Securing Justins Heart

By moc.loa@ioBnotklE

Published on Jan 28, 2003



  1. If reading this is in any way illegal where you are or at your age, or you don't want to read about male/male relationships, go away. You shouldn't be here.

  2. I don't know any of the celebrities in this story, and this story in no way is meant to imply anything about their sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction

Recap of Chapter 2

Justin jumped under the covers next to me. He was facing me now. "Why are you so embarrassed? I am going to see it sooner or later. Hopefully, sooner than later, but not tonight. I want our first time to be special. He kissed me on my lips and lay on his back. I went over and wrapped my arms around him and laid my head on his chest.

"Goodnight Justin, I love you……" Oh shit. I did love Justin, but I didn't want to rush him. "Justin, I am sorry."

"Don't be sorry. I feel so special when you say that. I know that you mean it, and I love you also. I just didn't want to rush you. It's alright. Now, lets get some sleep." Justin turned off the lamp, and placed a kiss on his chest. We both fell asleep right away. I have to admit. It was great being in bed with the man that you love. When I woke up the next morning, I was all alone. Justin didn't wake me up before he left. I went to the Refrigerator to get some juice when I saw the note. It said that he didn't want to wake me up, and that we needed to talk when we got back. I crumpled the not up and threw it in the hallway. I was furious! I had fallen in love with a man that didn't feel the same way about me. Hell, it was probably the alcohol speaking for him. I knew I would get hurt. I got ready and headed to the gym. It was 10:00, and Justin was supposed to be back by 11. I didn't want to see him.

Chapter 3

I started my workout at the gym with some stretches. Even though I wanted to start running, I needed to be careful with myself. A man is not worth getting a cramp over. Because it was only 10, the gym was still pretty empty. While working out, a million thoughts were entering my mind about Justin. I as trying to forget about what happened, but I couldn't. I fell in love with someone that just wanted a cuddle partner or even a good time. Justin was the first guy I ever fell for, and he ripped my heart out and crushed it. After almost 2 hours, I went to the jacuzzi to try and relax. Nothing would work! I could not get Justin out of my head. The only way I could fix this was to let him know how much he hurt me. I went headed up to the room. I opened the suite door, and there was Justin sitting in a chair bent over. As soon as I saw Justin, my heart melted. I could not talk to him while he was crying. I would end up forgiving him, and I would spent the rest of the two weeks regretting not having confronted him. I went straight to the bathroom before Justin could get a chance to react. While in the shower, I tried creating a wall around my heart. I stepped out of the shower, and wrapped a towel around my waist. I was looking at my reflection in the mirror when I finally broke down. My knees were so weak, and I was about to fall down. I went over and sat on the edge of the tub. A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. I was having a mental breakdown. I couldn't move or speak. All I could do is cry. After a few minutes of knocking, Jusitn opened the door. I always forget to lock the damn bathroom door.

"Drew, are you ok?" Justin asked with concern in his voice. I couldn't look up at him "Drew, you are shaking. Please, nod your head if you are ok." I was still motionless. I could feel Justin's soft touch on my face. He slowly pulled my chin up so that I was looking directly at him. His eyes were red. He must have been crying earlier, but there was no sorrow in his eyes this time only concern. "Drew, I know you are mad at me right now, but I need to know if you are okay. You are scaring me." Justin pulled me closer to him, and he wrapped his arms around me. "Please baby, snap out of it." After a few minutes of him holding me, I slowly came around.

"Justin, I am here." I told him as I buried my head in his neck. We were both crying now, but at least I was able to respond. I pulled back from our hug, and looked Justin in his eyes. " I am sorry for scaring you, but I was having some sort of mental breakdown."

Rubbing my arms Justin said, "Oh, God Drew. I was so worried about you. I was about to call an ambulance. I am so glad you are okay baby."

Looking into Justin's eyes I said, "Justin, thank you for being here for me. Nothing has ever happened to me like that before, and I am glad you were here to help me. We do need to talk Justin. Iam very hurt right now, and I need to get smoething off of my chest."

Justin slowly began crying. "I am not sure how I hurt you Drew, but I am sorry."

"Justin," I said with a stern tone. "I am not going to talk about this in here right now. Iam going to finish getting ready, and then we will talk at the table in the kitchen. I suggest you regain your composure before then." I could see I hurt Justin with those words, but I was not going to give in to a crying Justin. I went into my bedroom, and try to find something suitable to wear. After deciding on a pair of blue jeans and red abercrombie shirt, I tried my best to cover up the puffiness around my eyes. I went to the table where Justin was already sitting. His eyes were still read, but he was no longer crying. He was just staring at the table as if he was reading a book. "Justin," he looked up at me, but he was not making eye contact, " We are going to talk this out like two adults. I am not trying to be an ass, but I need to get this out. I will start talking first, and then you can go. Is that alright?"

"Yes." Justin said with a shaky voice. "I understand."

I could tell he was trying to hold in his sobs, but he was going to have to maintain his composure if I was planning on getting this over with. "I wanted to start off with saying that I am not mad at you right now. I was at first, but now I am more angry with myself. I came here for a job. The only intention I had was to come and watch out for you, but we bacame friends and much more. Since I moved up here, I had a hard time meeting friends. You were the first real friend I had, and I should have let it stay at that. I fell in love wth someone that wasn't alowwed to fall in love with me. You have a stereotype that you must follow. You have to be the single pop star that every girl wants to marry someday. You might have felt something for me last night, but you backed out of it this morning with that note. I gave you my heart Justin, and you played with it. I want us to continue or professional relationship, but I never want anything more than that again. You promised me you wouldn't hurt me, and you did. I will act like your friend when I need to, but I will never be your true friend. I was just someone to keep you buisy for 2 weeks. Now, you can go ahead and say what you have to say." When I looked at Justin, I saw tears in his eyes again. I know what I said had tobe painful, but at least I got it off of my chest.

I had had my hand on the table, and Justin reached over and held it. I tried to pull away, but Justin just said, "Please, just wait." I don't know why, but I kept my hand intertwined with his. "Drew, this morning before I left I was having doubts in my head about what we had and if it would ever work out. I wrote that note this morning just to let you know that I wanted to talk about us. It was not a negative not. I did mean everything I said last night. I love you , and I will never hurt you intentionally. What happened today was a big misunderstanding. You read the note, and you overreacted. You thought about the worst possible scenario, and you put it in your head that I was doing that to you. I want us to work Drew. You mean so much to me, and I can't imagine anyone else I would rather be with. I am afraid that I will hurt you though. I am not out, and I doubt I will ever be able to be out. I have a image to maintain to sell my records. I will always have to make the public believe that Iam dating some girl. I don't want to pull you into that situation. I could never hold your hand while we are at the mall. I could never kiss you while at the beach. Whatever we do would have to stay behind closed doors. I would like to try a relationship with you, but those would be the conditions. What do you think?"

I was in complete shock. Justin was completely right. I did overreact about the note, and I took everything out on him. Instead of waiting and trying to work things out, I came in yelling. All Justin wanted to talk about was where our relationship would go. I made him cry. "Justin," I said squeezing his hand. " I do love you, and you mean the world to me. I did overreact, and I am sorry for hurting you. I have never felt this way about a guy or a girl, and I want this to last. I could deal with keeping things private between us only if you still want to try."

Justin now had a smile on his face, and he was looking deep into my eyes. " Good. I am glad we can over this together, but I can't take another fight like we had today. It was to much for me to handle. You have to promise me that you are not going to run again. We need to settle our problems as soon as they come up. If you promise me that, I would love nothing more than to be with you."

"Justin, I am sorry for hurting you today, and I promise to come talk to you next time. Does that mean I can call you my boyfriend?"

"Drew you can call me anything you want to! I am yours and nobody else's."

Justin and I both got up an met each other in a hug. I never wanted to let go of the man that I loved.

Author's Note: Sorry the story is so short, but I had a very busy weekend. There will be another chapter coming tomorrow. It is going to be very interesting, so please keep reading. Here's a hint. Someone very important catches Justin and Drew in the act to Drew. It could change things for Justin and Drew. Also, I am looking for an editor. So if you are interested, please e-mail me. My instant messenger name is Elktonboi. So feel free to IM me also. Thanks for reading.

Please tell me how you liked my story. If you have questions, comments or suggestions. E-mail me Even if you just liked the story, drop me an e-mail. This is my first attempt at a story on Nifty. I need some assurance. Thanks everyone!

Next: Chapter 4

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