Senioritis Lake Trip

By Kelly Cooper

Published on May 7, 2005


A really bad case of Senioritis was hitting school. People could barely stand to stay in class, as soon as the bell rang, we were out of there. Teachers had almost given up handing out homework. The halls were louder than on game day right after the pep rally. In an attempt to cure our Senioritis, a road trip was arranged.

When an in-service day came around, it set up a long weekend. It was plenty warm enough and the lake was screaming my name. We loaded up my pickup, an old thing that used to be my dad's company truck for his crew. We had sleeping bags, tarps, a inflatable raft, a few clothes, a little bit of food, and hidden under most of it was plenty of beer. We hooked up Mike's father's old boat and headed to the nearest lake, only about 100 miles away.

This is west Texas and there just ain't a lot of water out here.

On the trip was me, Mike, Chase, and Chad. We were all seniors, one side or the other of 18 years old, all played football since junior and before, all healthy young men, all out to have a hell of a time at the lake. Mike and I had been running together since we were kids, it seemed like other friends would come and go, but we always stuck together. Chase and Chad seemed like they had a similar relationship and the four of us just made a good group. I think I was the sanest one of the entire group. Mike was the adventurer. Chase was great looking but would rarely look in a mirror long enough to comb his hair. Chad was probably the smartest, but also the smart ass of the group. He would have been getting awards at graduation if he hadn't of pissed off every teacher he ever had.

Our plan was to set up camp in the State park. We knew the spot we wanted but a couple of other places would have worked. We were no where near the official campgrounds with electricity, water, and restrooms right near by. We wanted and got a little spot of land right by the water. The road dead-ended at that campsite, no one would be driving by and we would park the boat trailer right in the middle of the road so that no one really wanted to drive through the water just to get to where we were. We would put the boat in at the normal ramp and then keep it beached near us. We did have fishing poles but really didn't plan on using them this time. The boat was to cruise, water ski, and to pull each other around in a tube.

It was the cruising that really held the most hope for a good weekend. We were not the only ones with lake plans. In fact, our desire to head to the lake was developed after we heard the plans of a certain group of girls. One of the girls had been my girlfriend lately. We never got real serious about it but we would be prom dates and all that. We saw most of the movies together, tongue wrassled, and did a little body exploring with each other.

The girls were going to be at one of their families' lake house. I had been there before. It wasn't all that fancy, looked more like it was used for fishing than to house five high school girls. It had all the furniture the family didn't need or want in the house any more. Two bedrooms, a kitchen, an eating area, and a living room were just about the entire house. The back porch was screened in with a deck on top of that making the roof of the porch. When I went fishing with the family last summer, I got to sleep on the back porch with her little brother. It wasn't a bad place, really. Better than the back of a pickup or a cot at the end of a state park road. The lake would also entertain several of our other classmates and plenty of other young bodies that weekend. There was plenty to see. The nights were a series of campfires with music playing and groups of kids gathering. A park ranger or two would cruise around and keep things calm.

The first day we were there, we ended up at the girls' lake house. The boys drank beer, the girls drank wine coolers or whatever Smirnoff was making out of fruit. We ate just about everything the girls had brought for the weekend. There was some playing around but mostly everything was pretty clean. I got into one of the bedrooms with my girlfriend and we rolled around on the bed. Mostly just kissing and squeezing all the good parts. We couldn't get too wild, the doors and walls were just not that thick.

My girlfriend is Sara, she was a star on the swim team, most of the girls there were her friends from the swim team. She is tall and slender. She had better muscle definition than I did, especially since football had been over for a long time. It made her but just perfect to squeeze. Her tits were not huge but they are plenty for me. They did feel good in my hands, and they were a little more than a handful. I always knew I was doing something right when her nipples would get so hard and pointy. I could usually get her hot enough that I could get a hand job out of the night.

Mike had a thing for two of the other girls. He had dated one or the other since 7th or 8th grade. One would always be pissed at him and the other his date. The girls all had good bodies, they were all cute, or at least attractive. I'll get into some more details later in the story.

We did a little running back and forth on the boat but ended up at the house in the evening. Nothing much happened except for drinking. We all had fun.

We had to leave when it was still light so we could make it back to our camp. We cut it a little too close. We got in the area but it was too dark to tell where we were exactly. We made it to the shore and Chad and I jumped off. I knew where we were then. I stayed walking along the shore and Mike ran the boat along nearby. I kept talking to him so he knew where we going. Chad ran way up ahead, he was heading for camp to get a flashlight. We finally made it back, after Mike grounded the boat a few times. Chase was a lot of help, complaining that the boat was going too slow, he was drunk.

The next day, Chad and Chase found another party to go to just around the corner from our camp. Mike and I headed for the girls. We didn't think too much about the time and what it would take to get back. It was late by the time we got to the house.

All of us had been drinking and partying all day. I wasn't that wasted or anything but I was more sunburned than anything. Mike and I sat around with the girls and talked and drank a little more. The talk got a little sexy and nasty. It wasn't all that unusual when it was just me and my girlfriend and Mike and one of the two girl friends. But it was a little funnier with the two of us guys and the five girls.

The two girls that Mike was in lust with were Ashley and Megan. And Nicole and Lauren were the other two girls. Nicole was actually a better swimmer than Sara, they both did real good in the meets and swam in the state meet. Nicole was a tough woman. She looked more like her dad than her mom. Her dad was on commercials for his company, something to do with the oil patch. He looked like an old cowboy, and Nicole looked like an old cowgirl, even in a speedo.

Mike and I had been sitting at the table. Mike had a deck of cards and kept playing with them. He got asked if he was going to deal poker to us all. He said just strip poker. That got giggles from the girls. And he asked if the cards were out on the table because the girls were playing strip poker when they were alone. Ashley got on that subject and started telling us how they really were playing and she started telling us, as sexy as she could, about how they kept getting nakeder and nakeder. They were making it sound like it was all heading to an all lesbian orgy. It was all a joke, at least we think it was. But that got us talking about all of us playing strip poker, right then.

Now, I was in no shape to play strip poker. When I got out of the boat, I had a beer in my hand and swim trunks on. All I needed was one losing hand and I would lose. It didn't make any sense for me to play. Mike wasn't in all that much better shape, he had a shirt on and a jock under his shorts. He probably could have put his Teva's back on to count those. I just had no chance. So, when we started, we set up the rules, there are more ways to play strip poker than regular poker in Las Vegas. Only the lowest hand would lose clothes. Five card draw.

I actually did pretty good. I kept my trunks on while the girls lost a lot of clothes. A couple of them got down to either bras or swim tops, it was a little hard for me to tell the difference. Mike lost his shirt. Then, I had a hand that I thought would let me keep my trunks at least one more time. I had a pair of threes. Not great but probably not the worst. We turn over, I saw a lot of good hands. The girls were quickly cleared with higher hands. It came down to me and Mike. He also had a pair of threes, also a king, also an eight, but he had a six and I only had a five.

I was actually more upset that I lost on a little pair that went to the third kicker and I lost it by one spot, than I was about having to lose my trunks. I wasn't going to give the girls an easy shot at my stuff. I slid out of the trunks while staying in my seat. They did all peek under the table, I don't think they saw all that much. I thought I was done with the game but I was convince to stay in, and they would come up with something when I lost again. I was about ¾ boned up at the time, it would only take a little touching by somebody to get me all the way there.

The next several hands, I was doing good. I even stayed out of the bottom with a queen high. And I was getting more and more excited, there was more flesh being exposed. I was sitting across from Megan. Megan is the smallest of them all, big tits for a small girl. We kidded her all the time her swimming the backstroke since she could float so good. Megan was loosing. She was down to nothing my panties and bra. When she lost, she undid her bra in the front. I know I was the first one to see the naked tits. My eyes went right to them, I probably said something but I was lost in those big tits. If I wasn't completely boned up by then, that sight of tits finished me off.

I squeezed the muscles around my dick and made my dick wag like a puppy dog.

My dick was hitting the underside of the table. I thought it was a cute thing to do, so I kept up with it and let it bang the table. I made a point of putting my hands on top of the table. Ashley said something about the banging of the table. They looked at me, I just sat there and smiled and held my hands up to show I wasn't doing anything with my fingers. Then Ashley figured out what it was. She looked under the table and saw me wagging. She screamed, then the other girls looked, and screamed. They were all laughing and told me how impressed they were with my ability, if not size. Even Mike had to look under the table and make a comment or two, he also had to take another look, or two.

I quit banging the table as we kept playing. The girls were trying to make all kinds of sexy or funny comment about my condition. I was paying too much attention to Megan's tits to play the game right, I threw away half of a pair. I got lucky and got a higher pair and didn't finish last. I was anxious about getting to see more than just Megan's tits and we were getting close. Mike was down to his jock, he showed off his naked butt, a couple of girls couldn't believe that boys would actually wear a weird looking thing as a jock. Mike and I had to realize that they were use to guys in just speedos. Mike has always been proud of his butt, he was showing off now.

When I lost, having no clothes to give up, I had to show my stuff. No more hiding under the table, no more squeezing it between my legs. They want to see what was banging the table. My heart was beating so fast that I was shaking. I stood up and flopped my balls on the table, my dick was pointing up at about 40 degrees. Mike was laughing, applauding, cheering. A little too much. The girls were a little too quiet. They made a few noises. Ashley pointed to it and then pointed to Sara, like see what you will get.

I had to stay like that, no more hiding. Mike was next to get completely naked, he wasn't at all shy about showing what he had. He should have been, at least comparing to me. I don't think I'm that huge but I've got over 7 inches of dick. Its average size around. Pink with a little bit darker head, I get red when I cum, not purple. No huge monster veins. And light brown pubes, mostly just on top of my dick, not too many around or on my balls.

Mike was probably 5 inches at most. And he had fuzzy pubes covering everything. You really couldn't tell where his balls were, it looked like a big fuzz ball. And his dick was dark. I had seen it all through football but never studied it. It was a whole lot different the first time I saw it.

Back then, it was a cute little pink thing with tiny balls in a loose cute scrotum. He was so much hairier than me that it made us look like different species.

With Mike dealing, he made a point of dealing my cards so that each card went under my dick on the table, and his hand would run over the top of my dick each time. Even if he was doing it to mess with me, there was an awful lot of contact, he was liking it too much. I am glad that it was only 5 cards, I was jumping at and enjoying each card dealt. When all tits were exposed, Sara and Nicole were the only people with panties. I lost and Sara had to come around and play with my balls. I was ready for the game to quit right then and Sara and I go continue playing in the back room. There was a buzz in my dick and balls when she let go. Then Lauren had to do a lap dance to me. Lauren then had to open her pussy. Man!

I wish I had been closer, I wanted to do a little more looking.

By this time, forget the 5 card draw, we were just pulling a card out, the low card had to do what the high card said. When Sara and I each pulled kings, Ashley and Megan pulled 5's. Sara and I decided that they should go play with Mike. One hand had to be on his dick or balls but there other hands could go else where. It was fun to watch the two girls fight over Mike, their hands would push each other to get to the good spot on Mike.

Nicole won high, and Ashley and Lauren tied low. Nicole made them get all sexy with each other. I swear by how they did it, they had done it before. The two of them completely naked, rubbing their bodies on each other, making that face like they were getting close to cuming. Hairy pussies were rubbing up and down legs. Nipples were smashed together. I couldn't help myself, my hand wrapped around my dick and I was stroking a little, just to keep from going crazy.

Sara and Megan had to do the same thing. Sara wasn't as good doing it with a girl but Megan looked like she has definitely done some muff chomping. She didn't actually do it, but she got down on her knees and acted like she was.

When Mike and I pulled deuces, we looked at each other, knowing that the girls were going to be cruel, and they were. We had to do a little grinding. Never in my life had I done that with a boy, especially with absolutely nothing on. As Mike's stuff got close to mine, his pubes tickled and just as his skin touched mine, I jumped back. I tried to stay still but jumped back a second time. Mike grabbed my butt and held me. He pulled me close enough to let his dick just barely touch and tease my dick and balls. I forgot to breathe, I was staring at our dicks coming together, I forgot anybody else was there. He was grinding me and I felt a little precum ooze out of me. I was thinking that I was going to cum when Mike stopped and backed off.

The girls were clapping and cheering, Mike was taking a bow, I felt my face turn red, both from embarrassment and excitement. My dick was just making me put my hand on it, I wasn't stroking but I had to at least have my hand on it.

The card pulling was barely part of it until Mike was making the girls go down on each other. He wanted to see them licking each others' pussies. We are all drunk by now, very drunk. I had been drinking Bacardi stuff that tasted like cherry, orange and whatever. I could have been talked into doing anything, I kept whispering to Mike to make me and Sara fuck. I say I could have done anything. The girls said they would go down on each other if and only if Mike jacked me off.

I didn't want to jack myself off and it was even going to worse to let Mike jack me off. They wanted to see cum fly, not just a few strokes on my meat.

And I felt like I was so close to actually fucking Sara that I didn't want to waste anything on getting jacked off.

I was begging not to, the girls were insisting, Mike was really pressuring me. While Mike wanted to see the girls do it, he seemed like he wanted to get his hands on my dick as much as he wanted to see the girls. When I made them swear to never tell anyone, I allowed it. I had to get up on the counter so they could all see. Mike got on one side of the counter and the girls on the other. Mike messed with my head when he asked me if I wanted to spit in his hand.

I couldn't figure out why I would spit in his hand until he explained it was for lube. I told him he could, he didn't think I would want his spit on my dick. That really didn't seem to matter then or now. I told him to use everybody else's then. He held out his hand and all the girls spit into it.

I closed my eyes and Mike wrapped his hand around my dick. My legs lifted off the counter. He massaged my dick, moving his fingers around, saying that I had a lot more than he did, and he rubbed his palm over my dick head.

He started stroking for real. It was rougher and harder than what I do alone, making my balls bounce up and down. I was trying to relax. I really wanted them to give up before I shot. But I felt my cum building up. I was really straining to keep from it, I was tensing up all over, I knew I only had a little more time.

Then Mike let go and pointed out to the girls how my balls had sucked up into my body. He told them that meant that I was ready to shoot. I was ready to hit him in the head. He pulled on my scrot and that made me relax a little. He pointed out that they could see my balls dropping back down. I had never noticed that before on myself.

He stroked me a few more times and he quit just as my balls were rising again. He told the girls to feel how empty my scrot was. I was growling and moaning as I could feel their hands on my scrot. He offered his own so that the girls could feel a scrot full of balls. I couldn't stand it any longer, I started to stroke myself. They slapped my hand away and I begged Mike to do me.

He got serious about it. He held my scrot in one hand and jacked me just right in the other. I was about to bust, my butt was off the counter, my hands were digging into the wood. Just as I was letting go, Mike put one finger right on my asshole and pushed. I screamed! I shot cum high and hard. I have no idea how many times I shot, or for how long. It felt like it went on for ever.

The girls cheered, I stayed there and smiled. I heard one say that was the first time she ever saw that. Another one agreed but she got shit and had to explain that `he' shot inside the condom inside her.

I'll leave off here for now. Partly because I think this is where I passed out for a little bit. And partly because I want to see if anyone wants me to keep telling this story. Email me and tell me what you think. I really want to know what you think.

Next: Chapter 2

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