Secrets Uncovered

By moc.oohay@0002yobirotas

Published on Sep 4, 2001


Subjects: Secrets Uncovered - Chapter 17

Warning: The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting young men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then don't. Otherwise please continue reading.

Author's Note

Wow! What a long break I've taken from these guys. I do apologise for the delay, and I really appreciate all the e-mails you guys have been sending me, urging me to continue the series. I can't believe I've actually made it to a 17th chapter, but, as with most things, this too must come to an end. Don't worry, not JUST yet, but soon. Enjoy!

I could think of a couple of adjectives to describe my feelings toward the buzzing of my alarm clock at 6:45am this morning. First of all, it's Monday. Second of all, it's 6:45am. Or did I mention that already? Sue me. It's Monday morning.

I swung my legs over the side of my bed after slipping the duvet off, rubbed my eyes and arched my back, cat-style, counting the clicks of my verterbrae.

"That's probably bad for you," I told myself. "Yeah well, I don't really care."

I paused for a moment, staring out my window.

"Why are you talking to yourself, Jase?"

Again I shook myself out of my standard early-morning trance, and got up, walking to my bathroom to do my morning ritual. I hated the way I looked in the morning, all puffy-eyed and disorientated, so I always waited till after my shower before I look in the mirror.

Anyway, after as much stalling as possible, I finally got dressed, threw some gel in my hair and brushed my teeth. I grabbed my cell phone and schoolbag, and walked downstairs. I had finally woken up, and there was something about the way I felt in the morning just after a shower, all dressed and clean and about to go somewhere, that I loved.

"Bye Mom," I shouted, grabbing my keys.

"Aren't you going to have something to eat, boy?" she asked.

"Nah, not hungry. Ciao!"

I got into my car, turned the key in the ignition, switched on the CD player and pressed the little button to fold the roof away. Even though I had done it a hundred times, I still loved the way the back opened up and tucked the roof neatly away underneath it. It was a warm day, even though we were still coming out of Winter, and the perfect opportunity to drive with the top down.

I turned the last corner to Ricky's street. I decided not to just honk the horn for him to come out, and rather got out the car and rang the bell. He greeted me and buzzed the gate open, as he opened the front door and came to meet me at the entrance.

"Morning, boy," he said.

"Hey baby," I replied, giving him a peck on the lips. I walked in. "Morning, Mrs Beck... Uhhh, Barbara."

She smiled at me.

"Morning Jase," she sang.

"Well isn't everyone just in a fantastic mood this morning?" Ricky observed.

"Last semester of 11th grade today, Rick - in case you forgot," I said.

"I know," he said. "That something to be ecstatic about?"

"Sure," I said. "We have exams at the end of the semester, then about a week till camp after that."

I saw a sparkle of surprise and happiness in his eyes. I'm not sure if it was because it had been almost a year since Ricky and I had gotten together, or because he remembered what happened at last year's camp, and what would happen this year.

"You going this year, Rick?" Barbara asked.

"Of course!" he said, practically cutting her sentence in half. I smiled. Barbara shrugged with a do-what-you-want insinuation.

"You had breakfast, Jase?" she asked.

"Nah," I said. "I'm not hun -- "

"Here," she said, shoving a plate of cereal in front of me.

"Thanks," I said.

I polished off my breakfast pretty quickly. Apparantly I was quite hungry.

"Bye Mom!" Ricky shouted.

"Bye Barbara!" I said after him.

"Be good," she said, not making eye contact with us.

The drive to school was filled with pretty comfortable conversation. Ricky had his hand on my leg the whole time I drove, and every time he said something funny I took my eyes off the road to watch his smile for a second.

The school day was pretty much routine. We had a short welcome-back assembly and then we picked up where we left off with regard to classes. Ricky's SMS's during the day kept my spirits up.

This semester is one of the year's shortest. It has a few weeks in which the teachers cram the remainder of the syllabi, before the end of year exams.

I was in my final class, which was Chemistry, and I felt a small vibration in my pocket. It was my cell phone - and an SMS from Ricky:

'What u up 2 after skewl?'

To which I replied:

'Nothing. U comin 2 me? No parents'

And came his reply:

'Meet u right after class by your car :)'

So even though it was only about 7 or 8 minutes till the end of final period, they seemed to drag on for a good hour or two. More than likely it was because Ricky's last SMS gave me a hard on, because it made me think of what we were going to do at my house - all alone.

Eventually, however, the bell did ring, and although trying to be all cool and calm about everything, I couldn't help rushing to my car. Ricky was already there, leaning against the silver hood, black Oakley sunglasses slipped on, bag on his back, and a wry smile spread accross his face. I smiled, and looked around. No one was really in close enough distance to see us, but instead of a quick kiss, I walked up to him and lightly grabbed his crotch. He jumped backwards, with an outburst that was half squeal, half laugh. I just laughed and got into the passenger side. Ricky had a confused expression on his face.

"Yes, it is true, you may drive my car back to my place," I said. Ricky was practically speechless.

"You're kidding!" he said. He did a whole bunch of flamboyant arm movements and face grabs to emphasize and dramatize his surprise.

"Oh get over yourself and get us home, stud," I said.

He looked like a kid in a candy store when he turned the key in the ignition, switched on the radio and pushed the button to take the top down. The high wore off though, and he took us home in the usual 10 or so minutes.

We were practically all over eachother, even before we had gotten through my front door. Ricky ripped my shirt off so quickly I thought he tore it, and as I stumbled into the hallway, I closed the door behind me.

Ricky shoved me onto the couch in the living room, throwing my jeans off, leaving me in nothing but a pair of Calvin Klein boxer-briefs. He climbed on top of me, with one hand running all over my body, the other softly stroking my eager hard-on. With my two hands I undressed him completely, leaving his gorgeous cock stroking up and down along my stomach and chest. We kissed and kissed and kissed until our dicks were so hard they felt like they were going to explode.

I took the initiative, and, sliding my hands down onto his gorgeous butt, I lifted his cock to my face. It was just me sucking him off today - he slowly thrusted his long, hard, tanned cock into my mouth. With my one hand not moving off his firm ass cheek, I used the other to massage his hole. I gently slipped one, then two fingers into his ass. He let out a loud moan - almost a shout. I loved it when no one was home - Ricky always made the sexiest, loudest noises when we made love.

He pulled out of my mouth, and started kissing my neck and shoulders, his cock again rubbing up against my stomach. I lubricated my stiff 6 inches with some saliva, as I did his hole, and slowly slipped the head of my throbbing cock into his tight hole. While still concentrating on my neck and shoulders, he let out little moans this time every time I inched a little further inside him.

With regular thrusts I built up the pace as Ricky got used to the movements of my body inside his. My left hand went to his ass, sometimes feeling my cock thrusting in and out of him. I wrapped my left hand around his dick, and starting jerking him off incredibly fast. He leaned in and kissed me after a few minutes of this, and through our kiss I felt the vibrations of his moaning. He shot three or four warm loads of come onto my chest. That set me off, and with a few more thrusts, I felt an incredibly powerful orgasm. I started to pull out of him, but he stopped me, and kept me inside him as I thrusted in orgasm. I held his upper body close to me as I came inside of him, and slowly relaxed back into the couch, allowing my now softening cock to slip out of him on its own.

We finished off our lovemaking with a few more kisses, and then got into the shower upstairs together. We washed eachother like we used to, and then got out, dried off, and got dressed. We sat on my bed talking, touching eachother and flirting, and at around 6pm we got into my car and I drove him home.

"Sleep well, boy," I said as he was about to leave.

"You too, baby. Love you!"

And with that he was gone. Oh wait - I'm being melodramatic. I'd see him at school tomorrow!

Hope you enjoyed it.

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Next: Chapter 18

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