
By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Dec 13, 2000


Disclaimer: Don't know 'em, don't know who they like, don't wanna even go there...

Author's post-it: 2. JUST TWO PEOPLE ARE READING MY STORY?! I need at least 3 emails to haul my lazy fingers to type the 3rd part of this story!<----- my email. Send me mail...or send me a message on AIM: MistressN9 (I know; I'm SO original)


Nick gasped at the intense warmth of Brandon's ass. "Oh're so tight." He began to moan as Brandon bounced up and down Nick's penis. "Oh Brian..." he moaned.

Brandon immediately froze. "BRIAN?!" he demanded as he pulled on a robe which hung by the door. "Nickolas Gene Carter, I am no Brian but I can't continue this charade if you would not accept me for who I am!" he barked at Nick.

Nick's eyes burst open. "W-what?" he stammered. But it was too late; Brandon has slammed the door on him. "What just happened?"

Brian's Room

Brandon fell onto his brother's bed and sobbed hysterically. Nick hadn't been what he thought. "Why?" he sobbed. "Nickolas, we could've been happy. But you had to love BRIAN! Everyone loves BRIAN! Family loves BRIAN!" he shouted. "No one loves Brandon." Brandon added softly. He didn't hear Howie slip in until he heard the older man's voice.

"That's not true." Howie sat down next to Brandon. "A few years ago, right around the time when we split with Lou, we found out something horrible. Lou had been raping Nick for years. This left him emotionally disturbed." Howie sighed at the horrible memory of how he found out first hand. "I found out a few years ago, his first rape.

"It was when Nick claimed that he felt ill. Lou offered to stay behind with him. He was only 14. I wanted to make sure he was alright before we left so I told them that I'd catch up to them later. I saw Lou walk into Nick's room. I went through the adjoining restroom and opened the door a crack. There was no light in the restroom and it was broad daylight in Nick's room.

"Nick was on the bed; sick. He was sleeping until Lou woke him up. He opened his eyes and smiled, 'Oh hello, Mr. Pearlman.'

"Lou just grabbed him and turned him over onto all fours." He looked into Brandon's fretful eyes. "I can't tell the rest. It's too gruesome and too cruel. He turned to Brian for those problems but Brian turned his back on him. He came to me and I comforted him. I'm bi myself but I wanted to be there for him. He just said that Brian only pushed him away because he was confused.

"He was wrong. That's why he looks for a replacement. All the guys he's dated resemble Brian in some way."

"But why? Why would he have done that?"

"During those times Lou would take advantage of him, he would blank out and imagine one of his fantasies with Brian. So he lets Lou do whatever he does to him as Nick goes into an imaginary world." Howie explained.

"I'm sorry for his misfortune."

"Don't be sorry. There's more to it." Brandon looked a Howie as he sat down. "It seems that, even though we disagree with Lou, Nick still does what Lou wants. He enjoys it. He has since he was 16." Howie looked darkly on the memory. "We all thought he was going to do that for the rest of his life."

"Oh." Suddenly, Brandon thought, Nick doesn't appeal too much anymore. "Howie, what does he look like after Lou..." he gulped, "does that to him?"

"He has a smile on his face like he was the teacher's pet. Proud that he let the man deflower him for his own pleasure. Currently, Aaron's little 'Internet Girl' had been finding a way to beat him in the head with a baseball bat." Howie smirked.

"She is?"

"Yeah." Brandon shivered when he saw Howie smile. "Could you...could you hold me for tonight?" he asked; sounding like a small child.

"Of course."

Dun, dun, dun! What will happen next? I'll letcha know...when I get some email! P.S. for readers that actually SEND me mail about my story and people who actually CARE, sorry it's so short. I'm working on it.

Also P.S. Read these:

"Calming waters" "Black and Blue" "Fate Will Gather Us Together" "Porcelain" "Whispers in the Night"

more to come...tune in next time for...Chapter 3! fades out

Next: Chapter 3

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