Senior Humiliation

By deepak salwan

Published on Feb 26, 2005


Now, as Chris was under the absolute control of the two hunks again, they wanted themselves to enjoy with the slave, and also want their girlfriends to enjoy. The girls were as adventurous as their boys, so they agreed to what their boyfriends' (the masters of the slave) wanted them to do.

Both the guys had decided that their slave, for the time being, would be the slave of their girls, and become their pussy-boy. He would remain sitting on his knees, and give satisfaction to the girls by licking their pussy as they enjoyed their time. The girls were thrilled, as they were also going to get male saliva on them, and where they wanted; as till now they had always sucked their boys and provided them with pleasure. This was the first time that they were getting a chance of hot enjoyment and fun.

The girls had a great time with the slave boy, and of course, their respective boyfriends. The girls left, and the boys were alone again with their personal slave boy. It was evening now, and time for dinner. They thought of a great plan to humiliate their senior slave-boy that evening.

Chris had been humiliated severely that day, by being a pussy-slave boy for the girls, as he had to lick each of their pussies clean after the boys had fucked them, nice and hard; not to forget that he had to nicely suck on the boys' penis and balls, making them feel fresh and awesome, after they had fucked their girls, and Chris had to do that just before dinner time, that made him feel disgusting and sick.

The college looked after the students needs very well, and as this college was for all the strata of society, the students were allowed to work part-time in the college mess -- maybe as a waiter, chef (if they were really cooking geniuses), houseboys in the hostels etc. His junior master, Eddie called him, and he had a humiliating job ready for his slave-boy.

With a lot of fear and nervousness, Chris went to his junior master, and respectfully bowed and greeted him the hour of the day, as he usually did under the servitude of the junior boys. That great respect shown by Chris, brought a wicked smile to Eddie's face and he told his boy to come near his table, where he had been sitting, doing some important work on his laptop.

Chris did as he was ordered, and went close to his master. Eddie was in a playful mood, and he started massaging his slave boy's man-tool through his uniform pants, making him hard and vulnerable, especially because he was not wearing his underwear, as instructed by his master's.

Making him hard and horny, Eddie stopped massaging Chris, who by now, was absolutely desperate to wank off, because he had not done so for a long time, as he had been ordered not to, by his junior masters who had completely overpowered him in all these days. Eddie enjoyed looking at the pitiable and miserable condition of his senior slave-boy and then told him that he was called to be given certain instructions and orders that he would have to follow from now on, till further instructed by any one of his junior masters.

Eddie had decided about this plan with his other friends that were also Chris's masters and had owned him, since he was under their absolute control due to the video coverage of his humiliating scenes.

Eddie told Chris that as there had been vacancies for the jobs of waiters in the college mess, he was to enroll his name for the job, stating the reason that he had had a tiff with his father, and his father wanted him to earn some money on his own, as he desired his son to know the worth of money. Furthermore, Chris should tell the mess manager, that he would be the waiter and also do the cleaner's job in his free time as he wanted to earn quick money. Chris begged his junior master not to humiliate him so much, as he would not like to do such a degrading job of a cleaner boy of the canteen. But Eddie was adamant, and paid no heed to his senior slave's pleading and ordered him to leave the room.

The dinner hour went on fine, and there was not much of discussion between the slave and the masters.

Chris had to do the task he had been ordered to, by his junior master, Eddie, that of going to the mess manager and telling him his need for the job, and convincing him to allow him to work as a cleaner boy and waiter in the college canteen.

Chris was feeling extremely humiliated and degraded, even before he went to ask the manager for the job. After dinner, as the boys were leaving the mess, Eddie came to him and told him that he would like to see his senior boy serve in the canteen as a petty waiter and cleaner boy soon. Smiling after what he said, he quickly walked out with his friends, leaving Chris no other option but to obey his masters.

Next: Chapter 9

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