Secret Signs

Published on May 10, 2017


% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature.

% States and countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing adult material'. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain adult material', intended for an `adult audience.' Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story.

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don't mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!

Hey dudes, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for `internet $pace' or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any tops?

`SeCReT siGnS' 005

WriTten by T. Chase McPhee

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Just as they were getting to know each other, Cris had gotten the idea, the dude at the table in his eyesight, had been following his and Jeffry's conversation.

An open book lay out on the Asian dude's table, but not much thinking was being lifted from it, from what Cris could tell. Cris knew how shifty eyes could work, staking out surroundings, while trying to remain incognito!

Suddenly, Jeffry notices Cris' eyes, "something I should be aware of?"

"Yea-a-ah," Cris reveals his secret, "but it's not like I'm the only one doing the checking out?"

It's then that Jeffry turns his shoulder, looks behind his back.

"Don't look!" Cris physically turns Jeffry's chin back.

"Excu-u-use me!"

"I told you not to look, didn't I?"

Even though Adam and Ben were still getting acquainted, they too look over.

"He looks fragile," Ben says.

"Fragile?" Adam was totally lost, "like, how would that go?"

"A loner. Probably looking to make friends."

While Cris and Jeffry had sat there, building a friendship, the same was true with Adam and Ben. More time spent on Ben, it was learned, life could be lonely when not engaged with other people. Adam became a patient listener, Ben telling of his teen years, bullied, but bulking up, becoming a footballer, yet sticking to himself when not in the lineup.

Rather than Adam, Ben calls attention to Cris and Jeffry, uttering a whistling sound made up of air, "wh-sh-sh-sh...why don't you go over and say `hi'?"

It was like Ben was totally ignored, except for putting the idea into their heads, Jeffry asking, "Should we?"

"You talkin' to me?" Cris says.

Making friends on his own, it wasn't exactly Cris' forte, due to his `former master' doing the choosing.

Breaking down, Jeffry asks, "or we both could go?"

The dude apparently, had stalked Cris and Jeffry's table too, having some ideas for himself. When he sees them approach, eyes dart down at his open book, which meant, indeed he was too chicken to get up off his bum!

Next thing he hears, "hey, mind if we join you?"

Cris hung back purposely, hoping Jeffry would take up the slack. Sucking dick, he was right on it, but making new friends...

"Uh," he was shy, "yeah. Okay," the dude closes his book.

Cris noticed, the dude didn't make an effort to save the page.

Sitting, "I'm Jeffry and this is Cris."

"Joey," he gulps, "Takayama. Hi," he didn't handshake, just smiled.

Smiling back, it wasn't the dude's cute curve of the lips, but Cris thinking, `damn, this guy is shy.' His meaning was really, shier than himself, which sort of put them in the same ball league.

When Jeffry moves his eyes in a cocky manner, it's a sign, which makes Cris make the next move, "uh, what are you studying?"

Like heck, Joey wanted to say, `him', but pulls the book over, turns it around so the title faces Cris, "it's not on the college reading list. More for what I want to get out of life, I suppose."

Even though the face of the book was addressed to Cris, Jeffry manhandles it, "The Screenwriter's Bible, formatting and selling your script, expanded and updated."

Purposefully, Jeffry crocks it open to the middle of book, thumbing forwards and backwards. To anyone, it would seem he was ignoring those he sat with.

Even though they had met seconds ago, both Cris and Joey take it as Jeffry hanging out of the conversation.

Cris flubs his way through the chat, "uh, um, so. You want to be a screenwriter?"

Before Joey can answer Cris, Jeffry's up and out of his chair, "forgot. I need to get something from my dorm room. Nice meeting you, Joey. Catch you later."

It didn't even give Cris a moment to say anything, Jeffry up and abandoning him.

One thing Cris and Joey did agree on, their next class was `English' and if they didn't put a hustle in it, they would be late.

Walking side by side, Cris suddenly remembers his obligation to Adam. Looking around, the hall was filled. A quick search turned up nothing.

It did give Joey a temporary scare, "uh, looking for someone?"

Cris did throw himself into a fright, stopping suddenly in the hallway, gagging, not over a fat cock, but acid redux. He had a duty to fulfill, but wasn't following up on it. Then it occurred to him. How foolish could he be? He was no longer in servitude to Dierk and Adam was acting kind of cool about waiting on him hand and foot, so why not `kick back and enjoy the moment?'

"Nope," Cris answers cheerfully.

Continuing his pacing the hallway, suddenly he was again moving with the crowd and not like a boulder in a stream, causing the masses to go around him and Joey.

Finding their classroom, the two straggle in and find seats.

"Whew, that's a relief."

"What is?" Cris asks, as they sit.

Speaking it, ahead of his thoughts, Joey realizes he's jumped the gun, "what I meant...good thing we um..."

Cris could sense it, as his original thoughts dictated, Joey being as reserved about his emotions, "met?"

Meeting their new English prof, Hector Hernandez introduces himself. He didn't read down a roster of students, but rather liked the idea of meeting each student one on one. New to the school, Prof Hernandez has used this same system of getting to know people, by allowing them to do most of the talking.

In gearing up for the subject, Professor Hernandez had read, in Spanish, a love poem. The object was to invoke romance, regardless of the language of the poem. Being he's traveled the world and speaks 8 different languages, is a pro at reciting poetry. He rattles it off as if speaking to each of his students individually. Every other line, the 33-year old prof switches from Spanish, to French, Farci, Mandarin Chinese, and after 3 others, ends with a universal quote, "and `that', my friends is the power of love!"

Standing there in his 3-piece suit, something Prof Hernandez would be famous for, caged up what could be a studly bod, wrapped in fine threads. He smiles and waits.

Less than a minute later, he throws out to the class, a usual line to provoke thought, "have I jostled anyone's emotions?" After he says it, because a few of his students were making him think in another way, "hmm?"

For what it was worth, right after, Joey leans to Cris' ear, mentions ever so softly, "jostled. From the word Joust?"

Apparently, Cris didn't catch on, "yeah, and?"

"In late Middle English, `joust' meant to have sexual intercourse with!"

`OMG!' Cris' mouth spelled it out, without a noise.

Not which Cristano Constantino pretended to get the whole gist of it, broadened over a worldly conglomeration of lingo, snidely blurts out, "I think I've got it!"

After the `hmm, now,' Prof Hernandez's next favorite follow up, "want to take a stab at it, ah-h-h..."

Another ploy, the prof didn't look to his book for names, rather having the student do the into's.

"Cris Constantino, sir."

He had never been this formal his whole life. His father was called by the name, dad', but with knowing Dierk, Cris learned sir' was the way to address a demanding top.

Dressed to the hilt in fine European threads, Hector Hernandez addressed his classes in a less-traditional manner, first name basis, "on with it then, Cris."

Cris loved it, the stab at it,' "well, it's not perfect, but here goes: I woke up this morning in such pain...again...since last night I, with my lover I had lain'...romantic, eh?"

He could be insulting in a nice way, the prof returning, "it is obvious, Cris, when it comes to poetry, you have no talent whatsoever!"

There was a mix of reactions from the others in the classroom, jaw-dropping, those who cheered Prof Hernandez and 2% with no emotion.

Cris shrugged it off, having been on the `shit end of the stick' plenty of times, "nobody's perfect!"

Ruling over his class, standing there at 6'3" tall, Hector did get the scope of the other students' view, gasps, even verbal slander, of how he acted with such coldness. Loosening up, "let's hope you get something out of this class, Cris and maybe by the end of the course, you can recite something with more constructive meaning."

To play it safe, Hector moved on to the next student, then the next and soon the feedback he got had eaten up the remaining minutes.

Cris, never one to hold a grudge, applauded on the way out, "very interesting class, Professor Hernandez!"

Detecting something out of the ordinary, plus he thought Cris a `cute boy', "thank you." Now Prof Hernandez really felt guilty, "sorry about the little dig, but you have to admit your attempt was a little grungy?"

Cris knew what his prof was getting at. He remembers once, dating a dude off an internet chat site, going to a concert featuring lewd and loud rock music. But how could he even think of being angry at such a `hot' prof?

"I'll try harder. I promise, Professor Hernandez," his face is filled with a toothy smile.

Good thing Cris giggled, buying Prof Hernandez some time to think. He wanted to respond with some catchy line, which would lead to a more `gay' subject, but realizes, "hey, you fellas better get a move on it, to your next class."

Really, Cris wanted to stand there and gaze, but realizes things are fruitless, not with his prof decked out in the tight, ironclad vest, partially hanging over his belt buckle.

For Cris, being gay wasn't a kept secret, many `out' students on campus. It didn't phase him if people knew he were gay.

For the new professor to the college, Prof Hernandez has already stalked a few individuals, students and teachers.

Already, in his own department he had intuitive opinion, Karl Hamburg.


For the rest of the day, things bent towards moving from the dorm to the `castle'.

When they approached the site, off to itself, wooded, Adam looks at the map of the campus, "it simple `says' castle, but the word itself is not placed in anything represents a building?"

Benj, who had glanced at the paper in Adam's hand, "no, but Peeter had said we'll know it when we see it."

Truth be told, that's exactly what happens. Stepping over a little footbridge, it could have resembled crossing a moat.

"That's a castle?" Adam gawks.

Benj had seen pictures, Peeter showing him, while lecturing on how the castle had been assembled.

"Let me fill you in on a little history," Benj bends over sets the cardboard box down.

Of course, Adam observed the tee shirt ride up, becoming untucked from the deep reserve of his friend's belted pants. He didn't even will it, but a smile formed on his face, peeking at the beginnings of a hairy crack!

"Now," Benj stands, wiping soot off both hands, "where were we?"

"You were about to fill me in on the castle, which doesn't look like any castle I've seen?"

Surely, very much like Peeter had filled Benj in on, "well, that's because it's not like a castle some king built."

"Oh?" Adam stood there.

For a while, Adam took up with checking out the nooks and crannies of the odd shaped form.

Benj, being the first time he's laid eyes on the special campus structure, just stands there, jaw-dropped. "Ho-ow-ow-ow-lie...will ya look at that!"

Forcing himself in between, there was their' slave, Cris, butting in between the two in awe, "geez guys, you act like you never saw a castle' before?!"

Both watch Cris' ass squeeze past them.

"I didn't know the skinny runt had it in him," Benj remarks.

Adam looks to Benj.

Benj looks upon Adam.

"Yeah, right," Benj makes the first move, out of the icicle stance, "c'mon."

About ready to make a move, they are approached from behind, "coming through!"

Rather than repeat, thrown off kilter, with being laden down with belongings, Benj and Adam open a trench between them.

There, running full speed, like Cris, backpack on the back, hugging another pack, Joey runs through the gap, "hey, hold up a minute, Cris!"

"Holy cow!" Benj exclaims.

Adam not stopping long enough to think on it, as to how 2 guys who have just met, look like they've known each other for years, "what took us so long?"

The symbolism was there, therefore neither Adam nor Benj had to communicate it to each other, just laughed, knowing they were on the same track, about how there relationship had come to be and who be the first to initiate it.

Although, just one thought did leave to turmoil, as they started to walk, "good think I had a thought one day to approach you!"

"You?" Benj stops.

"Of course. If I didn't stop you that day and take the initiative to introduce myself?"

A difference of opinion, Benj just smiled and let it be. He knew who be the first one to ask for a cell phone, to tap a number into.

Allowing Adam to have his way, it didn't matter. One of the little quotes passed onto him, `Don't be overly excited by praise, or offended by criticism. Don't quick to give praise or criticism,' seemed to fall into place.

Did little squabbles matter, whereas someone's personal self weren't placed in the balance between life and death?

If there wasn't someone around to share this special place in time with, Benj would have reflected on the handy little quote book in his mind.

Years ago, while sitting on the sidelines of the Nyack High football team practice, result of a sprained ankle, Benj had taken a sad chapter of being out of the game and made it upbeat.

Not to his own credit, a pair of gym shorts crossed in front of him and without a whim, dropped a book in his lap. It made a distinct impression, the binding of the book bouncing off his teen balls!

Looking up, the senior, Benj a junior at the time, turned and flashed him a wry smile, winking.

Not the wealthiest of parents, Benj had been brought up on good wisdom, the reason he didn't jump off the bleacher seat and gut punch or do worse damage to the senior. Instead, he bent over and picked up the book, the other hand making sure his crotch was still in good working order.

He had only spotted this senior guy once, in the locker room, in the buff - and buff he was - and even scantily clothed, recognized him.

From then, onward, even though there were only 2 months before graduation, they connected in more ways than friendly talk.

Of the book, it was a gay-centered work of quotes. Some did not pertain to the human anatomy. Of this, Benj could apply to walking towards the castle.


Next day, Joey and Cris couldn't be more on edge, a happy one, counting the hours, until they would make their way to Prof Hamburg's classroom.

As happens, Joey's roommate had cancelled out at the last hour and when the new year started, he roomed by himself. This was great for Joey, a little shy about coming out.

Cris, it was his second semester and he knew campus protocol, like no one cared piddley-squat if a dude were gay.

Then it came to Joey, "y'know, I've been thinking?"

Picking up on this, one of Joey's little quirks, waiting to be led on, "thinking what?"

"If what you say about Dierk, getting mental on you, because you have to be a slave to Adam...well, how come you can't be `my' slave instead?"

It was the first inclination, Cris responding, "does this mean you like me?"

Neither were experts at love, Joey saying, "I like you?"

Taking it beyond ordinary friendship, Cris replies, "I think I do you."

Too bad they were on the verge of entering Prof Hamburg's classroom, or else they might have gotten it on!

Even though Joey and Cris had plenty time for kissing, sucking and all that jazz, last night, more on their minds was helping Cris overcome his incapabilities, regarding instant rhetoric.

It didn't go without being said, both thinking themselves `weird', they could forgo sex, for the purpose of educational thinking!

"Well," Cris pauses as he stands from his seat, walks down the few steps from the graduated seating. Making his way to the front, "I think we should pick a period of history, like... the Greek revolution."

"The what?" Burg talks from one side of the lecture area. It did catch him off guard, his mind on something more of a present' timeline, an updated sexual theme.

"Or whatever problems we had," Cris recalls his Greek heritage. "Besides that though, I think it would be cool to make some Greek legends gay. And...since I'm Greek and I'm gay, I could be in the starring role!"

All Adam could do is smile. Cris, in his book, was the spitting image of a handsome, funny guy and sometimes when he wasn't funny, when he wanted to be, he was a comedian. And, as rumor has it, he was a good cocksucker. Right now, this was not the time, nor place, to `rise up' and meet the challenge!

"Okay," the prof skips over the idea, "do we have any other takers?"

This time, Adam deemed it would be fun to humiliate the prof and go with Cris' idea, but he didn't want to get a bully-boy reputation. Learning Hernandez and Hamburg were tight... oh man,' Adam gets down on himself, why did my mind have to go there?' Sometimes he could confuse himself all on his own!

Good thing some other of his peers came up with ideas, because now that Adam's mind had ventured into the place of no return, as Renaldo told him, `once you get to that place, think it out your system and then move on.'

However, Adam couldn't think much, without either of his professors reentering his head through the back door. He had already ventured into the territory of no return, thinking about the two professors. It would be unlikely Burg the bottom. If that be the case, which it wasn't in Adam's mind-yarn, he pictured Hernandez, bod over the desk, pants down and Burg pounding him. Now, that was something to get emotional about!

Fortunately, for everyone, the class came to close, bell ringing.

By habit, even though the bell was the bell', signaling end of class, Karl Hamburg was A stickler for being every place, on time. Back in high school, Montclair, New Jersey, Karl's parents would get annoyed at him for setting the kitchen timer, which went off in the morning, right before his night table clock. Most of the time his parents were gone early in the morning, but on weekends, they liked to sleep in. Truthfully, Karl never saw much of the rents. He had often wished they were home more of the time, instead of relying on the house staff to take up the slack. Not which he minded, last year of high school, he condemned the fact such a hot' butler was added to the staff, right when he was about to make the break to college. At least, when he came home for major holidays, there was someone to play around with!

Packing up, Adam saw Cris come back to his seat, which meant he would be getting ready to depart too. Looking around, Adam says, "where's your boyfriend, Cris?"

"We're not boyfriends."

"Oh," Adam shrugs both shoulders, "I just assumed..."

"Well, let me put it this way, we haven't made to that point as of right now."

"So there's hope?"

"I dunno," Cris replies.

Back at square one, Adam says, "well, if you need any pointers, I can always give you direction?"

"Thanks, but..."

Left with a smile on Cris' face, "but, what?"

"Your friend already offered."

At this stage of college, Adam could count on his fingers how many friends he has made, "Ben?"

Not which Adam hasn't thought about it, Cris tells him, "Ben's not your friend. He's your boyfriend."

Not which anything was said of it, between Adam and Ben, he doesn't dispute that that's what seems to be happening with them, "oh, right."

With a lull in conversation, Cris lets the cat out of the bag, "I meant your friend, Renaldo."

"Renaldo?" Adam is stumped. "Like, how did you..."

Reaching down in his pocket, Cris says, "here. He stopped by to give you this. When you weren't around, he left it with me."

It looked like a check and when Adam opens it, he turns it around and around, examining it, "is this real?"

Being it was not in an encased envelope, Cris had taken a peek, "if I had a check handed to me for 50k, I wouldn't go wondering where it came from. I'd have it cashed and in my bank account!"

"You're a kook, Cris!"

"What makes you say that?"

"Any `normal' college guy would cash it, then party!"

"Hmm," it started the wheels of his brain turning, Cris saying, "there is a party I wouldn't mind going to?"

Joking, Adam replies, "holding back on me, Cris?"

It's then Adam learns of what Renaldo's been up to, "Renaldo invited you to a party?"

"Yeah, at this guy's house, `Chad', which is the same place he's rooming at."

Not knowing the plan his father had, keeping Renaldo near campus, Adam questions, "like, where is that?"

"Well, I don't know the address, but Renaldo says it's about ten minutes from campus." Taking out his cell, Cris tells him, "I can call and get directions, if you and Ben are interested in partying?"

Taking the $50,000 check and stashing it in his right pants pocket, Adam acts a little perturbed, "I can't believe my father is using Renaldo to keep tabs on me." Then, like he's ready to interrogate Cris, steps into his breathing space, "I wonder what else did my father is having Renaldo do, that I should know about?"

First thing which stung Cris, was the change of Adam's whole demeanor, "you know, if you worked at it, you could be a hot master?"

"If you don't tell me what else my father has put Renaldo up to, I might just have to become one!"

Really, in Cris' mind, Adam didn't fit the part. He wasn't at all like Prof `Burg, every gay students' ideal stud muffin, the epitome of a dominant top-man.

"Renaldo didn't tell me anything else. I guess if you want to know, you'll have to ask him yourself."

"Hmm," Adam thought on it.

"But I'll tell you what you could do?" Cris smiles.

"I'm almost afraid to ask."

"Interrogate me anyway?"

"Why do I get the impression there's a reason why Renaldo invited you to his party, Cris?"

Cris levels with Adam, "um, maybe because he knows, being hung up in a dungeon will get me hard and dripping?"

From mentioning all this, Adam fits the pieces together. Not knowing a whole lot about Cris, basic stuff, like his interest in this `master-slave' thing, he adds Renaldo's bag of toys into the equation, "I should've been quicker to realize."

He still didn't get an answer, as to why his father planted Renaldo in the neighborhood; like, how would Cris know? However, being the bell dinged, they weren't going to wait around for the late bell to get them running like a marathoner!

Fast-paced, Cris asks, "so, what did you think about my ideas?"

Sketchy on the details, since his mind was on more important matters, Adam questions, "I'm skeptical all those ideas came out of `your' head?"

Speeding right along, Cris replies, "okay, so Joey helped me out."

"Joey, eh?"

It gave something for Adam to think about. Cris was cute and he didn't need to be reminded of how talented a cock-licker/sucker he could be. He was looking for more than a 1-night stand, even if it was standing up in the shower. Considering Cris more a friend, than a pawn in Dierk's game, his mind returned to Benj. From there, "Y'know, Cris, I think I'm going to like the idea of living in a castle?!"

"What?" Cris catches up, when they hit the doorway to their next class.

"I'll tell you later. It's complicated."

Finding more than a friend in Adam, Cris couldn't believe, instead of Dierk, he was hanging out...well, that's what it seemed like, more a friendship, than being indentured. At first he cursed Dierk, loving the attitude, the abuse, but on the other side of the coin, was learning that it didn't always need to go that way. Adam could be gentle, but in a mild mannered way, strict also. It was a kooky thing and Cris thought he needed time to sort all this out. The way things looked, that's what he had, time, and knew, in the long run, Adam would un-complicate things.


Copyright 2017 T. Chase McPhee

`SeCReT siGnS' and developing segments of this story, may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author, or you will be on your knees!

Next: Chapter 6

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