Secret Signs

Published on Jul 16, 2017


% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature.

% States and countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing adult material'. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain adult material', intended for an `adult audience.' Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story.

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don't mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!

Hey dudes, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for `internet $pace' or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any tops?

Nifty Stories Archive Donation


`SeCReT siGnS' 012

WriTten by T. Chase McPhee

^ 0 ^


While Todd was flippin' burgers, rotating weenies, and keeping a third eye on the pool, he sets aside his BBQ tools, turns down the flame, "okay, out of the exclusions, nor excuses," he claps both hands.

"Like what's that about?" Adam questions Todd's motive, skiing dark shades down the bridge of his nose with a finger.

Right on it, Benj says, "oh-damn!"

"What is it you see, that I don't?"

It did humor Adam, seeing Todd make the rounds of the pool, making sure everyone was getting the message, but the clincher, Todd only clothed in a knee-length apron. He yearned to see the view from the rear!

To answer Adam's question, Benj says, "ewe...there's a weenie in the pool!"

Sounded funny to Adam, "yeah, a lot of `em!"

Forcing Adam's head towards the adjacent corner of the pool, "I meant, a pig's weenie!"

"Oh. Well, why doesn't someone just get a net and fish it out?"


"Wow," Adam still invaded the seriousness of the matter with humor, "I didn't know pig's weenies were contagious!"

Next thing, was Benj, heckling his boyfriend to get out of the pool, "so are human's!"

Another giggle, when their pubes rise up out of the water, "hey, whatcha think, Benj? I got the pig's weenie beat?"

Benj did have to admit, Adam's weenie definitely more appetizing than a soggy pig's, and with the same joking, "oh damn, I think you've got something there," he snorts out a few chuckles.

Standing over the only guy still in the pool, Todd, hands on hips, says, "what part of `get out of the pool' don't you understand Karl?"

Even though half-submerged, `Burg looks up, almost able to view under the cook's apron, "in case you haven't noticed, I'm missing something?"

Pointing to the water, directly under his bellyhole, Karl gave Todd the hint.

"Oh. That was your weenie floating in the pool?"

Smirking, the prof says, "no, idiot, for your information, it's still attached, but I seem to have misplaced what was covering it?"

"Well, Karl, I'm sure everyone of us has seen `human weenie', so like, what's the problem?"

Karl waits.

Picking up some guy's Nouguet sligshot, Todd tosses it, "here, see if this is big enough to accommodate!"

From a distance, standing in the long line of toweled waists, Adam says, "hey, those are mine!"

In a kinky sort of way, Benj expresses, "mm-mm, I hope he doesn't forget to give them back!"

"I don't follow."

"Well, boyfriend, y'see... uh... well, I don't know exactly how to put this... like, um, symbolism?"

"Still waiting for the light to go on," Adam remarks.

"Oh-damn. Well. This here's the thing," he could feel a stirring in the force, thinking about `Burg's pubes touching the insides of his boyfriend's jocks...Benj suddenly drops the whole matter, "it's not really important."

Cocky smile, tilting of the dark shades, it did make Adam out to look like a punch line was due, "if I've got it right, you're into underwear?"

"You still like me?"

Of what Adam was finding out about his boyfriend, if any of the things he's found out thus far, like his nips worked soft or rough, and now this, holding a pair of rank briefs to the nostrils, "not sure. Have to outweigh the bad against the good, I suppose. I'll let you know!"

By now, nothing in the derogatory sense could jeopardize what they've been building up for the past few days.

However, it did give Adam a flashback, to Renaldo and the park, one day coming upon a kinky dude. Witness to the whole thing, the guy had blindfolded his limo driver, Adam took mental notes. He was astounded, when the dude took Renaldo's own briefs, wiped gooey residue up with it and then held it to his nose, asking Renaldo what he thought he smelled!

"Uh, dude?"

"What?" Adam answers.

"You're towel?"

As Benj would say, Adam recites, "Like, oh-damn!"

Adam began picking up on it, Benj's reaction to almost everything of surprise.

"Yeah," Benj knew Adam had caught on, "you better watch that. A little slip like that and more than me will notice that big weenie you're carrying around!"

"Hah-ha-ahh," Adam produces a nasally induced snicker, which meant it wasn't that funny, bending over to pick up his towel.

Mocking the bend-over, Benj says, "mm-mm, I was wondering what I was having for dessert!"

Slapping Benj's butt, makes the towel loosen at the hips, beyond control. In an attempt to grab it, Benj goes head first into the pool.

Surely, if Adam didn't sense it coming, he would've wound up in the drink as well. He knew enough to move to the side.

"Really, Benj?" Todd is there to gripe.

"I swear Todd," Benj heads to the right a few feet and starts climbing out, "it wasn't my fault!"

Adam, his condition quite subsiding, says, "truth is, I wasn't getting it up, so Benj decided to go after the pig's weenie!"

"Oh really?" Todd was wise, to some other reason, "then why didn't he head over to where Edmond is standing?"

Right at that moment, Adam and Benj look over at Edmond, in a random act of kindness, turning the weenie out from the clutches of a pool net.


"Right. Good thing you have me around to sort things out," Todd says, walking away.

Benj says to his boyfriend, "I could think of a few other reasons why we have Todd around?"

"Oh? And how would that go, Benj?"

"Um," thinking it would dig him deeper into the grave he had already dug for himself, Benj says, "oh look, where'd everyone go?"

Adam knew this tune already, his boyfriend going off page in order to shy away from explaining himself. Just as well. From the tutelage of his limo driver, Adam knew actions spoke louder than words, in both real life and sex, so decided to wait until later for payback.

They found out, that one little weener had been enough to contaminate the pool, so everyone had gone if to find something else to do.

Except, Joey and Edmond.

Benj asking where everyone went off to, makes sure his towel stays anchored to his waist, "how come you guys are sticking around?"

Edmond, even though he was on the path to becoming a model, already had a hefty amount of education going for him, "Todd went to call the pool repairman, but I bet him I could have it fixed by the time Mr. Fix-it gets here."

Adam pawns off to Joey, "what was the bet?"

Too honest, or rather not one to joke around, Joey responds, "oh, there wasn't really a bet. It's just a saying, you know?"

"I do now," Adam was a good sport about it. "So, do we need to empty the pool?"

However, something else distracted Adam. Benj, squatting down to Edmond's level, there was a distinct difference between the two. Edmond, in a pair of designer briefs, it was able to stretch to meet the needs of `size'. Rubbing against his boyfriend, ass still clothed with a towel wraparound, well it just looked like something it prolly wasn't - lewd?

Fortunately or unfortunately, not being an appropriate time, it made Adam feel like...suffer a hard-on.

Leave it to Joey, to mess it up...

"Uh, Benj, you're kinda like...showing?"

It's not like Benj wasn't feeling the draft, but being they were all guys, "okay. Thanks, Joey. I appreciate that."

He didn't flinch, which had Joey turning to Adam, saying, "didja're boyfriend...he's like...showing?"

Wild idea, Adam jumps in there, "yeah, it's really like a banana split, down there?"

On the side, Adam was joyed at the idea, the guys' thinking, them as boyfriends and not casual acquaintances. Made Adam feel special, making a tight connection and not just dudes on campus who meet up for an occasional hookup.

Since yesterday, Joey was relaxing some of his pent up mannerisms, managing to crack a little smile over Adam's comment.

If Edmond were with Joey long enough, he would find out the Asian bending more traditional manners. Parents, like their children, were all brought up with respect. Not so easily swayed towards more risqué behavior, it was the reason Joey was almost the only one in his briefs, when the others were stripping down to nothingness.

Not in a malicious way, good at making stiff guys loosen up, Edmond looks down into the net he still has in his hands, "hey, Joey, what do you think?"

Well, Joey didn't know what to think!

It was the first time he ever saw a dude comparing his shaft to a pig's weenie, "what do I think, about what?"

Benj involved himself, "I think what Edmond is driving at, is do you like your weenies thick, or thicker?"

"Um...I dunno," Joey shows little opinion.

"No problem," Edmond says, dropping his own `weener' from the palm of his hand, tossing the other back into the net.

Benj, having taken to lounging in the easy chairs, whispers loudly, "what do you think, boyfriend?"

"What do I think about what?" Adam answers.

Between gay friends, a lot of terminology wasn't needed, "A 6 or a 7?"

Mind on the same distraction, Adam says, "6, when soft. I could picture 7, when hard." Perhaps a little jealousy involved there, "definitely not as big as I'm packin'."

Adam, pressing on both arms of a lounge chair, pushing his bod upwards, he hesitates, to check on exactly what his boyfriend's status was at this moment, "Hm-m-m."

"Mm-mm, company comes our way!"

"Oh really, Benj? And, I suppose the parting of your legs, is meant to send an invitation for him to rush over and jump in between?"

Gathering the towel up, to cover his lower anatomy, Benj admits his infraction, "Oops!"

It seemed like an act of jealousy, but Benj didn't believe Adam could ever be that way. In the short time they've known each other, there's certain little quirks picked up on, like others thinking of them as coupled-up.

Well, there was that little circumstance, Adam letting Cris gulp him down in the shower, but Adam was off the hook for that, having been the two hadn't met.

Regardless, upon Adam mentioning it, Benj did shove both legs together and readjust the towel.

"Hey," he sounded like he wasn't a stranger to the Castle, "I got a call from Todd," and whether it was fact or fiction, "that he got his weenie...I mean, `a weenie' stuck in the filter?"

Cocking his head, Adam asks, "have we met?"

With that, Benj is up and out of his chair, which by mistake, a tail of the towel gets wedged in between the arm of the chair and back, ripping the coverup of his loins.

"Oops," he tugs, with great resistance.

Too late, the pool technician says, "nice to `see' you again...Benj, isn't it?"

Adam was not at all perturbed, the pool tech sweeping past him.

"You're the bouncer from the Lumberyard?"

Like, Benj had to ask what he already knew!

Eyes traveling up and down Benj's bod, "Giorgio Alberti," he sticks out five digits, "`Gio'."

"Benj," Benj says nervously, "oh, but you already knew...that."

Standing there, still with both sides of the lounger hugging his shins, "and I'm Adam. The boyfriend?"

At that moment, Gio allows Benj's hand fall out of his grip, "so, you've got a problem with the pool."

"Todd suspects the pool filter is clogged."

"Well, I better get to it," Gio hated tearing himself away from the luscious nips sitting on Benj's chest shelf. Wouldn't they make a tasty treat!

Normally, making a house call, a plan would start turning the wheels of the pool tech's mind. Whether calling on a client at a personal dwelling, college pool, or doing his friend a favor, a gardener who took care of a corporate indoor garden, it could get Gio's balls a-churning. He had to admit, of all the jobs he worked at, the pool business got instant results. Totally naked, or even a speedo-ed dude, it was easier on the eyes, than having to image what a guy was wearing under the fabric!

Compared to trying to capture a glimpse of Benj last night in the club, in the dark, crowded crowded dancefloor...well, it only made him lick his lips, catching an eyeful in the light of day!

Fool proof, after removing the plate covering the innards of the filtering system, looking inside, Gio says, "nothing here. Looks like I'll have to go at it from the suction end."

Just like at the Lumberyard, dressed in only a chest harness and leather briefs, sometimes chaps, if Gio was working `downstairs', he delved into his plan. Not any different than when he made house calls, showing up and the customer drop-dead gorgeous, he starts unbuttoning his service shirt.

"Hmm," Adam says of it, Gio stripping, "I wonder if he's gonna go all the way?"

"I'd like to go all the way with Gio!"

"Really, Benj?"

His smile lost it's luster, Benj saying, "just kidding!"

However, comparing Gio to Benj, there wasn't much difference. Gio was much more hairier, thick thatches of chest hair, covering pec to pec, stripe down the middle. Lacking was the big, bulky chest his lover has, but exhibiting pink pec-spots. Even though the black hair covered most of Gio's skin, those bright, perky peaks shone through. Perhaps Benj had his little, quirky, kinky way of thinking, Adam on the same track, `like, what dude didn't!'

"Don't be too hard on yourself, Benj," Adam pats his tummy, "I'd love to have him down your throat, while I work that ass!"

Jaw dropping, Benj gasps, "really?"

"What? I'm not enough for you?"

Then the melancholy set in, both drawn back to each other. Though after a kiss, Benj had to break away, "oh daym-m-mn!"

Adam couldn't condemn his boyfriend, for gazing on a huge piece of meat, splitting apart Gio's balls, right after he unzipped his pants.

Gasping, having taken on the view, Benj says, "he doesn't wear briefs!"

A tease, Adam says, "sure like to see your cheeks puffed up, fitting both them balls in at once!"

Keeping their distance, not which they wanted to, they gave up on frivolous conversation and retired to their chairs. Besides, from the other side of the pool, they had a nice view!

Where they left off, Joey and Edmond picked up on the hospitality, "hi. I'm Edmond and this is Joey."

Joey felt kind of cool, Edmond introducing him, like they were boyfriends or something.

Standing there fully in the buff, Gio's fully 6'3" frame of muscle and dark, jet-black hair assaulted their eyes, "nice to meet you. You two, together?"

Gio stood there like a super hero, hands on hips, legs spread, his super-sex-machine dangling in the balance.

The two looked at each other, Edmond saying, "friends."

Joey was glad Edmond found the description. He wasn't sure if he was ready to walk into a relationship...a romantic one, that is. For certain he wasn't into `hit and run', which made Joey confuse himself!

"Well, I better get to work."

It wasn't just a jump in the pool and make a beeline for the place where pool-refuse was sucked into. Swimming, underwater, from end to end, Gio made sure they got a good look of his physique, no matter how blurry it looked. In a way, Gio prided himself on the hair which covered his bod. Lots of dudes were into that - hands feeling him up, for the pleasure of `petting a bear'!

"He's a good swimmer," Joey says, scared to say what he really thought.

Edmond quips, "I was much more!"

The way he said it, to Joey, it was like what he thought they might have, started to crumble away. Then, what he sensed, wasn't how it is, Edmond placing an arm around his neck, like a buddy.

"Then again," Edmond confirms Joey's thinking, "I'm kind of happy with what I've got!"

Testing the waters between them, Joey asks, "I wonder if Gio has a boyfriend?"

"Oh, I don't know, but for sure, he's not stealing my stud away from me!"

"Really?" Joey got shivers, from Edmond sealing his statement with a peck on the cheek. "That's what you think about me? I mean, `us'?"

They had both made discovery about a few statistics, Joey's family in the restaurant business, in Chinatown, New York City, home, Colts Neck, New Jersey.

Edmond, as Joey, 18-years old, from talk about his father being a movie director, it was already known the family had started out in a modest home. Before taking on his present assignment, modeling with Braddock's department store chain, Edmond had left his home in Hidden Hills, an upscale residence in L.A.

Knowing he was in the type of business where he would be traveling extensively, Edmond had communicated to Joey, he wasn't sure he wanted to totally absorb his life in modeling. In fact, being he was on campus at Cumber Creek Community College, he decided he might seek out a new career.

All this had happened since leaving Braddock's and descending upon the pool party, the two growing fonder of the other. What Edmond hadn't counted on, was the affect Joey was having on him!

"I forgot to ask," are you staying at the dorm?"

On that, Joey wasn't sure. Last night he slept at the Castle, with Steven, "last night I slept here and Adam, he kind of invited me," there again, he leaves Steven out of the equation, "to stay at the Castle, instead of the dorm."

Unsure about this whole `Castle' deal, Edmond asks, "like, how does that work? Do you pay rent?"

"Adam didn't say anything about that," Joey was honest.

"Mind if we go over and talk with him?"


Joey didn't mind a bit, especially with Edmond's arm over his shoulder, walking over there like an escort. He had thought Edmond meant he was going to talk to Adam by himself, but again, felt all giddy, a hairy forearm over the top of his shoulders.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything, guys."

After speaking with Gio, the pair had moved their chairs closer together. Tough to get intimate with two arms of the chairs in the way. Adam tangling his left leg over Benj's right knee, close chairs made it easier to accomplish. Made it easier to manage some sweet, sugary kissing!

Rising up, Adam bangs on the two arms, "not with these in the way! What's up?"

Benj did notice, Joey in a conservative, nerdy pair of swim trunks, Edmond, designer, with a more skimpy concept. Of all, Benj had already cemented in in his mind, some dudes taking to softly working the chest, tongue-to-stomach, working their way down...for Benj, he dove right to dead-center. He couldn't help it, totally in love with what a dude was packin' between the thighs.

"I was wondering if I could rent a room from you?"

Adam had to laugh at Edmond, "well, it's not a hotel...however," he gets cheeky, "rooms are only available to couples!"

Benj broke his train of thought away from the stuffed speedo, wondering why Edmond's dark chest hair had a `fan' appearance to it, like was it a part of some wardrobe concept, to shave it to look artistic. After traveling down to the shallow bellyhole, and beyond, Benj needed a distration, to keep from tenting his towel. Tough lounging in a chair, thinking crazy thoughts and not being able to control the inevitable, feeling and how those thoughts can stimulate a dude into a full erection!

Meanwhile, fixing the filter, Gio was completely turned off. He was certain, when arriving, there was an interest there, but now, not even Edmond was paying mind to him. To himself he joked, `what a waste!'

Oh well, it wasn't like it hasn't happened before, show up at client's house, make it so a dude has to watch through binoculars from the upstairs bedroom, before being invited in for some ice tea, only to fall prey to being the object of a quick fuck - not a bad way to make new friends!

Breaking up the little camaraderie, dangling from Gio's fingertip, "uh, any idea who this belongs to?"

"That's `Burg's G-string!" Benj gasps.

"Karl Hamburg?" Gio exclaims, "at his age?"

Thinking about his theater prof, comparing to the Lumberyard bouncer-turned-pool-techie, Adam says, "really, Gio? You make it sound like he's your grandpappy!"

"Okay," Gio thinks on it, only a few years difference in their ages, 29yo vs. 32, "so he's not an old man, but," setting the record straight, "he `is' older!"

Gio was sensible about the G-string, telling them he would make sure he delivered it back to their college prof.

"I wonder how that's going to go?" Benj says.

"How so?" Adam asks.

"Well, last night, it seemed like Gio was putting on some kind of airs, like he was this tough dungeon guy or something."

"You're point?"

"Don't you get the impression `Burg is the same type?"

Joey, he had taken it upon himself to respond to Adam's invitation, showing Edmond his room.

"Same type, eh? That what you're driving at, Benj?"

When Benj hesitates to respond, in words, instead of gestures, "I do wonder what happens when 2 leather tops confront each other."

Saying it, talking freely about it, Benj's balls were stoking the fire within, "I suppose we'll never know, unless we happen to accidentally run into them?"

Adam knew what it was like to have an urge, which after thinking about how he got tutored in the find art of rope bondage, big butt plugs and other kinky stuff, "be careful what you wish for. Did you forget where Renaldo's birthday party is being held tonight?"

A comeback line, Benj says, "and did you forget you asked me to remind you that you had to shop for a gift?"

That sent Adam shooting up out of his chair, "well, you're just thinking of telling me this instant?"

Looking upon his boyfriend's slender, muscular bod, Benj smiles, saying, "if that's your `mad-at-me' look, you don't look so mad."

"I don't get mad. I get even!"

"Oh, then I guess I can't wait till you get even!"

Out from the back of the house comes Todd. He looked like they almost didn't know him, fully clothed, camp-colored hiker's hat, shades over his eyes.

Rubbing hands together, he says, "so, have you gotten the birthday boy a present yet?"

"Boy?" Benj questions.

"He means Renaldo. I suppose, according to the fun he likes to have, he's often referred to a `boy'?"

Breathing on his tarnished fingernails, Benj polishes them up on his fleecy chest, "I might just know a little about that myself!"

Instigating thought, Todd comes back with, "Oh? Care to elaborate?"

"Yeah," Adam gets his digs in, "and like, hurry it up. We don't have all day, Benj!"

Already, the two toweled teens began walking back to the `house', chattering away.

"No big deal. Gate night, the football team decided to play a little prank on our coaches. Luckily, Coach Hadley had come to us about it, asking if we'd `help him.' To make a long story short, the object of our prank was Coach Simmons. He was more than happy to go along with it all's not like I didn't find out anything quirky about some of my fellow footballers, though."

"I'd sure like to find out the whole story, but..."

Adam cuts Todd off, "we need to shop?"

"Sure. Would make a nice story to tell around the campfire!"

Really, Todd wanted to put it off, because it could prove to be a hot tale. Five minutes ago he had showered off his first load of the day, after the mass pool-barbecue, Todd wanted to store up some reserves before the next blastoff!

They didn't shower, Adam and Benj jumping into some tees and shorts, stopping in the middle for a little lovey-dovey, then reporting downstairs, 20-minutes later.

"What kept-cha?" Todd badgered, smile pinned to his lips. Then, because the boys' hair was dry, "hmm, you didn't hit the showers, did you?"

Adam says, "the stench is that bad?"

"Only a certain kind of stench!"

Then they were off to shop, Todd taking his jeep.


Dierk, whom could work himself up into a depressive frenzy, complained to the only `ear' which would sit there, patiently listening.

Or rather, what choice did Jack have, after too being dislodged from the Castle, "you know," he puts down his psychology book, "it doesn't have to be this way?"

One of the reasons Dierk felt a connection with Jack, was a shoulder to lean on when he crack in his mental world, "like, what the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Jack, already knowing a heap about Dierk, mainly suffering from occasional bouts of depression, but especially when life is not going his way, "ever hear of the phrase, if you can't beat em, join `em?"

Apparently not, "what has that got to do with me?"

"Well, I just got to thinking, you don't really need to spend the next 2 years being locked out of the Castle, when you can benefit from being friendly."

"That blows!"

Because of their special relationship, almost like doctor-patient, Jack could get away with anything, "will you just shut the fuck up and listen, Dierk?"

Dierck was listening, even though he lay on his bed with a pillow over his head, like squeezing every ounce of life out of eyes and ears. "I'm listening," comes the muffled go ahead.

One thing, Jack was not going to do, repeat himself, after talking to a `pillow'. Allowing his psych book to drop on his bed, he gets up, walking over to Dierk's bed.

With a leap, he hops up on the bed, knees straddling Dierk's hips. He rips the pillow out of his roomie's hands, saying, "I know the drill from the first time. I'm not going to repeat myself over and over."

"You don't have to get nasty!"

Being they were in the privacy of their shared dorm room, both had chose to dress light. In briefs, it was why, when Dierk slaps both hands down on Jack's thighs, it made clapping sounds.

"Get off."

The audacity to refuse, Jack barks, "no. You're going to lay there and hear me out!"

"Like, I've got a choice?" Dierk looks up Jack's stripe.

It's not that Dierk was lazy, just that only once in a while he would make the effort to pick up a dumbbell, thinking his good genes was enough to keep him in shape.

Even though Jack was there to lecture Dierk he was feeling it, those hairy, gingery-colored was only that he was sitting there, ready to give his dorm-mate a piece of his mind and not to sit back and get pierced, "it would make much, much more sense, rather than to squabble about who is king of the Castle, to get along and become a part of..."

"No way. I'm not..."

This called for restraint, Jack leaning forward and pinning Dierk's wrists to the bed, "didn't I tell you to listen?"

Jack knew about patient conduct, but sometimes Dierk needed helping hands. Too, Jack could accuse himself of needing therapy, sometimes provoked into getting flustered, reacting.

"I can't believe you did that!"

It was always Dierk's response, to Jack's slap across the chops.

And what followed, the usual, "well, I wouldn't have to resort to such measures, if you would just shut your trap?"

Mellowing out, or not wanting another sting up the side of his cheek, "get on with it," Dierk pouts.

"Next time you see Adam, you're going to introduce yourself and with a smile."

"What the fuck would I want to do that for?"

It earned Dierk another slap!

Jack, he learned to ride the bronco, squirming around underneath him.

Rightfully, it was only in private the two behaved in such a manner. The first time Jack demonstrated an authoritarian side of what would constitute `friends', he completely stunned Dierk. But it wasn't only Jack's radical behavior, but that the roommates tolerated being this way to each other.

"Okay, okay...I'll behave!"

Just like the first time, Jack knew, Dierk wanting to be treated like he was `misbehaving', "I better just make sure you understand!"

That evil smile on Jack's lips told Dierk, `get ready.'

"Ow-w-w-w-wch! Stop! No more!"

In reality? Jack knew Dierk wanted more. In fact, so much more `torture', Jack ground his fingernails into Dierk's nips and if that wasn't torturous enough, gave them a hefty tweaking, twisting and turning the perky little nubs!

First time, Dierk learned to behave, but not only that. It was the first time he was to see how it felt to have a thick, fat cock, buried in his ass canal.

Torture was not only flailing over his nips being tweaked, but when Jack slipped down, over Dierk's hips, situated knees on the inner sides of his victim's thighs and then, after stretching briefs till they anchored under his balls, proceeded to fuck till he came!

Last few seconds, announcing he was coming, Jack was compassionate, grabbing Dierk's shaft and making him shoot his wad too...

what a nice guy!

Part of Jack's earned privileges, in and about the Castle, were connected to Dierk making him promise not to let any of this get, how embarrassing it would be, allowing a dude to fuck him, when he's supposed to be a tough fucker himself.

Not caring that he squeezed every last drop of goo from the tip of his cock, onto Dierk's already gummy pubes, Jack dismounts, "you owe me one, don't forget?"

First of many a time this has happened, Dierk had to lie there and think about it, wondering if Jack was the nemesis he never had. Often, before he hit the college scene, Dierk wondered if a dude would ever dare to stand up to him? Well, one did and it's not like he wasn't getting hard over it.

Things winding down, Jack still carried the dominant edge, "shower," he tosses a clean towel right where it could get soiled by Dierk's pubes.

In the afternoon, rarely did guys shower. However, as Jack put it, "we might get lucky!"

For certain, a guy didn't need to live in a Castle, ruling the roost, when they could carve out life in the dorm to resemble the same thing.


"Do you have an idea what you want to pick up for Renaldo?" Todd asks.

Adam responds, "I would have liked to pick something he would really appreciate, but I don't think Cumber Creek has `that' kind of a store."

Benj assumes, "mm-mm, I can't wait till my birthday!"

Todd, making it like they were headed to ToysRUs, "I wonder is they make a `Buttplug Ken' doll?"

"No," Benj sasses him back, laughing, "`Nip-clamps Ken'?"

Right now he just followed the conversation, Todd saying, "oh, you're going to fit right in with the festivities tonight, Benj!"

Then Benj wanted to know, which made Adam roll his eyes, Todd mentioning all the apparatus which could keep Benj busy for at least a two-hour stretch of dungeon-living.

"Oh-wow," Todd stops and backs up, "me, with my mouth going, I almost missed the turn off!"

Adam had wondered what was up, having turned off the main drag and where the city part turned rural, had faith that Todd knew where they were going. Like, it wasn't a new jeep, no GPS system in plain sight.

Benj, leaning towards the side window, having ridden shotgun for Todd, reads, "Sean's Auto Parts?"

"Best toys in town!"

Adam wondered about that too, "is this where you get your lube?"

Benj laughs his ass off, turning around to catch a high-five off his boyfriend's hand!

Having it over both of them, Todd says, "oh, so much, much more than that!"

It was like one of those auto repair shops found on a lonely highway. Shaped like a horse barn, it did have galvanized doors and a paved lot, a mix of architectural ages.

Todd jumps out, "ready for the best sex toy joint in all of Cumber County?"

Benj secretively says to Adam, "like how did Todd know..."

Small town...word gets around. Apparently Todd knows some of Renaldo's new friends, which gives him plenty to go on for birthday present ideas, "oh, I think I have an idea."

Entering, the indoors did not reflect a rundown look, like the exterior. Modern, walls were adorned with auto and motorcycle parts. In the rear, one could never tell how deep the shop extended, to include a whole room full of Kawasaki's and simple motorbikes, meant for more youthful buyers.


"Oh, hi Todd. What's up?"

Benj and Adam follow the conversation, Todd replying, "my buddies here are looking for something special for their friend's birthday?"

The feeling was probably mutual, Benj checking out the bearded hunk behind the counter.

"I'm Thomas," he first extends a dirty hand to Benj, wiping it off on his navy blue overalls.

"Benj," he took Thomas' hand, along with the smile.

"I'm Adam," said demonstratively, in order to send a message to the desk clerk, that Benj was `taken.' Indeed, Adam was developing a jealous streak!

"Nice to meet you both."

Todd, seeing Thomas was working on some gadget, says, "if you're busy with something important, we can shop for ourselves, if you just unlock the showroom for us?"

After a twist of the wrist, Thomas sets his screwdriver down, "all done. Besides, you know the rules. No one steps foot inside the `showroom', unless accompanied by an employee?"

Todd wasn't taken back a bit. It's not which he thought Thomas didn't trust him, but he knew, there could be some fun had. Too, he had never seen the rule set in stone, needing to be chaperoned!

Looking like something a jailor would carry on his belt, Thomas reaches up to a hook and grabbing the wide circle with different sizes of keys affixed, fishes for one in particular.

"So, what it is you boys have in mind?"

Have in mind? Right now, all Benj could think of is pairing his lips up to that mouth, surrounded by a cropped beard, looking like it was meticulously man-scaped.

Not much different, Adam felt a small pulse in his loins, wanting to slip both hands in the zipper of the overalls and caress whatever he dreamed could be underneath.

Delayed response, Todd says, "I don't think they have much experience, Thomas."

Keying the padlock, removing it, Thomas slides the door to the side, "my favorite kind of customers!"

Sensor no doubt, when the door slid open, the lights went on.


Adam could agree, pegs laden with `interesting' items, glass cases with specialities...

"Wow! This is cool!"

What was cooler, Adam watches as Thomas unzips the front of his jumper, peels it down to the waist and lets it hang.

Conscious of Adam's glare, Thomas says, "kind of stuffy in here, wouldn't you agree?"

Gulping, because Thomas' bod sported a beautiful chest of hair, patterned with a stripe down the stomach, mossy at the bellyhole and finished off with melding at the pubic area. It was a shame he was wearing briefs, "uh yeah, a little," Adam replies.

Whole-heartedly hinting, Thomas says, "you can leave your tee on the counter until you leave?"

Todd, busy with Benj, Adam looks over to see his boyfriend taking his shirt off, so, "why not?"

Right away Thomas starts in on the sales pitch, feeling free to manhandle the customer. Placing a hand on Adam's smooth chest, he glides it down between his pecs, "very nice. If you're okay with it, I could help you with some gear?"

Looking down into the glass case, Adam didn't know exactly what he was looking at, or what the items were for, the price tag reflecting it, "what's this stuff made"

Smiling, Thomas has gotten a likewise reaction from customers, over the handmade devices, designed and executed by himself. Fashioned from original torture devices, to fit nips, cock, balls, metal beads of varying sizes, arranged on a `string' to slowly fit up a dude's ass, just one of the things Thomas has prided himself in.

Todd yells over, "put anything he wants on my tab, Thomas?"

Even though Adam had a very rich dad, he wasn't the one loading his credit card with the big bucks, so acted responsibly, "uh, I'll pay you back, Todd."

Dropping a hint, Thomas says, "trust me, Todd's credit is good here and for all the business he brings us, has a good credit rating."

The wink told Adam he probably didn't have to worry about going over any limits, but kept it in mind, eventually having to pay Todd back. He didn't wish to be indebted to him for the next 20 years. Adam also had the feeling, if he did over-extend himself, like order up one of those X-frames Thomas constructed from local woods, which ran into the k' range, placing it as a burden on Todd's wallet, he might get away scott-free not paying the debt. Though, the way Thomas took favor in noticing Benj's perky nips, there could could, literally be some tit for tat', Thomas not allowing Todd to slip on all of his debt!

Thomas kept the question precise, "so, I take it you're shopping for the party tonight?"

"Yeah, for my friend, or rather, limo driver..."

Before Adam could get it out, Thomas is on it, "Renaldo."

"You know him?"

Indeed there was much Adam didn't know!

"Met him this afternoon. Y'see, I also work part time at the Lumberyard."

"We didn't see you there."

"I know," Thomas seemed to know everything. "That's why I met with management and Renaldo, to make sure everyone would have a good time tonight. I guess you can say," Thomas says without mimicking modesty too much, "I'm the one who arranges parties, makes sure all the legalities are taken care of. When that's out of the way, I tailor parties to the customer's satisfaction. From there I..."

It made Adam smile, feel good inside. One reason was because, the longer Thomas talked about himself and the job itinerary connected with the `downstairs' of the Lumberyard, the longer he got to feast his eyes on the hairy man, from head wherever he could get away with gazing, without making it too obvious!

All good things come to an end, which Adam laments with a deep inhale-exhale, Thomas shutting up about himself.

Walking through fixtures, containing some things Adam knew of, like from old cowboy movies, a whip or flogger, he guessed what they were for, "oh, now this looks menacing!"

What was harsh-looking to Adam, certainly was not the case with Thomas, "it gives a nice sting. Only way to find out, is trying it."

"On me?" Adam assumes, "no, no, no, no, no!"

"Of course not. Don't be foolish! If you've got a few minutes, I can give our demonstrator a call. He can be here in five?"

`Like, thanks for giving me a choice," Adam thought, Thomas on his cell and speed-dialing.

Seconds later, "Bobby's on his way. Be here in 5!"

Adam, a little nervous, turns to joking, "Five minutes or 5 hours?"

"Trust me, if I know Bobby, it'll be 5 minutes and 1 second!"

"Huh?" Adam didn't get it.

Thomas thinks, like he does for many a green' customer to this sort of thing, do I have to spell it out for you?' In truth, that's what Thomas needed to do. After all, he'd be out of a job, if a customer came in to purchase and could figure out everything on their own. Some could, with years of experience, but he looked forward to...rather, the churning of his balls, pulsing of his cock psyched him up, explaining why certain items could create more of a `wet' atmosphere. Truth be told, when Thomas was done with his shirt at the back room of the auto parts store, changing his overalls, the cloth area was very moist!

It took longer than 5 minutes for Bobby to tell his employer at the diner, he needed to jet.' It wasn't the first time his services' were in demand and would not be the last!

With nothing to do between now and after 10 tonight, Adam follows Thomas through the whips and chains section, into the `jewelry' racks.

"Here, I think you'll love using these."

"Using?" Adam questioned. He was there looking for a gift for Renaldo!

"For when Bobby gets here. You wouldn't want to disappoint him, would you?"

Acting totally serious, handing Adam a chain, a square clamp at each end, "what do you mean by that?"

Thomas was loving it. Like he had judged from first laying eyes on the college couple, Adam was proving to be the giver', his boyfriend, he assumed, the taker.' Only time would prove him out.

"You've got a lot to learn."

"Indeed!" Adam replied, not being given much to go on.

Though, he wasn't about to let Thomas off the hook that easy.

"What about yourself? What if someone wanted to put these on your...?"

Adam was certain, the chain in his hand, with the nifty little square clamps attached, were for the chest and not pubes.

Hearing a noise, Thomas says, without drama, "hold on to them. I'm sure they'll give Bobby a blast!"

Thomas was laughing. The laugh made him smile, even though Adam wasn't so sure how all of this was going to go. Certainly, he had some small flashbacks to those small tutorials Renaldo gave him, but...well he was a little overwhelmed with the item to item plastering of wall, countertop, racks of goods, and...

By the time Bobby got to the sliding door, which was closed, he had stripped off his shirt.

After a knock, which Todd, being near the front of the secret showroom, answered it, "Bobby. Come to pick up a few extra bucks?"

Benj, he was taken aback, Bobby looking like his eyes ready to pop from the sockets, "man, you look fuckin' hot!"

Indeed, Benj never dreamed it himself, not only the appearance, but how leather could feel on his skin. Now, being admired, "thanks!"

With rude interruption, they hear from across the showroom, "about time you got here, boy!"

It was Thomas' voice, Todd saying his farewell, "have fun, Bobby!"

Benj wondered, "like, what was that all about?"

"Don't worry," Todd says to Benj, "it's not your boyfriend who's going to be put in harm's way!"

"Am I missing anything?"

"Oh, I think you and me need a private training session of our own!"

It was strange. Whereas Todd could possibly ever think Benj, even though he looked the part of a tough mutha-fucker, dominant top, "oh cool. What are you going to do to me?"

"Do to you?" it was a revelation for Todd, hoping the roles would be reversed.

However, he knew how to handle situations such as this, not a stranger to `bottom-meets-bottom', working through it, "hmm, now this should indeed be interesting."

"Huh?" Benj asks, allowing Todd to put an arm over his shoulder and walk him into another wing of the showroom.

Meanwhile, Adam's eyes glance upon Robby, walking into their presence, shirtless.

"You want me stripped down all the way, sir?" Robby asks.

Thomas, who seemed to have an attitude change, didn't seem like the `Mr. Nice-guy' Adam witnessed 5 minutes ago.

"Is there any other way, boy?"

"Boy?" Adam asks. Then he remembers, like a half hour ago, "oh, so even though he's Robby, he's the `boy' too?"

Robby smiles.

Now, if this were a proper' scene, Thomas would have more than wiped that smile off Robby's face. Though, he did think it kind of cute', the way Adam said it.

Adam thought it humorous, Thomas bending to whisper something in his ear, reiterating, "up for some rough play, boy?"

Well, even though Robby was slowly slipping under the spell, balls already churning, clamping down so his cock pulsed with excitement, he found it funny, so cracked a little smile. For sure, either Adam was fresh at this, or a very poor actor!

Adam hadn't a clue, other than going on Renaldo's conception of rough play', like the fat buttplug' thing, or other matters which concerned an engorged cock and how to keep it that way. A full-blown dungeon experience, it wasn't part of his vocabulary.

"Oh wow," Adam says, as Robby strips off his pants, kicks sneakers off, peels socks and lastly the briefs. "What the heck is that thing?"

Right before leaving the diner, Robby had stopped at his locker. He kind of had an idea, when Thomas said a novice was shopping the showroom, he should pull all the stops out. It didn't take much to feed his soft cock into the shaft-locking device.

"A CB..." Robby was about to say...

Thomas interrupts, with casualness, "just one of the many, many devices which helps to stimulate a man's lower anatomy...or in this case, build up to the finale?"

Anyone could see, Adam perplexed over such a device, "I don't get it."

"What Thomas is saying," Robby spoke freely, "caging up my cock like this," he used a nod, hands held behind his back, "keeps me from touching, which could be an issue when roleplaying. You `do' roleplay?"

Answering what seemed to be a tricky question, Adam says, "Of course," he didn't wish to seem totally out of place, "I know what it is?"

Thomas was good at reading' people. Probably the reason he snatched up the position at the auto parts store, a position which was not advertised in The New York Times or any other want ad. Word of mouth, someone putting the buzz in the auto parts store owner's ear, who frequented the Lumberyard basement, was his want ad.' After some consideration, getting the call, Thomas didn't have to think long, especially when it meant expanding his stock portfolio.

"Well," Thomas places a hand on Adam's shoulder blade, leading him over to another room of the kinky shop, "no time like the present to learn all about it."

While Thomas unlocked the door, Adam's eyes stray to behind him. First he met Robby's eyes. He smiled. Then, glancing down to his pubes and back, "like, how do you...take a piss with that thing on there?"

Once Robby stepped inside the doorway, he knew the role-play would get started, so got his last few, freely spoken words in, "it's complicated."

Usually explaining such a thing, like how to pee through the small jail bars of a CB toy, usually the streams of piss could splash all around. A tough, mean, sadistic dominant, if it pleasured him, would make a boy get down on hands and knees, ass in the air and make him suck it up like a wet-vacuum. One of the things Thomas had to outweigh, not wanting to scare away a customer, ready to plunk down some big bucks.

Robby, having been into the `torture toy' business for awhile, knows what Thomas expects. Talk about roleplay, it's part of the camaraderie surrounding the two employees, knowing the same ploys to use in front of a customer, which has Robby feeding Adam the line, "I'll like it more when you're playing with it. I think you could hot to play with!"

For Adam, it sounded like a boyhood crush, which made him feel, "cool!"

What was even more cooler, is when Thomas switched on the lights of a windowless room.

"Let the fun begin!"

Robby stood at the door, bare toes on the landing, the thin sash which would help block any nose coming from within.

"What's all this?" was Adam's first reaction.

For certain, a gadget to stretch the ass, or a chain with clamps at each end, Adam was familiar, but what he saw was overwhelming.

"Did you make this, Thomas?" he ran a hand over the veneer of a huge X-frame, standing in the middle of the room.

Signifying he did, "not only real wood from local forest, but the straps used for securing a willing victim, that's `real leather', imported from the midwest," Thomas explains.

Adam could tell Thomas loved his work!

Standing by the door, Adam says, "you coming in, Robby, or do you have to go?"

What did a dumbass about this stuff think, anyhoo?

Thomas lectures, almost like the devil was inside him, "oh, he's here indefinitely, until you `wish' him away!"

"Oh," Adam `wishes', followed by a hand-sway, "well then, c'mon in!"

It felt awfully strange, having to tell someone they could do something very natural done at a person's own will.

"Thank you, sir."

Walking in, Robby stood at more of a perfect, stand-still soldier stance, arms behind his back.

Thinking either himself or Thomas forgot the introductions, "hi," he says with a smile, "I'm Adam."

Having his hand out, Robby looks over Thomas' shoulder.

How this little shopping spree usually went, Robby was the `object' for trying gadgets out, or showing off how nicely a bod could be tied to an X-frame, secured in a sling, flat out eagle-spread on a table, or secured by ropes from overhead.

The `salesman' was there to explain and show the customer how everything worked, which is why Thomas now guided Robby, "step up on the frame, boy."

Okay,' Adam realizes, maybe he did something wrong, expecting Robby to acknowledge his hand held out. Boy?' Adam smiled, thinking of hearing Renaldo using the word to describe himself, followed by, `okay, so I'm not so dumb!'

However, those very thoughts, coupled with a smile, gave Thomas the impression Adam was starting to develop an insatiable desire for b.d.s.m., "care to exercise that arm?"

Adam hadn't even realized it, he was still holding the leather strap in his left hand, which looked like it fit through the belt loops of a pair of pants, except in lieu of a buckle, it had a handle.

"This?" he questions, the forgotten item Adam had in his hand.

"Maybe I should demonstrate," Thomas moves his fingers, a signal for Adam to hand it over.

"Uh, yeah, but..."

But Adam wasn't at all sure about this. With Renaldo, when they pulled over at the park, it was like, he knew what was about to go down. Though, that first time, Adam was on needles and pins, watching his limo driver take a dildo all the way, until he was sure it was going to disappear up Renaldo's ass. Probably would have, had it not been one of his driver's `special' toys, meant for 2, the other end up the ass of the dude they had picked up!

Instead of waiting for Adam to hand it to him, Thomas literally had to pry fingers open to have release of the leather toy.

"Don't worry. This boy has seen plenty of action... and oh," Thomas allows the leather strap to dangle, "keep your eyes on the cage!"

"No. Wait," Adam places a hand on Thomas' forearm, which kind of felt a little erotic in a way...

the salesman wasn't only hairy about the chest, stomach, also forearms, lightly covered in the same auburn-colored fur...

"like, what're you going to do with that?"

`True novice', Thomas thought, which would require some convincing this was a game and not the real thing, "permission to speak, boy."

It wasn't the first time, second or even third time the 20-year old's bod was used for demonstration. No all about sadism, from the person delivering the torment, Bobby ate it up, having discovered the beautiful euphoria of accepting pain and truly living up to the definition of `masochism'. Thoughts like this, cultivated by Thomas has often complimented Robby on being a dominant master's dream come true, taking on a role and growing in it, blossoming and reseeding thought in others, as Robby was doing now with Adam.

"Whatever is your pleasure, I'm sure I will learn to enjoy, sir."

Just standing there, Adam knew he was probably looking a little bug-eyed, a giveaway, feeling his own eyebrows lifted in exclamation. It still made him smile, thinking Robby, with not much more than a year or two on him, addressing him as `sir'.

However, how different is this situation, than what Cris is to Dierk, which has Adam thinking, "wow. Really?"

Not a total stranger to the world of domination and toys, Adam knew the painful pleasure Renaldo got, inserting different size `bullets' into the ass crevice. Thinking on it makes him reconnect.

"Ready for the demonstration?"

Though, Adam was sure, a big difference between a buttplug and a guy wielding a leather strap, "no. I mean, it's not gonna `really' hurt, is it?"

No doubt about it, anyone would think Adam a cute guy, but when he made certain gestures, like cupping half a lip with his jaw and stand there with uncertainty painted on his face, well Robby had seen it before, "really, I'm going to like this."

Thomas was right there for the punchline, "trust me, he's going to. A strong indication is keeping one eye on that cock-cage!"

Still reluctant to see Thomas use the strap on Robby's outstretched bod, "okay, but can you take it easy, for my sake?"

He was convinced, like the first time he saw Renaldo slowly shove a medium sized buttplug in his own ass, Adam squinted his eyes, looked on with almost a feeling of disgust, a grown man using something like that to force inside himself.

"How about a warmup?"

Adam noticed, Thomas asking him, not Robby, "sure, if that's how it goes."

Taking the strap, Thomas doubles it in half and with hardly pressure at all, alternates, bouncing the curled strap against Robby's pecs.

Certainly, there was something pleasurable going on here, Robby throwing his head back, not in agony, but whines of pleasure. He would alternate, looking down at his pecs, getting redder with each strike, right over the petite nubs.

Stopping, Thomas says, "okay, you're turn," his arm is outstretched, ready to turn the torturing implement over.

"Okay," Adam thought it harmless, "if that's all I've gotta do?"

Anyone who was into `it', b.d.s.m, knew very well who controlled the action, some of the time. A boy's whimper, or thereof, became part of the secret signs, how much pressure to apply, until both became immersed in deep euphoria.

Crossing arms over his lovely bear bod, Thomas knew how this was going to go. As usual, a green' top, he could almost predict Adam applying the strap as if he was out to tickle.'

"Okay, here goes nothing," Adam held the leather strap, same as Thomas, doubled in half.

And, as Thomas had predicted, Adam more `lays' the strap on Robby's chest, instead of outrightly striking.

"No. Do it like this," Thomas comes up, behind Adam, grabbing up both his hand and the handle of the strap.

More than when he performed the task himself, Thomas lifts the strap and comes down hard.

"Oh shit!" Adam gasps, upon hearing the crack of the strap strike Robby's right pec, leaving quite a red mark.

Robby reacts, shouting out, but also the same, head dropping back, showing a sign of how pleasurable it feels.

All part of the act, Robby has learned how to `read' a master, top, dominant, whatever the referenced name of the giver. From experience, he knew how to stoke it up, how loud or soft to call out, voice opinion on an object, such as a leather strap striking chest, back, or on occasion, when legs are stretched wider than they are now, a strap to the underside of his balls.

Because he was given permission to speak freely, Thomas not rescinding it, Robby gasps between breaths, "more please, sir."

Showing his inadequacy, not which Adam was trying to do so, "he's kidding, right?"

Rather than a remedy, Thomas allows Adam to think for himself, adding, "think about it, it's not only about yourself, but what the `boy' is getting out of this. Not which it's usually allowed, but do you hear a plea for mercy?"

`Plea for mercy?' Adam thinks on it, wondering why Thomas doesn't spell it out in plain English, "I guess...not."

He was about to lecture once more, going at it from an educational perspective, "by the way, have you checked lately on the CB device?"

Adam hadn't, not caught up in the pink lines forming around Robby's nips, nor the looks on his face.

"No, not there," Thomas takes Adam by the bottom of the chin, with what should be obvious, looking down at the pubes. Hand to Adam's chin, he directs eyes to `lower'.

Soon as Thomas releases Adam's jaw, it drops open and with reaction to sinewy strands of goo dripping from the cock-cage, "that's not going to rust up, is it?"

Thomas wanted to laugh his ass off, but knew he had to be on best `actor' behavior, "uh, no."

Robby, normally he would wait for Thomas' go ahead, to speak freely', but Adam was being so innocently cute, "it's rust free, but I'm feeling really good with you doing me', if you want to do more?"

"I don't think this is me," Adam says.

If anyone were observing the trio, they would have taken note of Thomas and Bobby, disappointment on their faces.

Though, Adam would not be the first, nor the last, after a short demonstration, finding out something about themselves. Surely, if this whole scenario had been instigated by the `customer', surely an interest would be there.

However, Thomas had no one to blame but himself, for putting the strap in Adam's hand.

Robby, he's certain he had done his part. Trying to shrug shoulders, bound to the X', it did communicate to Thomas something, because he got the same back, both agreeing, at least we tried!'

Hands out to the sides in protest, Thomas says, "you've barely scratched the surface!"

It's times like these Robby fully knew the scope of the situation, which it transpires like a flat tire, the role-play losing its luster, "don't be so hard on yourself, Adam. How boring the world would be if we all were the same and liked the same thing."

Though, Thomas always liked a good finish, taking the upper hand, with a smile, says, "it would be nice, if you've finished what you've started?"

"Finish? What I've started? Like, how would that go?" Adam wasn't sure.

Thomas was certain that's a no-brainer, but also knew, when a shopper was very reluctant to pour on the pain, "when all the sap has drained out of the CB?"

Now that the roleplaying has unwound, Robby speaks out, "don't's not going to rust!"

Still seemed strange, the continuous stream of strands of goo, seeping out between the cage openings, but Adam was understanding of the idea, "I guess when it stops dripping?"

"Or," Thomas offers an alternative, "if you `make' it stop?"

Dumb, he wasn't totally stupid, Adam wise as when he's lying in bed, with either his own hand or a pair of lips doing the ups'n'downs, stroking himself off, the impending build up and let down of coming, "okay. If it'll make you happy."

"I think Robby would appreciate it."

Adam wanted to chuckle, thinking Thomas wasn't going to get something out of it?

"I think we should go for the quickie approach, since we still need to get you prepped for the birthday party tonight?"

`Prepped,' Adam had come there for Renaldo, not himself, "sure.'re the boss."

Thomas smiled, Adam still not getting it, yet knowing most guys didn't until they've set foot in an actual dungeon setting. Which, it's how he earned a little extra commission on the side, referring customers to the Lumberyard basement playground. Part time bartending, Thomas would often meet up with a customer he's recommended going there to wet his whistle and `other' reasons!

"Well, let's see," Thomas taps a finger on lips, gazing around the room.

It was a secret ploy, for himself, making a customer wait. In looking around the room for a certain something, he drew attention to items, picking them up, putting them down.

"You don't really use them, do you?" Adam was skeptical, of anyone having nasty teeth like the silver jaws, clamping down on their nips!

"I think we'll keep it simple," Thomas places the chain over a display hook.

Like he always thought, Thomas needed to figure out a customer before they even entered the makeshift dungeon area of the auto parts store.

Usually, the conversation began by asking `what can I do for you?'

If they were looking for an actual auto part, it could be a genuine request...or, reluctance to ask for access to the secretive area of the store, due to a first time experience, it was a clue to find an auto part, rather than a kinky sex device. Rarely, a customer would leave the store without a purchase, auto part or `other.'

If this be the case, Thomas would engage in conversation, his own brand of `secret' talk, which would draw a customer back into the kinky part of the store...or not!

During peak traffic, almost never would the subject of sexual toys come up. However, he'd often see guys linger, pretend they were eyeing up parts for a carburetor or studying which can of oil to buy, waiting for the crowd to dissipate. Surely, this was one sign the would-be customer was there for `other parts!'

"Hold your hand out."

"Who me?" Adam says nervously, placing a hand on his own bare chest.

Sarcastically, Thomas says, "well, for certain, `he' can't!"

"Oh," Adam looks up at Robby's shackled hands, embedded in a leathery cuffs, "you're right," he nervously laughs. He also notices, his victim being quite the patient one, "sorry to keep you waiting."

Robby smiles back, though his balls are telling `Adam' to hurry it up!

In that short instant, Thomas whom 9 of 10 times play the mean ogre, wishes it were himself, naked, strung up on the X-frame, secreting his own fluid through a cock device, but settles back down to earth, "shall I pick for you?"

Dangling from Thomas' index finger is a silvery chain, a clamp on either side, "here, check this out?"

"Looks menacing," Adam was surely backing down...backing out.

Thomas was aching here. For certain, if they were alone, Adam and himself, he'd surely get a royal hard-on, having the teen try out the clamps on his own nips.

Zonked out, from the overwhelming nature of too much, too fast, Adam is whacked out of his gourd, "don't you have something less `fierceless'?"

Talk about aching, it probably hit Robby worse than Thomas, seeing Benj standing there, hobbling into the room.

Attached between each ankle was a long bar, leather anklets. Arms behind his back, it stretched out the leather harness covering his chest. Large rings were positioned over each nip. Pressing against Benj's chest, the rings made the perky nubs stand out.

"Wow, now there's something you don't see everyday!"

In the presence of his lover, Adam was more relaxed to the point of joking.

"Wow, look awesome!"

Thomas and Robby exchange looks, like their attempt at not only selling some items, but reluctance to draw Adam into their's a total failure!

Yet, Robby mouths the words, `get me off?'

Smiling, Thomas agrees, softly whispering, "in a minute?"

Excited, Benj joked about his shaft and balls, bloated by the ring extending from the middle of the chest strap, down over his hairy pubes and then cinching up the `hardware'.

Adam looks down, then up, "like, doesn't that feel...strangling?"

Certainly, it should for any man, tightly contained nuts, looking like they are ready to burst, separate snare around the base of the shaft, looking all primed and ready to shoot a hefty load...

"Actually, when Todd was outfitting me with it..."

Perfect timing, Adam scolds, "you touched my boyfriend's cock and balls, Todd? Shame on you!"

"Sorry," Todd says, not which he was...not very much, with it a mutual feeling, the outfitter fitting the outfitted.

Benj could relate, which made him want to get off that subject and onto why this guy was tethered to an X-frame and the half-naked auto attendant with a hand down the middle of his overalls, "like, what's with that?"

"Oh my god, I can't believe you, Thomas!"

Time for Thomas to get scolded, but defending himself, "what?"

Todd could very well guess, as it couldn't be hidden by anyone's eyes, why Thomas' hand was building up momentum, at the cost of Benj's bulging anatomy!

However, seeing the chain in Adam's hand, "oh, are those for me?"

Adam very well knew, what his boyfriend wanted for `his' birthday, so instead of saying he was ready to affix it to Robby's chest, "yeah, I thought maybe you would want to try them on...for size?"

He felt like a hypocrite, but as everyone knew, the whole hype of b.d.s.m. was strung out over who you did it with and to what extent a scene was played out. There were many complicated variables.

"Or," Thomas had a new idea, "better yet, they could have a tug'o'war?"

"Oh goody," Todd can almost taste it, clamps attached to his own perky nips, "I'd love to!"

"I wasn't thinking out you," Thomas snaps at Todd.

"Well, I never!"

From the first, when Adam saw Todd, being snippy, placing a hand on the hip, it was the funniest thing he ever saw and the feeling seemed to never wear off; funny the first time and always, "yeah, really Todd?"

Then Adam got the evil stare, but he knew, from Todd's perspective there was nothing evil about it!

Pouting, Robby does reach his limit, "um, someone want to give me some attention?"

Like, how could Robby tap a shoulder, draw attention, with all four limbs tethered in a stationery position.

One part of the auto shop, the makeshift dungeon, sole purpose to `try before u buy,' lacked air conditioning. Reason they were looking upon Robby's sweaty bod.

Not the only one, Thomas had stripped down to...nothing, which they could all see, sporting a heightened sexual awareness!

Todd did remind, "one hour and we have to be off to the party?"

Benj did joke, "sure, Todd, ruin it for everyone else, because it's not about you?!"

Switching back and forth, between who said what, whereas Thomas wanted to be bound for Adam, with Benj's sassy remark, "if you were `my' boy, I wouldn't let you get away for even speaking your mind!"

Adam, feeling a little prankish, puts on the same airs, "yeah, where the hell you get off speaking like that, `boy'?"

It caused a stutter of responses, Benj and Adam standing there, smiling at each other.

No one pay attention, to Robby's whine, except Thomas, who threw his own smile towards the bound up X-boy!

At times, Todd comes up with the best ideas and using it as an icebreaker, "you know, at the Lumberyard, and you should know this,'s a `come as you are' party?"

Knowing like Todd, Thomas' grin shows he agrees, guys walking in off the street, or rather out from the parking lot, all dressed up in a myriad of leather, or partially naked, "hmm," he taps Robby on the pecs, "how about we double-date, Adam?"

Feeling left out, Todd pouts, "what about me?"


Copyright 2017 T. Chase McPhee

`SeCReT siGnS' and developing segments of this story, may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author, or you will be on your knees!

Next: Chapter 13

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