Searching for True Love

By Joe Collins

Published on Aug 15, 2010


This is the story of one man's search for true love. However, there will be some sex but the real focal point will be on the relationships developed along the way. If you are not of legal age, this is unlawful in your area, or man/man sex bothers you, then I would suggest you leave now. Drop me line, I would love to hear from you.

Chapter Two

James went up the stairs to get his dad for breakfast. Nick had not closed his bedroom door. Jake and Nick lay on top of the bed, spooned together and completely naked. James knocked and went in.

"Come you two love birds. Time to get your butts out of bed and down to breakfast. My! My! Dad not only is he good looking but he is hung pretty good also. It looks like you two are twins in the manhood department. You are both hung about the same. I bet I know two guys who have sore butts today."

Both guys sat up and threw their pillows at James. "I'll see you in the dinning hall in a few minutes and no you don't have time for a quickie. Your equipment was made to last a life time so don't try to wear it out all at once." laughed James as he was leaving the room.

Nick and Jake took a quick shower together and headed for the dinning hall. They were both a little tired from all the extra exercise and lack of sleep but the shower and a cup of coffee should bring them around.

When they arrived at breakfast , the five boys snickered a little and the other men gave each other an elbow in the ribs and were laughing and joking. Both guys were crimson red but they just went to the serving line and picked up their food and returned to the table which had a group of men sitting at it.

"Nick, we are real glad to see you. Jake is a real grouch if he has to go more that 24 hours with a little loving. It has been two weeks since he has been into town and he has been real bitchy to work with. I hope you can keep him satisfied because he is a real nice guy if he is getting laid on a regular basis." Laughed one of the guys.

It was plain to see that everyone knew and had accepted Jake as being gay. Now they knew that Nick was also. So that is one hurdle that he won't have to jump over.

Jake told everyone that he was going to saddle some horses and take Nick and James out and show them some of the ranch. Anyone who wanted to take the day off was welcome to join them. Four of the men and the boys said they would love to join the group. The rest said they needed to get some work done and might join them later.

Jake asked the cooks to fix some lunches for them to take and would stop in later and get them after they got the horses saddle and were ready to go. James and Nick were real greenhorns and needed help with the saddling. The cooks placed the lunches in two coolers which were loaded onto a pack horse. After a few ridding tips for James and Nick, the group was ready to go.

What a beautiful day for a ride. There was so much to see and do. Nick and James were happy and this was a special treat for them. They both loved the out-of-doors and this was like a big picnic for them. They knew in their hearts that there would be no more city life for them. The kept their cameras busy, taking pictures of any and everything.

At noontime, Jake told the boys in the lead to head for the hot springs and lake. They would eat lunch there. James and Nick were more than glad to hear this. They had been in the saddle way too long and were getting a little uncomfortable. In other words, they were saddle sore and their butts hurt.

After about 15 minutes, they topped a ridge and there below them was the most beautiful valley with a lake in the middle of it. They could see the steam rising from a hot springs.

Nearby was a fresh cold water spring which had been dammed and a channel from the hot springs dug so that the hot water flowed into it. The hot water was cooled so that people could sit in without the fear of being scaled. Nick and James knew they would love soaking their tired butts in the very warm water.

Upon reaching the lake, the horses were hobbled, and the bridles and saddles removed. Now they could walk around and grazed but couldn't run away. Several blankets were spread under a large cottonwood tree and the picnic baskets unloaded. The cooks had really prepared a feast. "Before we eat, let's go swimming first." said Jake

James looked at Nick. "I didn't bring a swimming suit."

"Then you can't go swimming. You have a choice skip swimming or go skinny dipping." Laughed Nick who was already taking off his clothes. Everyone was doing the same.

"Oh, Well! What the heck!" Off came James' clothes and he joined the other in the lake. Undressing in front of boys was not a problem for him. He did it all the time in the locker room. He caught himself sneaking a peek at the rest of group. They were doing the same and giving each other thumbs up. The men were getting a few looks in also.

After playing in water for about ½ hour, everyone decide they were hungry and that it was time to eat.. No one made an effort to get dressed so Nick and James didn't either.

After lunch, one of the boys told James that they were going to walk around the lake and invited him to go along. They just put on socks and boots . "We had better get lost so these old men can suck face and do the nasty but on the other hand it might be fun just to stay here and watch!"

"If you do, we might just decide to use your asses and save ours. We haven't had boy pussy before and it might be fun." one of the men chuckled. With that, there was a mass exodus and the boys were gone laughing and giggling.

Jake told Nick not to worry because the four men were couples. The men had already started to kiss and explore the other's body. Jake and Nick didn't want to be left out so they started also. Nick had one of his biggest orgasms and really exploded in Jakes ass. Jake rolled Nick over and started putting the meat to him. Nick knew that he would never be lonely again and would not have to hide from the principal and the school board. Even thought it was after school hours, he still had to be careful and usually went to a different section of town to have his fun.

After several sessions, the men lay exhausted and went to sleep still cuddled together. They woke up when they heard one of the boys say, "Look! The old men just can't cut it any more. It is a wonder that they can still get it up.!" All the boys started laughing.

"Get your asses over here and we will show you who can't cut the mustard any more. Who wants to be first to take this up his ass? Said Jake shaking his cock at the boys.

"You are just all talk and no action." Laughed one of the boys. Jake jumped like he was going to get up and the boys took off for the lake. The men got up and headed for the lake, too. It was apparent that this was a game that they played .

Jake told Nick and James, "This is all just a game. Any man who uses the boys against their will would get the crap beat out them by the rest of the men and would be without a job and the police called. Everything said and done was in fun and that neither the boys or men meant what they said. Of course, this does not happen in front of the younger kids, and the married couples." Nick and James understood completely because they played the same games.

Nick looked at Jake and grinned.. "Jake get your body over here. I want to stake out my claim to that sweet ass of yours. I am going to use it until I hear you scream for mercy. I am not playing a game now. I want you and I need you. Jake if you only knew what you do to me!"

"Nick, I know the feeling. Every time that I look at you. I think that I am going to faint away. Nick you are one great looking guy and I want everyone to look at us and think what a good couple we make. No, you can't own my ass unless I can own yours. Let's take a walk and find a nice secluded spot and make mad whoopee! All I can say is Let the Games begin!" Jake reached down and grabbed a blanket and threw his arm around Nick and away they went.

"We don't have to rush. If fact, we can take the rest of the afternoon. The guys will go back to the house without us. Just an un-written rule that we follow. You will probably get a little teasing from some of the guys. Don't let it bother you. Don't get mad just get even."

"Jake, how can I get mad, if I know that I have been had by a red hot and good looking stud like you. What do you say, should we quit talking and get busy and have some terrific and marvelous sex."

The rest of the week was spent touring the ranch in a jeep and sitting in the lawyer's office, filling out forms. In other words, taking care of the legal work that needed to be done. James sat in on every session and got to give his input even though he is a minor and had no legal standings. His opinion was highly respected and he was being treated as an adult, which pleased him very much.

James discovered that the boys were in charge of the hay fields and getting the hay baled and stacked in the covered sheds for use in the winter. No wonder they were in such good shape and had bodies to show for all their hard work. James was invited to become a member of the work force and accepted. All they boys were on the active payroll and was receiving equal pay as the regular ranch hands. I gave him permission to stay and work.

I would return to Seattle and complete all the necessary arrangements that need to be completed for the move to the ranch. Probably this would take about two weeks and then their new life could really begin.

Next: Chapter 3

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