Secret Signs

Published on Jul 9, 2017


% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature.

% States and countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing adult material'. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain adult material', intended for an `adult audience.' Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story.

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don't mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!

Hey dudes, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for `internet $pace' or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any tops?


`SeCReT siGnS' 11

WriTten by T. Chase McPhee

^ 0 ^


Returning to the Castle, just after 12-noon, Adam drops his book bag soon as he gets in the door.

Standing there, a feathery duster in his hand, Todd says, "tough day at school?"

Complaining tone, "would you believe, not only do we have to work on the script for our own play, but `Burg wants us to read 50 pages before tomorrow?!"

Hand moving to his hip, Todd replies, "oh well, then, I guess you're going to have to miss your buddy's birthday party celebration?"

Away from the home scene, making new friends, Adam's world has been upended, "oh no, I can't believe I forgot Renaldo's birthday!"

Gloating, Todd says, "yeah. Us `older' men are getting together tonight at the Lumberyard, a party in the basement. You know what that means?"

Suddenly, pulling high grades are second nature to friends who are more than that, Adam responding with glee, "Renaldo will be in heaven...or should I say, `hell'?"

"A little bit of both, though I haven't a clue to what your friend is into?"

Adam knew Todd was looking for hints, "I suppose you want to know what gets him `raging?'"

"Might help, you know, so I know what to pick out for his birthday present?"

Rightfully, Adam thought, Todd hardly knew Renaldo, so tries to save him some cash, "you could always tie a ribbon around your balls and loop the bow over the top?"

"Now there's an idea," Todd likes Adam's suggestion. "Except, here's the thing, I might be getting more out of it than Renaldo!"

"Depends on how long it takes you to shoot off, Todd!"

"Who's shooting off?" Benj walks in.

"How come your hair is soaked, Benj?"

Todd went back to his dusting, with a semi-hard.

Proudly, Benj says, "you are looking at one of the new members of the CCCC swim team!"

Adam laughs.

Hurt, sort of, by it, Benj says, "I thought you would be proud?"

"I am, but I think I better send Todd along with you, so you match up those buttons on your shirt?"

Eavesdropping, as Benj looks down his front, Todd says, "no problem. Should I start practicing now?"

Adam let Todd get ahead of him?

"Uh, no Todd, I think I can handle it. Besides, I won't want you to get behind in your important work?"

Benj jokes, "wow, you do laundry, clean the pool and dusting. You do windows?"

Meant as a joke, it backfires on Benj, Todd saying, "hey, if I need to clean a window to look through it at your naked bod, I'll do it!"

Walking over to Todd, Adam threatens, "and you don't want to find out what happens, if I find you cleaning our bedroom windows during changing hours, Todd?"

Backing down, even though it was all in the funning, Todd says, "I'll check over my schedule and make sure me and my squirt bottle aren't in the vicinity!"

Though, when Todd departs, Benj says, "might be kind of hot, being spied upon by a `peeping Todd'?"

Showing he wasn't for that, Adam says, "so, tell me how you got roped into the swim team?"

Adam went to pick up his sack, but Benj steps in, "I got it."

With two packs on his back, he follows Adam upstairs, telling about coach, the swim team in general, but Benj hurries it along, "the major star seems to be this dude, Marek."

Of course, first question off Adam's lips, "is he cute?"

"Average," Benj plays it safe, moving right along, "but he's a really good swimmer. You should she him dive."

"Right. I bet he expertly knows how to dive between the sheets!"

"I didn't even mention he's gay?"

"Oh. Right. You didn't. So, is he?"

He couldn't hide that fact, Benj saying, "yeah?"

"Nuttin'," Benj replies, "just wondering if I'm going to have some competition!"

Entering their spacious bedroom, Benj drops both book bags on the floor.

According to Benj, "are you kidding? There's no guy on campus who could match up to you?"

Backing Adam up to the bed, he has nowhere to go, except flop down backwards!

Kneeling down, Benj's hands go right up Adam's shirt, regardless that it was tucked in.

"Practicing plowing through the water?" Adam jokes.

"Oh no...I'm leaving that up to you!"

No more joking, not with Benj unbuckling Adam, tearing pants down the legs, as his knees topple off the edge of the bed. He didn't even stop to think of the briefs, peeling both off all at once.

"You don't swimmers don't waste any time, do you?"

No more talk now, except the sound of Adam eliciting tones, right when Benj's open mouth presses down.

Lips tensed, Benj cups them around Adam's semi-stiff stalk. Bopping his head upwards, he returns till feeling the pubic moss on his `stache'.

"Not gonna last long at this rate," Adam states, relaxing in eagle-spread position.

Bringing hands behind his head, Adam does a crunch, because there's nothing like visual to go with the feeling of a pair of lips gliding up and down the sides of a hard cock!

"Not gonna last long, eh?"

With his mouth empty, Benj stands and gives Adam a quick strip-show.

"I hope this doesn't mean you're going downstairs for a swim?"

Too hot for jokes, Benj says, "shut up and fuck me!"

One of the things Renaldo used to joke with Adam over, was, when he got to college, don't go around fucking every guy on campus, just because the opportunity could present itself. Already knowing what was, Adam claimed he wouldn't mind a blow job now and then, swore off fucking, claiming he would want it to be a special guy he stuck his sword into.

"Are you sure?"

Benj had to check, "why, are you saving yourself up for another `Mr. Right'?"

That made Adam jump out of bed, lucky he didn't trip over his own pants briefs, binding him at the ankles!

When he did bend over, before reaching equilibrium on two feet, his ass stuck out.

"No," Benj clarified it, not which it had to be said, "I want you to fuck me."

"Shut up. I know what you meant!"

Little hints dropped here and there over the past couple of days, they both knew where they stood.

While Adam was shucking pants and briefs from tying him up around the ankles, Benj made himself comfortable on the bed, hands and knees.

Not exactly what Adam was thinking, "really?"

Doing some kind of yoga-like pose, Benj pushes up, to looks between his legs, his own balls dangling down, "what's wrong?"

"Nothing. It just seems..." Adam searches for the word, "cheap. I mean, I thought it would be more romantic. That's all."

"Hmm," Benj thought on it. "You're right," he keels over onto his back.

And that's how it went, Adam and Benj getting with the kissing, hugging, nip-nibbling and the stuff which turned both on, not to mention gearing both up for a hot fucking!

Unlike Benj's first attempt, he did agree, lying on his back with legs in the air, it was more relaxing...that is until Adam starting pounding.

A lightweight, compared to his own muscled bod, Benj couldn't believe how Adam manhandled him. Another thing, he didn't think he could spread his legs so far apart, in order for Adam to bend over and kiss, while still lodged deep inside. He might not be able to keep his legs together while diving tomorrow, but he was willing to make the sacrifice!

As predicted, Adam didn't last long, but he couldn't believe how long it lasted, driving himself deep inside Benj, coming with what seemed like ten ropes shooting out, not that he was counting. It went on and on and on...

"Whew! Oh man," Adam says, finally pulling out and falling back against the mattress, next to his lover.

"I'll say," Benj holds up his right hand, having jerked himself off, the goo running down palm, down his wrist and arm.

Being a big man about it, Adam says, "give it here."

However, what seemed like a kind offering, of cleaning the goo of Benj's hand, "ick! Tastes awful!"

"Really? Let me taste!"

Instead of right from the source, Benj closes in for a kiss.

"Hmm, doesn't taste that bad!"

Even though he couldn't taste anything but Adam's sweet lips, Benj knows the salty taste. It's like, his most favorite snack!


Meanwhile, Todd had walked out back. He knew he should be making lunch, but it wasn't like he would have Dierk yelling and screaming at him for not setting out a spread of cold cuts. Alone, he decided on an afternoon swim.

Though, sometimes he equated peacefulness' to loneliness'!

Just as he got situated on a flotation device, one in which anyone walking in on him, could catch a glimpse of `everything he owned', at least the shades on his eyes protected him from the sun overhead.

Wasn't meant to last!

Joey was learning very quickly, Steven not the quiet, collective, mild-mannered individual from Braddock's fashion show. Really, he thought it took `balls' to get up there in front of people and walk down a runway in one of Nouguet's creations, cock and balls the main attraction, wanting to bulge out of that skimpy brief. Like himself though, he realized it wasn't shyness, just immaturity, or lack of experienced, being sexually connected to another guy.

Right now though, sneaking up on Todd, Steven was more the instigator, Joey the follower. Instructing Joey to stand on one side of the pool, Steven was careful not to slap his feet against the wet apron, approaching the sleeping bod on the floating mat, from the opposite side.

Joey's eyes were glued to Steven, though he occasionally glanced to Todd...well, he had never really seen, before the fashion show last night, so many nude guys, especially `up close'.

Holding up fingers, Steven signals, `one...two...three'...

Then all hell broke loose, the two bombarding poor Todd from both flanks!

Their carefully crafted plans had backfired. Todd, a veteran at dudes committing pool-pranks, it's amazing what dark sunglasses can hide. With 20-20 vision, out of the corner of his left eye he could see Steven do the countdown. With his own plan, he was able to grab them both up at the waist.

Later, both would complain, raping their pubes, Joey's balls in Todd's right hand, Steven's gathered in the left, while Todd tried `drowning' them!

However, lucky for all of them, Todd's float had drifted over into the `kiddie' end of the pool, so they could stand, waterline up to their pecs.

"You knew all along?" Steven questions.

"It'll take a cold day in hell before you boys pull something like that and get away with it!" Todd laughs, releasing his grip on them.

Saying he had to get out and arrange the barbecue, Joey and Steven remained in.

"First time for everything, I guess," Joey tells Steven.

"How so?"

"Well," Joey smiles, "other than you, no ones every touched me there, except me!"

"Happens to me all the time," Steven says, "guys touching me. Of course, it comes with making sure a dude's junk fits the material, keeping it in mind the market value?"

With what is perceived as Steven's marketing value', Joey asks, "when you go for an interview, do they ask," he's shy in saying so, "you big' you are? I mean, if a guy's `small', does he have less of a chance getting the modeling job?"

Steven wasn't sure. Far as he knew, because he had all the superlatives an employer could ask for, extremely handsome face, the build, and yes, a hefty endowment, there wasn't much a future employer could build on. Though, Steven did lack etiquette, how to walk the walk', but that was minor compared to the stripped down facade. Too, when Steven modeled, he had a buddy shave his chest and stomach, trim up the pits. At the interview he was asked if he did indeed shave'. Honest, Steven did say he normally had a nice, auburn cloak of hair, but thought his interviewer was looking for smooth. It's why, his interview, it was the only time Steven had the `smooth look!'

"So, you see," Steven had explained the whole deal to Joey, "they like me `hairy', so that's the way I am."

It suddenly dawned on Joey, with only some pit hair and a skinny treasure trail, pubes, south of his chin, "you're okay with me being smooth?"

"Have you shaved this?" Steven runs a hand over Joey's pecs.

"Nope. It's the way I am."

"Well, even if I did prefer smooth dudes, which I don't, I wouldn't ask anyone to be what they don't want to be. Trust me, there's things I'm asked to do, that...I wish I didn't take the photo shoot."

"Like what?" Joey asks.

He had already explained to Steven, he hadn't a clue to what a model does, except `model'!

Not wanting to jeopardize what they have going, Steven just leaves it as, "it's complicated, like I'm not able to explain in a few sentences."

"Hmm," Joey wondered, what horrible things they were, that Steven could not mention, sure that one thing would take only a minute or two. However, he left it as is, since he was digging Steven. What could be so terrible, left unsaid?

"No problem."

"Hey," Todd calls from the back of the house, "punishment for interrupting my afternoon siesta, you have to come help me with the barbecue!"

Joey led the way, Steven mumbling, "he's got a helluva nerve!"

"Like, it's gonna kill you, Steven?" Todd overheard.

Steven says sarcastically, "so you're going to punish us for having a little fun, at your expense?"

"No," Todd bargains, "I'm having you work your tab off, instead of charging you for room and board at the Castle!"

It's not which Todd hadn't thought about it. With Dierk, there were guys passing in and out of the Castle quicker than a barrel full of tricks. Todd learned sooner, than later, whomever made a mess, had to clean it up, that it wasn't part of his job specifics. The only time he bent his beliefs, is when some upperclassman, whom lived off campus, needed a lift home. Todd didn't mind delivering him to his front door...or even further!

Well, as it went, Joey did most of the work, which Todd noticed, he was quite adept at building a fire in the barbecue. He also was clued into the fact Joey might be a good cook, by asking for ingredients he didn't stock. Mostly Asian, Todd found out Joey could probably cook up a storm, of which sometime he might get the chance.

"Burgers ready yet?"

Todd stood there, hand on hip and was ready to bust Benj's chops for expecting to be waited on hand and foot, but with a towel over one shoulder, his lips lusted to taste both nubs, "almost. Take your swim, but don't be long, y'hear?"

"We won't!"

Running past Benj, he lost his towel, Adam grabbing his hand and pulling him over to the pool.

Next time Todd might not be so lenient. Right now, Joey was doing most of the work, even though simple hamburgers and hot dogs were on the grill.

"Man, I feel like a nap," Steven says, lying in a lounge chair.

Todd says with attitude, "yeah, well thanks for helping out Steven. Must've tired you out, eh?"

"Yeah, watching you work Todd, has really put a strain on my eyes!"

Todd wondered, how mild-mannered Joey ever wound up with this wiseass? Beyond him were many of the frat on campus, so he stopped guessing. What he did have the up on Steven, most likely his eyes were on Steven more and they weren't even fatigued. He also found it humorous, how Steven `should not be' with Joey, but himself. Well, that wasn't going to happen, but it's fun to dream!

With the dogs on the grill, it seemed like the aroma had traveled, Sam and Phill returning to where they met the others this morning.

"Hey," Sam says to Joey, "got any extra for me and my boy?"

"Your boy...who might that be?"

Shifting a thumb over his shoulder, Sam replies, "Phill. Remember? From this morning?"

"Oh yeah. I remember," Joey replies. "We've got plenty."

There was something about Sam, Joey didn't cater to the attitude. He could be friendly, but didn't need to bent over backwards to be overly nice.

"Thanks," Sam pats Joey on the arm.

Treating it like the plague, Joey brushes his arm off!

Next, Kevyn West walks in, "something smells good!"

Incredibly, whereas Joey took a disliking to Sam, with Kevyn hanging a chin over his shoulder, he didn't mind feeling whiskers, "yeah, I'm starting to get the hang of grilling. Are you here for lunch?"

"Uh, yeah, but I hope Todd doesn't mind I've brought a friend along."

"Where is he?" Joey surveys the back door.

"Parking. It's like hell trying to find a slot on campus. Trust me, I know!"

Joey says, in all honesty, "I didn't think models went to college."

Because Joey looked like it, Kevyn assumes,"seriously?"

Shyly, when he had a feeling he did or said something wrong, Joey would turn in on himself, "I dunno. Maybe."

Kevyn wasn't angry, only a little disturbed. No, it would take a person, like a make up artist who, putting the finishing touches on his face, could win an award for the best made up clown. Now that would draw Kevyn's angst.

Normally, the make up of Kevyn's personality, happy-go-lucky, but his downfall was not always reading people the right way, taking them too seriously.

Lucky, was the person who had instant backup, "I'm sure what he said, Kev, wasn't anything to blow up about?"

Realizing what his friend said, as true, Kevyn breaks down in apology, "sorry Joey...friends?"

Hand extended, as was already said, `nothing to blow up about', Joey accepts, "sure."

Then that was it. No other discussion, Kevyn walking off.

"Don't know how well you know Kevyn, but he's got problems."

No, Joey didn't know Kevyn much at all, but more so, not even the friend who bailed him out of a sticky situation.

"Hey," he sees Joey, still not smiling, "every guy isn't like Kevyn. Take me, for instance, I can be harmless?"

Joey could not deny this guy was `cute,' "I didn't think you are all like Kevyn?"

He liked innocent guys, not which he was out to exploit, nor take advantage, "so, any of these fine specimens attached to you?"

Well, Joey could not deny, quite attached to Steven last night!

"Steven and me. I think we're boyfriends. You and Kevyn, boyfriends?"

"Nah. I'm not his type. Oh, by the way," he realizes, "I'm Edmond."

Joey smiles, the way Edmond took both his hands and offers a fine greeting, "I'm Joey."

Meanwhile, what started out as lite barbecue, mainly to fill the bellies of scholars, give them that extra push for the afternoon classroom durations, turned into more of a party of friends enjoying each other's company.

To top it off, afternoon classes had been called off, due to one of the landscapers discovering a crack in the foundation of the liberal arts building.

Of course, the guys were devastated, upon hearing the news!

So elated, Adam jumped on Benj's back, crying out, "ya-hoo-cowabunga!"

Benj had a feeling they'd end up in the pool!

He had had some plans about little fix-it jobs around the Castle, Todd not minding pushing it off for another day, to play chaperone.

Keeping an eye on the grill, the other making sure there wasn't any rough horseplay going on in the pool, Todd hadn't realized the dude approaching.

"Where's my burger?"

He knew the voice, "Karl! Glad you could make it? I see you're prepared?"

"I'm really surprised at you, name not on the list?"

"Oh, this is not a planned party. On account of the town supervisors checking out the foundation and..."

`Burg could care less about afternoon classes and if it wasn't for Cris, filling him in on the party going on over at the Castle, "just make sure mine's medium-rare, Todd."

Like, he had to inform Karl, getting ready to mingle, "right, and why don't you go right ahead," with less effort, "and make yourself at home, Karl?!"

It made Todd smile, knowing the word had gotten out, wondering who had made the call to Karl. He had his suspicions, about the only student who was tight with the theater prof. It was more than rumor, knowing what went on with a certain student and his college theater prof, in the basement of the Lumberyard. He also knew Karl getting it on, on campus, with that certain student.

Todd add shaking of his head to the smile, thinking out loud, "that `Cris'!"

Though, saying the lad's name, he gazes over to the pool and thinks on it, Cris an entirely different person, since Dierk's been ousted from the throne. By all means, for many reasons, it was a good idea replacing the former king' with Adam. For one, Todd didn't feel like such a slave' to the former regime, making up a schedule of events, rather than being dictated to.

Speaking of Adam, Todd recognizes the `OMG...'

"Oh my God!" Adam says, slapping a hand aside Benj's jaw, twisting his head on the axis of his neck, all in an effort to gaze upon his theater prof.

Lots of times, a person can question what he's supposed to be looking at, but not the case here, Benj's jaw dropping, "you can say that again!"

Adam doesn't repeat his reaction, Benj not recollecting it.

Instead, like the other guys in the pool, they are all looking upon their professor. It's not the first time Todd's seen Burg out of uniform', but for the others, except Cris, it's a revelation.

Dead serious when it came to classwork, his position and salary depending on a successful school year, Karl Hamburg wasn't at all ashamed to coerce his students into liking his class. Especially when it came to playing dirty, or rather clean fun, coming to an unofficial party, dressed in a skimpy G-string, covered by a brightly colored Hawaiian shirt, decorated with palm trees, dashes of brilliant tropical birds and if one was close enough, a snake!

One would think, with the shirt buttoned up, the tail down to his thighs, it was as if he wasn't wearing any bottoms. However, when the shirt gets unbuttoned, sliced down the middle, anyone could see that was a false impression. Though, with the cock-pocket attached to a shoestring waist, that in itself seemed like hardly anything, to the naked eye!

Cris is laughing at all of em! It's not like he's not seen Prof Burg's shaft bundled up, or the case may be, hanging free, "beautiful, isn't it?"

It's much easier to make a break of it, when it's the other person taking the action to do so. So is the case with Steven Scanlon. The up and coming fashion model, once he started hanging with the frat crowd was reminded, of what he was missing out on, zipped up to super-stardom at too early an age. Finding it a mis-match, pairing up with Joey, he wanted out, but didn't know how to break it to him. Not only shy, nor the excuse of lacking the social skills to do so, he was more glad than sad, seeing Joey hanging with a dude in his own social circle, Edmond Dilleaux.

Steven had to admit, even though Edmond really was a `beautiful' catch, not only as a boyfriend, but by any modeling agency, what caught his attention was his father, Crispin Dilleaux, only the most prolific direction in Hollywood!

When Steven first met Edmond, one of the turn-ons, he wasn't a youth who walked around with his head in the clouds, like other celeb-kids, but was totally down to earth. In fact, if someone else hadn't pointed it out, Steven would have never known Edmond was kin to the famous director.

Regardless of all that, Steven was happy to see Joey being taken care of by Edmond. That was one thing, Steven being treated like royalty, Edmond, if he liked a guy, would caress him like a good buddy he's known for years.

Standing there, Steven figured this was his in', getting to know Cris more intimately', finding out they both enjoyed the same kind of lifestyle, "this seat taken?"

As it came to be, some felt more comfortable than others, wearing something or nothing at all.

Such was the case with Cris and as he looked up the fine pair of hairy legs, right into Steven's crotch-pocket, "nope. In fact, been saving it for some special guy!"

With a slap of Cris' palm on a puddle of water, Steven's ass-cheeks are making the same, farty sound!

"Hi. I'm Steven."

Cris knew that. He's been stalking Steven since the fashion show.

"I know. I'm Cris and..." cutting through the bs, "my eyes have been on you ever since your stroll down the catwalk!"

Another thing with Cris, he didn't go by labels, unless it came to be a top' was a bottom,' which then wouldn't work right when it came to the sexual and other stuff he liked to participate in.

"Really?" Steven took the hands-on approach, touching Cris' thigh. "You like me, huh?"

"In more ways than one," Cris says, purposely shooting his eyes downwards, into Steven's crotch.

"Oh," Steven gets the message, like a secret sign, or something, or other.

"Why?" Cris is direct and like a hint, "you don't like to have that salami cooked? Me, I like it raw!"

Laughing at his own joke, unknowingly it made Steven uncomfortable with the notion, that Cris wanted to suck on it and not use it as a handle, while driving a cock up the ass.

He was just about ready to place hands on the pool apron and hoist himself up, when toes touch the part in both their asses, "got room for me in there?"

First the two look up.

Then down, at each other.

Before both mouth the word, `wow', their jaws drop open.

Opportunity presenting what they've longed to achieve, long shaft hanging down under the paper plate, "we can make room!"

Cris hadn't seen this fella from the `underside', but without the paper plate obscuring the facial view, "oh, it's you, Denny!"

Obvious Cris knew, but Steven didn't, "hey, I'm Steven."

"Denny Barnum," the cub introduces himself, knocking knuckles with Steven.

"Wait, didn't I see you..."

"Yeah, I caught a glimpse of you, too," Denny meant, down at the Lumberyard. But he also had this to say, "you like that kind of ruff-stuff, do you?"

"Some," Steven says with caution, "but being a model, I have to be careful, not to mar the surface, if you know what I mean?"

Down at the Lumberyard, Denny's job was to make sure dudes didn't go crazy in the basement, known informally as `the dungeon', a place guys could go to act out their fantasies. However, sometimes dudes would get into the s&m so much, like guy-sex, they didn't know when to stop, only shooting their loads and the hype escaping them.

At 26-years old, Denny's interest in b.d.s.m. has been growing for the past 10 years. Since college days, free from the constraints of home life, he's been able to explore, blossom and because his job depended on it, well as the customers', Denny knows when too much' is too much.

"I've only really been there once, but I'd sure like to get with you sometime?"

Steven was just the opposite of Denny's physique, slender, muscled, Denny the cub type, beefy pecs, a gut which folded up in little creases whenever he sat. Sure, if Denny sat upright, straight as he could, used those ab muscles, he could eliminate enough so a dude could make out his deep belly hole, but who liked to work that hard, trying to be unlike he was really was. Like himself, not putting on false airs, Denny didn't hide his bear-like attributes.

Acting playful, Denny responds, "Like, how do you mean that, Steven?"

On the other side, sat Cris, alone, a hefty dude, much like Denny's build, invited himself to sit down next to him, "hey, Denny!"

Even though he used Cris' shoulder for a crutch, the beefy dude called out Denny's name, a sign they knew each other.

Noticing `the build', Cris says, "you know, you two guys kinda look alike?"

Truth be told, they both did have the same chunky, cub-like physique, complete with a gathering of hair at the chest and stomach.

Tommy, 19-years old, decided, since starting up a musclehead mentality at the end of high school, took to keeping his golden, ginger hair trimmed somewhat. When he asked his cousin about it, Denny was skeptical, saying it was something like pride', wanting to keep his own bod hair natural. Reluctant to do so, Denny was conned into getting out the electric haircutting kit and giving Tommy's chest and stomach the once over.' Utilizing the longer hair blades, Denny was a little peeved, when Tommy told him he should've cut it shorter. Though, in the end, when all was said and done, neither could complain, having leaked a gallon of fluid in the process!

"Ha," Denny forced laughter, "he thinks we look alike."

"You do," Steven says.

Looking at Steven, Denny had a feeling no one could put much past the 18-year old model, "okay, so we're related."

Tommy jumps in with, "we're cousins."

"Our fathers were brothers."

Steven, thinking Denny very cute, despite the opposite frames an attraction for each, "must've had good genes!"

Denny wasn't sure, when he plopped his ass down at the side of the pool, whether Steven would brush him off or not. Now he was achieving that answer, "you really dig me, don't you?"

Shrugging one shoulder and with an ounce of mischief, Steven says, "and maybe that you're supervisor at the dungeon?"

Tommy, who knows more than a thing or two about his cousin, says, "I remember Denny telling me, you don't need a dungeon to have `dungeon-fun'!"

This excited Cris, "oh, you make house calls, Denny?"

Because Tommy was feeling crazy over Cris, "he's not the only one!"

"Oh?" Cris turns his attention back to Tommy, "like, what can you get into?"

Knowing each, more like brothers, than cousins, Denny says, "oh, Tommy likes to keep it light. Me?" Denny breathes hot breath on his fingertips, polishes them up on the hair of his chest, because he wasn't wearing a shirt, "I can into some pretty hairy shit!"

Steven, feeling free to wander all over Denny's chest, stomach, sides, back with his paws, says, "I like the `hairy' part!"

"Me too," Cris didn't want to behind left behind, "even if you do don't want it long?"

Yes, Tommy did like it lite, his `bdsm', fact of the matter, more putting a dude in pain, by feeling how tight his ass could be, "speaking of long," Tommy giggles.

Then, like Cris was the top' and Tommy the bottom,' "of course, you'll want me to work for that, right?"

"Right. Of course," Tommy wanted to reassure, even though right now, he could take Cris up in his arms and make out!

Because Denny was older, Tommy learned a lot of valuable stuff from him. For instance, if you found yourself madly in love with a dude, who seemed like the bondage and torture stuff was more important, go with it. Tommy laughed the first time Denny told him, `when you get the guy tied up, he's all yours, to do with what you please!'

However, with Cris, Tommy didn't want to take any chances, so agreed with everything presented to him, like wanting nips clamped, stretched, back whipped till it felt like sunburn and most importantly, what he could really get into, "oh don't you worry. Even though I haven't had as much practice as cousin-Denny, I found out all on my own how to use my weapon of mass destruction!"

Steven says to Denny, "really? Would've been cool to be the crash dummy, when you taught him?"

"Trust me," Denny says, "I don't need the practice myself, just showing the lad how to put a guy in misery!"

They laughed about it, Cris joking, "sure would like to see you the day after, Steven, strolling down that catwalk with shifty knees!"

Of the four getting acquainted, the others were too engrossed in watching `Burg strip the Hawaiian shirt, peeled off slowly and sexy, which they knew was a put on. Also, the same with their theater prof checking the stringed bikini, to make sure, they supposed, so that it wasn't under too much pressure, giving way to breakage.

"Now, there's `real' acting," Adam supposed.

"Of course. Besides Judy, who can make an entrance like that?"

"Uh, Streisand? Carol Channing? Diana Ross, to name a few?"

Benj started singing, `I'm Comin' Out', but Adam silences him with, "be quiet. You're singing monotone."

"Really? I thought I had a good voice!"

His lover hounds him, "if the song were all one note, then you'd have a hit on your hands, Benj!"

"Oh, but I can dance, right?"

At the Lumberyard, Adam was going to crack on him about that, but figuring enough damage done for one day, "yeah, you're good at that. But what about the swim team," Adam kept it on neutral ground.

"Since they don't have a football team, I suppose swimming is the next best thing?"

Adam jokes, "well, you could always audition for the chorus?"

While in their own little corner of the pool, Adam and Benj kept tabs on everyone. They had like opinions and their differences, like about Joey and Steven. For certain, they seemed to hit it off, but the pool party seemed to throw that off kilter.

All things weren't meant to be the perfect solution and things don't happen without a reason.

Now, it looked as though Steven and Cris were having a good time with the pair of cubs.

"It looks like Joey's having a good time," Benj says, meant to stir up conversation.

"I wonder who that dude is?"

Lo and behold, Kevyn jumps in the pool feet first, "hi guys. Looks like my friend-Edmond and Joey are getting along pretty well. What do you think? Is it going to last?"

What Adam and Benj were learning about Kevyn, he was always into instigating thought, like trying to turn people into analysts, analyzing the future.

Neither was about to commit, "looks like they're having fun."

Benj says, "what's Edmond's story?"

"Amazing that he turned out to be such a nice individual, considering the childhood he went through, his father a well-known Hollywood producer and his mom passing away when he was 15."

Nosy, Benj asks, "cancer?"

Kevyn was glad Benj took this route, a tough thing to bring up, "no, suicide. Unfortunately, Edmond came home from school and found her. After that though, he and his father never got along too well, being that he thought the taking of her life was because they were divorcing."

Not which Adam was a stranger to his friends' families in the same type of breakup, "must be more to it. I mean, getting divorced, that's not really a reason for a person to take their life?"

He was holding back, Kevyn confessing, "uh, yeah, well the family didn't want anyone to know, she was already being treated with depression. Sometimes one excuse covers up another."

Being frank about it, Benj says, "that's nothing really to hide. I mean, you don't know, how many guys my dad knew in the service, who were depressed, especially after their discharge."

"Right. I heard about stuff like that. But it's funny, if it never happened, not that I'm saying that Edmond's mom doing suicide is a good thing, but if it hadn't happened, we probably would never had met."

They were just about to get into that, when `Burg calls out, "oh my God! I think I just lost my swimsuit!"

If it had been of interest, in other than themselves, a glance around would have revealed all eyes focused, on `not' the prof's gleeful smile, but trying to pierce the water surface like Superman's super-vision!


Copyright 2017 T. Chase McPhee

`SeCReT siGnS' and developing segments of this story, may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author, or you will be on your knees!

Next: Chapter 12

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