Securing Justins Heart

By moc.loa@ioBnotklE

Published on Apr 5, 2003

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal where you are, or at your age, or you don't want to read about male/male relationships, go away. You shouldn't be here.

  2. I don't know any of the celebrities in this story, and this story in no way is meant to imply anything about their sexuality, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction

Recap of Chapter 5

"J, that is cool with me. I know we need to take our time. It makes me love you even more baby." Justin had a happy look on his face, and I could tell he was pleased with what I said. I turned over to go to sleep, but Justin turned me around to face him.

"Well, maybe not all forms of sex. I don't know any clean way to say this, but I am going to say it anyway. Could I jack you off?" Justin asked with that nervous look again. He needed to be surer of himself. I couldn't have him getting nervous every time he asked me something about sex.

"Only if we do at the same time." I said pulling Justin in for a kiss. While we were kissing, I slipped off his boxers, and he did the same to me. He was on top of me, and we were searching each others mouth for something. I felt Justin's hardness on mine, and it sent shudders through my whole body. Justin was grinding himself into me, and I could hear his breathing become more rapid. "Oh baby." I moaned, and I could feel Justin quicken the pace. I was watching his face, and I knew he was close. I reached my hands around and grabbed his butt. Justin moaned in pleasure. It was getting harder for me not cum, but I knew it was coming soon. An explosion of cum erupted and hit my chin. At the same time, I released my cum on him. Justin rolled off of me to his side of the bed and grabbed a T-shirt from the floor. He wiped both of us off and climbed into my arms. "That was amazing baby. I love you so much."

"It was great. I am glad it was with you." Justin said as we both began to drift asleep.

Chapter 6

When I finally woke up from my second nap of the day, I noticed that is was just turning 6. Justin had me spooned up in his arms so that nobody could harm me. I turned myself around in his arms being careful not to wake him. What I saw took my breath away. Justin was sound asleep still in the nude with just a sheet covering him. The sheet was riding low enough to show some of his pubic hairs, but not the whole package. I slowly started rubbing his stomach with my fingers. His eyes fluttered open, and he greeted me with one of his killer smiles. "Good morning baby. Sleep well?" I asked with a smile that could match his.

"Hey you. Every time I sleep with you, I sleep well." Justin replied.

"You are so sweet, and you have to be the cutest boy in America. What did I do to deserve you?" Justin leaned up and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"You loved me." Justin said with a smile. "Hey, were you watching me sleep?"

"Only for a few minutes. You look like an angel when you are sleeping."

"Thanks baby," Justin began with a questionable smirk on his face "but I think you were just trying to peak under the sheets." With that, Justin pulled the sheets up to his chin so I couldn't see under them.

"I think someone is confused." Justin looked at me curiously. I leaned over and began tickling his sides. "I don't need to peak. I can look any time I want too." Justin and I both began tickling each other, but it all stopped as soon as Justin looked at the clock.

"Holy shit!" He exclaimed while hopping out of bed and pulling clothes on.

"What's up baby?" I asked still in my spot on the bed.

"I'm late. I am supposed to pick up the guys from the airport at 6:45!" Justin said nervously.

"Baby, It just turned 6:10. We are only 15 minutes away from the airport. It's gonna be fine." I said soothingly. After Justin got dressed, he cuddled up against me back in bed.

"Drew?" Justin tried to get my attention.

"Yea J?" I asked while stroking his hair softly. I could tell something was bothering him.

"Do you think it is dumb of me to be scared right now?" I could feel Justin's hot tears on my chest.

"J, you have no reason to be scared. They are your best friends, and you see them all the time. Why should today be any different?" I asked

"We are all very close, especially me and Josh, and I could not handle it if they disowned me after I told them I was gay." After Justin said that, he was in a full out crying-fest.

"Baby," I pulled his chin up so he was looking at me in they eyes. " They are your friends, and they will support you. You have to be sure you are ready. Please don't tell them just because we are together. I don't want to force you into anything."

"I love you so much Drew, and I want to tell them. You are part of my life now, and I am not going to hide you like dirty laundry." Justin leaned in and kissed me passionately on the lips. It was probably one of the longest kissed I ever shared with someone. After the kiss Justin looked at me with a pout. "You forgot to do something today."

"And that would be?" I asked while placing small kisses on his neck.

"You didn't say you love me." His pout got a lot bigger when he said that.

"Oh, that." I said trying to play the same game with him. "You better go pick up your friends, or you are going to be late."

"Oh yea," Justin said with a small frown. "I better go. Bye." Justin got off of the bed, and made his way out of the room. Once he was gone, I hopped out of bed and pulled my boxers on quickly. I sneaked behind him right when he was about to open the door and snaked my arms around his waste.

"I love you more than anything Justin, and don't you ever doubt that for a minute. I will love you until the day I die." Justin broke free of my grip and turned around to face me.

"You asshole!" Justin exclaimed. I pulled him over to me, and placed my mouth over his. After a very long, passionate kiss, we parted. "I love you too baby, but I really need to go pick up the guys. How about you get ready, and we will come by and pick you up to get some dinner."

"Alright. Be safe."

"I will, and you get your cute butt in the shower." Justin said with an evil smirk. Justin rushed out of the room and left me to worry about what the guys would think of me. I knew everyone in the group would hate me. Josh would hate me because I stole his best friend. The rest of the group would hate me because I would put the group in danger. I knew I loved Justin, and he loved me. That would have to be enough to keep it all together. I had to hurry and look presentable. Justin might be able to throw some clothes on and look grungy, but I had to make an excellent first impression. I grabbed a quick shower and fixed my hair. I didn't want to dress up, but I wanted to make an excellent first expression. After about 30 minutes of getting ready, the phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey Drew. It's me, Justin."

"What's up baby?" I asked.

"Me and the guys are in the limo downstairs. Wanna come down and grab a bite to eat?"

"Sure Baby. See you in a few. Love you."

"Ditto." Justin replied before he hung up the phone. I stood in shock for a few minutes taking everything in. I headed downstairs and found a large Navigator Limo. I went to the door and knocked gently. The door opened, and Justin pulled me inside the limo.

"Hey." Justin said with a big grin on his face.

"Hey yourself. Thank you for inviting me."

"Anytime." Justin replied. Someone interrupted our little conversation when they cleared their throat. "Hey guys. This is my friend Drew."

"I'm Joey." I went to leaned over to shake his hand, but he pulled me across the seat so he could give me a huge bear hug. "We hug in this family."

"I'm Lance." Lance reached across and shook my hand.

"Chris here." Chris said as he nodded his head.

"I'm JC!" Josh said excitedly. He flashed me one of his killer smiles, and I began blushing a little. Justin must have seen me blush, because I could see a hint of jealousy in his eyes. "So, Justin tells us you will be working with him for the next few weeks. We will be here too in meetings."

"Awesome." I replied. "I am looking forward to getting to know you all."

"Same here." Joey answered for the group.

"Where are we going to eat?" I inquired.

"Some Japanese restaurant down the road." Justin said turning towards Lance.

"I love Japanese!" Lance squealed. He jumped across the limo into Justin's arms. "I love you Justin."

'At least you can tell him.' I thought to myself. Justin must have felt the same thing, because I felt his hand rubbing my leg lightly. The limo stopped, and we all hopped out. We entered the restaurant and were directed to our table almost immediately. The table was quite big with 3 chairs on each side, and it had a space in the middle for the chef to cook. I sat down in the middle seat on one of the sides, and JC and Lance took both seats at either side of me before Justin could claim one. I was very happy that everyone was being friendly towards me, and I was beginning to believe that I could actually develop friendships with all of them. Josh and Lance were being a bit too friendly, but I wasn't sure why.

"And what would you like to drink sir?" I was snapped out of my day dream by a part Asian waitress.

"I'll have a rum and coke and a shot of Jaigermeister." When I said that, everyone had a shocked look on their face.

"Make that a shot for everyone." Justin added. The waitress left, and Justin gave me a comforting smile. We all engaged in small talk until the drinks arrived. We were all about to slam back our shots when Joey interrupted.

"Can I make a toast?" Joey asked.

"Yea." Everyone replied.

"To new friends and new relationships, may we all stick together no matter what crosses our path." With that, we all clinked our shot glasses spilling a little of the contents and hammered back our shots.

"Damn! That was nasty." Chris exclaimed after he pounded his back on the table. He and the others quickly chased their shots with their drinks, but I didn't.

"Aren't you going to chase that shot?" Josh questioned.

"I am a real man not a pussy like the bunch of you. Real men don't need chasers." I said with a smirk.

"Real man my ass." Justin mumbled under his breath so only I could hear it. Since Justin was directly across from me, I kicked his left shin. Justin let out a yelp, but everyone ignored his cry. The waitress came back, and we all ordered. We got a large sushi appetizer, and mostly everyone got Teriyaki chicken or steak. Justin was giving me dirty looks from across the table. I decided to be a little playful and massage his thigh with my foot. He quickly slapped my foot away and started a conversation with Chris.

"So Drew, Any lucky ladies in your life?" Lance asked. I managed to remain calm during the question, because the thought that they might ask already entered my mind.

"Afraid not. I have given up all hope that I might find that special someone." I said with a big smile. I decided to play Justin's little game.

"That's too bad" JC commented. JC and Lance both looked like they were relieved when they found out I was single. This was starting to get confusing. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought they were both gay. Well, Justin was gay, so that means it could be possible. Our sushi arrived, and I couldn't have been happier to get off that topic. We began eating, but our peaceful dinner came to an end.

"So how long have you and Justin been seeing each other?" Joey asked nonchalantly. Justin was taking a sip of his coke when Joey asked the question, and he sprayed it over the table when he took it all in. I was eating a Philadelphia roll at the time, and I began coughing.

"What do you mean Joey?" Chris asked. "Well, I have a very good gaydar, and I could tell that these two were together. Plus, Drew over there was getting freaky with his foot when he thought my leg was Justin's. I reddened up like a tomato when he said that, and Justin shot daggers with his eyes at me.

"Is it true?" Lance asked me. All I could do is look at Justin for an answer, but he finally gave in.

"Yea, Drew is my boyfriend." Justin said as if he was ashamed. Tears began to well up in my eyes, and I went to the bathroom. I went into one of the stalls and sat down on the lid of the toilet. I wasn't crying that hard, but I was hurt. Justin sounded so ashamed when he said he was my boyfriend. I was proud to be with him, but I wasn't sure he felt the same way. I heard someone come into the bathroom. They knocked at my stall.

"Go away!" I screamed.

"Drew, It's Lance. Can I come into the stall please?" Lance pleaded.

"I don't want to talk to anyone." I stated in between sniffles. "Why didn't my boyfriend come in and check on me?"

"Cause he is getting lectured by Chris about how irresponsible he is and how he is going to break up the group."

"Why would our relationship break up the group?" I questioned.

"I am not sure, but I do know that Josh left after you did."


"No body knows. Josh has been acting strange for a while now, and maybe this just pushed him over the edge. I will check on him when we get back. Now, can I please come in?" Lance begged. I leaned over and unlocked the door. "Why are you crying Drew?"

"Because he is ashamed of me." Lance knelt down in front of me and pulled me into a hug. I put my head in the crook of his neck and let the tears flow.

"Drew, I don't know what's up with him. If I had someone that was as good as you, I would never hurt him." Lance slipped out.

"Lance, are you saying that you are gay?" Lance broke out in tears when I asked that. I hugged him very tightly, and let him cry it out.

"I have been keeping my secret for so long. You don't know how good that felt to let it out." Lance said.

"Trust me. I know all about keeping secrets. So are there any guys that you like?" I prodded.

"Well," Lance said now grinning from ear to ear. "There is a certain boy band member I am in love with." My chin must have dropped, because Lance started laughing. "Don't worry it's Josh."

"Does he know?"

"Not a clue. Just my luck to fall in love with a straight man." Lance let out a big sigh. "I'm just tired of being alone. I wish I could have someone that would love me back."

"Lance, you'll find someone someday. If not Josh, then some other lucky man will make you happy." I pulled Lance into a hug. "Thanks for being there for me." "Isn't that what friends are for?" Lanced asked. Lance's words left me speechless. Lance considered me a friend, and I was probably the first person that knew he was gay. I gave Lance a big smile.

"Yea, that's what friends do. Anytime you ever need to talk, you can come to me."

"Thanks. Do you mind if I tell Justin first?"

"Of course not. I guess I better go talk to him now, huh?" I suggested.

"Yea, he is probably worried sick." Lance and I headed back to the table where we found Justin all alone. He had his head laid down on the table, and you could tell he was drunk. We got him to the limo where Chris and Joey were waiting. I was really pissed off at the group except for Lance. When we got to the hotel, I took Justin back to our room. I could see Lance knocking on JC's door. I pulled Justin into our room, and began stripping him. I got him down to his boxer briefs and laid him down in the bed. I stripped down to my boxers and spooned him up in my arms. Without warning, Justin began sobbing uncontrollably.

"They all hate me. They turned their backs on me." Justin spat out.

"Baby, they don't hate you. They just need time."

"No, Josh just ran out of the room when I told him. He was disgusted with me" Justin was crying harder than ever, and all I could do was sit there and hold him. After about 10 minutes of crying, Justin finally fell asleep. I was pissed off. The guys turned their backs on Justin, and I was going to find out why. I couldn't let Justin go through this pain. I had to confront Josh and the others about the way they treated him, and I would start off with Josh.

Josh's Room******

After Josh left the restaurant, he took a cab back to the hotel and headed to his to his room. As soon as he locked the door, Josh sat on the floor against the door and wept. He had been worried about keeping his secret for so long. He couldn't take it any more. When Justin came out to the group, that threw Josh over the edge. He wanted to be happy so bad, and he though he would always be alone. Being a celebrity made it impossible to find someone to date. If anyone found out Josh was gay, it would ruin the group. He was jealous of Justin, because Justin finally found happiness. Josh was tore away from his thoughts when there was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" Josh asked.

"It's Lance. Can I please come in?" Lance begged through the chained door.

"Why?" Josh was trying to get rid of Lance. If anyone could get Josh to tell his secret, it would be Lance. There was just something that made Lance so damn easy to talk to. In the past, Josh would be there to listen to Justin, and Lance would always be there for Josh.

"I know you Josh, and I can tell when something is bothering you. I am not going to leave until you open up the door. There is no way to get rid of me." Lance was starting to get worried about Josh now. Lance knew everything there was to know about Josh. If he was closing himself off, it must be because of something big. Lance heard the door lock click, and he let himself in Josh's room. Josh's room was completely dark, and he could see Josh's figure on the floor near the door. Lance ran over to the hunched over figure and wrapped his arms around him. "Why do you do this to yourself Josh?" "I'm tired of being strong Lance. I can't keep my secrets anymore." Josh buried his face in Lance's shoulder and wept. He felt safe in Lance's arms. Lance knew exactly what to do to calm Josh down when he got like this. Lance is probably the one guy Josh could fall for, but he was straight. Even if he was gay, he wouldn't want Josh. He would probably want Justin or some other big shot.

"Josh, please talk to me. I can't help you if you won't talk to me." Lance pleaded.

"Damn it Lance!" Josh shouted. "I'm just tired of being alone. Everyone around me is finding happiness. Why can't I find it?"

Lance began to tear up, and he could feel the anger well up inside of him. "What? You think you are the only person that is lonely?" Lance shouted. "Welcome to my world Josh. Everyday I wake up alone, and I know it will be that way for a long time if not forever. Our lifestyles don't allow us to have someone. Look at Justin. He may be happy now, but he will never be able to tell our fans about Drew. What kind of life is that to bring someone else into?" Lance dropped onto the bed and curled up in a ball.

"Oh Lance! I am sorry." Josh sat on the bed, and let Lance lay his head on his lap. He slowly began stroking Lance's blonde hair.

"Sorry for what?" Lance inquired. It was nice being in Josh's lap. He felt safe there.

"It was all about me, and I was to blind to see that someone else was going through the same thing. Lance, would you stay in my room with me tonight? I don't want to be alone." Josh needed to be held tonight. He hadn't had a good night's sleep in a few weeks, and he thought being with Lance would help,

"Sure Josh." Lance tried not to get his hopes up, but it was hard. He was going to get to hold the man of his dreams tonight. Lance and Josh got ready for bed. Josh slipped into his pajama pants before he noticed that Lance was staring at him.

"What?" Josh asked playfully. Lance's face immediately turned red, and he broke his stare.

"I was just wondering if you had an extra pair of pajama pants."

"Yea, I do." Josh went to his suitcase and pulled another pair of pants out. He tossed them towards Lance before crawling into bed. Lance took the pajama pants and went to the bathroom to change. Josh chuckled at Lance's bashfulness. Josh had seen Lance in the shower many times, and he was still shy. Lance came back from changing and saw that Josh had the covers back for him. He crawled into the bed beside Josh. "Goodnight Lance." Josh said as he spooned Lance up in his arms. He didn't care what anyone thought. This is what he needed right now.

"Goodnight Josh." Lance never felt safer in his life until this moment. This was where he was meant to be, but he knew he was getting his hopes up. All he could do was cherish this one moment. He scooted back into Josh, and the two finally fell asleep.


Authors Note: Sorry this took so long to get out. I really don't have a good reason. I just moved back down to the beautiful state of North Carolina, and I am currently in Louisville, KY taking care of my sister for a few weeks. If there is anyone from Louisville reading, please give me some advice about what there is to do around here. I am bored out of my mind. Questions and comments are appreciated as always. E-mail me at or IM from AOL or AIM at elktonboi. Peace! Also, I want to thank everyone that has written to me.

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