Secret Signs

Published on Jun 20, 2017


% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature.

% States and countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing adult material'. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain adult material', intended for an `adult audience.' Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story.

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don't mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!

Hey dudes, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for `internet $pace' or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any tops?


`SeCReT siGnS' 009

WriTten by T. Chase McPhee

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Nothing much of significance happened last night after returning to the castle, other than steaming up bedroom windows.

Joey and Steven, spending the whole night partying with Adam and Benj, followed them home.

They left Todd behind, at the Lumberyard, whom waited at the bar until Gio got off from his shift. He was just curious if things would work out, friendship, one-night stand, two-night stand, it was all good!

Waking up, Joey was the first to do so. Steven looked handsome, even in sleep, so Joey left him to snooze. For a moment or two, Joey lay there, chin propped up on two fisted palms and observed the rise and fall of Steven's beautiful chest.

When they came home last night, around midnight, they had taken different staircases to the second floor. Instructions from Adam, he told them to find a room...any room!

It was a lot more spacious than the dorm, very decorative. The first room they chose looked too Victoria. Steven had claimed it looked too `girly'.

Joey thought differently.

Though, Steven didn't cave and they moved on.

So, they chose another, modern, gray, drab, with a splash of red, which Joey said it looked too dreary.

Both were happy with Steven's choice, to spend the night and sort it all out in the morning.

Joey hadn't realized it, when he rolled out of bed, he didn't have a stitch of clothing on. He remembered stopping at Roy's `closet' and retrieving his pants. When he did rise, they were not as he usually left his wardrobe, neatly folded on a chair, or hung up in the closet. Instead, they were strewn on the floor!

Looking around, Joey just couldn't leave things as is. While picking up his own clothes, he stopped, folded Steven's and place them on a chair. It gave him a special, little tinge of happiness, thing he was doing something important for Steven, even if it were some inconsequential, other than walking around all day with unwrinkled clothing.

`There you are,' he said to himself, turning around to the bed, in case he had spoken too loud. A few feet from the bed, Joey confirmed his own observation, Steven surely was a beautiful...

it hit Joey, thinking he wasn't some teenager, but as he looked upon Steven, they were both `young men.' Not thinking on it long, because Joey's bowels were about to go bust, he found his pants and tee shirt, but no briefs.

Scratching his head, he couldn't possibly figure out where they went to, so just pulled up his jeans without them.

It was very quiet, still, until he heard some noise come from, it seemed, outside the window. He looked out the one of two openings to the outside light, but didn't see anything move, except a couple of early-birds. Birds at that, it made Joey smile, thinking maybe someday he and Steven could be `that' playful!

Another noise startled him back to reality. One more glance to the bed, Joey had to deeply breath in `Steven.' Even though his neatly coiffed hair, styled nicely yesterday, was in disarray, surely his handsome face was not the only attribute. Smooth himself, except for the tight treasure trail, Joey so admired the flossy covering of dark brown-reddish tint of hair fanning over Steven's chest, stripe separating the six-pack, fanning out over his lower stomach and then...

Then there was more noise outside the perimeter of the room.

Right off, he thought it had to be Todd, either up early to do some chore, or the possibility he was returning from the Lumberyard?

About to head out the door, he hears a short yawn, followed by, "what's up?"

Turning around, he caught a glimpse of Steven exuding an even broader yawn, arms stretched out over the head, sheet caught on the ridge of his deflated tube.

"Um, you?" Joey was not afraid, just a little embarrassed to mention why Steven's pull on the sheet, big toe having a tug of war with his cock!

Ever since yesterday, Steven has surprised himself, being more outgoing in thoughts, speaking and doing stuff he's seen guys do on his iPad screen.

"I feel kind of okay," Steven peels back the sheet from the side of the bed Joey slept on, "if you want to come back to bed?"

The way Joey felt, when awaking, hopped out of bed quick, realizing it wasn't only he had to take a leak. Last night was the first time he slept with a guy. Not unpleasing, it was a leftover response from growing up, that being gay is `wrong', especially when two guys lay together. Not which he conformed to what others thought, but went on his own intuition. Especially now that he's 18, away at college, detached from his family's pursestrings, "okay. Maybe I will."

`Maybe' didn't cut it, Joey more than wanting to fall back in bed with Steven.

"Cool," Steven lifts the sheet, in an inviting way.

Joey smiles, Steven showing what's `in the tent.'

Both knew how far they went last night, a standup kiss followed by each stripping off the other's tee shirt. More kissing took the edge off of taking off pants, not which it was the first time, last night taking more of an effort.

Steven skipped a step, taking his briefs down with his jeans.

Joey started on it, but Steven took over.

Squatting, Steven didn't feel ashamed asking, `okay if know?'

That's how it started out, Steven getting up the nerve to stick his tongue out and licking Joey's shaft as if the top of an ice cream cone.

Joey, he wasn't sure what to do, other than run his fingers through Steven's dark brown, auburn-tinted mane. He noticed the color, along with how soft it felt, almost that of a puppy dog.

His eyes just about popped out, feeling Steven's hand on his balls, thinking, `what the?'

Backing away, Steven looked before getting up and then apologized, thinking he was moving too fast.

They took it to bed and considering both were weary and knew they had to get up for classes the next day, fell asleep.

However, when Joey woke up, he knew he hadn't fallen asleep spooning Steven, which is probably why his dick was hard as a rock. Also the reason for getting out of bed and analyzing things. He does remember last night, before falling a sleep, petting the moss on Steven's chest.

Now, as opposed to then, Joey had already brushed off, his shaft having a sexual response, towards having to pee!

"What time is it?" Steven asks, lying there on his side, facing Joey.

"I dunno. Let me check."

To check, Joey had to find his pants, then his cell, in the right pocket. It was a cinch, their clothes all nicely folded.

The whole time Joey did a search, Steven was checking him out, every which way he moved. Unlike himself, Joey was completely smooth, except pits, pubes and thin Ttrail. Funny thing, he didn't remember feeling much pubic hair, when holding his balls. Not even a taste!

"It's," Joey's head swung side to side, like listening to a pop song, "7:05."

"Cool. We have time," Steven wasn't sure he wanted to do the `back to bed' thing, "to shower and...and whatever else we need to do to get ready."

He was about to say something about Steven, popping up out of bed, jumping to his feet, but relieved a bit, no sure he wanted to go back to that `tent'. "I heard some sounds from downstairs. Probably Todd is making breakfast."

Steven was sure, last night, before he dozed off to dreamland, he felt the tip of Joey's cock on his ass. He wasn't sure he wanted to go all the way. This morning was certainly time to reflect on that and being there's no other guy he's ever felt cool, calm and collective with, walks over to Joey and hugs him.

"Oh!" Joey turns around abruptly, escaping from the prison of Steven's arms.

He then thinks, "I guess we should take it slow, eh?"

It's not which Joey did not want Steven, "right, but not too slow, okay?"

To show it, Joey takes baby steps back to Steven and standing an inch apart, takes hands in hands.

They start to kiss a little, but it doesn't lead back to bed or even the shower.

Instead, a knock comes to the door, a boisterous voice saying, "breakfast is being served for all guests, in five minutes!"

It was `Todd', Steven mouthing the name.

Joey had it on his mind, "we're guests?"

"Now that you mention it," Steven smiles, "maybe we can get my roommate and your roommate to change rooms, if I'm not being too pushy?"

Remote reason he wanted to be with Cris, is the same reason Joey eyes up the full chest of hair, stripe and the way it fans out over Steven's stomach, "I think I like a hairy guy. I hope it's okay for me to say that?"

"Cool with me," Steven answers, though he didn't say he liked Joey, smooth. "Kind of was hoping you like more than that!"

On the rebound, after knocking on Adam and Benj's door, Todd announces, with another rap of the knuckles, "pool's open for those who don't shower. Clothes optional!"


Having come in late, from the Lumberyard, Todd had realized it was past midnight. So far past 12am, it only gave him an hour to slumber, which is the reason why he hadn't time to shower. Regardless, his daily routine, weather permitting, was a jump in the pool, swim across, hike out the other side and then dry off. Sometimes it was a quick dry off, short-styled hair wet and beads of water slowly dripping off his beard.

This morning, emerging from the other side, popping his head up, out of the underwater distance, he was faced with a pair of hairy legs!

He had warning, a work-study student beginning today, but realizes the new pool boy wasn't a boy', but a man'.

From this, Todd drew his first reaction, "oh, I thought the assistant dean's email said he was sending over a pool `boy'?"

"Hi," the figure, holding a hose in one hand, reaches the other to greet, "I suppose you were expecting me, then?" In case he wasn't, "Thomas Cavanaugh Filgren, `TC' for short!"

The wheels of Todd's mind were already turning, wishing `TC' wore a speedo, instead of baggy board shorts, "Todd Bravo. Pleased to make your acquaintance," he weaves his words into a poetic delivery, "and yes, I had a notion they were sending over a work-study student, to tend pool, but..."

A smile made Todd silent, TC saying, "me? Work-study? No, that would be my nephew, `Phill.' I'm just pinch hitting for him, until he shows up." TC scratches his scalp, "but could be later on today, or tomorrow."

Todd's crotch was a little disappointed, but who was to say TC was on the accepting side of `gay'? He certainly was cute, physically and in his mannerisms. Just the kind of man a guy wants to breathe in!

"I see."

Lull in the conversation, it gave Todd a chance to look up', but the board shorts were not that' baggy.

"So," Todd continues speaking, while on the way to the pool ladder.

Normally he would take a morning swim and hike out the opposite side. However, such a distraction made him lose momentum to haul a 6'1, muscular bod out of the water.

"What's your story?"

Then, there it was...the hesitation, while TC caught his breath, fidgeting with the pool strainer-on-a-stick, "um, post-military actually. I was partially through college, when I decided to join up." Then, adding more than he had to, "long story. Complicated."

Interrogation method, Todd meddles, "looks like you've kept yourself post-military fit?"

He didn't bother doing the usual, grab a towel. There were ways of luring a fox out into the open...or otter?!

"I try to keep up the standard. I see you're no stranger to a weight room?"

Todd considered himself `average-muscle.' About ready to say a clever phrase, to get TC to strip off the muscle shirt, he switches to the parade of bods, emptying out from the castle doors, "here come the frat boys...hold onto your lugnuts!"

Perked wide open, Todd got a blast out of TC's reaction to 4 naked bods, running from the back door, not wasting anytime to take the dive.

Adam, with precision, dove in, flatlined like a pro and began to swim underwater.

Steven, like he was racing Adam, was next. Whereas he entered the water fractions of a minute later, under the surface he propelled himself ahead.

Benj, he accidentally collided with Joey, but caught him before he bounced away, "sorry `bout that."

Joey knew he was blushing, with Benj's arms catching him in a near caress, "thanks!"

"Ready?" Benj asks.

Not having the time to think of saying anything, Benj picks Joey up, still in the hug and casts them both into the pool.

"Maybe I'll take a dip myself!"

By Todd's assessment, TC was already drop-dead gorgeous, but when he whipped the tank top off, he hoped no one noticed his jaw slacking open, before closing it...not really caring if he gave himself away.

"Oh well," he thought.

Deviating from routine, Todd takes his second swim of the morning.

He also notices, TC not wasting any time, swimming the pool to introduce himself. He wondered if it an innocent greeting, or means to check out the frat crowd? Then Todd thought, not everyone was like himself!

"Well, you don't waste any time!"

This made everyone dummy-up, paying attention to a lad welcoming himself in, through the side gate.

"Phill! You made it!"

TC makes an olympic swim towards the side.

Regardless of the boardshorts, Todd sure noticed the `wet buns'!

It would be a hardship not to pay attention. Baseball cap on backwards, sunglasses, backpack pulling back on the bare pecs, small duffle in the right hand, larger one in the left, shorts and sneakers without socks.

If that wasn't enough, right after, another lad makes his entrance.

"Two for the price of one. I love retail!" Todd snickers.

Giving Phill' a fully wet' hug, TC looks over his nephew's shoulder, questioning, "and this must be your friend, Sam?"

Phill wears a smirk. Tossing a thumb over his shoulder, like telling his uncle Sam is behind him, he checks out his soppy physique.

Todd wasted not time. Placing arms along the edge of the pool, he assists Phill, "towels are in the cabinet over by the back door!"

`Social butterfly', or wanting get to know the others for other reasons, Phill drops everything and heads in the direction Todd gave him.

"I'm Sam Etcheverry."

TC says, "Oh, you're no stranger to me. Welcome. Every email I got from Phill, had your name in it!"

"We're fond of each other," Sam replies.

He was being modest, not sure how Phill's uncle would take it, Phill, a natural-born cocksucker, Sam feeling like he abused the privilege of high school `friendship'. There was more to his thinking, but it was complicated!

Taking some of Sam's baggage, TC leads the lad over to the pool, "the boys are taking a dip before breakfast. You're welcome to join in?"

Well, Phill certainly didn't wait for an invitation. Easily coaxed into taking a dip, instead of a towel, he dropped his gear, stripped down to nakedness, and stepped off the edge like walking casually down the avenue.

He owed Sam a lot. If not for Phill's high school bud, probably he would still be in the closet. Phill felt so proud of himself when he emailed his uncle, who he called either uncle' of TC', depending who he was talking with and told him he got up the courage.

After his parents died in a car accident, Uncle TC came to be with him. However, Phill didn't want to hold up his uncle, on any plans to return to college and get his degree.

Sam's parents were very good friends, almost `relatives', to Phill's parents, so they didn't mind taking him in for the last 4 months of classes before graduation.

Being he wasn't matriculated at CCCC yet, TC helped with legal work, staying at the house. However, knowing it would probably be better if Phill didn't stay there, he took the Etcheverry family up on their offer. Even though he loved his nephew dearly, it did lighten the burden on his `social life!'

He did have some details to work out, leaving the service, TC having to leave town on occasion. Then, there was the interview at CCCC and subsequent visits to the college. Too, no matter how lucrative it would be, walking from his dorm room to the shower every morning, he chose to find an apartment off campus. Past memories, TC also took his own advice, wanting to vacate the house premises.

After Phill and Sam were taken care of, circle of four friends widening the inclusion, TC took a swim over to Todd.

"Hey, you wouldn't happen to know of an apartment in town? I seem to have exhausted my resources."

Todd wasn't certain...hadn't thunk it out, offers anyway, "I have an extra bed, or you're welcome to share?"

TC's thinking wasn't too far from the truth, but decided to let things linger, "hmm, I would never in a million years thought you to be gay. You're so manly and all?"

Wanting to `slap that face', for lying, Todd keeps the peace, "really? I never thought of myself as being," he smiles, "straight!"

"What are you doing?" TC hadn't anticipated this kind of a reaction, hand around the back of the neck, drawn in for a kiss.

"Catching my breath," Todd stops to take a few gulps of air, back-stroking backwards, "for when you try to drown me!"

Rather than beat around the bush, or beat on Todd, TC says, "you want to show me the bed?"

"Which one?"

"I'm not picky, long as I get a good night's rest!"

Todd was still guessing, but certain now about TC, "let's go."

Before he left the pool, Todd, who most certainly had to keep reminding Dierk and his derelict friends, about the time and not to be late for class, had him doing the same, "out of the pool in five minutes, boys" he taps his wrist, where people wear watches.

Perhaps sharper than TC or Todd, whereas it took them all of fifteen minutes to find out each were gay, it was only a few minutes before Sam had pronounced Phill, `gay'.

Friends since before they could remember, back in elementary school, it wasn't until their senior year of high school they came out to each other.

Brought up in Jamestown, Rhode Island, their families were well off enough, that they didn't have to worry where their next meal was coming from.

Solid family life, the Etcheverry and Filgren clans became friends through their church. From early days of Sunday School classes, this is where Sam and Phill credit with first meeting up. But it wasn't until years later, due to strict religious followings, the boys acknowledged their sexual orientation. Through conversation they found out top and bottom preferences. What they both regret, is why it took so long to come out to each other.

Yet, that last year of high school, it was if they had a lot of catching up to do and...caught up!

In the pool, Sam chose to sit comfortably on the underwater stair steps, watching Phill do all the talking. Whereas Todd might have been checking out TC, Sam was doing the same, mentally. It made him think back to the first time he and Phill ran into the opposing football team's quarterback, looking for the bathroom.

Yup, senior year was going to be momentous!

He play right into their hands, wondering why the two were not out, watching the practice.

Making a long story short, it was the first time Phill had given a dude a blowjob. Sam, first time he watched a dude, do it. For the quarterback, it wasn't the first, but he was very impressed with Phill's abilities. He was amazed he could fit his 7-inch shaft all the way down Phill's throat, without cutting off the air supply!

The clincher came, after they cleaned up and Phill staying behind to shower, Sam hit the quarterback with `the bill!'

The quarterback was appalled, not knowing he was going to have to `pay' for a blowjob, but gave Sam 10 of the $25 he was billing him for.

It became an enterprise for Sam, collecting $25 each time he lined Phill up to give blowjobs. Too, it wasn't only football team members. Sam's dad had taken him to work at the office, so he took his appointment book with him, just in case. Sure enough, there were some co-workers, who would question Sam, how did you know?' they were gay. Knowing all the signs, natural gift, or acquired, Sam could even weed out the suits' who were married, with a curiosity of knowing how it felt for a gay guy...

Sam wasn't a wallflower. Blessed with good looks and a sense for drive, he could sniff out gay guys more than a hound to a duck.

Where Phill was concerned, he learned to love giving blowjobs. From the first, the quarterback cramming his tonsils, he loved the idea of cock on his tongue.

Both boys were good students. Knowing `how to' study, plus keeping it in their heads, made more time for Phill to keep a cock in his mouth!

Good friend he could be, at the end of the week, Sam split the fees with Phill. Often telling Sam to keep his share, he said he would just do it because it came so natural, and that feeling a man's shaft on his tongue was like no other feeling. Too, all the different men he's blown, Phill has become a pro at it, in his own estimation.

In the beginning, Sam was hoping for only a fee, but with tips, it was all good!

One thing which crossed Sam's mind, looking upon Benj, wouldn't it be nice to take him on as a client? Then he stopped thinking those thoughts because he didn't want to exit the pool with a hard-on!

Whereas the boys had found out from Phill, TC gay, they figured Todd would be taking his time showing him his mancave.

Not so, five minutes later him coming out from his quarters, "okay, because I let you swim, bagel breakfast. Get out and get ready!"

"You like to order people around, eh?"

Each knowing the other gay, could it be TC just dropped a hint?

"I'd rather have you, ordering me around!"

"What can you get into?" Then, "wait. Don't tell me. Let me surprise you."

"Deal," Todd started to get a little boiling action.

With Adam and Benj lingering in the water, the others adhering to Todd's remand, next thing they hear, "what part of `out of the pool' don't you understand?"

Adam says with sarcasm, "okay, dad!"

Natural stance, TC stands there, hand cupped over his balls, listening to Todd play `dad'!

Complaining, like they had a right to, instead of taking the hint, being late to class, the lot of them began making their way to the pool ladder.

Last ones out, Adam splashed hands in the water, corralling them towards the one of two ways out, "okay c'mon guys, let's get move on it...move it!"

However, he stopped short, Benj running into the back of him. Not so bad for either, feeling man-meat pressed against an ass-crack. Only, if in bed they would each want it the other way around.


"Yeah, I know what you mean," Adam was quick to throw in his opinion of Phill, right in front of them.

They hadn't noticed when Phill stripped, view from the rear, he had quite the set of door-knockers hanging in the sacs!

"Hee-hee," Benj was the first to joke, "reminds me of this Hawaiian dude on my high school's basketball team...we used to call him `kid-coconut'!"

"Basketball? I thought you were on the football team, Benj?"

Good thing they hadn't exited the pool, Benj getting all clammy, "uh...well...yeah, I was, but sometimes," he interweaves fingers of both hands, "the basketball team were on their way out of the showers, when we were headed in."

"And you just happened to notice?"

" I on trial here?"

"I dunno. Still waiting for all the evidence...could be a `hung' jury?!"

"Oh-damn, that's so funny!"

Benj was in the process of exiting, which made the slap against his ass sound like a clanging cymbal.

"I could sure use some of that!"

When Benj turns around, he stares down at Adam, "not another one of `those.'"

He meant Cris and the kinky lifestyle, which the lovers have only learned a little of their friend's obsession of whips, chains and other tools to make a mere cock turn into a raging shaft!

Adam taking the offered hand from Benj, comments, "looks like we have a lot to learn about `Kid Coconut'!"


Copyright 2017 T. Chase McPhee

`SeCReT siGnS' and developing segments of this story, may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author, or you will be on your knees!

Next: Chapter 10

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