Senior Humiliation

By deepak salwan

Published on Nov 16, 2004


Chris was a 19-year old boy who was pursuing his second year of Degree College in California. His parents had been staying in New York and had a flourishing business of their own. Since Chris had long been away from home for the purpose of his education, his parents wanted him back as soon as possible mainly because he was their only son and both of them loved him ever so-dearly.

They decided that even if he wanted to stay in the hostel, they would agree as long as it would be sure that he would be near them and maybe they would be able to meet him as and when they desired or when he was free. So, all the arrangements were made and Chris left his college after completing his second year and came back close to his parents for the final year and masters' course.

Chris had been a very intelligent student and was also a very innocent and a well-mannered boy. He was very handsome, 6ft. height but was quite slim. He was very fair, with blue eyes, dark brown hair and was a stunner. Although he had been in the hostel for all this while, he had not picked up the bad habits of smoking and drugs. He occasionally drank a peg or two, but never exceeded his limits. He was very focused, but one negative aspect in him was that he was not very strong, and could easily be bullied. So, to stay away from fights, he seldom disagreed to what a stronger boy told him and that had led him into trouble much -- a -- time. This was the only fear he had when he decided to change his college, on the advice of his parents.

Chris came home and the next day, his father took him to the college for the admission, because he knew the principal personally. Seeing the excellent academic record of Chris, the principal immediately gave him the admission and told him that he could join the hostel that very day, although a week was there for the classes to commence.

As Chris's father had to urgently go to Houston that very night for an important meeting, he told his son to join the hostel. He completed all the formalities and he registered Chris as the student. He also gave Chris sufficient cash and a few credit cards for the other expenses he would need to incur like that of the uniform, the books and other stuff.

Chris went to the hostel and gave the required documents to the receptionist who later took him to the warden, who gave Chris his room keys, gave him his college badge and also the uniform. Chris was told that he had just one roommate, he had been very lucky in that aspect as in some cases, and four boys shared the room. He was happy.

The other boys had already registered themselves and were in the hostel. Only those who didn't stay in the hostel had not yet registered themselves. The classes were to commence a week later. Chris went to his room. He was a bit nervous due to the new surroundings and a new atmosphere. His luggage had already reached his room and now only he had to go there. When he reached his room, he knocked at the door and a voice summoned him.

On entering, he saw a tall well-built boy, who did not look at all like a junior standing beside the window. He greeted him respectfully and showed signs of feeling nervous. The tall guy introduced himself as Richard. Due to tension and nervousness, Chris made a blunder by calling him "sir". Richard got the feeling that although this new student was a senior, but seeing his characteristics, he would be easily treated as a junior.

After Chris had kept all his stuff and had began relaxing, another junior who was Richard's friend, Eddie stormed in the room. On seeing a new guy, he asked his buddy about him, who replied that he was a new room mate and also a senior. He winked at him and later told him that he was a meek kind of a guy and they were really in for fun.

So, they decided to make things simpler really soon, as they had now realized that this senior was really easy to handle. They told him that if he wanted that everyone should treat him properly, he would have to agree to whatever they say. By now Chris was so tense and nervous that he readily said "yes". He was immediately snubbed by his junior , Richard and was told that from now on, he would address him and all his friends not by their name, but by calling them "sir". The poor nervous kid Chris meekly said "Yes Sir".

With that began a series of events and incidents which humiliated the senior boy -- Chris and eventually led to his becoming his seniors slave -- boy.

Next: Chapter 2

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