Senior Humiliation

By deepak salwan

Published on Nov 19, 2004


With this began Chris's life in the college as his junior's slave boy. The only mistake he had committed that had led him to this mess was that due to nervousness and an extremely tense atmosphere, he had called his junior "sir" by mistake. He had not known that he would have to pay such a heavy price for a meager slip of tongue. But, sadly that was the case and he had to go through it.

Unfortunately for Chris, the roommate he had was that very junior, whom he had called "sir" and the one who knew of Chris's disposition. Although, it would have been a rather wonderful experience for any senior to have his roommate as a junior, but that was not to be in the case of Chris. He, because of faltering in the beginning, could not make any use of his junior, as the other seniors did; instead he was at his juniors' mercy because of a minor error.

Richard, who till now had been busy downstairs attending a call that he had received from home, came back to his room and found his slave boy (the senior room mate) ready at his service. As there was a good hour and a half for the dinner hour, he decided to have fun with his slave boy; and so he decided to call his other junior friends who could enjoy the services of their senior.

Eddie and other friends of his came to his room and along with Richard, they decided to enjoy. As no student was allowed to keep a butler for him in the college, they had to dress their boy in the school uniform only. But they thought that something had to be distinct in their boy that would differentiate him form the other crowd.

After a good amount of discussion, they all decided that what they could do to make their boy's appearance distinct from the rest. It would be made distinct in such a way that no one would ever be able to recognize, except them. They told him that he had to follow certain rules that they would just let him know.

The first rule was that he would never call any of them "sir" in front of rest of the students, teachers or wardens; as in that college seniors or juniors had to behave in perfect manner with their mates and were never allowed to humiliate or terrify them ever. Ragging was not at all allowed and it was a punishable offence according to the college authorities and could lead to the offending student's expulsion from the college and they all did not want that to happen.

Secondly, he would never let anyone know about what was the agreement between him and his juniors, if he wanted his last academic year to be good for him as they told him and he saw as well, that how influential his junior students who had overpowered him were.

Thirdly, and most importantly, to be ready to serve them all the time; he would never be wearing an underwear of any kind and also that he would be masturbating only after taking the permission of his room mate, if ever he felt the urge to do so. If ever he would be caught masturbating without permission, he would have to eat the cum of all his senior boys for a week, which would rather be extremely humiliating and sickening for such a simple and innocent boy.

So, these were the conditions Chris had to agree and he did, as he had no choice. Then began a year of his serving his juniors as they wished him to.

Next: Chapter 3

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