Senior Humiliation

By deepak salwan

Published on Jan 20, 2005


That day went on the same way, and Chris was humiliated as usual many times, by his juniors. The next day, as he had a few classes early in the morning, Chris left the room earlier than other days, thereby saving himself the servitude for some time, that he had been going through all this while.

When he finished his class, he saw that one of his "sirs" was standing outside, waiting for him. He grew cold and nervous, seeing him outside his class. He did not want any of his classmates to know that his juniors were continuously humiliated him. Richard & Eddie then called him and he, trying to show that it was absolutely normal, went to him after he told his friends that he would see them later.

Richard told him that as he had not met them in the morning, he was to be punished for that. He tried to explain, that he had a class early in the morning, and did not want to disturb his seniors, but of no use. They told him that as he had not served them and attended to them in the morning, he would be punished that evening after the classes terminated. Eddie told him that they wanted to check that whether he was following all the instructions, that he had to or not, and so told him to quietly follow them where they took him.

Not saying a word due to the nervousness and fear of being humiliated in from of his pals, he quietly followed them as they led him to the men's room. Luckily for Chris, there was no one in the toilet, not even the sweeper. They saw around, to be safe and seeing no one approaching, all went inside and Eddie bolted the toilet door from inside after placing a "under repair" sign outside, so that they would not be disturbed.

Once inside with his juniors, (who had overpowered him and humiliated him many times) Chris felt very worried, as they could do anything to him and there was no one to rescue him. Moreover, at that time, as the classes were going on, not many students or professors would be coming that side. Not to forget, the "under repair" board outside, although Chris had no idea about that.

They told him very bluntly; that it was no use his shouting for help or disobeying them here, as they were the only ones there and no one could come for his help. Richard told him that he was to obey whatever they wanted him to do.

To begin with, he was made to eat six hot dogs that Eddie had brought with him. He did not want to do so, but was forcefully made to do it, that too in the toilet. He could not take in any more after three, as he had already had a good breakfast, but had to, as he was being forced to do so by his junior masters.

Both Eddie & Richard knew that Chris was not wearing his underwear, and thought of something great. They told him to entertain them by putting up a masturbation show, and not to cum until asked to. If he did, it would lead to more severe punishment, or maybe even that everyone would know about his slavery.

Chris, who by now had become extremely submissive, did as was ordered to by his junior masters. He sat in a corner, well in view of his masters' and began jerking, as slowly as he could, trying to get a decent orgasm. He continued for five minutes, and now, was on the verge of cumming, but his masters did not allow him to either get up or go to the toilet, so he, unfortunately cum in his pants, much to the dislike of his juniors.

They were very angry at what he did and when they saw a huge wet patch in his uniform trousers. Richard gave him a big moral lecture on not taking care of his uniform, as he would have given to a junior boy. He felt very humiliated at what happened. Chris wanted to clean up the mess in his trousers, but he was not allowed to do so by his junior boys, who had overpowered him. After the cum episode, he was told to go back to attend his class, and not to change his trouser, until they wanted him to. He took his blazer from the rack and went back. He tried to cover as much as he could with the blazer and his hands, but of no use, as the wet patch had spread a great deal. He didn't know what to do and the way to react if asked about that by his classmates. It would give out a smell as well, so he said silent prayers, so that no one could make out.

Luckily for him, as he reached his class, he got the news that as their was a teachers meeting with the principal, the day was over for the students and they could return back to their rooms. He had mixed feelings in him when he fled back to the hostel, happiness because no one came to know what had happened and not even saw his stained trouser, and sadness, worry and fear because he did not know what next he would have to face when he encountered his superior junior boys.

As he reached his room, he saw Eddie and Richard already present there. They told him that he had been lucky that day, but it would not be the case everyday. He was ordered to remove their shoes, which he had to do as he had no other choice. Chris bent down on his knees, and untied their shoes, while they watched and laughed at their seniors' condition.

After that, he requested them whether he could remove his soiled trouser because it was dirty due to the huge quantity of dry cum sticking in it. The answer was no, and Richard also told him that as he had asked about that, he would be punished. He would have to wear the same cum stained trouser for the next two days, and if he didn't listen to them further, he would have to wear the same cum stained trouser without the underwear, of course, for more time. He had no other option left with him rather than saying, "Yes Sir", and waiting for any other command from them.

Luckily, one of their classmates came in the room and told them that all of them had planned to go to the city and had even got permission form the principal, that day being over as far as studies were concerned, so they were leaving in some time. They even asked Chris, as they did not know anything about his being a slave to their classmates, but instead of Chris answering anything, Eddie said that he was very busy with a few assignments. Chris heaved a sigh on hearing that answer, as he has thought that his secret of being his juniors' slave-boy was about to be revealed.

Richard & Eddie got dressed and left. They told their "slave boy" to clean up the room, keep their shoes polished, beds made and assignment complete before they came, and if he did not want to have any more punishments and humiliation. Saying that, they all left, and Chris was left alone in peace, though he had to do the tasks assigned to him. Luckily for him, he had no assignments and so, he could do what his junior masters had ordered him to.

After sometime, Chris's friend came in his room, saying that they would go out for a movie and a meal, but he made up an excuse that he had lot of work, carefully hiding it from him, otherwise his classmate and other friends would be aware that he was doing his juniors' assignment, and also being humiliated by them. Hearing the answer, his friend left, letting him do the work in peace and without interruption.

Chris thanked God for keeping his humiliation a secret and continued doing the assignment, later on, he made the beds, cleaned up the room, did the laundry and also kept his junior masters' uniform and shoes ready for the next day. On completing all his junior masters' tasks, he did his own assignment and work. On completing everything, he was too tired for anything else, so he had a light snack and went off early to sleep.

Next: Chapter 5

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