Seducing a Cowboy

By Odd Balls

Published on Sep 6, 2021



Outside of the ranch, a horse rides with a huge, massive man riding it. The black feather tucked in his hat wavers in the wind while his skimpy vest barely covers half his very puffy hairy chest while his jeans show how PACKED he is in them. The very muscular cowboy gallops upon the front gate and trots into the ranch as he looks around.

Zachery looks here and there, asking for the directions to the ranch-owner's home. Eventually he comes up to the bigger house among the others. He coughs uncomfortably and goes up to knock on the door.

It opens and Arthur comes out to greet him "Can I help you?"

"Yes, um... Arthur Summers?"

"That's me. I uh... Have I seen you before?"

"Yes, I am... Name's Zachery Stone." He shakes Arthur's hand, "I'm from the Stone-Cut Ranch."

"... Ah yes, you're Franklin's boy. God, agh" Arthur frowns and crosses his arms "Now what does Franklin want THIS time? Don't got nuff workers to hand-pick for him."

"No no, nuthin like that..." Zachery tells him "I'm lookin for work."

"No kiddin." Arthur leans on the doorframe. "Ya know darn well me'n your father got more than bad blood between us. Now why in God's name did they let their big hoss wonder round MAH territory for a job?"

"They uh..." Zach sighs "Mom and Pop kicked me outta the ranch..." Arthur's brows raise from that. "I um... Don't go nowhere to go... I don't know nuthin else... I been messing around with a Hispanic and... Who is the uh... Male sort?" He says very awkwardly "They told me they didn't want no... Ahem... They just don't want me around..."

"Out of all the OTHER things ya done?" Arthur asks with an estranged brow "Fightin? Whorin? Didn't you break open a few wagons when you were half your age? Unless I'm mistaken, you been in jail at last half a dozen times for all those times you raised some hell in town. I mean, I know Franklin ain't keen Mexican people, but... Really, boy? He draws the line at THAT?"

"Yeah... So... Look, I know I'm a wild, stupid, crazy idiot, but I do serious work on the ranch. I'm one of the best you can git round these parts, so-"

"Easy boy, don't git your briches outta place." Arthur gets up from the doorframe. "You can start tomorrow. Talk to José Hernandez about getting yourself a place to stay, and noon tomorrow we can pan out details."

"Y-yeah??" Zachery perked up "José's here? Right now?"

"Yes, he's one of my foremans. He's usually in charge of managing where people are sleepin safe when me or my son Cody aren't around."

"Where is he now??" Zachery chimes up, almost dancing on his tippy-toes.

"Think I saw'im over by the apple trees about 10 minut-"

"Thank you, sir!" With that Zachery flips around and jogs back to his horse, almost leaping on his mount before racing off.

"What the? HEY!" Arthur scoffs as he sees the huge trouble-making cowboy ride off. "Huh... So old Stone's boy working for me, huh? That's gotta be the weirdest thing I done seen in a while..." With that, Arthur goes back into his house and closes the door. "Now..." He grins as he looks at his son sitting back on the furniture. "Where were we, boy?"

Cody is completely naked except for his cowboy hat and his boots, he legs spread and his heels hitched up from his exposed rear, his middle and ring fingers delicately circling and tracing around his very moist pink anus. "You were eating mah backdoor out, Pa."

"Mmmrrhh yyeeaaahh" Arthur growls as he gets down on his knees and buries his harsh beard into Cody's swollen taint.

"A-Ahhh! Ah-Hhhaahh!" Cody's body arches as his father's mouth goes to town on his man-gina like he did before they got a knock on the door; that wild hairy maw gnawing freely into the depths of his clean, sweetened anus while he pulls at his nipples "A-Awwwaaahh~!"

Zachery rides his horse into the orchard and hops right off. Like a love-struck Romeo, he whips around and strides left and right, "José??!" He calls out "Papi??! Jo-Umph!"

"Agh, sorry," Milo grunts as he backs off and then looks up those impressive pecs looming above him. "... Oh hey, you're that guy from town from the other day."

"Good to see ya, sure." Zachery dismisses "Have you seen José? I was told he was here."

"He's over there, loading up the wagon."

"Thanks, friend!"

"Wait, hold up" Milo whips down just as Zachery was about to run off. He makes a hasty grab for Zachery's crotch, but the packing stud made off just before the blue and white static could set in properly "Agh damn." Milo frowns as the size-steal spell bit and sparked in the air before it dissipates. "Now it's gone. Only gave him a couple of inches back. Well, that's all he's gonna get now." Milo comments before he goes about back to his business.

Zachery jogs between the trees of the open orchard until he spots the short Mexican lover at the wagon with a dozen bushels of apples. "Papi!" He calls out.

José turns around and beams as the big muscular man comes at him "Mi amor!" José puts down the basket he's holding and goes sprinting to Zachery. He leaps into that muscular embrace and nuzzles into Zachery's pecs.

"Ah done missed ya, Papi." Zachery says as he easily holds José off his feet.

"Estoy tan feliz de que estés aquí." José purrs as he hugs him tighter. He lands back onto his feet and looks up to him "How ARE you here? What about your ranch?"

"Screw mah ranch." Zachery says before he goes to the apple bushels. He picks them up two at a time -- almost giving José an instant boner from seeing those muscles bulge with power "I'mma work here now. I'mma be with you. I'mma make sweet caliente love to ya very mornin." He loads up the heavy apple baskets in seconds and stands next to the wagon, kicking up a leg to show off his physique to his boyfriend "And I'mma stick to you like a bee on honey."

"I love you. I love you so much." José says comes over again and hugs his lover. Zachery hugs back before he playfully dips down and lifts José off his feet! José can't help but blush hard as he's carried to the front of the wagon.

Zachery puts his fingers to his mouth and blows a loud whistle! "ROCKY-BOY! COME'ON!" In seconds, his horse gallops to them and Zachery hooks him up to the reigns to pull the wagon.

José can't stop smiling and beaming as Zachery climbs up on the wagon and sits next to him. Giving each other a smile, Zachery takes the reigns and gets the horses riding.

"Sooooo... Are you sure the sheep are going to be okay?" Milo asks as he sits next to Cody. The flock of overfluffed sheep bleat all around them as the two of them sheer each of them one by one.

"Oh sure! They need their wool sheered." Cody nods. "It's like when a cow has too much milk. They got what they give, and we take it before it causes them bother."

"... Weird way of putting it, but makes sense." Milo says as he shaves the wool off of his current sheep.

"Hm..." Cody adjusts in his seat and wincing, "Grhh, heggh..."

"You okay there?"

"Kind of..." Cody says as he contrentrates. "Just a bit weird in my britches if you know what I mean."

"Uuuhh... Let's say for the record, I don't. Does it have something to do with that chubby you've been sporting all day?" Milo asks as he looks at Cody's thong in a semi-tent.

"Just that... Ehh, let's take a break." Cody says as he gathers up the wool he's come up with thus far and the two of them go sit at the tree for lunch. "So it's like... I don't always have time to `finish' when I'm foolin around with a guy."

"Makes sense." Milo nods.

"And it's like... I'm not sure if I really care anymore if I uh... Cum?" Cody says, a bit sheepish to be using those words "I mean, when you first arrive, it was all I can think about. Now? It's like... I dunno."

"Well you're not making much sense so far."

"I know. It's like, I just prefer to suck on someone's meat or gettin mah butt plowed, but getting myself off is gettin to be a chore."

"Seriously?" Milo scoffs "Because when I first came you, you were practically begging me for blowjobs and grabbing your cock."

"Well yeah, but by the time the other guy finishes with me, I don't have the time for him to get me off. Mah balls have been achin somethin fierce lately." He whines as he squirms a bit.

"So why don't you just jack off when you have a minute? God knows you barely last a minute anyhow."

"I can't. Pleasurin myself is a sin, Milo."

"Pffff, hahahaha. The entire notion is incredibly ironic every time you say that."

"... What's `I-ro-nick' mean?"

"Never mind." Milo thinks for a minute. "Well... If you don't have the time to get yourself off, and you'd rather just bottom or suck, I might have something just for that."

"Really?" Cody raises his brow as a cute smile quickly appears "You got ANOTHER trick up your sleeve? How many ya GOT?"

"In this era? Countless." Milo says as he gets a piece of paper out of his pack and a charcoal piece. Cody watches curiously as Milo draws a circle with drfferent symbols and runes on it and places some shrapnel and a rocks onto it. "Do me a favor?"


"Cover your eyes and count to 1000."

"I- EH- Wha- A THOUSAND??!" Cody gaps with disbelief "I can't count that high!"

"Humor me."

"Ugh... Right... I guess..." He puts his hands over his eyes and grumbles "We still got work to do... One... Two... Three... Four..."

"Right... So the Aquarius array... Vector to the North... If I have this right..." Milo mumbles as he draws in severl other symbols.

"Nine..." Cody continues to count, ignoring Milo's muttering "Ten... Eleven..." There's a flash of light, which Cody does not see, and then nothing. "Twelve..."

"Okay you can stop now."

"Huh?" Cody puts his hands down and looks at the shiny object in Milo's hand -- it looks like a penis shaped birdcage! "Hahahahah, what's that ya there?"

"This is called a Chastity Cage." Milo answered.

"Chastity... Chastity, now I heard that before." Cody ponders seriously "What's it mean?"

"It means `no sex'."

"No sex..." Cody furrows his brow "OH! Now I remember! Chastity was the name of a nun that once came by once!"

"Yep. Anyway, this cage here is specially designed by yours truly to fit ANY cock size." He says as he he stretches to show it off. "First, take out your penis."

"Heh heh... Alright?" Cody giggles before he takes his thong and slides it down his genitals. He blushes and can't help but grin cheekily as his 3-inch flaccid penis breathes in the fresh air, growing almost 4-inches because he's sporting a semi right now.

"Now we slide this bad boy on YOUR bad boy" Milo slides the chain-like cage onto Cody's petite dong, digging the elastic metal below his balls to form a sort of band around both his scrotum and the base of his cock.

"Hmhmhmh... Woo... Hoo boy" Cody chuckles and irks as his dick erects and hardens to full length at 5 inches after Milo's fumbling -- having to navigate the cock cage around the thick bramble of his pubes.

"Really, cowboy?" Milo smirks as he presses a finger to the hard rod to push it down to his thighs, and letting it flop back up.

"Ah can't help it." Cody shrugged "Still haven't gotten off and you fiddling round down there makes me... Gheheh"

"Better turn this thing on then." Milo then rubs the cock-ring around and the stretchy metal links illuminate. Once Milo secures the penis's helmet with the slit open, Cody's member flexes with the cage adoring his boner.

"Now what?" Cody asks.

"Now I can do just about anything to your penis." Milo turns the ring some, and Cody's meat thickens a bit more and curls towards him.

"HOO! OhhhH! Whew, whew, whew!" Cody huffs as his cock is surged with hormones and even turns a darker color as it gets absolutely SOLID "E-Easy there now!"

Milo turns the ring, and the penis loses the darkened color and straightens into a normal erection. "And if they're anything in your bladder..." Milo turns it again.

"U-Uhh..." Cody flinches and widens his legs just before an arch leaps out from Cody's dick. His jaw drops as his member urinates out of his control, just letting loose and watering the dry patch of grass before them! "Ack, Milo! What the heck?!"

"Hahahah didn't realize you had to go." Milo laughs as Cody gets totally embarrassed.

"I can't, I can't stop mahself! It won't quit!" Cody irks and scrambles backward, but the pee he's been holding in won't stop pissing from his electrified dick.

"Of course not." Milo explains as Cody attempts to adjust the ring around it "By putting the chastity cage on, you surrender any control you have over your penis to whoever wants to use it on you."

"Whatever, just stop makin me piss! It's gross!" Cody panics as the arch is already beginning to weaken.

"Alright alright." Milo turns the ring and his dick stops squirting. He wiggles it to get rid of the leftover drops, leaving his manhood dry and clean.

"Let's move." Cody tells him as he gets up and moves away from the small puddle he just made.

"Jeez. I thought cowboys were supposed to be tough and rugged." Milo says as they migrate to a different tree.

"So what else?" Cody says with his arms crossed.

"Yes, back to my original point." Milo says as he gets to the cage's base ring again, "We can turn off that boner." He turns it, and Cody's penis immediately droops, wobbling at 3 inches soft. Cody raises his brow as it comes completely flaccid.

"Guess that solves one problem."

"Now we shrink it further..." Milo's fingertips roll the base ring again.

"We what??"

The elastic and magnetic links then connect and pull down on Cody's member. He winces as the dome on the glands pushes down on his manhood and the ring around his balls gets tighter. "Milo? Milo, Milo, Milo, Milo, what are you DOOOiiinng??"

"Just bare with me." Milo tells him as the chastity lock forces his peenee down to just over half an inch, a shiny silver dome just above his naked hairy balls dangling between his legs "And there we are."

"I... JUH... Whaaat??" He wags his hips and make his nutsack swing back and forth below the locked penis tucked away on his crotch "W-Where's my THING?"

"It's still in there." Milo answered before he reaches down and tugs at the tight cage cramping his manhood "It's just untouchable right now."

"It doesn't even look like I still have it" Cody says as his hands press on his pelvis "H-H-How are you gonna suck my dick or let me cum anymore??" He asks with a panicky whine "Milo, I need my dong, please."

"Hey, hey, hey, calm dooowwwn." Milo eases at him "Look, you're still able to piss and cum just fine. But this time you don't have to touch yourself."

"Milo, I don't think I like this." He shakes his head, "Just take it off, please."

"Okay tell you what..." Milo pulls Cody's panty back up over his equipment from the pouting cowboy "You give it a try. And if I can't make you cum, I'll take it off."

"Milo, m-m-my THING feels cramped in there! It kinda hurts" He whines as he gropes his bulge, ignoring Milo's hand cupping his bubble butt "I feel like it's gonna... U-UH!" He flinches as Milo's fingers trace into his crack "GGuhh... G-Gunnaah" Cody jerks and arches his back as Milo's fingers rub up and down his divide. "H-Hhaahh" Cody leans forward and moves his rear back and offer his booty behind him as Milo pulls the thong string to the side to get a gander at Cody's pink taint.

"Your hole's already looking rosy." Milo remarks as he rubs Cody's butthole in circles with his fingers.

"Hooohhhhhhh" His cramped dick thickens inside his cage as his anus winks and starts to feel outlandishly hot. "H-Haahh!" Cody's hands seize his knees as he nearly buckles to the floor. "Whoa, Milo, Milo, Milo, Milo, hhhaaaawwww!" He nearly squeaks out as Milo's middle and ring fingers shove in.

"Oh wow, you are SO loose right now." Milo laughs as he wiggles his fingers freely in there. He looks over and see Cody closing his eyes and donning that very stupid smile of his again.

"MMmnnh...NNhhhh... Mmhmhmh..." Cody giggles dumbly as the anal stimulation is alreading getting him tickled "Nnhh... Milo, what're ya doin to meeEE" He irks as Milo slides a third finger into his hole.

"Wow. A fourth?" Milo laughs as he groups his pinky into Cody's ass.

"HohhH! HOOH! Okaayyy! OKAAAY! WOOOOOOO!" Cody hollars as his thong is already leaking with precum and his anal spincter starting to flex. "E-Easy there, Milo! Hah... AhAhh! Don't wanna scare the sheep now!"

"Hm... I wonder if I can..." Milo grin sas he tucks his thumb into his palm and pushes inward to Cody's heated entrance.

Cody's eyes bug out as something even bigger starts to push inward "HAAAAWOOOOOO!" His voice echoes all throughout the prairie. "HHOOOOOOWWEEEEE!" His pucker easily swallows Milo's entire fist as his prostate gets tackled by a massive rampart. His anal tunnel spasms and quakes around Milo's fists as the sensation becomes too much for him!

"HOWDY FUCKING JESUS!" Cody howls out as he's jerked back and forth by Milo's fist! "HOOHH! HAAWWW! OOOOOOO" His thong squirts and dribbles with thick white gravy through the fabric of his manly panties and puddling between his boots from the massive intrusion into his anus.

Milo carefully removes his fist from Cody's butt and looks as Cody's sphincter remains swollen and pink. Cody takes a deep breath and rises up, his hands going to his buttocks and hissing as he turns around "What in Heaven's name did you just do?"

"I shoved my whole fist up your ass." Milo smirks.

"Y-Yah... You're fist??" He looks and gulps "You mean... Mah butt just..."

"I decided to add a twist to the chastity cage. Instead of needing to touch your cock, you're now going to experience your climaxes from your rump."

"My..." Cody looks over his shoulder at his ass, then back at Milo "I'm still not getting it."

"You'll also get off from using your mouth -- the enchantment on the cage as rewired and elevated your lips and your tongue to the point where you won't need to use your penis at all."

"Milo, please speak English. I can't understand a word you're- Mmpp!" He was cut off when Milo shoved his mouth right on his. Cody's nose breathes deep as his lips feel a huge rush while his tongue tingles strongly. "M-M-Mmhh... Mnnhhh~!" He squeals in his throat as his beefy arms hold around Milo. His mouth laps and devours upon Milo's lips as his hands go down and grope Milo's ass.

The more he kisses Milo, the more addicted he feels. His voice growls hungrily as he ravishes into the time traveler's maw as his tongue tangles with the other. His fingers get violent as he grapples upon him before he breaks the kiss. "Sorry, Milo. I gotta do this now." He seethes, sounding like a furious horse.

Before Milo can say anything, Cody drops to his knees and nearly rips apart Milo's pants! "Hagghh... Hagghh... Hoogghh.. Aaagghh" His mouth is gaping as he wrestles with Milo's crotch before his needy hands fish out Milo's thick cock. "HAAALLLMMM!" In one fell swoop, Cody forces that fat member into his mouth and shoves his mouth right onto Milo's modest pubic bush.

"OHhhhhhhhh that is great." Milo moans as he puts his hand on Cody's cowboy hat. Cody moans with his throat jammed with meat. Before long, Cody's face bobs and nods into Milo's crotch, nursing that meaty dong thickly, really pulling it with the suction of his mouth. "Yeah, suck it... Suck it, cowboy slut." Milo says as he erects his hips and let Cody get his fill of cock. "You don't need your dick anymore. It can stay locked up right while you let your father fuck your ass."

"Mmmhhmmhhmmph, mmrrggmmggll" Cody snort as his lips glue around and around in circles, grunting wetly as he fucks his own throat. Cody keeps jamming his throat as far as it can take of Milo's cock.

"O-Oh fuck" Milo staggers as Cody's insatiable throat keeps swallowing and flexing all around that member. "S-Shit, Cody, Slow down!" Milo's hands sieze his hat before he lurches forward "A-Ahh! OHH! F-Fuck, I'm cumming, I'm cumming RIGHT now! HAWWW! HOoohhhh! MMNNHH!"

"Mlmmggmm, haarrmmfff. Mmhhh" Cody moans as he gulps down Milo's cum straight from the tab and down into his gullet. His locked penis bounces and jumps in its confined cage while his hands dangle from his thighs, not even bothering to touch it. He slides that drooping penis out of his mouth and tucks it back into Milo's pants, even giving his bulge a sweet kiss before standing back up. "That was... Wow." Cody huffs with a shuddering smile. "Never did it like... Like THAT before..."

"That's cause you no longer use your dick anymore, Cody." Milo slaps his shoulder as they walk back to the flock of sheep "You're a pussy-boy in the old west."

"O-Ooo!" Cody giggles as a rush races up his spine "Why do I LOVE the sound'a that, Milo?"

"Comes naturally, I guess."

Next: Chapter 14

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