Senior Humiliation

By deepak salwan

Published on Nov 20, 2004


This chapter is on popular request. Please do let me know how it was. Thank You for reading. Your ideas and suggestions always welcome.

Chris now began his life as his junior's slave boy after they had given him all the conditions that he had to follow now. Serving the seniors was generally accepted, but here he had to serve his juniors, which was extremely humiliating. He tried to take Eddie in confidence, but was of no use. Instead, that led to more misunderstanding and more humiliation for the innocent Chris.

Eddie told all his other friends and batch-mates about what had been done by Chris and they were really angry at his behavior. They wanted to punish him and teach him a lesson for what he had done; and see that he never did such a thing ever in future. They wanted that he should be an obedient boy, as all slave boys are supposed to be. They knew that although he was a senior student, he had no guts and was not strong enough to be a senior, so they had made this "senior" boy into a junior slave boy of theirs.

Chris was summoned by one of the juniors and he came to their room obediently, still very nervous, not knowing what was going to come next. There, he was told that from now on, he was going to be reformed in a way that the junior boys wanted. He was their slave and was actually going to be treated as one from now on (although not in front of everyone so openly).

Eddie told him that there was a new condition that they all had decided that was going to be enforced upon the senior -- turned -- slave from now on. He told him that from now on, he would not be having free will over all his private tasks; instead he would be required to take the permission of any of his junior masters.

Chris, at first was foxed, a bit as he did not understand what Eddie meant. Then Richard, who till now looked as if deeply engrossed in a Jeffrey Archer novel, suddenly stood up and told his buds that he would explain very clearly what all they wanted this fresh senior boy to know.

Keeping his favorite novel by the side table, he came close to the seating area, where all the guys and the senior boy were having their "meeting" and began telling exactly what he and his buddies meant and what they wanted Chris to obey. He said that by the "private tasks", they all meant that the biological tasks that one had to do to sustain life on Earth. This was a bit easier for Chris to understand but he felt that this would be very humiliating for such a grown up teenager to ask for permission form his junior for going to the toilet and stuff. He said this to them but they immediately snubbed him and cut his talk in between and said, that he was now their slave boy, and had to agree to whatever they said.

Poor Chris, did not know what to do other than obeying his juniors but felt really small and degrade by being ordered around by boys younger than him and that too till this extent, where he could not take a leak or crap without their permission. He wondered, how he would keep this a secret from the other classmates and the other juniors who had no idea about his being humiliated by his juniors.

He again pleaded and begged them on his knees but was of no use. Instead they told him, that if he did not agree to this or argued there were more such humiliating conditions that they had in mind, which they would enforce upon him and he would feel worse than his present situation.

So, Chris had no other option other than agreeing to his juniors' wishes, but he begged then that they would not let anyone be aware of this agreement between them and also of this meeting they had had. Feeling a lot of pity for their senior boy, they promised they would not let this secret of theirs out, as they knew that ragging was punishable; but they also told him that he would have to obey to what they had just said and also always remember the conditions that they had told him in the beginning.

To check whether he was following their instructions, one of them massaged him in his private area and came to know that he was following their instructions. They were happy with their boy, but Chris felt extremely embarrassed at this action of theirs as his junior sexually abused him at that moment and he could not even complain. He was so embarrassed that he started turning red and felt really low.

After the junior boys had told him all this they wanted to, he was told to go back to his room and be there till given further orders. He readily agreed by saying the usual, "Yes Sir", which he had got so used to now and left the room severely humiliated.

Next: Chapter 4

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