Senior Humiliation

By deepak salwan

Published on Apr 10, 2005


Chris had to obey his junior masters, as they had completely overpowered him. So, he had to start working the way they wanted, - as a waiter and a cleaner boy in the college canteen. Although he knew that what sort of humiliation he would have had to face by working as a waiter, but now as a cleaner boy, whose duties included cleaning the tables, sweeping the floors, the toilets and washing dishes. Of course, not to forget his duties as a waiter.

He was severely humiliated and disgusted with himself and the situation he had landed himself in, maybe due to his own foolishness. He was in a terrible situation. Rather than concentrating on his studies, he was made to do humiliating stuff by the junior boys who had totally overpowered him.

There was no dearth of work for him, courtesy his junior masters. They had landed him in an absolute mess. He had the following tasks to perform, to start with, on a daily basis:- 1. He had to, very first thing in the morning, get his junior masters uniform ready, ironed and on the hanger. 2. Polish each of their shoes, (they were rich and they had many pairs, and he had no idea as to which one they would choose to wear, and they did not even bother to let him know). 3. The room had to be kept spick-n-span. 4. He had to mop the floors and keep it absolutely clean, always. 5. He had to clean the toilets, scrub the floors, the pisspot etc. etc. 6. The worst of all, he was made to wear his junior master's sweaty, day-old, cum-stained underwear, as they had confiscated all his undergarments.

Another thing, which was terrible, was that they made him put a façade of that kind of a boy, who had no money. This was really difficult, `coz everyone knew how rich and wealthy his father was. He was forced to work as a waiter and a cleaner boy in the canteen. The reason that he had to give others, when asked the reason for performing such a humiliating task, although he was so rich, was that he wanted that he should be self-sufficient and not ever dependent on his father, so to start with he was working like this. He said that he himself did not mind working like this, and doing such humiliating tasks, although in reality he felt disgusted and sick. He told others that he was just trying to be independent and earn some sort of money that he could.

The senior boy was made to wear the humiliating uniforms as well while performing the humiliating odd jobs in the college. The canteen stuff was okay, as he was a waiter, and he wore the simple waiters uniform even while cleaning up in the canteen. But the major humiliating part was the janitors work in the hostel rooms. He was made to wear, forcefully by his seniors, a janitor's jumpsuit, and while performing his duties as their servant boy, he was made to go around in just his pj's, which further humiliated him in front of all the other boys. Moreover, when he served his juniors wearing the humiliating striped flannel pj's, he was not allowed to wear any sort of underwear, which made it all the more humiliating, as it would show the body structure outline more clearly. He was to be barefoot, always while being their servant and was to be ready for their orders always, squatting on his knees at all times in their rooms, waiting for his orders.

Even the junior's friends humiliated him, by making him do odd jobs, when they would come to their buddy's room. So, the humiliation grew a lot harsh on him as he had many masters now. He was very humiliated wearing such rag-like clothes, despite being a rich lad.

Chris had never imagined such life, after having a luxurious childhood. Little did he know, that this was just the beginning of his tormented school life, courtesy his seniors.

Next: Chapter 10

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