Senior Humiliation

By deepak salwan

Published on Feb 21, 2005


Chris, knowing little about what was there in his junior master's minds, went to his room to get the uniform from his closet. He took the hanger and went back to his junior masters' room where they were still there with the chicks.

He respectfully knocked at the door, as he always did and was let in. Richard began the order that was going to be given to their slave-boy that had previously been decided by the friends and the girls as well.

Richard told them that he was happy that he had adhered to his command, and now he was going to be given an opportunity, as a reward to display his handsome body in front of all of them; maybe someone would like it really good and they may help him get a break as a star in some gay-sex movie.

This hit Richard like a sharp arrow, as he did not want to strip in front of the girls. He, although had been severely embarrassed many times in front of the boys, but never had been in front of the girls. He did not want to be naked and be further humiliated before the girls, and that too, the girls that were junior to him.

But he had no say, as he was just the slave of the junior boys -- Eddie and Richard, and had to do whatever they wanted and whatever that could please them.

So, now Richard, came close to his slave-boy, and undid his trouser buckle, and off they went down on the ground, exposing his smooth and well-shaved legs to the girls and the others in the room, and not to forget that he had not been allowed to wear to wear any sort of undergarment, so his sweet man-tool, that was beginning to grow with humiliation, was now on display. The girls gave a giggle as they saw a bottomless and a helpless guy in front of them, being ridiculed by their boyfriends.

Then came the turn of removing his blazer and shirt, that were ripped apart soon, and now, the slave-boy was absolutely in his "birthday-suit", feeling low and degraded by his junior masters. He was then ordered to squat on his knees, as one of the girls found it really disgusting to see and absolutely naked guy standing for so long in front of her.

Chris had been sitting on the cold floor for about twenty minutes, and his knees began to hurt. He begged his masters for mercy, and they allowed him to stand up on a condition. Without hearing the condition, Chris agreed to do whatever they wanted him to, as he could no longer bare the torture his knees were going through, by sitting on the cold floor.

Next: Chapter 8

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