Searching for True Love

By Joe Collins

Published on Sep 19, 2010


This is the story of one man's search for true love. However, there will be some sex but the real focal point will be on the relationships developed along the way. If you are not of legal age, this is unlawful in your area, or man sex bothers you, then I would suggest you leave now. Drop me line, I would love to hear from you.

Chapter 12 "Harry, have you ever ridden a horse?" James asked.

"No, I haven't and I have always wanted to ride one." Replied Harry.

Nick, Harry and the boys all went to the stables. They saddled four horses and were going for a ride.

"How are we going to get Harry in the saddle? Asked Rickie.

"Your job is to hold the horse and don't let him move." Nick told Rickie. "James and I will do the rest." Nick and James made a chair seat with their arms by grabbing their own left wrist with the their right hand. Facing each other and using their left hand the took hold of the other person's right wrist.. The chair was now made.

"Now, Harry use you arms to lift you body and we will slip the chair beneath you. We will lift you and when you are high enough lay across the saddle on your stomach. Then I will shove on your butt and James will swing a leg on each side of the saddle and unless we get you on backwards. We should be ready to go. Hang on to the saddle horn and Don't let us shove you all the way to the other side. If we do you will be lying on the ground on the other side and we will have to repeat the whole process." Nick instructed. However, the first try was successful and soon they were on their way.

Harry and Rickie were as happy as little kids turned loose in a candy shop.

"Lead the way, to the lake, James. We will be close behind." Said Nick.

"We are here! Getting off will be a lot easier. Harry, just let go of the rains and Rickie you hold them as before. James and I will be on both sides of you. Just lean over and fall out of the saddle. We will catch you and break your fall. If we miss, we will just pick you up off the ground. Of course you may be a little bruised and sore afterwards." Laughed Nick.

"Hey, James! Does this mean I am a real cowboy now." Asked Rickie excitedly.

"No! Silly, this means that you are a horse boy. Cowboys ride cows!" Whooped James. "Get out of your clothes and head for the water, and then you will be a water boy." James was already out of his clothes and headed for the water.

Rickie didn't hesitate one bit and ran after James yelling "James, you just wait until I get my hands on you and you will be a dead boy!"

"Nick, it does my heart good seeing those two getting along so well and having fun at the same time. Rickie has not had an easy time and now loosing Jake was almost too much for him. I was very worried about him but I think he will be ok , now." said Harry.

"Harry, do you need some help getting out of your clothes? I am already out of mine."

"Man, you are a treat for sore eyes! You are just as good looking as Jake was and just as well endowed. I hope that you can use your equipment as well as he could."

"There is only one way to find out, you know!"

"I aim to find out that is for sure."

"Hey, you two! Are you going to get into the water or are you just going to stand there all Googly eyed?" Yelled James. "Do you need any help?"

"I don't think so. I can handle this job all by myself. Thanks, James."

Nick turned around and squatted, "Grab me around my neck, and climb on. I will piggy-back you to the water. You know I like the feel of your naked body next to mine and I love the hard on that you have. I think that we may be in for a little fun."

"I don't know about a little fun but I think we will have a lot. Man you really turn me on. I may not be able to walk but I can hold my own in the sex department." whispered Harry in Nick ear and started nibbling on it.

"Just keep that up, we may just have to send the two youngsters on a hike. May not be a bad idea, anyway." Nick whispered back but now they were already in the water.

"James, did you see what I see? They both have hard-ons. I know that they will be doing tonight."

"Rickie, they probably won't wait until night. I bet they will be doing the nasty after we get through swimming. Maybe even before. That means we have to get lost or they might decide to stick it in us."

"Not me they don't. They would have to catch me first and I can run fast." Rickie said.

"I am with you. I bet I can run faster than you especially if I think one of them is going to stick a big cock in my butt." laughed James.

"Rickie, we may joke around as we are doing now. Jake had a rule on the ranch. No child would be used for the sexual pleasures by any adult-male or female. If someone did not follow this rule the man or woman he or she would be beaten by the other ranch members and then escorted off the ranch never to return. That policy will remain in effect as long as James and I own this ranch. Also, sex will not be permitted in front of the children even though they may know what is going on. Harry and I will undoubtedly have sex before we leave the Lake. No talk like we are doing now will not be permitted in front of the younger children, women, or male employees men who aren`t gay." Nick paused.

"So when I say lets go for a walk, put you shoes and socks on and we will take off around the lake and leave the two old men to have their so called fun. I still don't know how sticking a dick up someone's ass could be fun." Laughed James. "It must hurt like hell!"

"Jake and Harry used to do it all the time. They sounded disgusting." sneered Rickie. "whoops I let it slip. I know what happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom. Won't happen again. So go ahead guys and have your `fun'. It won't happen again." apologized Rickie.

"Rickie, are you sure you are ok with this because if you aren't we will watch ourselves a little more closely." said Nick.

"Dad, I am old enough to know what is going on. What two adults do with each other is no concern of mine unless one is being forced against his will. Then I will tell anyone who will listen." Replied Rickie.

"Thanks, Son." as Nick took Richie in his arms and gave him a big hug a kiss.

Rickie took his hand and tickled Nick's crotch "Getticy, Getticy, Goo!" And took on running. James was about to die with laughter. Soon it was time to get out and the boys took off. Nick carried Harry to the shade and laid him down on a towel. Harry immediately put his arms around Nick's neck and started kissing him.

"How did you know that I am gay?" asked Harry.

"I didn't but I was hopping. After you were undressed and got a hard-on, I knew that I just had to try. Evidently, you knew that I was also because you sure responded and led me on. We have wasted enough time talking. I want you in the worst way. Top or bottom?"

"Both. Just remember that it has been a long time since I have been with a man. Take it easy."

"That goes for me also!" groaned Nick. Now the hugging and kissing took on a new life and soon Nick was digging some lube out of his backpack and a condom.

After a very short time for each of them, Nick and Harry just lay there holding each other.

"Next time, I will take it a little slower so that I will last longer." said Nick.

"That sounds good. I know that next time, I won't have such a short fuse." giggled Harry.

The boys walked up laughing and giggling. "I told you they would be finished. They think they are stallions and can go at all day. Actually, they are just rabbits, Wham! Bam! Thank you, Mam." said James laughing with Rickie joining in.

The memorial service was over. It had been held in the football stadium to so that the large crowd could be accommodated. Long make shift tables had been set up to hold all the food that the people brought. Every one was invited to stay and they did. Of course, James and the Haymakers sang some of Jake and Lee's favorite hymns and songs. Grandma Wilson requested 'Amazing Grace' and the Haymakers decided to end with it.

Interment was going to be a private ceremony for family and ranch employees. There were so many request that finally Nick opened it for everyone. He told them that it was not possible to drive all the way to the burial sight which was to be on a hill overlooking the lake and hot springs that Jake and Lee loved so well. People could drive most of the way and after a short walk , they would be there. The ranch had four wagons that could be pulled by horses and these would be used to transport the elderly, and handicapped and anyone else who wanted to ride. There was one buggy that would be used to carry the casket that contained both bodies. Mrs. Wilson wanted them to be buried together so that they would always be together. The family was extremely pleased that Jake and Lee were so well loved by the people of the community. A big burden had been lifted and what could have been very sorrowful was truly a celebration of life.

Next: Chapter 12

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