Secret Signs

Published on May 29, 2017


% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature.

% States and countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing adult material'. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain adult material', intended for an `adult audience.' Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story.

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don't mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!

Hey dudes, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for `internet $pace' or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any tops?

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`SeCReT siGnS' 007

WriTten by T. Chase McPhee

^ 0 ^


Renaldo could tell, like he hadn't been through the process before, Grant in the finishing stages of use and abuse.

In a fit of wanting to stuff as much as he could of his straight-lined shaft up Renaldo's ass, Grant unlocked wrists and neck from the stocks. Hauling his victim's bod across the room, he made him kneel on the rack, fall to his chest and not bothering to fasten wrists to the stretching apparatus, stabbed his cock back in.

Purpose to pulling out and allowing his shaft to be exposed to the damp dungeon air, it was like starting all over again.

It's how Grant preferred it, when fucking. Sucking, it was all a different ball game. Like a turkey in the oven, he liked a mouth to cook his cock to perfection, before carving.

Mouths came in all shapes. If one could not accommodate his 8c bit, Grant didn't care if he had to expand his bottom's horizons.

He even joked about it, `if it don't fit, I'll make it fit!'

Not something he had to worry about with Renaldo. Having some experience under his belt, Grant knew a loose ass has `been there-done that' and not just once.

Like, when he switched from stocks to rack, Grant had already widened the hole, so prodding Renaldo again, it fit without stretching.

Renaldo's feelings, it was all good. The initial stretch was awesome and then fucking, working him so hard the goo ran like Niagra. Sometimes he would make himself jolly, thinking how Viagra could turn a soft cock into a raging shaft, but the 34-year old didn't need substitutes for the real thing. Gifted from birth, it wouldn't be until a preteen, discovering when he got hard, his teen shaft could become hand-fortified without drugs. And, even though his cock had dribbled out all over the floor, a puddle of goo, Renaldo knew there was more of that where it came from. Only now, instead of his junk hanging free, it was squashed up against the table.

Chad's didn't have real' dungeon furniture, but a table could make do for anything really. A few feet of rope, generator and makeshift turning wheel turned the table into a rack. Not that Chad's friends were into being stretched till they broke their bones, just simulation for the stimulation'!

Grant didn't miss many beats, continuing the pace of pounding Renaldo's ass, without thinking.

One would think, having cock and balls ground into a solid piece of wood, it would hurt like crazy. Renaldo loved the feeling. It's been years since, but he used to love having cock and ball abuse. Right now, scraping on the rack surface, it rekindled his affection, both mentally and physically. It's one time he was glad his dominator didn't stop to eagle-spread him with lengths of rope, or how else would Renaldo be able to touch himself.

Regardless, Grant didn't give Renaldo much time for thinking. More so, it was all action. Pulling out slow, Grant's tube felt the cool air, but as Renaldo's hole ate it up, it warmed like buns in an oven. Some dudes might wilt at the hot and cold effect, but it only stoked Grant's fire and soon he was announcing he was ready to `fill the bucket'.

Never fail, in the middle of something important, Renaldo recognizes a tune, "is that my cell?"

Grant could care less. Right now, the most important person and thing, were himself and his bulging shaft. He didn't announce coming,' but just let loose, screaming out loud, about something which any viewer could very well see, oh fuck!'

Blessed with some good muscular attributes, even when pinned down by a heavyweight, Renaldo could pump hips, while excreting those sex fluids. At a moment like this, Renaldo shirked his responsibilities of answering his cell.

When he finally could get back to his cell, he would find 2 missed calls, one from Adam and one from the elder Eastman. It wouldn't be the first time, Adam being stood up by his limo driver, upon leaving a message, `where are you, as if I didn't know?', would have to wait till Renaldo gets back to him.

In the throes of a hot dungeon scene, Grant was in charge, which was a hot scene in deed. Though, Renaldo had said ahead of time, if his cell rang, he'd need to address it.

Well, after both had whizzed off, Renaldo barks out the order, "next time my cell phone rings, Grant, you better answer it, or allow me to!"

Instead of a `yes, sir!', Grant says, "oh good. There's going to be a next time. I have a feeling you can take much, much more!"

Cutesy, Renaldo says, "That's for me to know and you to find out!"

It left both smiling as they walked to the dungeon recovery area, the showers, Renaldo grabbing his cell on the way.


"What do you need a limo driver for anyway, when you got me!"

They had gone to the kitchen, which both boys found out, they didn't need to do anything except park their asses on stools at island seating.

As Renaldo had tutored Adam, best way to dig right into things, was not to beat around the bush. A good way to get into it, was a spontaneous approach, which had Adam asking, "so, what don't you like, Todd?"

"Well, one thing," Todd knew he had their attention and were expecting something dealing with sex, "I like my eggs sunny-side up."

To draw things back to the subject intended, Benj states his opinion, "I prefer my ass sunny-side up!"

"Is he always this horny?"

Adam defends, "hey, we're college boys. You were one once, weren't you?"

Kinky smile, Todd replies, "was I ever!"

This went on until sandwiches were served, Todd bringing out some bottles of beer.

Same time, Adam's cell sounds off with a jingle playing. Grabbing it off the island, he answers, "what the hell have you been up to?"

Todd muses, "somebody's in a heap of trouble!"

It's not what Benj was thinking, not of Renaldo, but Todd, thinking him a jolly kind of guy. Even though roughly 10 years difference in age, not which `age' was talked about, Benj thought him not old for an older dude, uttering a single "yeah." Not allowing the moment to flee and with Adam still on the phone, "do you live here, on campus grounds?"

Much history to his credit, Todd says, "lived here since my granddaddy was a professor, to be exact."

"What is it you do, for a living?"

"Y'know, long time ago, before the castle became traditionally, living quarters for the student, who's mom and pop were top charitable givers, I once was king!"

"Really? Like how does that go?"

Following both conversations, it wasn't that Adam was disinterested in Renaldo finding his dungeon-lord', but right now he didn't want to miss out on the bare-chested chef' telling his story.

All 3 sat there at the kitchen island, eating sandwiches, drinking beer, then onto Todd's famous cheesecake recipe and gourmet coffee, while the former king talked about the past history.

Decades ago, Todd's grandfather had found himself a job, caretaker of the castle. However, the castle was not what it is today.

"It wasn't even referred to as a `castle', more of a cottage."

Adam muses, "Oh, so you weren't a king?"

"Not yet," Todd replies.

He was getting some strange vibes, like he had known Adam all his life.

"Then, when did it become a castle?"

Playfully, Todd slaps Adam on the forearm, "I'm getting to that, if you'll have some patience!"

Not in defense, except his own, Benj says, "any erotic parts to your story?"

It earns Benj a kick under the table, which has him looking underneath, seeing who's foot it was, "y'know," he recognizes Adam's swinging leg, "you could have maimed me?"

"Sorry," Adam wasn't. "I was aiming for your foot, but missed!"

"I guess no one's interested in my story?"

Benj consoles, "sorry for the intrusion."

Stepping onto the stage, Todd recites, "to the dungeon!"

"Whew!" Benj wipes his brow, "for a minute there I thought you were going to say `off with his head'!"

Bold and cute, Todd says, "which one?"

Making gesture, Benj drops a hand to his crotch, "don't even think about it!"

Sending a message, Todd tells him, "oh you haven't to worry about that none. I'm a gentle handler!"

Even though he was getting a reaction, Adam says, "you guys want to knock it off?"

Same time, Adam points to the time at the top of his cell phone.

"Oh. Right. Forgot."

"You got someplace to go?" Todd says, in a disappointed tone.

"Not really, but yeah," Adam replies.

"We do?" Benj questions.

"Then I better speed it up," Todd says. Working through the rest of his history fast, "so, granddad was the first caretaker of what would become the complex of buildings, which would eventually be known as the `castle'. Originally it was a project for budding architectural students, but then they couldn't figure out what to do with it. It wasn't suited for classrooms and the dean, 3 deans ago, entered it in a contest and it won. Hence, it was too good of an architectural oddity, with all it's styles, to be degraded by students tramping in and out, day to day. So, the dean made it the living quarters for a student, used to living in the lap of luxury, which brings us up to present day."

Adam thought it no harm, Todd ending his story by smiling at Benj.

"So, your grandfather was caretaker. Your father, he didn't follow in his father's footsteps?"

It did the trick, Adam tearing Todd away from his boyfriend, "Nope. Didn't want anything to do with his father, or getting his hands dirty. He went on to achieve more business degrees than one person really needs, started a business, made money from it and...he's still at it. Very successful. On the other hand, after my mother passed away, it was like providence, coming to live with granddad here at the college. Was nice, achieving a college degree, while working at the job granddad retired from."

"What is your degree?"

"Horticulture. Make sense?"

Adam is quick to say, "I think we both have much in common."

"How so?"

Explaining the same, father with only an interest in business and raking in the bucks, "my best friend was my limo driver. More than that, he slowly worked his way into being the person who had me up, out of bed, put breakfast on the table and..." and he wasn't sure how Todd would take it, leaving the rest out.

However, Todd shoots his way, "There's more?"

Benj knew, but derails the train of thought, "Wow, that's quite a dynasty, Todd!"

Todd liked talking about himself. Not a selfish trait, it was like a king, proud of those around him, especially his granddad.

"I'm sure you have a story, Benj?"

He did, but Adam knew the stores in town wouldn't stay open forever, "he does, but we gotta go."

`Damn' Adam thought, right after saying it, just getting to know Todd. Even though the 10 or 12 year age difference, it was like Todd being one of the guys.

"Why don't you come with us?"

Adam could have rushed around the table, grabbed Benj up in his arms and kissed him!

"Me? Nah. What would an old man like me do with two youngsters like yourself?"

While Todd went to change, the two chatted.

"Did he just play us?"

"How so?" Adam questions.

"Doesn't matter. The truth, I like Todd."

While helping Benj take the dishes to the sink, Adam says, "like how do you mean that?"

Like he thought Adam jealous, "like, I like him', not love him.'"

"Yeah. Me too."

Didn't take long for Todd to ready himself. On the way back to the same cottage, Todd took a swim across the pool. He didn't care that he left the shorts he shed on the other side of the pool. In no time he had grabbed a tee shirt and shorts and was back at the kitchen door, taking the route around the pool.

Appearing back out front of the castle, Benj hangs on his belly, over the railing of the skinny moat, "they stock fish in here?"

However, Adam was more taken aback by his appearance, "let me guess, you don't get out much, do you?"

"Sure I do," Todd counts on his fingers, "I go hiking, camping, swimming, um...and lots of other stuff. And Benj, there's no fish in there."

Though, Todd didn't mind watching Benj, when he hung over to look, that butt, taking up every inch of stitching of the seat of his pants!

Popping up, Benj, who had been listening to every word Todd said, "no matter. I'm sure, where you camp, there's a lake full of fish."

Walking out towards the main campus loop, Benj filled in some of the gaps of his history. Growing up less fortunate, finding low-key activities, he himself was a camper and liked fishing.

Todd says, "well, boys, looks like I have a lot in common with both of you!"

He liked that feeling. It wasn't at all like this, not with living at the castle, with Dierk in charge. Todd had a feeling he wasn't going to feel like an agoraphobiac, staying at home just because he wanted to stay out of the social loop with the campus frat. In fact, he thought things off to a great start, being invited along for the ride.

"Hey!" Adam knocks on the tinted glass, driver side of the limo.

With jimmying the door, getting out, Renaldo is quick to glance around, "who's the hunk?"

Adam's jaw drops open, agog with what brought that on. In a blaming tone, he says, "Renaldo, how do you even know..."

By the looks of him, right on down to his hairy legs, Renaldo starts in on Todd, "Sorry...if you're not gay."

Adam and Benj just stood there, allowing things to evolve. Though, Adam did recall that one time, in the park, Renaldo did think a jogger was gay, and he wasn't. It was the first time Adam witnessed a man getting punched in the stomach. It was also the first time it got Adam to wondering, how could a guy `like' getting punched in the stomach, like how could it get the juices flowing, resulting in a hard-on?

"I'd feel sorry if I wasn't, too!" Todd smiles, running a flat hand up and down the back of Renaldo's shirt.

He could have rode a nice, wide seating arrangement, but chose up front.

"So, what do you think?"

"About what?" Adam asks.

Benj passes the buck, "Renaldo, up front with Todd?"

"I don't know. I mean, they seemed to like each other."

Understatement. It took much for noise to penetrate the passenger window, but they hear a great amount of laughter. Then silence.

"What do you think that was about?"

Again, Adam under the gun, "another one of Todd's funny stories?"

Benj confesses, "I didn't think they were `that' hot."


"What could I do? He's hot!"

That made Adam laugh his ass off, "I can't believe," he had to gulp air, "you said that!"

It drew Benj back to base one, "truth is...there's only one guy I find `really' hot!"

"Well, now might be a good time to show it?"

Going from separate seating, to the long seat at the back of the limo, it didn't take long before the pair were stripping each others' shirts.

Splaying his arms out over the back of the seat, it was the naturalist thing for a guy to do, as Benj slipped down to his knees.

"I can't believe you're doing this here, Benj."

"I can't see out, which means no one can see in, so why not?"

"You're not worried about `them?'" Adam nods.

"Do you think they're worried about us?"

"You got a point there."

The next words out of Adam's mouth, were when Benj licks up the side of his semi-hardness!

Renaldo had scoped out the town, plus having taken hints from Grant, about all the good bars and other places of interest, took his time driving.

"Oh-damn!" Benj sits back, pulling his lips from Adams cock.

"What's the matter?"


"Me? What'd I do?"

"You pushed so hard, it went down my throat and triggered the gag reflexes...damn, I almost barfed up my lunch!"

"How romantic, but it wasn't me. You're the one who was gobbling me up, mind you."

Benj couldn't recall, "really?"

Patting the seat next to him, Adam smiles, "you're forgiven. Have a seat. Plenty of time for that later, after your stomach settles."

Before uprighting himself, Benj does the courteous thing, stuff Adam's junk back inside and zips him up.

"How nice of you."

"It's the least I can do," Benj shows humbleness.

Back in his seat, Benj cups hands over the dark tinted window, "I wonder where we are?"

"Probably Renaldo is scouting out for the nearest park!"

"Hmm, a five-some," Benj jokes.

"Yeah, right Benj and we'll have you barfing up cocks!"

"Well, to be frank," he says in a sheepish manner, "there's really only one cock I'm interested in tasting!"

Okay, maybe it wasn't time for sex, but the kissing played out really nicely. They were just getting into it, Benj's hands really rubbing up and down Adam's back, when the car comes to a standstill.

Hands still caressing, "I guess we're here, wherever here is?"

Suddenly, the smoky-tinted partition goes down, Renaldo saying, "I hope you two are behaving yourselves back there?"

Benj bounces back with, "probably not as much as you two are misbehaving!"

On purpose, Todd show himself in the partition opening, jaw dropped open, right before saying, "you gotta watch that one, Renaldo. Adam's boyfriend's got a wise mouth on him."

It play right into Renaldo's hand, "yeah, I got one too. What're you gonna do about it?"

Little did Adam and Benj know, Renaldo and Todd had gotten quite far in their conversation, finding out particular ways they liked their sex to go down.

Renaldo, he was glad, when he stopped at a light. Todd didn't jimmy the door handle, jump out and run away.

Todd had hoped he didn't pour it on too thick, `liking it all.' In particular finding they both could get into a little role-play.

They parked, Adam and Benj going their own way.

Right around the corner, they encounter, "is that Joey and Cris?"

"Looks like them."

Sipping drinks, backs to an outdoor table, the two approach, Adam joking, "having fun boys?"

The joke was on them, Joey saying, "do you mean him or me?"

"What?" Benj doesn't get it.

Not sure what had transpired between the two, Adam leaves it middle of the road, "we're going clothes shopping. Wanna come?"

It really hadn't come up, Benj a poor dude', Adam, rich kid' and where the money was going to come from, to outfit the destitute one. It was just one of those things neither were worrying about.

With Cris and Joey, they had come right out with it, Joey telling Cris they were going shopping for him and Joey, he would wait until he made his own millions.

However, all that changes, when they walk into Braddock's department store.

"Wow! This place is awesome!" Joey exclaims.

Cris knew, the shopping-bug had hit him. He had offered to pay for Joey, but he had said no. Like it hit him the first time, going from big boys clothing, to the men's department, a guy just couldn't pass up on so much trendy stuff, without maxing out credit!

Whereas Cris had the cards to do it, Joey was in Benj's boat, work study.

Benj creeps up to Joey's shoulder, "here."

"What's this for?" Joey takes the pen offered.

"I'm writing everything down and when we get back home, I'm creating a spreadsheet, jotting down everything I owe Adam." This was the funny part, which made Joey crack a smile, Benj saying, "maybe in 10 years I'll be able to pay it back!"

Joey thought it better than nothing, especially when they were walking towards the men's clothing department. He had always wanted to dress like a cool guy and not the clothes furnished by an aunt or grandmother, hand-me-downs from older siblings. The dazzling delights of real live, `walking' models, parading around departments, dressed in suits...less, jeans and tee shirts...even less, just Nouguet speedos... it made him think Benj's idea the greatest!

"See anything you like?" Adam asks Benj.

"Uh, yeah, but I don't think he's for sale!"

Adam kinda had the feeling, his answer would go like that.

"Let me rephrase that...anything you see that's `for sale', you like?"

"I see something for free," Benj stares Adam in the face.

"Great," Adam says, "I'm going shopping. I'll meet you at the register."

Before he could say `wait,' Adam had disappeared. Benj then decided, if he took in all the eye candy casually grabbing his attention, he'd need to hurry it up to the a bathroom stall!

However, before Benj could go far, he was approached by two gentlemen.

"Hello there."

Now, `this guy' was one of the eye candy Benj was thinking about, that could make him cream himself in a few fleeting moments.

"Uh. Hi."

The dude standing next to him, wasn't much different, saying, "have you ever thought about a career in modeling?"

"Me?" Benj places a hand midchest, like grabbing his heart. Then, he thinks up probably the worst line in history, "but you haven't seen me without my clothes on?"

Both smile, the first offering a hand for the shaking, "I'm Dominic Domingo and this is the designer of the line of briefs Braddock's carry, Alex Nouguet."

Up until he stepped foot in Braddock's department store, Benj had never heard of Nouguet briefs, but he certainly admired the models wearing them, "um, it's nice to meet you," Domingo passes him on to Alex, "Mr. Nouguet."

Fierce world of modeling, Alex knew, well as anyone else, when coming across a `natural', scoop them up or be lost to someone other scout.

"Nonsense, the name's Alex," he cowers an arm over Benj's shoulders.

From there, everything would progress from Alex's point of view. Dominic Domingo, he was just along, in case applications and ensuing paperwork needed to be filed. He also thought it nice, checking out the perky nips on the front of Benj's, did Dominic salivate, thinking of how tasty they could be!

Benj was all eyes, this designer taking him around, introducing him to all the models, responding with just, "yeah, nice to meet you too."

What really got him going, instead of just a handshake, Benj got full hugs, chest to chest stuff and an occasional kiss on the cheek, or neck!

He had only seen it, on deck at the Grammy's, Emmy's or other awards, people kissing each other, which to Benj was all for show. However, every other model was pulling a card from their briefs, next to their balls and giving them to Benj.

Feeling kind of like a doofus, Benj had to ask, "ah, Alex?"

But it was Dominic, who has been hanging over Benj's shirt, not just to catch a peek of what lay underneath, "what can we do for you, Benjamin?"

That was what he came to college with, Benjamin' and being he liked his knew christened' name, "uh, it's Benj."

"Well, Benj," he got a bro-shoulder hug, "can we get you a drink?"

Whether he wanted it or not, Dominic breaks off the hug, ordering up someone to bring him a glass of bubbly.

"You're question?" Alex, a married man, with children, unlike Dominic, asks.

"I forget."

It was overwhelming for Benj, a model here, there, everywhere, coming up to him like `he' were the celebrity.

Then what really turned his head, a hand over the shoulder, sticking something down his shirt. He was ready to say, `I beg your pardon'...

"Some more cards."

"You wouldn't believe it, Adam?!"

"What's not to believe?" Adam says, again disappearing.

Lifting the tail of his shirt, Benj stares at his treasure trail. Out from the tail falls a bunch of cards. One gets stuck in his belt buckle.

"Allow me," fingertips pluck it out.

He wasn't sure, but thought, a finger grazing below his hairy navel, was meant as a flirt, but what wasn't Dominic anything but...

"Here, allow me," Dominic says, the 29-year old squatting down to pick up the cards which fell out.

Suddenly Benj felt hot', not in the scorching sense, but steamy, with Dominic's face right there, almost in his crotch. Boxed in by racks and models, there was no where to go, so he had to just live with it', but sure his pubes would not be able to do the same!

With quick analysis already, Benj deemed Dominic just as hot as any of the almost naked underwear models. Only, Dominic had clothes on. Something, a twitch of the brain, had him wanting the modeling scout, or whatever his title was, stripping right in front of him.

The icing came on the cake, Dominic standing, the cards on the palm of his hand and whispering into Benj's ear, "I could take care of that for you, if you catch my drift?"

He had a gorgeous smile, which only made Benj's condition worsen, "yeah, I catch it alright."

In the back of his mind, Benj worried about backup, like `where is Adam?'

"Hey, how's it going?"

`Oh wow,' Benj almost let it escape from his lips.

Of all the models he's been offered cards, this was the first one who wasn't shaved clean, "they let you..." he swallowed, feeling nervous about bringing it up, "get away with that?"

Closeness of everyone in Benj's quadrant, he could almost feel the back of his fingers, nails wave against the model's fuzziness.

"It's not like you don't have a say in how you like the public to picture yourself, you know?"

Shrugging shoulders, Benj didn't know, so didn't comment. Its not a subject he studied in school!

With no answer, it didn't make Benj look like an idiot or anything and instead of implanting a card, "I'm Kevyn West."

Taking his hand, Benj felt some other connection, unlike those in a hurry to kiss and run, which is why he reels that hairy chest in, "Benjamin Blow, but my friends call me Benj."

The name did stoke Kevyn's interest, but unlike others in the industry, he wasn't playing it like on easy street, "really great to meet you Benj."

Even though he instigated it, Benj wasn't so sure about the hug now, Kevyn rubbing his scruffy beard on the side of his face.

"Hey Kevyn?!"

As they broke apart, it's the thing that made Benj drop his jaw in awe.

"You know each other?"

"We do," Adam says, standing there with a wry smile on his face. "You and Kevyn getting acquainted?"

"How do you..."

Knowing what the question was to be, Kevyn says, "are you kidding, if it wasn't for my boy Adam, I'd never have broken into the modeling business."

It still didn't answer the question on Benj's mind, the anchor at which made them bonded, but accepted it, "is that so?"

There was another question on Benj's mind, "Adam, uh, what happened to your shirt?"

Not which he minded looking upon Adam's chiseled abs, canals cut out, carving up the stomach, by frequent gym visits.


"What?" Benj answers his beloved.

"Let me ask a question?"

This made Kevyn smile, taken in by the couple, which came with first hearing, Adam telling it.


"Do you see anyone else, but yourself, with a shirt on?"

"Um," Benj's eyebrows dip, perusing the briefs department, "ah-h-h, nope!"

Before ducking out again, Adam says, "help him out with that, will ya Kevyn?"

Toothy smile on Kevyn's lips, "my pleasure."

What was Benj to do, Kevyn's hands already working his shirt tail up. It made him sweat, not which, with all the hot bods gracing the store...then he notices something weird.

"Hey, is that a.." he had to cut off, Kevyn whisking his shirt off, but continuing right after, "a fence or something?"

"Oh that," Kevyn say. "Yeah. Well, when you came in here, it probably wasn't that way, eh?"

They were interrupted, a twink in a low rise, platter on one hand, "beer or champagne?"

His briefs so low, Benj takes notice, his navel so high, it looks like the waiter was born with his umbilical coming out, just chest level.

So low, Benj can't help but say, "that legal?"

It made the waiter smile, Kevyn giggling, "yup and it's also legal to touch!"

Eyes about to pop out, Benj watches, Kevyn moving fingertips inside the twink's elastic waistband. First thing to come to mind, not a follicle of hair surrounding the slab of beef. That was the second thing, for such a skinny runt, he sure packed some power in that speedo!

"C'mon. He likes it. Think of it as a tip."

Benj swallows, saying, "can't I just shake his hand?"

It made Kevyn laugh again, "I can tell you're not used to these parties."

"Parties? What party?"

"Chill. The store closed a half hour ago."

"I wondered about that...the blasting music and everyone going..."

He was about to say shirtless, when he catches a glimpse of a few models who introduced themselves, holding a drink in one hand, dancing around, cocks bopping to the offbeat.

"I guess it shows, me growing up in the sticks?"

By this time, the twink had set the tray down and returning, "I can shake your hand now."

"OMG!" Benj is astounded, the twink wearing no briefs and instead of handshake, he's holding his whole self up against him.

"Mind if I join in?"

Benj was beside himself, or rather two other guys, hot and young and... "Oh my," he looks down, the twink undoing his belt buckle.

He lost track of his shirt long ago, Benj, not knowing what Kevyn had done with it. He pay it no mind, word out, the after-after party entailed shopping the men's department and going home wearing as much as a bod could hold. Best part of the whole deal, what could amount to 5 separate wardrobes, complete with footwear, was on Dominic. In his ear, Benj supposing it meant to `entice' him into the modeling career, the fashion mogul leaned his lips to Benj's ear and whispered to pick out a watch. This probably meant, he was the only one wearing a new timepiece home!

"Well," Benj settles into the atmosphere of the party, the beer in his hand helping out, "I guess I didn't need those pants anyway!"

Something he didn't know, Kevyn had shooed away the twink, selfishly wanting all the action to himself.

"I wonder what happened to Adam?"

"Wanna step out of your pants?"

"Oh sure," Benj was sure, all the nudeness was prep for the wardrobe assemblage, later on.

He didn't really care that wasn't the case, Benj losing track of how many flutes or champagne he picked off the wandering waiter's tray...1? 2? Reason he had to hold onto Kevyn's shoulders, while lifting each leg, maybe 3?

Strangely though, rising to his feet, his tongue glides along the underside of Benj's shaft, "like, oh-damn, Kevyn!"

When Kevyn rose up, he made sure Benj's hands stay glued to his sides, so that standing tall, his ribs were caged in. Too, like he had slurped his tongue up the underside of Benj's shaft, he catches one of his nips...

"Oh-damn, Kevyn!" He had questioned it once, and before Kevyn made him forget, "you wouldn't happen to know where Adam is, would you?"

Stopping from nibbling on Benj's nip, "probably with my boyfriend. We'll meet up with them later. You're okay with that, right?"

He was and he wasn't, but rationalizes, "who am I to question what Adam does?"

It did irk him, but all of a minute, Kevyn taking care of any doubt!

"Hey Benj, having fun?"

"Todd? What are you doing here?"

"Same thing you are!" Todd laughs it off. Before he's pulled away by the boy on the other end of his anchor, he addresses the `slurper', "having fun, Kev?"

That was the last Benj saw of Todd for the night, but glad he caught a glimpse of his ass wobbling away.

While paying mind to Todd though, Kevyn had sunk down to his knees, upon which...

"Oh-damn, Kev!"

Instead of backing up, which there wasn't anywhere to go, Benj would credit the beer to taking Kevyn's head and giving him strep throat' felt that' good!

After sending his juice down Kevyn's throat, when Benj backed up, it brought him right between 2 guys!

"Pardon us," one of them said, the other peering over the shoulder at Benj, "Yum!". Then they went back to their kissing.

Reaching forward, and because Benj wasn't wearing a stitch of clothing, he pulled Kevyn by the only thing available.

"Oh fuck yeah, me!"

It hadn't been Benj's intention, working Kevyn's hardy shaft, but his hand had already pressed in, towards the models pubes and pulled, to the head, strangling the neck of the inflated cock.

Of course, it felt so awesomely great, but Kevyn a glorified bottom, not to mention good friend of Benj's boyfriend, "I made a promise to Adam to take care of you and that I shall!"

Though, when the friends had met, Adam had made it clear, no fucking around'. He ass lips pulsed with want' and knowing he wasn't going to `get', serpentined around fixtures, leading Benj to a hallway. Two doors down and they were standing in the doorway to Braddock's office.

"So, here's where you two are holding out?" Kevyn says, laying eyes on his boyfriend.

Lying on top of another dude, in a lavish leather chair, it looked erotic enough.

"Adam?" Benj was semi-shell-shocked, his boyfriend lying in Kevyn boyfriends' lap, no pants! After studying the situation for a few seconds, Benj walks over to the chair, where a mystery man, whom sits between Adam and the leather seat, has a pair of briefs-like-a-mask, over his face.

"Aha!" he whips it off, followed by a casual, "Todd?"

Adam was so wasted, that when Benj leans over to grab the briefs off he feels `wet'!

Kevyn just hung back, arms crossing his middle, which was his favorite stance, making it easy as pie to tweak his sensitive nips with his own thumbs. Also, he was being entertained by Benj's discovery.

Benj, in the meantime, wonders what exactly is Adam sitting on, "Todd, he's a top?"

"Don't worry," Kevyn says with confidence, "trust me. If anything's going on underneath Adam's ass, well, Todd would be in deep shit with me!"

Kevyn's boyfriend had dozed, his mouth still partially kicked open. Anyone could have come by and dropped `something' into it!

Like he was mortified, Benj puts two and two together, "Todd Bravo is your boyfriend?!"

They had all kicked back beer, Kevyn waltzing over to Benj and butting his buff bod up to make a sandwich, "and now you are too!"

It would have been repulsive, taste of another man's liquor on his mouth, but being Benj had downed the champagne, it cushioned the blow, finding out the model whom just sucked the living daylights out of his shaft, was beholden to the castle caretaker, "me? Like how do you figure that?"

In thinking about Todd, well Benj couldn't deny how comical it was, Adam in the bough of Todd's bent bod, curled up and sucking his thumb, like a slurp of cum had been scooped off...

"It's complicated," Kevyn didn't want to elaborate.

Right now, he was in the middle of a prank. Stepping between the back of the chair and the wall, he says, "Todd, he don't need no alarm clock to wake up!"

Now Benj was the one being entertained, Kevyn's balls falling over Todd's nostrils, as he points his cock downwards. Soon as his shaft tastes Todd's lips...


Waking out a slumber, Todd straightens up a bit, which makes his legs slack out.

It's all Benj can do, to catch Adam's sledding bod, from winding crashing to the floor.

"What's happening?" Adam glances up into Benj's eyes. "What're you doing on the floor?"

"Keeping you from doing a face plant," Benj replies.

However, even though in a deep nap, Adam thinks more than about his face, "not sorry about the cock-plant, I take it?"

It did make Benj a little conscious, indeed, Adam's shaft planted in-between stalk and side of his leg. Kevyn's tongue had hardened him up, Benj wondering how much more it could take, before leaking.

Hearing all kinds of guttural sounds from where they lay on the floor, Benj, with a clear view, says, "now there's an interesting position, they don't teach you in school!"

Chair rocking back and forth on the hind legs, Kevyn works his cock up and down, in and out.

It gets Adam rocking without thinking!

"Really, Adam?" Benj says.

"What?" Adam suddenly gets immobile.

Benj just smiles. It wasn't like he didn't get any reaction from his boyfriend's shaft rubbing up against his own!

"You know," Adam does a pushup, "I think I'd rather save it for later."

It killed the moment, not which Benj minded, "Um, when do we get to try on those clothes we're supposed to be going home in?"

It did temporarily sober Kevyn up, looking down at the floor, "you want to talk about clothes at a time like this?"

It did irk Benj, tomorrow being the first scrimmage of the school year and...and what was he to do, Kevyn making his nips so sensitively sore?

Adam, sitting up on his hind legs, cock between Benj's ankles, "what's with that?"

"With what?" Benj catches himself nonchalantly rubbing both pecs.

"Oh that," Kevyn says.

Todd, being a good sport says, "I guess that's all I'm going to get, for now!"

Kevyn breaks the ice, "hey, why don't we take a taxi over to my place?"

Sounded cool, but being Benj has his lost tee shirt and pants, "in what?"

Looking upon the full physique of Benj Blow, Kevyn just had to say it, "man, if you don't follow up on Dominic's offer, I'm going to have him call you until you do," he adds for effect, "hunk!"

Adam, says it like a joke, knowing his bud can be a tease, "you moving in on my man, Kevyn?"

"Good possibility," Todd laughs it off.

It was something neither of them had planned on, walking into Braddock's department store, for the reason of shopping and that's all, but leaving as good friends, the kind that watches the other's back.

They headed off towards the men's department, chatting away.

"Could be a `later' party too, if you and Adam want to come over to Todd's and my place?"

He recollected Kevyn saying something about them boyfriends, but Benj didn't think he heard mentioned, "oh, you live together?"

That then raised the heat, Adam saying in a blaming tone, "you never mentioned that, Todd?"

Todd avoided the issue, holding two neckties up to Adam's barechest, "I think one of these would look good on you?"

However, Kevyn gets him off the hook, "but with my modeling career, I'm hardly there."

Which put a damper on Dominic's intentions for Benj, "but, you're in the area?"

Kevyn knew where this was headed. A couple of guys he had modeling jobs with, they gave up a lot for their careers, "sometimes." He waited a sec, before telling the honest-to-God truth, "but most of the time we're on the road. When you think about it, other than Braddock's, there's not many places in town where models are in demand?"

Benj thought on it, all of a few seconds. Mostly, it wasn't about flashing his muscled bod out in the public eye, his picture on covers of GQ, nor other mag's, but what he had going for him in the present, "well, if you see Dominic, tell him I think I'll wait until I'm done with college. After that, if I'm not involved in my real goal, running my own gym, I'll give it a thought."

"I will...tell Dominic," Kevyn answers with disappointment in the tone, like he personally was responsible for a dude getting his picture on a Times Square billboard. Realizing relationships aren't what they used to be, that they come in all flavors in these changing times, "your relationship, it's working out for you?"

Adam, who had dragged Todd over to a tie rack, says in a whisper, "hold onto that tie. I want to hear the answer to this question!"

"What was the question?"


"I mean, from the start, Todd and me, we always knew nothing's set in stone."

"He's right," Todd whispers to Adam.

Benj's answer was one which made Adam proud, an answer strong as stone, as opposed to sinking sand.

Now that the subject had been brought up, Todd says, "sometimes I wish I had something going, like you guys do."

"I saw you hanging earlier, with Renaldo?"

"Know anything about him...relationship status? Is he looking?"

Apparently, what Adam was thinking, the two hadn't gotten too far, which he understood, the amount of guys stuffed into the quadrant of the men's department. It wasn't tough rubbing bods, which could cause more than carefree conversation.

"Why don't you ask him, when you see him, next?"

"He said something about his limo."

It wasn't his, but rather belonging to the Eastman household, yet Renaldo treated it as if his own golden idol.

"Yeah well," Adam, who was a frequent rider, "him and his wheels go back a long way."

Adam did want to confide, in how sometimes it doubled up as a motel room, when a room wasn't to be had.

Meanwhile, Kevyn and Benj had gotten clothing conscious, hitting the racks.

"Looks nice," Benj says, trying on a jacket before anything else.

Knowing the price tag was a little over $800, even though Kevyn wasn't price savvy, like shopping at Shop-Rite, "Nice?"

Benj knew, saying, as he slipped it off of his barechest, "but it's not me. Maybe we should shop the clearance racks?"

"Bite your tongue, Benj!"

"What'd I say?"

Like he assumes everyone knows, Kevyn says, "a clearance rack in a Braddock store?"

Benj just let it go, like he was the dumb-cluck, "okay, so what's next?"

After the tie rack, Adam and Todd head over to the shirt department.

"Last time I had to wear a dress shirt, I wasn't the one to pick it out."

"Let me guess...your butler-slash-limo driver?"

"How'd you guess?" Adam replies, acting surprised Todd guessed it.

"Just a hunch."

Picking up a shirt, unlike other stores, they weren't in plastic packages.

"Well, I did go to one once, in a mall, but abandoned Renaldo and headed for a shop which was more `me'. I'm more the Oakley, Hollister, Pacsun, typical teen shopper?"

In a bold tone, Todd scolds, "don't you let Mr. Braddock hear you saying any of those `dirty' words!"

"Tell you the truth," Todd smiles, "I'm more the Army & Navy store-shopper."

"Well, if you're the hiker and camper you brag to be, I doubt you'd be wearing an Armani suit to impress the wildlife?"

"Wildlife?" it made Todd snicker with laughter.

Adam knew there was more to this, "what?"

"Ever been to a gay campground?"

"Never been a gay `anything'!"

"Oh man, you're deprived."

Thinking him cuter than cute, Adam snuggles up, wrapping his arms around Todd's bicep, "wanna introduce me to the `wild' life sometime?"


It was Benj!

Defending himself plain and simple, Adam uncouples, "hey, Todd's taking us to a gay campground...sometime."

Benj says, "I hope you're not planning on shackin' up in the same tent?"

Todd takes that one, "not unless you're there with us!"

"Right, Todd."

Nervous like, even though they had a wide open relationship, Todd says, as he walks over and hugs Kevyn, "now you know I always mean me', as you and me', baby?"

Kevyn knew. He also knew Todd had very sensitive nips, "I know... `tweaky'!"

"Owch!" Todd says, fingers rubbing through the hair on his left pec.

"Tweaky, Kev?" Adam questions. "Like, what's that about?"

"Oh, just a thing between us. Like, all our friends know Todd is very sensitive, so when he steps out of line, we all know how to punish him!"

Coupling up changes, Benj wandering over to where Todd stands, "tweaky, eh? Like, where did that come from?"

Chuckling, Todd says, "something someone said one time and it just a bar, I think it was."

"Interesting," Benj says, even though he thought it stupid.

Then, they both get distracted, "Hey, where have you guys been?"

It was Cris and Joey, some other dude tagging along.

Smartly, Joey brings Cris forward to represent them.

Seeing markings on Cris' stomach, cutting right across the stripe of hair, before he gets an answer to his question, Adam asks, "what's this all about?"

"Oh that? That's so I don't forget later on."

A semi-circle formed around the trio, Adam again confronts, "Want to explain," he moves his hand up and down in front of Cris' stomach, "all this?"

Written on Cris' abs, with who-knows-what, was a $-sign and a few figures.

"That? Just a little wager."

Joey speaks up, "I lost. Cris didn't want to forget how much I owe him, so he wrote it down."

"Whatever, but I have to admit, whomever drew it, is a bonafide artist!"

Todd, tired of shopping, but not those around him, "anyone hungry?"

Cris stare at Todd, tongue sticking out like a dog!

Staring at him, right between the eyes, Todd says, "I didn't mean `that' kind of hungry!"

Even when fully clothed, Todd's pouch between his legs looked like he was ready to come. Either way, Cris was disappointed, "you're killin' me, Todd."

In actuality, Todd had grown fond of Cris, though the bus didn't stop there.


Copyright 2017 T. Chase McPhee

`SeCReT siGnS' and developing segments of this story, may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author, or you will be on your knees!

Next: Chapter 8

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