Second Chances

By moc.loa@adnaPneerrG

Published on Jul 1, 2007


This is a work of fiction involving explicit sex between two women. If this type of thing offends you, or if you are under 18, or if reading this breaks any law where you are...DO NOT PROCEED!!

After my talk with Stephanie, I decided to wait a few days to call Sara; just to make sure I was ready. I didn't want to get involved and then change my mind. Rather, I didn't want to get anymore involved than I was already. I enjoyed my last few days off. I did a lot of house cleaning and soul searching. By Saturday, I was pretty sure that I was ready to try. As usual, DJ and Stephanie were having a BBQ today.

"Casey, it's good to see you," Stephanie said, as I walked out on the patio.

"How are you," I asked.

"I'd be fine if my best friend would quit trying to get my girl," DJ said, as she came up to give me a hug.

"Never. As a matter of fact, I told her at lunch the other day that she needed to wise up and get rid of you." We started laughing. That's been an ongoing joke since we met.

"So Casey, did you enjoy your time off," DJ asked.

"Yes, I did. I did a lot of soul-searching and house cleaning. It's amazing how they go together," I said as I was fixing myself a glass of tea. They always had beer and things for mixed drinks but I didn't do that anymore either. I never would.

"Casey...Casey" Stephanie was calling.

"Oh, I'm sorry. What?" I guess I had zoned out for a minute.

"DJ said she was glad you are going back to work. She doesn't like being in charge."

"And I was thinking of taking more time," I said. They both knew that was a lie. DJ got up to go get the chicken. As soon as she was gone, Stephanie jumped on me.

"Why haven't you called her?"

"I was making sure I was ready."

"Casey, that girl is smitten with you. She has it bad already. She's been a bear to work with."

"Is she going to be here today?"

"I don't know. She's kind of nervous about seeing you again."

"Well, then how does she...never-mind. If she shows up, I'll talk to her. If not, I'll call her. Are we still going down to the club later?"

"Yes, I want to dance."

"Karaoke too?"

"You're gonna sing?" Stephanie got all excited.

"I feel like it."

"I'm so glad. I want to hear you sing again."

"Hey guys, look who I found. And, did you say sing?" DJ walked back out and I saw Sara behind her. I just stared at her.

"Yeah, Casey says she'll sing tonight. Sara, you did bring your club clothes, right?"

"I have them," she said. I jumped up. I was having trouble just sitting there.

"DJ, what do you need me to do?" I asked.

"Cook the chicken. I'm going for a dip."

I stood there at the grill and took turns watching the chicken and Sara. Every time I looked her way, she was already looking at me. I would smile at her and she would look away.

"I'm going to put on some music so Casey can practice." I heard Stephanie say.

"I practice in the shower all the time," I called out to her.


"Yeah," I said. Stephanie put the music on and I started singing. Sara just stared at me. Stephanie noticed and said to Sara, "She's good, isn't she?"

"Very. I'm impressed. So, what's this club going to be like" I heard her ask.

"It's a gay and lesbian bar. There are two different sides to it. One side is country and the other is everything else. It's a really neat set-up. We sit somewhere in the middle so we can enjoy both sides. Oh and you should see Casey dance." She said the last part so I could hear it.

"Don't be telling lies about me," I said.

"Don't let her fool you. She dances like she sings." Stephanie said.

"Turn this up," I said. "It's a song I heard the other day by Tim McGraw. It's called "Put Your Lovin' On Me." I stared right at Sara as I started to sing it.

"There's nothing here to catch me now I'm gonna fall anyway It's just that kinda day You might not know my good but you know me good enough To make me okay, okay

Just close your eyes and put your lovin' on me Put your lovin' on me Take this weight off me And put your lovin' on me

There's a chance that you might see something rolling off my cheek But don't stop it's not you Make me forget, be my drug, get me high on your touch For the night alright"

She didn't look away until I got to the part about something rolling off my cheek. I stopped and announced that the chicken was done.

"Let's eat," I said. We all sat around for a while and then it started getting dark.

"Well ladies, let's get this cleaned up. I have to go to my house to get dressed." I stood and started moving things around.

"Good idea," DJ said. Sara and I found ourselves alone.

"Are you ignoring me, I've been trying to get your attention all night. Every time I make eye contact you look away," I said, in a whisper.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't sure what you might be thinking," Sara said.

"Then, why don't you ask? I won't bite; not too hard anyway. Sara, I know you were in your office the other day when I was there. Why didn't you come out to see me?"

"If you knew, why didn't you let Stephanie ask me to lunch with you guys?"

"Because I needed some professional advice. And after you left so abruptly Monday night I was thinking that maybe you decided you didn't want to mess with my problems. There was no patient, was there?"

"No, I was just..." she stopped.

"If there is something wrong, talk to me about it. I'm not unreasonable."

"When I saw the picture on your desk, I could immediately see pure devotion on both your faces. I could see the adoration and love and I honestly didn't think that you would be ready even though you said you wanted to see where this might go. I didn't want to put myself in a position to get hurt."

"Sara, that picture was on our honeymoon. I'll be honest she was my world. I will always love her and that will never change. I've done a lot of thinking these last few days. I would like to get to know you and talk with you, spend time with you. So, Sara, would you like to go on a date with me?"

"I'm sorry for what I did. I was and still am scared."

"That makes two of us."

"Why don't we go dancing tonight?" she asked while reaching out with her hand. "You do owe me one."

"That sounds good," I said, taking her hand.

"But, I have an odd request."

"Okay...go ahead."

"It's actually some professional advice I got. Let's try to refrain from sex for a while," she said in a low voice.

"Wow, that might be a little difficult but we could try."

"A little difficult? That's an understatement. I know I will have a hard time."

"So, should we set ground rules or something?" I felt like a teenager.

"I would say that hand holding and kissing are a must. Refraining from those would be too hard."

"I agree," I said, as I started moving closer. I wanted to kiss her.

"Nope, not before the first date." She read my mind.

"You're kidding, right?" She had to be.

"Maybe later when you drop me off at home." She wasn't.

"Well, in that case..." I moved around the table yelling for DJ and Stephanie. "Alright guys, I'm headed home. Let's move it. Let's get started." I could hear Sara laughing behind me. That plan was for me to go get ready. Sara was going to her place and I am to pick her up and meet DJ and Stephanie at the club.

About an hour later, I was on my way to get Sara. After thinking about it, I knew she was right. Sex would just complicate an already awkward situation. However, it might have been easier to go without it had I never had her. By the time I pulled up to her condo I was really nervous. Okay, I have done this before. It can't be all that different. I saw the blinds move so she knew I was there. I walked up to her door and knocked. When she opened the door, I had to pick up my jaw. Hot. That was the word that came to mind. Sexy was another. She had on a little black dress that was form-fitted and came down to mid-thigh. She had pulled her blonde hair up slightly and put on some make-up. The dress had the strap that tied around the neck. Moving my eyes down her body and over her legs to her shoes, of course they matched. The black made her tan stand out a little more. "Casey...Casey, am I overdressed?

"No," I said in a meek whisper.

"Are you sure?" All I could do was nod. "You look damn sexy," she said.

I was wearing black pants and a white button-down shirt with a black tee underneath. My hair didn't require all that much attention because I keep it short, but not too short.

She stepped out and locked the door. "Are you ready?" I offered my arm and we walked out to the car. I had the top down. As I opened the door for her I said, "Sara, you are gorgeous."

"Thank you!"

"If I didn't really already know what was underneath, I'd be trying to get that dress off."

"Now Casey, we agreed."

"I know, but do you have to make it so hard?"

"I could ask you the same thing." On the drive there we made small talk. She reached out and took my hand; I laced my fingers through hers. We pulled in and saw that DJ and Stephanie were already there.

We found a table and were about to order drinks when they started a good song. "Yeah!" by Usher. I asked Sara if she wanted to dance. She nodded. We got out on the floor and I could see people turning their heads to look at her. I started moving with the music and Sara was copying me. As the song got the first chorus the dance floor had become more crowed forcing us to get closer. She turned her back to me and backed up to me. I put my hands on her hips and pulled her into me. With each thump of the music she would grind that sexy ass of hers into my crotch. This was getting to be too much. But I couldn't make it stop. She kept rolling her hips into me. I could feel the heat building in my body. It felt like I was going to explode right there on the dance floor. That song ended and went right into "1,2 Step" by Ciara. We stayed on the dance floor and she continued to grind into me, she added a little more contact by putting her hands behind her and placing her hands on the back of my thighs. I kept a firm grip on her hips with my hands. I was beginning to sweat and it wasn't because of the music. Just a little over an hour ago she was telling me that she didn't want to have sex again until we got to know each better and now she's out here dancing with me like this. When it was over, we went back to the table. I already had a glass of tea waiting. Stephanie said that she wasn't sure what Sara wanted so the girl was coming back. The MC for the night announced that he was going to play a throw back song. I heard the first few beats and I had to go dance to it. I didn't ask Sara I just grabbed her hand and lead her back to the dance floor. We started dancing to "Tootsee Roll" only this time I made her face me and put my hands back on her hips. I could return the favor of her getting me all worked up. I placed a leg between hers causing her little dress ride up a little bit. She put her arms around my neck and we started doing what the song told us. We would slide to each side and then dip together. I could see her eyes start get glassy, just like mine had been just a few minutes ago. When the song ended were both winded. We went back to the table and I noticed that either the girl didn't come back or we missed her.

I leaned over to Sara and said, "I'll go to the bar and get you something."

"I just want some water but if it's okay, I'm just going to drink some of your tea." I leaned over again so I could whisper in her ear.

"Baby, in that dress, you can have anything you want." I could hear her laugh. "I'll be right back." I got her a bottle of water and myself another tea. I was thinking as I was walking back to the table that she was going to have to not wear that dress again if this no sex thing was going to work. I stood back just to look at her. I guess she felt it because she scanned the room and her gaze fell on me. She gave me a little smile and dropped her gaze to the table. I smiled and moved to the table. I set the drinks down on the table and held out my hand.

"Would you like to dance?" The country side had a slow song playing. I could already see that DJ and Stephanie had made it to the floor.

"Yes," she said as she took my hand. When we stopped on the floor, I pulled her to me wrapping my arms around her waist and she clasped her hands behind my neck. That brought our bodies close together and I brought my mouth to her ear.

"Are you having a good time?"

"So far, so good. You know, you're a good dancer."

"Thank you. So are you. I have a request though."

"What's that," she turned her face to mine and asked.

"Try not to wear that dress again for a while."

"Oh, you don't like?" she asked with a smirk.

"No, I like. I like it a lot," I said as I pulled her closer. We lapsed into silence as we swayed to the music. I didn't really hear what the music was. All I could do was pay attention to how well we fit together and the great sensations that I was getting from having her body against mine.


"Yes?" I looked into her eyes. I wanted to kiss her. I could see that she wanted the same thing. "When can I kiss you?" I got my answer as she leaned in and touched her lips to mine softly then pulled back, looked into my eyes then brought her lips to mine again. The contact was a little longer and then I felt more passion. Everyone else in the room seemed to fad away. When the kiss ended, we put our foreheads together and I whispered "Thank you."

"For what?" she asked.

"Just thank you."

"You want to leave?"

"Yes. Let's go tell the girls." I pulled her off the dance floor. We got back to the table and I noticed that DJ and Stephanie were on the other dance floor. I gave her a quick kiss and told her that I would be right back. As I came back to the table I could see Sara talking with someone. Sara looked at me and smiled.

"There you are. I was thinking you had got lost," she said as she stood and moved around the table to me. "Ann here was just asking me to dance, but I told her that I was with someone."

"Did you want to?" I asked. I wasn't sure if she wanted to dance with her or not.

"No, I want to leave with you," she said, giving me a pleading look.

"Well then, let's go." I took her hand and started for the door. When we got to the parking lot before Sara spoke again.

"Whew, I am so glad you showed up when you did. That woman was not taking no for an answer."

"I am so sorry. Was she that bad?"

"Yes, she reeked of booze and was very belligerent, rude, crude, or whatever you want to call it. I kept trying to tell her that I was with someone."

"Do you want me to have a talk with her?" I offered.

"Nah, just don't leave me alone in there again."

"Deal." I opened the car door for her and she got in. As I got in, she asked if we could go for a drive.

"Sure, you want to put the top down?"

"That sounds wonderful." After putting the top down we started out. I asked her where she wanted to go. "Anywhere" was her answer. I made sure that I had plenty of gas. The beach was only an hour away so that's where I was headed. She had found a good station on the radio and was leaning back in the seat. I reached over to take her hand. About a half hour into the drive I looked over to her and found her looking at me.


"I want you to sing for me."

"Okay." I started to sing the song on the radio.

"By the way, where are we going?"

"I thought we could go to the beach. Daytona is not that far away."

"That sounds nice. I love the beach. I remember going there with my parents and sisters. We took family vacations there every year. When I got older, around 15 or 16, I liked it so I could look at all the pretty girls in bikinis."

"Yep, that's about right." I laughed.

"Now I just love to hear the waves hitting the shore." Sara was thinking about how Casey looked with the moonlight shining over her. They were going to have to talk about this no sex thing. She'd been thinking that since their last dance.

"Tell me more about your family." I asked. I listened to Sara tell me about her mother and sisters for the rest of the drive. I thought it odd that she never mentioned her father.

"What about your Dad?" I asked.

"He died before I was born. So I'm told. But I think that my mom just didn't know who he was. My mom has some mental problems and she is a compulsive liar. So I am not sure what to believe from her."

By the time we got there it was around 11 pm. I suggested we take a walk along the beach. I took off my shoes and rolled up my pants. I went around to Sara's side of the car, held out my hand to her and we started walking.

"So, are your mom's issues what made you get into the mental health field?" I asked. She started telling me about it and at some point we had turned back. We had moved our arms to each other's waists.

"I know I was really not interested in advertising while growing up. But, I went to work one day with my dad and fell for it. He built the agency with a couple of friends. He eventually bought them out and left it to me when he passed. I have no sisters or brothers."

"Where's your mom?"

"She lives in Texas with her new husband."

"Do you see her often?"

"Holidays and that's about it."

"What about you? Do you see your family often?"

"A few times a year. Mostly the holidays like you."

"Well, here is the car." Glancing at my watch I noticed that it was after midnight. I didn't think I could make the drive back. I was a little tired. "Do you mind if we get a room and head home in the morning?"

"It is pretty late. If you're sure you don't have anywhere to be, that sounds good." We found a hotel. I made sure that it had two beds. I was not going to be able to sleep in the same bed and not touch her. When we got to the room, she headed straight to the bathroom. I sat down on the edge of the bed and laid back. I guess I dozed off because I felt her nudging me.

"Casey, baby wake up."


"Go get a shower. Wash that salt water off you." I noticed she had a robe on. This one was tied shut. When I got to the bathroom, I stripped and copied Sara. I washed out my panties and put them over the sink to dry. Once out of the shower, I dried and put on the other robe. When I walked out, Sara was leaning against the headboard and was watching TV. She looked over to me and smiled. I walked over to the bed and sat down beside her. After getting comfortable, she turned so she was leaning against me. As if she was reading my mind, she turned her face and kissed me. At first it was soft and gentle. She brought her hand up to cup my cheek. She pulled back slightly and looked into my eyes. We brought our lips back together but this time there was a little more urgency. I felt her hand go to my breast and squeeze. I untied the robe and moved my hand inside, running it over her back. I moved it down to her ass and around to rest on her hip. I could tell her breathing was getting labored, just like mine. I pulled away from the kiss and put my forehead against hers.


"Sara...." We both started at the same time. "You go first."

"We can't do this yet," she said.

"I know. Do you want me to sleep in the other bed?" I asked.

"No, I want you to stay here and hold me." We got up and pulled the blankets back. She started to take off her robe but I stopped her.

"You can't do that. I'm not that strong," I said. "I need help here."

"Okay." We climbed in and she laid down with her back to me. I got behind her and put my arm around her waist. She snuggled into me and by some miracle we fell asleep.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 4

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