Senior Humiliation

By deepak salwan

Published on Feb 20, 2005


The senior slave-boy did as his junior master had ordered him to, and after changing into the houseboy's uniform swept the bathroom floor and the room, where he had dropped the precious cum of his junior master, with the mop.

After having done what was ordered to him by his junior master, although finding that job severely humiliating, he waited for any further orders, as that day, being a holiday, he was at his juniors' disposal all day long.

The college holiday that day meant that the boys were free to enjoy and have fun. The other days, they used to be extremely busy due to the tight schedule they had beginning from early morning and continuing until evening.

Richard and Eddie were now in the room and so was the unfortunate senior, Chris. He being so handsome did not have any good time in the college, due to his misfortune right in the beginning. Although both the junior boys were gay, but to avoid any suspicion in the minds of their batch-mates, had hot chicks as their girlfriends. Although they were genuinely not interested in playing with girls, but they just wanted to be safe, just incase anyone doubted. Even the girls knew the absolute reality, and did not mind their friendship, as they were extremely good-boy types in front of them.

That day, as a great surprise for the two junior masters', their girlfriends came to the hostel. Their girlfriends knew everything, and that's why they wanted to enjoy as well with their boyfriends' slave boy ^Ö Chris. Both the chicks were really hot and awesome. They were fair blue eyed, blondes with a sexy figure.

Richard & Eddie introduced their respective girlfriends' to their slave-boy, who was in a humiliating sweepers uniform. The girls found him cute and sexy. They told their boyfriends that they had had a wonderful choice of having such a handsome and cute boy as their slave. The studs told them that, they were very lucky, indeed, as their slave boy was actually their senior. Saying this brought severe humiliation to the face of Chris. The girls were also tomboyish; they also wanted some hot fun with their boyfriends slave. Both the chicks sat deciding, while the slave-boy was still standing, humiliated wearing the sweepers uniform.

As they sat deciding, the boys told their slave-boy to go to the pantry, and get four diet cokes for them and the girls. Chris begged his junior master whether he could change out of that humiliating uniform, and showing his kindness, Eddie agreed to it.

Richard broke in, by saying that he would have to get his uniform in their room first and then they would decide whether or not to let him change out of that humiliating sweeper's outfit. He did as he was ordered and went back to his room, to get his smart uniform. He had little idea as to what was going to happen next...

Next: Chapter 7

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