Senior Humiliation

By deepak salwan

Published on Nov 4, 2005


The life Chris was leading now was going from bad to worse. Moreover, to top it all, the coming Saturday was going to be the prom night. As he, Chris, was under total control of his junior masters, he could not attend the prom as a student until and unless permitted by them.

Unfortunately for him, he was not permitted to attend the prom as a student. Instead, he was made to be the waiter that night serving drinks and doing other odd jobs at the venue for the prom. Humiliating was his job, and so was his uniform. Not actually, but it is humiliating to be dressed as a waiter, where your classmates are handsomely dressed in lounge suits etc.

Chris was made to put on his usual waiters uniform, that too in front of the entire gang of his junior masters, which, by now were around twelve in numbers. Luckily for him, that day they were in a better mood, and allowed him the privilege of putting on an undergarment! That delighted him a bit, but that was just a happy-trailer, the entire event was to occur that night at the party.

As the educational institution was all-boys one, the only time girls were permitted in its premises was during proms and the other annual day functions or other festivities. So, that day being a prom-night, all the boys, except Chris had arranged for the girls who would be their dance-partners, unfortunately for Chris, he could not have that privilege, as he would be working at the prom as a waiter, instead of having a gala of an evening like his peers.

The head of the event-managing company who managed the prom-night every year, told Chris to report for duty at 7:30pm, as the guests would begin coming around 8:30pm, ordered him. Chris, the unfortunate kid, who was to be the waiter, while his mates would enjoy, got ready in his waiter uniform, as assigned by the manager and went to the venue before the time he was called their, so that he could comfortably understand and get ready to serve after being given the necessary details by the manager regarding how to serve etc., as he always did to the waiters.

He knew all his mates would be dressed handsomely in tuxedoes and lounge suits, and he would be embarrassedly portraying his job as a waiter in his humble uniform -- black trousers, white tux shirt, black bow and a white jacket with white gloves. He had no choice but to do this job, so he got his serving tray and readied it with the stuff he was to serve. Unfortunately for him, he had to serve drinks, which was not at all easy and comparatively more difficult than the dry snacks. He was given a white towel that he wore round his wrist before holding the serving tray. After having got the signal from their manager, the waiters came into the main lounge area and started serving.

The serving went on fine during the prom, although there were few instances where Chris was humiliated by the boys -- was once made to clean another guys shoes because that boy made him unintentionally step on them, next he was made to mop the floor with a rag when another junior of his spilled the drink and summoned the "waiter" -- Chris, to clean it dry and of course they let no chance unused, when they got one to summon him by calling him rather loudly, "Hey! waiter" which humiliated him a lot as that was not what was done to other waiters serving along with him, and he had to address them as "sir" as one of the boys went to complain to the manager that the waiter, Chris was not behaving well and didn't address them properly. Having been complained about, Chris had no other choice, but to call the boys, regardless of being junior, senior or the same level -- Sir.

The party extended into the wee hours of the morning and the girls started getting bored a bit. The teaching staff had left long back, and not there were only the students.

The junior boys, who controlled Chris, had an idea to further humiliate their senior slave-boy. They made him play strip-poker forcefully and stripped him off completely. Then they laid a bet about the size of his fully-grown man-tool, which was extremely humiliating for a senior boy, and that caused him the erection and grow really very hard in front of his juniors and classmates, and of course the girls from the other college.

The juniors and the other boys laid a bet on the size of Chris's dick, which was severe humiliation for the senior boy. He grew harder and the extreme limit was when a girl measured his erection in front of everyone in the hall.

That was a sort of entertainment for all the boys and girls but Chris was terribly humiliated and hung his head in shame and quickly put on his uniform back and went to the pantry. The party did not last long after that as it was nearing early morning and all the guys and gals slowly started leaving.

Once all had left, the waiters, including Chris cleaned up the area and due to the control of his juniors, Chris was even made to wash the dishes at the end, causing humiliation but not as much as what he had experienced during the party. He had got in used to all this humiliating jobs that he was made to by his junior masters, and now didn't mind them that much. But the physical and sexual humiliation that he was suffering was killing his self-respect.

He just hoped all this to get over someday as he would finish his studies and leave the institution for good. He went back to his room, luckily not to f find his junior master present, so he undressed and went to sleep, hoping for a better tomorrow.

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