Seduction of Cody Barnes

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Sep 22, 2005


I decided that it just didn't get much better than this. Still coming down from the incredible intensity of the recent sixty-nine Cody and I had enjoyed, I was lounging lazily on his big bed, several small pillows propping my back against the headboard. I sighed contentedly, thinking I could probably stay here a lifetime, letting my eyes just drift back and forth over his creamy nakedness as he lay stretched out next to me. I focused closely, really closely, on his flawless body, unable to find a single defect to mar his creamy perfection from head to toe. I shook my head slowly, my gaze resting on his now flaccid, young cock, and the still snug balls below. So innocent in it's slumber, almost fragile looking, yet, so rock hard, and almost angry looking, when erect. Amazing, and totally wonderful, I thought.

Cody stirred, and stretched his lithe body, his abdominal muscles tightening, and showing their budding definition, as he rolled over onto his tummy. I gazed at the smooth, and tanned, skin of his back, and relished the perfect globes of his cute little butt as they rolled into view, atop his firm, and toned legs. He smiled up at me, and lowered his head, my eyes viewing the soft strands of his soft hair, as he planted a gently kiss of his soft lips on the head of my cock. He looked up again, the killer smile dazzling in its intensity, and said, "Don't you go anywhere, Mister senior, I'll be right back." I nodded, and continued to watch him, as he rolled off the bed, and stood, his soft cock swaying slightly with his motions. He turned, and left the bedroom, as I drilled laser beams from my hungry eyes to the creamy cheeks of his ass as he disappeared through the bedroom door. I sighed again, silently giving thanks to whatever cosmic alignment had brought me this gift, this incredible boy, known as Cody Barnes.

He returned shortly, in all of his naked glory, hefting a tray filled with iced sodas, and some finger-food snacks. He set the tray in the middle of the huge bed, and crawled aboard, settling that cute butt onto the mattress, and crossing his lean legs, bent at the knees. His perfect package bundled sweetly in the juncture of his sparsely haired crotch, and I found myself unconsciously licking my lips as I stared at the tempting display. He indicated the tray with a short nod of his head, and said, "Goodies, help yourself." I grinned, and rocked myself forward, sliding my hand into his lap to grip his soft Little Cody, and replied, "I have all of the goodies I'm interested in, right here!" He giggled, and lifted his little butt slightly, aiding me in my groping of his boy parts, and said, "That's a pure protein goodie, this other stuff is calories, and vitamins, too." I chuckled, gently gripping both his sweet cock, and his snug balls, all at once, and replied, "I'm thinking I may have a serious protein deficiency, actually, and I'm sure it will require repeated injections to correct it." He giggled, and said, "Well, that could be a highly dangerous condition, so I will be happy to donate my entire supply to the betterment of your health, and well being." I chuckled, and gave his yummy stuff another little tug, then let it go, as we dug into the small repast with a vengeance.

The snacks devoured, and the sodas drained, we snuggled against the pillows, lightly running our hands over each others body, kissing, and gently dueling our tongues. The room seemed to grow steadily warmer, as did our body temperature, and our lazy touching gained energy, rapidly becoming purposeful, as our cocks inflated, and the sexual tension grew at a palatable rate. I rolled onto my front, and dropped my head, my tongue lashing across Cody's smooth chest, teasing over each of his small nipples in turn. He purred softly, his hands roaming over my shoulders, and back, as I tongue washed his creamy smooth torso, moving ever lower. Reaching the soft strands of his sparse pubic down, I gently tugged at the few wispy strands with my teeth, causing him giggle sweetly. I licked the silky skin of his groin, and let my tongue wash over the spongy head of his cock a few times, then swabbed my way down the sensitive underside of his now pulsing erection. Cody mewed softly above me, as his own fingers pressed against his very stiff nipples. I lapped at his snug scrotum, wetting it with my saliva, before capturing each firm little marble in turn, and sucking gently. He groaned, when I mouthed his entire nut sac, drawing his tender orbs inside my warm mouth, sucking them as a single unit.

Releasing his smooth sac, I pressed my tongue tip firmly against his perineum, then made tiny flicking movements, as I worked my way deeper between his widely splayed legs. The searching tip of my tongue encountered the warmth, and dampness, of his snug little crease, and delved into the silky depth of it, finding the firm little ridges of tissue that surrounded his tiny pucker. He tensed, and groaned loudly, muttering my name over and over, as I probed his very core with my tongue, lapping at it, then rolling my tongue tightly, and pressing it against the tight resistance of his anal ring. "Jason...oh man...Jason....jeeez!" he chirped, and I added more pressure to my tongue, finally penetrating his snugness slightly. His hands balled into fists, and pounded the mattress, and his groans became a steady cadence, as I drove my tongue in and out of his most secret place, my head swimming slightly, as I savored his slightly acrid flavors. My position was slightly awkward, and I was beginning to cramp in several places, so I withdrew briefly, and quickly flipped Cody onto his front side. I stuffed a few of the small pillows under his middle, elevating that beautiful ass, and gripped each firm little melon, spreading him open. I gasped, as his tiny, pink, wrinkle came into view, and felt my saliva flood my mouth, as I gazed at the reflexive contractions of his tight little center. Leaning into him, I buried my face in the creamy smooth skin of his cute little butt, relishing the tight mounds of skin on my cheeks, and swiped the flat of my tongue over his pucker, over and over, before again pressing firmly against it. I felt the resistance relax, and soften, and my tongue slid past, entering his hot, slightly dank, tunnel once more.

Cody emitted a series of groans, interspersed with mouthing my name, as I worked in and out of his tasty chute, bringing my hand up to cup his hanging balls, and tug at them slightly. As my jaw began to ache slightly, I slid my tongue from his steamy depths, and licked at the back of his hairless scrotum, as I quickly sucked the tip of a finger, and gently, and steadily, pressed it through his tight ring, and into his clinging tunnel, to the second knuckle. "Ummmm......gaaaa....!" He wailed, as I wiggled my finger inside him, finding his hard little nut of a prostate, and stabbing at it. He shuddered, and scooted his knees further forward, and spread them wider, lifting that perfect bubble butt slightly higher. He grunted again, and I felt his grip on my invading finger soften, as he pressed himself downward, swallowing what remained of my finger into his creamy warmth. My own cock was rampant, throbbing almost painfully, as I plunged my finger in and out of Cody. I reached down and stroked myself, longing to rise up on my knees, and plunge my burgeoning cock fully inside his sweet, tender depths. "Jason...oh God, Jason...sooo....good...God, God, God...!" he chanted, rocking on his knees, matching my movements with his own as I plumbed his snug chute with my finger, over, and over.

Cody rocked his head side to side on the pillow, literally rocking his body back and forth on my finger, and wailed, "Jase....ohhhh, jeez....can you...will it Jase.....please, Jase....!" He chattered, gasping at breath between utterances, and I again stabbed at his rock hard prostate. He groaned loudly, and wailed, "Please....oh jeez....PLEASE...! "" I hissed, and he groaned again, muttering, "Bathroom....oh jeez, Jase....fucking hurry...!"

In the blink of an eye, I yanked my finger out of his hot clutch, and leaped from the bed, charging into his bathroom. I jerked open the cabinet, and seized a bottle of baby oil, quickly twisting the cap to open it, as I hurried back to his bed. I tipped up the bottle, and squeezed the soft sides, sending a small river of the fragrant stuff cascading the length of his crevice, liberally coating his slightly gaping pucker, as he continued his guttural chants. I quickly applied another large squeeze to the bottle, and soaked my raging cock with the sweet smelling fluid. Grabbing my drooling erection, I smeared the slick oil over its length, and scooted forward, centering the deep purple head of my cock with his quivering pucker. I flexed my hips slightly, and the smooth, slick, head of my cock touched his wrinkle, causing him to tense tightly, and emit a deep wail. I ran my hand up his smooth back, and said, softly, " sure...?" His head bobbed on the pillow rapidly, and he pressed his firm buns back against me, and squeaked, "Yessss.....oh jeez....ohhhh....yesssss...!" I added some pressure from my hips, and gripped the pounding stalk of my cock, moving the tip over his tiny hole. "DO IT JASON....NOW...!" He barked, and I tossed all cautions aside, instantly thrusting myself forward, driving hard, as my cock slammed through his unbelievable tightness, and slipped about half length inside of Cody Barnes! "Aggggggg...jeez....owww......fuuuuuuck...!" he croaked, and I held it there, waiting, as the initial, searing, fullness washed over his senses. " I....?" I started, suddenly fearing I might be really hurting him. He again thrashed his head on the pillow, and flexed back toward me, and wailed, "More, of it.....oh,oh,oh......NOW...!" Again, I automatically caved to the intense moment, and the undeniably strong grip that his muscles were applying to my rampant cock, and I plunged into his warmth once again, steadily feeding the entire length of my cock into his searing warmth.

"UMmmm....aagg....shit....yes...!" Mumbled Cody, his pretty face buried fully in the pillow. I stared down at our juncture, incredulous at the breath taking sight of our joining, and moved my hands to grip his hips, withdrawing slightly. I groaned, as my senses switched to overload, reeling at the tightness, and heat of him, and the stunning sight of my cock buried between the gorgeous mounds of his upturned ass! I slid fully inside him once more, paused, and withdrew, leaving only the head of my cock pulsing strongly inside him. I rolled my head back, and swallowed huge gulps of air, willing my nuts to stay silent, fighting the incredible urge to just drive into him, and explode. I rubbed my hand over the softness of his tummy, as I moved my cock in and out of his gripping tunnel, moving as slowly as my fragile control would allow. Cody matched my strokes with a rhythm of his own, moving that incredible butt in small gyrations, and driving me to the very brink, over and over. His head continued to rock on the pillow, and he emitted a steady chant of moans, and mews, as I fucked him, my brain awash in the sensations, and the very realization, that I actually was, this very moment, fucking, yes, fucking, Cody Barnes!

Sweat ran into my eyes, and dripped onto Cody's smooth, flushed, back as we continued our rhythmatic dance, moving now almost as one. I felt Cody's lithe body shudder, then again, and again, as my plunging cock head bumped over is small prostate on each stroke. I reached around his slim waist, and gripped his granite hard cock, stroking it rapidly, as I continued my steady onslaught of his hot chute. "Unnngg....Agggg....ohohohohoh...!" He grunted in rapid staccato, and I felt his cock quiver in my fist, and swell, then erupt, his creamy load ejecting in rapid pulses, painting the bedspread in puddles of his copious fluid. "OHhhhh....jeez....cummin....hard....!" he wailed, as I continued to milk his silky shaft as it completed its ejaculation, and suddenly wilted in my hand. I again gripped his slim hips firmly, and increased my pace slightly, feeling a burning sensation deep in my swinging balls. My shaft pulsed, and flexed through several strong spasms, and I felt my searing load begin its race up the length of my cock. I withdrew, then plunged full length into Cody's silky bowels, and exploded, my semen jetting forth in strong and rapid eruptions, spraying his butter soft rectum with rope after rope of my nut-batter, in a seemingly endless orgasm that rocked me to the very edge of consciousness.

Cody grunted each time my cock flexed in his depths, his sounds in perfect sync with each of my emissions, and when it was finished, he collapsed onto the mattress, one long, steady, moan spewing forth from deep inside him. I flopped forward, lying over his heaving body, my shrinking cock still buried fully inside him. Our sweating, heaving bodies slid against each other, as I nuzzled the soft skin at the back of his neck, mumbling his name, again and again. He inhaled deeply beneath me, and shuddered strongly, as he released the breath, turning his very flushed face to one side. I leaned in, and pressed my lips to his sweat dampened cheek, and said softly, "You, Cody Barnes, are absolutely, totally, AMAZING!" He giggled sweetly, and mumbled, "Oh jeez!"

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 9

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