See Danny Run

By Taarob

Published on Apr 1, 2023


This is a work of fiction. I love getting email so if you would like to contact me you can at or if you'd like to see some other things that I've written you can go to my web site at . Author's note: This is not necessarily a story about abuse except for a part of the first chapter. Neither is it necessarily a feel good wildly in love story although that does come later. It is also a story with a bit of domination in it.

See Danny Run 1

I don't wanna go into a whole big thing about my childhood. I mean I know I gotta tell ya some stuff but I'm just gonna hit the high points or more accurately the low points.

My dad is a doctor, M fucking D, family practice and my mom is a doctor's wife, if you know one you know what that means. As far as I'm concerned, puke puke puke.

Dad was always strict. Not insane strict but strict. It did kinda piss me off that he wasn't as strict with my older brother Ryan but then I never expected him to be, Ryan was like their godchild, the chosen one. For some reason I inherited all the bad stuff that Ryan managed to skip. Ryan was never in trouble, I was in trouble a lot and although I don't really remember I probably deserved it. Even during the worst of the shit I always kinda pushed at the edges. Now that I think about it it was probably just a way of getting them to acknowledge that I was alive.

Then during a one week period when I was ten, the worst week of my life, everything changed and majorly for the worse.

We lived in a nice doctor neighborhood with a nice doctor house and my doctor dad had just had a bunch of dirt delivered so he could get me to break my back planting trees or some shit and of course my buddies and I were messing with it. My mom was screaming at me about not getting dirty. It was fall and school had just started so we were all dressed in long pants and a couple of the guys even had sweaters on so they were like our nice clothes and I agree we shouldn't have been doing what we were doing, throwing dirt and shit but I was fucking ten. It's what you do!

My dad came storming down from the house his tie was blown over his shoulder and he looked ready to kill. All of us boys just froze.

He started screaming at me from thirty feet away.

"Daniel! Daniel you stay right there! Don't you dare run! Don't you dare move!"

He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and shook me so hard that I almost lost my balance.

He was screaming at me. "What were you told about getting dirty? What?"

I was starting to cry as my friends stood there shaking and staring at the ground but I still had some ridiculous vague hope of getting out of this.

I stammered, "I didn't mean ......."

He slapped me hard across the face and if he hadn't been hanging unto me with his other hand I would have fallen over, as it was I twisted in his grip and slumped over trying to protect my face which only caused him to slap the top of my head.

"You're not coming in the house like that! Don't think for a moment that you are! You will NOT get your mother's clean house dirty!" He spun me around to face him. "Take off all of your clothing here! I'll take your clothing in for you to wash later! You can walk into the house naked, in front of you friends, maybe then you'll remember to stay clean!"

He stood there while I sobbed and stripped off all of my clothing.

I remember walking to the house the feeling of dried leaves and the occasional twig under my feet and knowing that my closest friends were watching my naked ass.

Well, there's no fucking way to describe how humiliating that was and of course word spread like wildfire thru the prepubescent universe. So my humiliation expanded until it was shared and savored by everyone in my age group.

They called me "Naked Boy" for a while but what happened two days later on Saturday slowed even that down.

I was walking home from the park where I had been receiving the awkward sympathy of my friends for having an asshole for a father.

I was dragging my feet, not exactly thrilled with the idea of going home but after the whole naked thing I was trying to stay on everyone's good side, not there really seemed to be a good side. Passing a row of houses I was crunching thru the leaves that had begun falling a couple of weeks ago when a guy who had been sitting on the front stoop of his house saw me and called me over. He was wearing jeans and a tee shirt without any shoes just white socks.

He called, "Hey, you're Danny, right?"

I looked up and walked a little closer and then I recognized him, he drove our school bus. I nodded my head yes. "Yeah. You're the bus driver."

He nodded. "Sorry about your dad." Well anyone who thought my dad was a jerk couldn't be all bad.

I dropped my head still embarrassed.

He kinda laughed and said, "Hey, it's okay. My old man was no prize winner either."

He got up and put his hand on my shoulder. "C'mon, come inside and we'll split a Coke. It'll make ya feel better."

Look, I know, hindsight is 20/20 but he didn't like my dad, he had a bad dad himself, he was offering to split a Coke with me, he was my bus driver for Christ sake and it meant that I didn't have to go right home. And fuck, I was only ten!

We walked together thru the house into the kitchen where he gave me a Coke and we leaned back against the kitchen counter drinking them.

I was looking up at him while he was saying something and he looked down into my eyes and said, "Danny, you got the most beautiful eyes." He reached down and cupped my chin in his hand. "You're really a great looking guy."

I just thought, "Oh, that's kinda cool, he noticed my eyes." I do have these really cool gray eyes.

He ran his hand down to my chest and rubbed it. "Looks like you keep in shape. You work out or anything?" His hands were really warm and he just kinda left them there but there was something about that move that bothered me. It didn't like totally set off an alarm but even I knew it was odd.

I said, "Uh, no."

He started to pull on my shirt and he said, "Lemme take a look at your chest muscles." I put the Coke on the counter lifted my arms and he pulled the shirt off over my head.

He seemed to be getting really excited. It didn't seem like he could breathe right and he was getting all red. Now there were alarms beginning to go off in my head but I still never thought in terms of my being in danger more like I was doing something that I wouldn't want to tell my parents. Well, shit, that included like everything!

Suddenly he did two things at once. He kissed me really hard and shoved his hands down the front of my pants.

He was smothering me with his lips and when I finally was able to push his mouth away I yelled really loud, "No! No don't do that! You're not suppose to touch me like that!"

That's when he hit me. I don't think that I really even remember his fist coming towards me but I think that I remember hitting the wall and bouncing off of it. He was yelling at me too, some shit about how I should do what I'm told.

I don't remember him hitting me again but later I had the marks to prove it but right then I must have passed out. When I came around I felt like I was being smothered because he was laying on top of me and his weight was making it almost impossible for me to breathe. And then the pain hit me. There was this incredible tearing searing pain in my butt. It felt like he was tearing me in half or something and it seemed to go on forever and all the time he was swearing at me.

After a while it felt like he was pulling something out of me and I thought that it was probably my guts because that's what it felt like. I was lying on the floor and though somehow I didn't realize it then I must have been crying something fierce cause he kept yelling at me to stop.

Finally he dragged me to my feet and I realized that I was totally naked, not even a sock on and he was pulling me. We were both slipping around on what I later realized was the blood coming out of my asshole. I was hanging onto the sink with my right hand and trying to keep my footing and he was yelling that we had to go to the basement and I thought, "This fucker gets me in that basement and I'm never comin out!"

He was pulling on my left arm and I spotted what looked like a heavy bottle on the counter next to the sink and just as I was about to lose my grip on the sink I let go and grabbed that bottle. I swung it in a wide arc with all of my strength and nailed the son-of-a-bitch square on the forehead. He staggered back let go of my arm and dropped to his knees; I turned and ran straight for the screen door that I could see led to the back yard.

The screen door was locked but I hit it so hard it sprang open and banged against the house. I went tearing into the back yard and fell tumbling over and over. When I stopped I looked up and he was just coming out of the door after me and I took off running. I was as afraid as I had ever been in my whole life and I knew that if he caught me he was gonna kill me.

He stumbled down into the yard and almost grabbed my arm but I dodged him and ran. I ran like the fucking wind and I kept running. I ran down the sidewalk. I ran down the street and past the park. When I ran past the park some older boys saw me and they musta thought I was crazy or something cause they took out after me but I was running for my life and nobody was catching me. I ran in total terror. In my mind death was only a stride behind me and I was never gonna stop running.

I felt insane. I felt an insane joy knowing that I was so near death, that death was right on my heels and that I was outrunning him. It was like my legs were twice as long as they were and my strides were poetry. I ran like an animal, an animal that knows that there's another animal wanting to eat it. I felt like a gazelle running from a lion or a leopard or something and I knew that those claws were reaching out to grab me and I just ran faster. I was flying!

I felt the damage being done to my feet and yet I didn't feel it. It was like I felt the twigs and the stones but yet I didn't and even in some detached way I was aware of the blood but it didn't matter cause I was this fucking god, this fucking Mercury with winged feet and I flew across the ground. It was a sunny warm September day and I could feel the sun's heat on my body as I ran and the warm dry wind of early fall.

Finally I hit what felt like a brick wall. Actually it was a guy, a guy who was built like a brick wall. He came out from behind a tree with a bag full of leaves and I piled right into him and we went down together.

It caught up with me then, the lack of oxygen, the fear, everything. I felt like I was dying but I guess that I just passed out. The next thing that I knew I was wrapped in a blanket and surrounded by cops. I mumbled out the reason that I was in the shape that I was in and then I decided it might be a good time to cry and I pretty much spent the rest of the day doing that.

Unfortunately they figured that they had to take me to the hospital and call my mom and dad. I could tell that my dad was pissed even though with all the other people around he couldn't really show it. He was embarrassed that his kid had been raped and I'm sure that he figured it was somehow my fault. I hated him for it and I hated the hospital. It felt like a jail to me. They still do. I hate to go near them.

Thankfully, Joel, that's the bus driver's name, confessed when they cornered him. I mean, shit, he was still trying to clean my blood up off of the kitchen floor. It wasn't like he could lie his way outta that.

The only, and I do mean only, good thing that came outta that was that I met the guy who, two years later, was to become my track coach. That's Bob Kapolski, the guy that I literally ran into. When he found out how far I ran and how fast he was impressed. It seemed that my little run was seen by more people than I thought and a bunch of em tried to catch me, including a guy who was on the then current track team but nobody even got close.

Well, there was one other kinda good thing that came out of it. Mom and Dad just left me alone from then on and for me that was a good thing. We talked to each other only to the extend that we had to but they both stopped being mean to me. It was like they just stopped caring and now I was like this obligation that they had to deal with for a few more years. I'm sure that they were as anxious to be done with it as I was.

I told that to Coach Kapolski one day and he looked really sad but he didn't try to tell me that I was wrong. The thing that he did tell me stayed with me. He told me that if I wanted to be on my own I had to study and get great grades because without them I would screw up college and if I did that I'd be pumping gas someplace and to one degree or another be dependent on my parents. That was great motivation. I studied my ass off and I ran my ass off and I was good at both. Hell, I was the best!

Being in High School was the great! I felt freer than I ever had and my parent's new attitude was great. Okay, maybe I felt a little alone but I was responsible for myself and I was doing pretty well. Another thing that I learned in High School was that I was really attracted to guys. I was showering and working out with a bunch of guys who were all in great shape and I couldn't help looking but I never did anything with my teammates. But when we practiced we used to run by the football field and sometimes the football team guys would stand there watching us run by. I thought that they were beautiful! They all had broad shoulders and packed crotches and they just looked so incredibly studly standing there in their football uniforms.

I wanted them. I didn't really know too much about this stuff but I was pretty sure that I wanted to suck them and finally one day we were running past them and this tall blond guy had stripped off everything but his football pants and was standing there all bare chested and looking oh so hot. As I ran past him he stared right at me and his head turned slowly to follow me as I ran on. I almost tripped thinking about him and I got a boner but I was running out in front of everyone so I was the only one who knew. That was true until our second lap and then football guy saw me and got this dirty little smirk on his face that almost made me cum. We had made eye contact!

Thankfully the football team and the track team shared a locker room. I goofed around getting undressed and was one of the last ones to shower because I was playing eye hockey with Carl, the football guy. I felt pretty strange. He was a junior and I was a freshman and normally that was like being from two different planets but he seemed to somehow understand me better than I understood myself.

Finally I stripped off and walked naked into the shower and washed my hair. When I opened my eyes Carl was standing under the shower next to me.

He grinned and said, "You run fast." He looked around to see if anyone was listening. "Even when your ah....flag is up."

I smiled blushed and said, "Ah, thanks." I dropped my head but was still able to look at his dick, which was like a little hard. Not that it was little, it wasn't like enormous either, just nice. I figured it might be a seven incher hard but then you could never tell about those things but since my brain was totally paralyzed I wasn't ever gonna find out.

Carl seemed to know where I was at though and then I looked up he was staring at me and he finally smiled and said, "Cool eyes."

I did really feel a little creepy that he was a junior and I was only a freshman but it didn't creep me out enough to stop, just enough to make me all shy.

That didn't seem to faze Carl though and he kept me talking about casual sports stuff and then walked me back to my locker. Just about everyone else was gone by then and Carl leaned against the locker next to mine. It seemed that no matter where I looked I ended up looking at Carl's cock. I was pulling on my underwear and he scratched his balls.

He said, "Danny, I gotta get dressed but then I got something I wanna show ya, okay?"

I must have given him a deer in the headlights look because he reached over and held my chin in his hand and said, "Don't worry. You'll like it and if you don't it won't happen."

Carl pretty much kept his arm on my shoulder all the way to the old paint storage room in the old part of the building. Until he took me there I didn't even know that it existed.

Considering my past it even surprised me that I wasn't afraid of Carl but he really had a reassuring personality. He was so confident that it didn't even occur to me to not follow him. Inside the paint storage room he locked the door and put down his backpack.

He walked over to me smiled and then gently took my hand and placed it on his crotch. Under the fabric I could feel a rock hard cock and I swallowed hard.

Carl took my face gently between his hands. "Danny, did you ever do this before?"

"Nnnno. I.....wanted to...but I never did anything. I never had the chance."

He nodded and his voice was soft. "I didn't think so. Lemme tell ya what's gonna happen. First of all nobody's gonna know what happens here. I'm not gonna tell anyone and neither are you. Okay?"

I nodded and gulped.

"Good boy. Next, you're gonna take my cock out and suck it." He rubbed my shoulders. "Now there's nothing to be afraid of, I'm not gonna hurt you and I'm pretty sure that once you get my cock in your mouth you're gonna be one happy dude." He pressed his forehead to mine and whispered, "You know that you want this."

I nodded. He was right I did want this.

Carl stood with his hands at his side while I slowly pulled his zipper down and then reached inside and hesitantly grasped his hard smooth cock.

"You're doin good, Danny. Now pull my underwear down a little and put the waistband under my balls. That way you can suck it without anything getting in the way."

It was weird, I could hear myself making these little whimpering sounds. It wasn't that I was not wanting to do this but rather that I was discovering that I wanted it sooooo bad. The smell of Carl's crotch was like a drug and I pressed my nose against his big soft hairy balls and inhaled deeply. I could hear him chuckle and I looked up at him.

He grinned down at me and said, "It's all yours Baby."

I quickly closed my mouth around the head of his dick and felt my lips naturally falling just behind the head. Instinctively my started circling the head while it was clamped between my lips. I could hear Carl gasp and his body tensed. It was my first sense of the power that I had.

I pushed my mouth further down on his cock and his body began a very slight thrusting movement. In my whole life nothing felt as natural as what I was doing now. It was like everything else that had ever happened to me was some huge mistake, like somebody should have said, "No! Not that! That kid is supposed to be sucking men's cocks!"

I could feel Carl put his warm hands on my head and I wanted to roll my face against them like a puppy dog. He guided me and held me in place and I loved every second of it and then when he finally shot off in my mouth and I swallowed his huge football player load I thought that I had died and gone to heaven.

I looked up at him breathless and with a huge smile on my face. He reached down and scooped up a bit of cum off of my chin and put it in my mouth.

I gasped out, "Did I do it okay?"

Next: Chapter 2

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