and wanting you, but I didn't know who you were until fate finally brought you to me, and your love touched my heart. Now that I've found you, I feel that I've known you always, my soul mate, my rescuer. I was only half a person until you came into my life, but now I am whole and complete. I love and adore you, Matt, and I give myself to you this day with complete joy and abandonment. I promise to be a true and faithful husband, to comfort you, honor you, and cherish you for all our days."

The minister continued before we grew much more emotional. "The perfect circle of a ring symbolizes eternity, while gold is a symbol of all that is pure and holy. As you give these rings to each other, our prayer is that your love will be the same, pure and eternal. May the Lord God bless these rings, symbols of your marriage."

He turned to me. "Matthew, take the ring and place it upon Joshua's finger."

"Joshua, I give you this ring, that you may wear it, as a symbol of the vows we have made this day."

Turning to JC, "Joshua, take the ring and place it upon Matthew's finger."

"Today we have moved from I' to We.' Matthew, take this ring as a symbol of my decision to join my life with yours until death should us part. I walked to this place to meet you today; we shall walk from it together."

"Your gift to each other for your wedding today has been your wedding rings--which shall always be an outward demonstration of your vows of love and respect and a public showing of your commitment to each other. You now have what remains the most honorable title, which may exist between men--the title of `husband.' For your first gift as husbands, that gift will be a single rose."

"In the past, the rose was considered a symbol of love and a single rose always meant only one thing--it meant the words `I love you.' So it is appropriate that for your first gift--as husbands--that gift would be a single rose. Please exchange your first gift as husbands. In some ways, it seems like you have not done anything at all. Just a moment ago, you were holding one small rose--and now you are holding one small rose. In some ways, a marriage ceremony is like this. In some ways, tomorrow is going to seem no different than yesterday. But in fact, today, just now, you have both given and received one of the most valuable and precious gifts of life--one I hope you always remember--the gift of true and abiding love within the devotion of marriage."

"Matthew and Joshua, I would ask that wherever you make your home in the future--whether it be a large and elegant home or a small and graceful one--that you both pick one very special location for roses; so that on each anniversary of this truly wonderful occasion you both may take a rose to that spot both as a recommitment to your marriage--and a recommitment that this will be a marriage based on love."

"In every marriage there are times where it is difficult to find the right words. It is easiest to hurt whom we most love. It is easiest to be most hurt by whom we most love. It might be difficult some time to say the words I am sorry' or I forgive you'; I need you' or I am hurting.' If this should happen, if you simply cannot find these words, leave a rose at that spot which both of you have selected--for that rose says what matters most of all and should overpower all other things and all other words."

"That rose says the words: `I still love you.' The other should accept this rose for the words which cannot be found, and remember the love and hope that you both share today."

"Matthew and Joshua, if there is anything you remember of this marriage ceremony, it is that it was love that brought you here today, it is only love which can make it a glorious union, and it is by love which your marriage shall endure."

Hand in hand, we walked to the altar together. "Matthew and Joshua will light their wedding candle from the two already burning. Doing so symbolizes the merging of their lives into one. By allowing the flame of the two smaller candles to remain lit, they also accept the individuality of each other as a means of fulfilling their unity."

"For in as much as Matthew Nicholas Hunter and Joshua Scott Chasez have made this solemn covenant of marriage before God and this company, I declare that they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let no person put asunder. In the name of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen." He smiled, "You may kiss your groom."

"Let us pray: O God, Lord of life and love eternal, author of all good and giver of all joy, we thank you for the gift of marriage. We bless Thee for the joy that Matthew and Joshua have found in each other and for the covenant that they have made before Thee. Grant, O Lord, that Matthew and Joshua may dwell together in unity and love all the days of their life. Give them health, prosperity, and peace. Strengthen them to obey and serve Thee, that they may walk in the steps of Jesus Christ, and when the joys and sorrows and all the good and evil of this passing world are ended, inherit Thy promises and share in Thy eternal Glory."

"O God, look, too, in favor, upon us and all our homes. Defend us from evil from within and without, and supply our needs according to the riches of Thy grace--that directed by Thy spirit, we may look to the good of others in word and deed and grow in grace as we advance in years. We ask it through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, saying together as one, the prayer He taught us."

"Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory forever. Amen."

As everyone raised their heads, the minister again smiled, looking out upon the guests. "May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be will you all--both now and forevermore. Amen."

The music grew in intensity, JC took my arm, and we escaped through the vestry to get ready for the reception.

"Would it be okay if I made love to you? Right here? Right now?" JC asked me as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Um, Josh, honey? We're in a church," I reminded him.

"Your point?" he smiled, attempting to remove my tie.

I laughed and swatted his hands away. "I may not have been the best student in Sunday school, but I'm fairly certain `Thou shalt not get freaky in a church' is one of those implied commandments."

"That's a stupid rule," he pouted, sliding his hand between the buttons of my shirt, rubbing my chest.

"At this exact moment, I'd have to agree," I assured him. Reaching down, I lifted the cummerbund enough to ease my hand down the front of his pants. He gently closed his eyes and let out a small sigh. Grinning, I gave him a squeeze, forceful enough to command his attention. "And besides that, we have a reception hall full of people to attend to."

"You really know how to kill a mood," he smirked.

"Your moods have bad timing," I laughed, "but if it's any consolation, once we start the honeymoon, I have no intentions of either one of us being able to walk or talk until we need to adjust the clocks for daylight savings time."

"I like the sound of that," he growled, biting at my earlobe.

"You'll like more than the sound of it," I whispered into his own ear.

"Promise?" he pleaded.

Easing my hands around his waist and beneath his tuxedo coat, I grabbed the firm globes of his butt. "You bet your sweet ass I do."

Swatting my hands away, he turned to the door, only looking back when I didn't instantly follow. "Well?"

"Well what?" I asked.

"The sooner we get started, the sooner it's over," he grinned.

"You, dear husband, have a dirty mind," I commented.

"And, dear husband, I plan on getting you dirty--and sweaty--right alongside me," he smiled.

"Well?" I asked stoically.

"Well what?" he responded.

"Are you gonna go so we can hurry up and get this over with?" I grinned.

He grabbed me and forced his mouth on mine. Tearing himself away, he pulled me by the arms as he backed out of the room. "Thought you'd never ask."

After the guests all left for the reception, we went back to the sanctuary for the pictures of the wedding party. Everyone had these giddy looks on their faces that, while endearing, almost caused JC and I to lose our composure. Once all of the guys took their leave, he and I stayed behind with Tom, the photographer, to get the last shots done. His assistant grabbed their equipment and left just before us.

JC and I climbed into the last limousine and sped towards the reception hall. Kathy had planned everything to the smallest detail, so we were only a few minutes behind everyone else. She was very vocal about making sure that no one had a chance to "get liquored up" before the reception even started. When we got to the banquet hall, we got a standing ovation--as well as a few catcalls from groomsmen. Kathy had a chance to deal with another pet peeve of hers--there were nameplates for everyone, and we were able to move directly to our table.

The words caught in my throat, and I thought I was going to tear up for the umpteenth time today when I saw additional empty chairs. In addition to one labeled for my mother, there were chairs marked for Ashley McDonnell-Hunter, Carolyn Hunter, and Catherine Hunter--each place was set with a single white rose lying atop the plates.

"I hope you don't mind," I heard Kathy whisper behind me. "I thought it would be nice."

"It is," JC told her. "It's very nice."

I quickly spun on her, my face finally softening into a wistful smile. "They all would have loved it."

Regaining my composure, I sat next to JC. The food was wonderful, though I couldn't help but laugh at the fact that the man best known for singing "Shaft" was the one responsible. We had Justin to thank for that. He apparently got in touch with the Reverend Al Green, another hometown boy-made-good from Millington, who put him in touch with Isaac. In addition to a best-selling cookbook that Oprah was raving about, I'd heard that he had bought a restaurant in Chicago and was contemplating putting one here in Memphis.

Having gorged ourselves to capacity, we both sat back and reveled in the moment. Watching everyone else enjoy themselves was one of the happiest memories of my life. JC and I both sat silently musing at the little things going on around us. I was snapped back to the moment when the voice I thought belonged to the DJ called everyone's attention to the front of the room. What caught me off-guard wasn't him, though. It was who was standing on the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the man began as he took a seat at the piano, "the first time I saw JC was on the Mickey Mouse Club. What caught my attention--besides his incredible voice--was that he was singing one of my songs. I had the distinct pleasure of working with him in the last year on a song that I wrote that *NSYNC was gracious enough to lend their vocal talents to. As such, I was thrilled to return the favor when he asked me if I would sing the song he sang all those years ago, so JC, Matt, my wife Cynthia and I want to wish you years of happiness and all of the best life has to offer. If you guys will take the spotlight for your first dance as a married couple...."

JC smiled knowingly at me and took my hand as walked onto the darkened floor. The spotlight surrounded us, separating us from all of the onlookers as he placed his arm around me and we started to dance in time with the music.

"Whenever I'm weary from the battles that rage in my head, you make sense of madness when my sanity hangs by a thread. I lose my way but still you seem to understand. Now and forever, I will be your man."

JC began to softly sing along in my ear. "Sometimes I just hold you. I'm too caught up in me to see. I'm holding a fortune that Heaven has given to me."

"I'll try to show you each and every way I can, now and forever, I will be your man."

I shut my eyes and laid my head against his as we continued to move as one person. "Now I can rest my worries and always be sure that I won't be alone anymore. If I'd only known you were there all the time--all this time...."

He hooked a finger under my chin and brought my eyes to meet his. "Until the day the ocean doesn't touch the sand, now and forever, I will be your man." We both spoke in unison, "Now and forever, I will be your man."

We kissed as the music drifted into nothingness. Amidst applause (mostly from those that knew what it took to get us here), we finally relaxed our grips for the next dance. To my continued surprise, Richard stayed at the piano while Chris bounded up there.

"Okay. Traditionally, this is the time for the father/daughter dance. Usually, that daughter's the bride," he pointed out, "but in this particular instance, it's the fathers who are getting married. This is a song that I'm currently working on, and when JC and Matt heard it, they asked that I dedicate it to Caitlin and Colleen. I hope you all enjoy it."

Colleen walked over to JC while I took Caitlin in my arms. She pressed her head against my chest as Chris began to sing. "When life seems hopeless and you're all alone, and no one's there to dry the teardrops from your eyes. When you can't find a single reason left to try, baby, I will. Baby, I will."

Looking over, I saw Colleen in the exact same position, nestled against JC's chest. "Tell me the secrets that you locked away. Confide your deepest fears that haunt you everyday--all of the little things nobody else can understand. Baby, I will. I will."

Not used to hearing Chris sing solo, I was very pleasantly surprised by the lyrics that had me thinking back to a time when the girls were younger. "It's alright. I'll be there. Count on me--anytime, anywhere. I'll show you the love till the end of my life. If no one else will stand by your side, I will."

As the chorus faded again, JC and I moved towards one another, changing dancing partners as Chris continued. "When all you've counted on comes tumbling down, and there's only emptiness that nothing seems to fill, and when you can't remember how to be strong, baby, I will. I will."

Chris echoed the refrain while Colleen just looked up at me and smiled. "I love you very much, you know."

"I know," I nodded, "and there is no man on this planet who's ever been blessed with better children than you and your sister."

"We love JC, and we're very happy for both of you," she smiled again, burying her face in my lapel. JC and I moved towards one another again, dancing within arm's reach. As we heard the slowing music echo, "I'll be standing right by your side. I will," JC leaned over and kissed me before kissing each of the girls.

As the girls went back to the table, JC wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. He rested the side of his forehead against mine as he chuckled a whisper into my ear. "When's the honeymoon?"

"Not soon enough," I assured him, "but if we even harbored a thought of leaving this thing early, Kathy and your mother would castrate us."

"True enough," he laughed as we turned to face the performing area. A beautiful blond woman quietly walked to the microphone. It took a minute for me to place the face, but once she began speaking, the voice was unmistakable.

"As the mother figures in their lives," she smiled, "Karen and Cate wanted the newlyweds to know how very proud they are of them, and JC and Matt wanted these two special women to know how very important they've been. I'd like to sing a song for all of them now. I hope you'll enjoy it."

As the piano began to play, Karen walked up to JC, and Cate to me. Taking them in our arms, we began to dance as the soft melodies hung in the air. "When I think back on these times and the dreams we left behind, I'll be glad cause I was blessed to get to have you in my life. When I look back on these days, I'll look back and see your face. You were right there for me."

Ever since Lance's forays into country music with Meredith had started, we all seemed a bit more exposed to some of the artists than usual. I had to say, Faith was a welcome introduction. I'd met her while the guys were recording a song that JC had written for the Grinch movie.

"In my dreams I'll always see you soar above the sky. In my heart they'll always be a place for you for all my life. I'll keep a part of you with me, and everywhere I am, there you'll be. And everywhere I am, there you'll be."

She and her husband Tim were among the most humble people I'd ever met in my life. Warm and genuine, when we'd gone out to lunch with them during the recording sessions, I felt stupid for worrying about how they'd react to us.

Country music is traditionally not the most open-minded of the music communities, but if our relationship bothered them in the least, they deserved Oscars to go with their Grammys.

"Well you show me how it feels to see the sky within my reach, and I always will remember all the strength you gave to me. Your love made me make it through. Oh, I owe so much to you. You were right there for me."

As the chorus refrained, I realized they'd made a pretty big impression on the guys as well. I'd heard them talking about asking Tim to join them for a televised concert they had scheduled for later in the year. Though not a big fan of his music myself, I found it impossible not to like him.

"Cause I always saw in you my light, my strength, and I wanna thank you now for all the ways you were right there for me. You were right there for me...always."

As Faith brought the song to a close, the sentiment of the words wasn't lost on me. I thought about everything it had taken, from JC and myself, from our families, and from our friends, to get us to this point. As I looked over Cate's shoulder into JC's watching eyes, one thing became abundantly clear. It had all been worth it.

Cate and Karen kissed our cheeks, and Faith and Tim walked over to congratulate us. JC grinned. "I hear congratulations are in order for you two, as well."

"Thank you," she smiled, leaning in to kiss his cheek while I shook Tim's hand. After they excused themselves, I looked questioningly over at him. "What was that all about?"

"She's expecting their third child," he answered nonchalantly.

"And just how do you know that?" I smirked.

"I keep up with people in the industry," he gloated.

"And he heard me talking to her earlier," I heard Kathy add from behind us.

"Please tell me the dances are almost over," JC pleaded with her.

"The wedding party dance is the last spotlight dance for all intents and purposes," she laughingly assured him. "Then it's time to cut the cake, and just more dancing after that."

"That we don't have to be a part of?" he asked hopefully.

"That you don't have to be a part of," she grinned. "Think you can settle little JC down that long?"

"I doubt it," I chuckled, leaning over to kiss him again, "and little JC's not that little."

"Too much info," she rolled her eyes. She nodded her head towards the stage, and we could see what all of the commotion behind the curtain had been for. A full band had been setting up back there. As the keyboardist wrapped up the tune he'd been playing, Janet Jackson walked in front of them. She'd changed out of the dress I'd seen her in at the wedding, now clad in something clearly meant for dancing.

She was rubbing her palms together when she got to the microphone. Even in a room full of musical personalities, this woman just intimidated me. When she spoke, though, the softness of her voice and her gentle smile reassured me. You could just tell that she had a way of setting people at ease.

"I had the distinct pleasure of working with *NSYNC several years ago now," she began, "and I have to say, it was truly one of the most rewarding touring experiences I can remember. Besides being immensely talented, they are some of the sweetest young men I've ever met. One of them is getting married today, and I want to wish him all of the best. JC is a rare gift to the music industry, and I feel very blessed that he asked me to be here today." She outstretched her hand to him, and he bounded to the stage to take it. As one of her crew cleared the microphone off the stage, she spoke into the portable one she was wearing. "He told me that this was his favorite song from that tour because of the dancing, so if Matt doesn't mind, I'd like for him to join me."

He looked at me, almost giddy with excitement. I just laughed and nodded my head. As the song "Alright" started playing, I just sat back and watched for a minute. JC was having the time of his life, and to his credit, he was one of a handful of people in the room who could keep up with her dancing. The song had been playing barely a minute or so before it seemed like the whole room was drenched with sweat.

Looking around, I saw all of the couples on the floor. Justin and Britney were probably the only couple who hit every step. I laughed to myself when I saw the deer-in-headlights look on Nick's face when Jessica dragged him onto the dance floor.

"And just what are you laughing at?" I heard behind me.

"The sheer panic my cousin's experiencing at this moment," I answered without turning around.

"I hope you don't think you're getting out of dancing," Kathy glared as she stepped in front of me.

"Um, my husband is on stage dancing with someone else at the moment," I pointed out, "and I'm hardly in the same league to join them."

"Then I guess I'll have to do," she said, kicking off her shoes, pulling off her blazer, and releasing her hair from its bun. She grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the spotlight, a few feet from Justin and Britney. He moved next to me so that I could copy his steps.

Watching Kathy and Britney hitting every step in time, I realized that she'd been practicing. Luckily, my time with JC had paid off, and after about a minute with Justin, I wasn't doing too badly myself. As the music stopped, JC leapt off the stage, landing in front of me. Like most of the people who'd been giving it their all, he was wringing wet. When he kissed me, I couldn't help but push him off of me so we could both catch our breath.

Laughing, we took the champagne flutes offered us and made our way to the table with the cake on it. In all honesty, I couldn't remember what flavor we'd even decided on. Everyone gathered around us as we pushed the cutting knife through the velvety texture. We each grabbed a piece and simultaneously pushed it deep into one another's mouth as cameras flashed. White icing dripped from our mouths onto the tuxes, but we didn't care. We kissed--a passionate kiss that was unlike any we'd ever shared.

Everything had gone in slow motion since the wedding started. I was so focused on JC, mesmerized by his every word and gesture, that the whole thing was a blur. Aside from the people who spoke during the ceremony, I don't think I could have named a more than a dozen people in the chapel. It hadn't even registered that people were saying things to me. I was completely transfixed until I heard Nick tapping at his glass lightly with his fork. I could imagine Kathy cringing. I vaguely remembered her saying that it wasn't proper etiquette to do that, and that errant thought brought a smile to my face as I tried to take in my surroundings.

"As one of the best men, it's my duty and privilege to make a toast to the happy couple," Nick smiled at me. "JC, take Matt's hand and place yours over his." He waited until JC had done so. "Now, remember this moment and cherish it...because this will be the last time you ever have the upper hand."

The laughter was contagious, and it was just what we'd needed to put a little levity back in the situation before we all took ourselves too seriously. "Honestly," Nick added, "my wishes for them are simple, but it still holds true." He raised his glass again before continuing, "May the best of your yesterdays be the worst of your tomorrows."

I fought back a tear, resolved that I wouldn't turn into some overly emotional sap. Instead, I raised my glass with the guests in thanks. Before anyone could set their crystal down, Justin piped in. "As the other best man," he smiled, bringing another laugh, "I have a toast of my own." Turning towards us, he smiled again, "May you swear by all that's good and true, steal away your cares and sorrows, lie in the arms of the one you love, live as long as you want, and never want as long as you live."

JC and I both had to fight to remain stoic during that one. As people helped themselves to champagne and cake, other guests took to the stage to perform. We went back to the table while others danced. Everyone slowly streamed over to wish us well, though one person caught me off-guard.

"Nate," I heard JC say, the surprise in his tone not lost on me.

"Hello, JC," Nate replied.

Determined to get past the awkwardness, I hugged him, but he seemed utterly lost, as though he wasn't sure how to react. "I wasn't sure you were coming," I told him.

"Neither was I," he confessed. "I wanted to congratulate you."

"Thank you," JC told him.

"I need to get going," he announced nervously.

"Why don't you stay a while?" I asked him. "I'm sure there are people who'd like to see you."

Understanding my meaning, he forced a half-smile and shook his head. "I've got a plane to catch. It was good to see you both again." And with that, he walked away. Looking out into the mass of people, I saw Kevin's face--he and Kristin both stood perfectly still. One corner of his mouth tried to lift itself into a sympathetic smile, and I followed his gaze to Brian, who was sitting alone at one of the tables, staring at several empty flutes.

JC leaned over and gently pressed his forehead against my cheek. I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him closer, hanging on for dear life.

The mood lightened considerably. It's hard to take things too seriously when you've watched Joe doing the Electric Slide, Gloria Estefan do the Hustle, and Phil Collins doing the Chicken Dance (which I begged Kathy to make sure didn't rear its ugly head). Things finally began to wind down, and call for the last dance was announced.

With JC's arms around me and mine around him, the world seemed to melt away. I didn't know what song was playing or who was playing it. I only knew that I was happy--happier than I'd ever been in my life. With the hurt I'd felt in my life, I wasn't sure if opening my heart again was even a realistic expectation for me, but he'd rescued me from that--from myself--and I loved him all the more for it. In this moment, everything--all of it--had been worth it, and I knew the best of my life was just beginning.

FIN (sort of)

I don't know what inspired me to write this story those many moons ago, other than it was a story that I wanted to tell. It was a story that constantly kept me guessing--sometimes more than you. I had no clear end for the story when I started, just ideas. This chapter represents the culmination of some pretty hard, but enjoyable, work on my part. I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have. I realize this chapter's missing a lot of the drama, surprises, and cliffhangers that other authors (and admittedly, myself) are known to add, but I felt it was a sweet, simple close to this chapter of the story. I apologize, by the way, if the wedding's a little dull, but I found myself lacking when it came to writing such an event more interesting than they typically are. I could have done so, of course, but it wouldn't have been the story that I wanted to tell.

Is the story over? No. On the contrary, this was chapter one, so to speak. The story's going on a short hiatus (yes, I can hear some of you now--as long is took me between chapters, I've had plenty of hiatuses). Things for everyone in "Search and Rescue" will be changing, and it's probably not how you think. I hope you'll still with me to see how the story unfolds....

In the meantime, I have good news from my readers who also follow my other half's story, "Brian & Me" by DLS. He's actually got a whole slew of chapters ready to post from the next part of his story, called "The Sun from Both Sides." Feel free to start the pressuring now :) As an aside, I would like to hear what you thought of the story as a whole. Please send any comments and questions to me at the address below. I know I haven't been the greatest person about returning e-mail in the world, but all that's changed. Work's eased up a bit, and my life doesn't seem to be grossly getting in the way, so I might turn out to be halfway sociable even :)

I do want to take this time to thank a few people who've been a tremendous inspiration for either this story or for me. First of all, DLS is in a class by himself, and words fail me, so consider this your rose, hon, and remember, SHMILY :) Next, the wonderful Karen, whose editing has saved me, whose words enlighten me, and whose friendship blesses me. Thank you for being you. You are the best. One of my dearest friends would have to be the Sprout. He's a truly unique soul, and I'm better for every moment of his presence in my life. I love ya, Drewbie :) To so many others, all I can say is thank you, for everything you are. Each one of you means more to me than you will ever know.

My love, thanks, and best wishes to all of you.

As always, I'm at:

Next: Chapter 31: Hanging on for Dear Life 1

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