Searching for True Love

By Joe Collins

Published on Aug 27, 2010


This is the story of one man's search for true love. However, there will be some sex but the real focal point will be on the relationships developed along the way. If you are not of legal age, this is unlawful in your area, or man sex bothers you, then I would suggest you leave now. Drop me line, I would love to hear from you.

Chapter 6

James was sitting holding Nick's hand and singing to him. Nick opened his eyes and said "James". James jumped up and went running down the hall screaming, "Tom, come quick He is awake!"

Tom came running down the hall wearing only his jockey briefs. "Nick, you are finally back with us. Thank God!"

"Would someone please tell me what is going on?"

"All in good time but now we have some important things to do. James run and get Jake and be quick." James was off in a flash. James did not stop to knock but went running to Jake's bedroom. "Jake. Come quick. Dad is awake." Jake shot straight up in bed and jumped out. "Jake, I think you had better at least put some shorts on and that goes for you too, Lee." James said as he was running out the door. "Jake, call Granddad and tell him to drive slow!"

James went running back to his dad's room and threw his arms around his neck. "Dad, I am so glad that you finally woke up. Do you remember anything that happened.?"

"Not a thing. All I remember is feeling a sharp sting in my neck like a bee socked it me. The next thing, I remember is opening my eyes and you taking off running and screaming like a wild man.. This good looking young man who is wearing only a skimpy pair of Jockey bikini shorts told me that you would fill me in. Too bad he has shorts on, from the looks of things, I think he has plenty to show off."

"Tom, He is back with us and there is nothing wrong with his mind." Laughed James. "Watch him very close because the next thing, he'll try to get you in bed with him.!"

"Dad you have been in a coma for almost 6 weeks now. In two days, the doctors were going to pull the plugs on you. They wanted to before, but I said no and I talked Grandpa in giving you six weeks before he gave the ok. Your time was almost up! I am glad that I waited!"

"You're not the only one! I knew you would come through for your old man. Now why was I in the coma in the first place."

"You remember that old man Brown that you had the run-in with at the school board meeting. You do, good! The day after we had signed all the papers and transferred the money for the apartment and the deal was complete, you went into town to get some feed for the chickens. Evidently, Mr. Brown waited on you and managed to shoot you in neck with a tranquilizer dart".

" He drug your unconscious body around back and started beating you with a ball bat. We think he was trying to kill you and almost did. Two middle-school boys came riding by on their bicycles and saw what was going on. They started throwing rocks at him and he started to chase them but they managed to escape. "

"The boys called 911 on their cell and told them to send a police officer and an ambulance immediately. They gave a good description of what was happening. They literally saved you life. The mayor is going to give them an award at the first assembly when school starts. Now maybe you can attend also."

"Mr. Brown was shot and killed. He was trying to escape when the police arrived and came after a policeman with the bat. The policeman wound up with a broken arm and he shot Mr. Brown, killing him. It was ruled that he had acted in self-defense and was trying to protect an innocent citizen ."

"You were in very bad condition when you arrived at the hospital. The doctors described you as having serve head injuries, two broken ribs, a broken arm, a broken leg and lots on internal injuries. Your whole body looked like hamburger meat. Your prognosis did not look very favorable and the doctors did not know if you would come off the operating table. It was at this time, when they discovered you to be in a comma. The doctors are afraid that you may be paralyzed from the waist down. Your lower body did not respond to any of the test they did. You are alive that is the main thing right now. We will just have to take everything one day at a time and cross each bridge as we come to it."

"You stayed in the hospital for a week until, a nurse practitioner trained in physical therapy, could be found and could come and care for you at home. That nurse happens to be Tom. Someone has been at your side day and night until now. You have Tom here to thank for keeping you alive. Regardless of what he says, it was through his efforts that you survived. So you owe him big time!"

"James. I think that you did just as much as I did. You have been at his side almost as much as I have. I know that you got a lot of vocal rehearsal accomplished because Ms. Alicia has been here almost everyday, helping you with your singing lessons. I guess you know that you are real good and this has helped me survive and maybe it even helped your dad, who knows."

By now the house was buzzing with people. Tom had to allow only two people at a time in to see Nick and then for only 5 minutes. This was good and he seem to feed off all the love and attention he was getting.

After a bit, Tom told every one to head for the pool and give Nick a rest. It is a good thing because Nick was already sound asleep. James refused to go and stayed by his side.

Nick slept for about ½ and hour and briefly opened his eyes again. James was sitting there with tears rolling down his cheeks. "James what is wrong. Don't say, Oh nothing because I can feel the tension. I know something is bothering you."

"Dad, I was just sitting here thinking and watching you. Almost 6 weeks ago, the doctors were telling me that you probably wouldn't make it through the night. I bet I told you ten thousand times that night and every day and night since that if you wanted to live, you had to fight and that you couldn't give up and take the easy way out. In between times, I prayed to God not to let you give up and to help you fight. You only had two days left and this morning I told you that it is now or never. I guess you must have given it everything you had left in you because you opened your eyes and here we are now."

"James, I kept hearing this voice inside my brain and it became almost like a war Chant."Fight! Fight! Fight. You have to Fight! Fight! Fight!' So it was you all along. When that voice would stop, another took it place and it was saying the same thing." Now Nick was also crying.

"Dad, that was Tom. When Tom would take a break, Jake would take over. You had your own cheering section. Must have worked because you are back."

"Thanks. James! You know what I need now is a great big hug from you."

"You got your share of them, too. There was a long line of people lined up to give you a kisses and a hugs." James moved over to the side of the bed and took his dad in his arms and hugged him. Both had tears rolling down their cheeks. Tom who was standing in the door moved in and joined in a big group hug and he had even more tears.

"Tom, I think it is time for us to get a new chant. The doctors have said that Dad will never walk again. If it worked once why won't it work again. "Walk, Dad, Walk! You can do it!"

"James, I think you are right. If we all work together--Miracles can and will happened." This started the tears rolling again.

Alice walked in and turned as white as a sheet. "Tom! James! Has something happened to Nick?"

"No, Grandma. Nick could not be better! These are tears of rejoicing and the celebration of Nick returning to life!"

"Then in that case, I will join you!" Soon everyone in the house had tears and were "Shouting NICK! NICK! NICK!" Tom made no effort to stop the chant. This is what Nick needed , moral support and he was getting a generous dose!

The next day, an ambulance came to take Nick to the hospital for more x-rays and test. James and Tom followed in a car. "James, my time here is just about over. The insurance for my services will probably stop after today's visit. I hate to leave, I have become attached to all of you there at the ranch. You people have something going for you that is missing in big cities. James, you have to keep the next thing a complete secret. No telling anyone. Understand!"

"Tom, if you are going to tell me that you are gay and have fallen for my Dad, I already know that, So what else is new?

"James, how did you know? I haven't told anyone!"

"No one had to tell me anything. You have it written all over your face. I see it in your eyes when you look at Nick. You have the look of a school girl falling in love with her teacher. I bet Grandma Nancy and Grandma Alice both know. I wouldn't be surprise if Grandpa Leon also knows."

"OK, is there anyone who doesn't know? How would your Grandparents know?"

"Tom, I think I had better back up and start at the beginning. Nick is my adopted Dad My parents were recently killed in an auto accident. Nick was their best friend and promised to take me in if something should happen to them. After the accident, Nick kept his promise and adopted me. Nick and I inherited this ranch from my dad. Nick and my dad were more than just friends. I don't think my mother knew about them and if she did, she kept it a complete secret."

"Tom, I feel like I am squealing on my dad. Please don't take it that way. I want you to realized where I am coming from. My grandparents have known that Nick was gay since he was a teenager. They are ok with that. They say it is his life and he can live it anyway he wants as long as he doesn't shut them out.."

"Should I go on or have you heard enough?"

"James, I would like to hear what you have to say. Please rest assured, that what you say will go no farther than this car." "Dad and Jake have gone to bed a couple of times. They are just friends and nothing serious has happened. Jake and Lee have fallen in love since dad was hurt. I live for the day, when Dad finds his true love. You can bet that I will be the happiest kid alive. Tom, I just hope that it is you. I would love having you as my second dad!"

"James, I appreciate that very much. You guessed right. I have already fallen for your dad.. I will have strong feelings for him even if he never fully recovers. Do think I have a chance? James, give me the truth. Was his conditions that he is in caused because he is gay?"

"Absolutely! Tom, open you eyes. Dad has already fallen for you. I saw the look in his eyes today every time he looked at you. I am sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just being honest."

"James, You didn't do anything wrong. You just made me very happy. We are pulling into the hospital parking lot. I guess I had better pull myself together. Thanks!"

After the examination, the doctors said that Dad's arm and leg had mended and that they would take the casts off. They wanted to leave the tape on his ribs for a couple of weeks to make sure every thing was healed. They told him to wear a helmet to make sure that he did didn't accidentally slip and hurt his head again.

The doctors couldn't find what was causing Dad to be paralyzed from the waist down and prescribed the use of a wheel chair. Tom was to remain for several more weeks and help with his physical therapy.

I looked at Tom and gave him a thumbs up. He turned beet red but gave me the thumbs up back.

The hospital had a van equipped for wheel chair transport and loaned it to us until we could get one delivered. The hospital was going to do a little research and said they could probably come up with a van to be use in wheel chair transport. The administer was going have some physical therapy equipment delivered so we could go try to get Dad walking again.

We put Dad in a wheel-chair and this was the first time in 6 weeks that he was not lying flat of his back. He was a little dizzy but after he had a chance to adjust, everything was go. We were on our way home.

Tom acted as if he was right at home behind the wheel and soon we were pulling into the drive way at the ranch. There was a large crowd waiting our return. Tom jumped out and lowered the lift to the ground. We had to take Dad around to the back of the house where there were not any steps to negotiate. The ranch house was not built to house handicapped people. Right away Nick and I agreed that a little remodeling had to be done.

The downstairs bedroom had already been made into a room for Nick and had a single bed for Tom. "James, we need to rearrange this room to make it wheel-chair friendly. Maybe Jake and Lee can help us."

We left Nick in the living room and went to work. "First of all, let's take the single bed completely out and move the queen bed along one wall." Tom suggested.

"Do you want us to move the single into the den for you? You have to have someplace to sleep. You sure don't want to sleep on the floor!" said James.

"No, I think that I can sleep on the sofa tonight. Tomorrow we can re-do the den if need be. There is always, the maid' room that I have been using and can continue if needed". Replied Tom.

Lee and James broke the bed down and had moved it into the hall. The queen was moved along one wall. The room quickly looked about twice the size that it had been.

"I think Lee and I will called it a night. Before we leave, do you need some help transferring Nick from the chair to the bed?" Asked Jake.

"Thank You but I think that James and I can manage now. See you in the morning. Good-night guys." Said Tom

"Yea, sure you are going to sleep on the sofa!" Smirked James. "I had better put Dad's chastity belt on and lock it with a pad-lock."

"James, you have one dirty mind! I don't think Nick is up to any rough-housing yet but I am sure that in the near future it might be a different story. I will sleep in Nick's bed but that is all that will happen."

James and Tom wheeled Nick into the bedroom and Tom showed James how to transfer.

"I think that we need to make a trip to a medical supple house in Billings and get a few things to make our lives a little simpler and easier on Nick." commented Tom. "They make a portable hoist that the patient can use to pull himself up and put himself into bed or wheelchair. All it takes is strength in the arms and shoulders and Nick has good ones."

"Dad, Tom will be sleeping in your bed tonight. He didn't want to sleep on the floor. We can talk about different arrangements tomorrow if need be." said James.

"James, are you playing match-maker again? I guess you are pimping me out now like you were going to do with Jake!" Laughed Nick. "You can go to bed now. I think Tom and I can take care of ourselves!"

James took Tom in his arms and told him Good-Night. James allowed his hand to brush against Tom's crotch. Tom was as hard as a rock. "It looks like you are ready for bed also. Way to go, Tom. Big day today. I am bushed my self. See you in the morning. Goodnight, Dad" said James as he was hugging him.

Next: Chapter 7

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