Sensual Boys

By Jamie R.

Published on Dec 9, 2003


This story is copyrighted by me James Ramsey. This story is fiction. If your not suppose to read this type of story then leave. Comments and feedback encouraged. Thanks.

Sensual Boys, Chapter 2: Sebastian and the Bully

Jamie woke up the morning after he had met Jacob and Jared feeling pretty good. He went into his bathroom to piss before returning to his bedroom. He stood in the large open space in front of his bedroom door totally naked. He stretched and stripped his boxers off. Slowly Jamie began to move his body through a series of stretches some of which would make a contortionist proud. After stretching Jamie began to go through a series of warm up exercises before starting his daily workout. His workout consisted of running through multiple martial arts position and moves until his muscles seem to sing.

With his body feeling energized Jamie went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. As he washed his body he couldn't help, but think of the things that happened yesterday. By the time he got out of the shower his dick was throbbing. After using a towel to dry his body he stood in front of the mirror admiring his thick cock which was jutting out from his body as he used the hair dryer and brush to fix his hair.

With his hair dried and brushed free of tangles Jamie walked into his bedroom. His cock had deflated slightly, but was still hard. He decided to do something about it before he got dressed. He sat on the edge of his bed and began stroking his uncut seven inch cock until it was rigid. He then leaned over and actually took the head of his cock into his mouth. His arms were wrapped under his legs and his fingers were tickling his asshole and nuts. He was sucking on his fat spongy cock head and swallowing the pre-cum that was leaking from his dick.

Jamie loved being able to suck himself. He rarely jacked off the regular way and even when he did he often sucked himself to completion. With the thoughts of Jared and Jacob running through his head it didn't take Jamie long to reach orgasm. He sucked hard on his cock head and licked it furiously as he began to shoot a large load of cum into his mouth. He swallowed and sucked at his cock head until he was sure nothing else was coming out.

He sat up breathing heavily, but in a relaxed sort of way. He stood slowly as his cock quickly shrank to its 4 inch flaccid state. He moved to his closet and picked out a pair of kaki shorts and a tight green shirt. He slipped on a pair of silk bikini briefs and got dressed. He ran his hair brush through his hair once more and put it into a ponytail. He put three gold loops in each ear and a cuff earring in each of his upper ears. He looked himself over in the mirror before heading towards the kitchen for breakfast.

He made himself a bowel of apple cinnamon oatmeal and grabbed a soda from the frig. He ate quickly before putting on his shoes and heading towards the bus stop. Jacob and Jared were already waiting at the stop when Jamie arrived. The two boys waved Jamie over to them and smiled when he got near.

"Hey guys," Jamie said.

"Hey, what's up?" Jared said.

"Ah, not much," Jamie replied.

"Uhm, guys about yesterday. You all ain't going to tell anymore are you?" Jacob said a bit nervously.

"Hell no. You aren't are you Jake?" Jared said.

"Nah dude. I ain't gonna tell. What about you Jamie?" Jacob said.

"Why would I tell? Hell guys, I wouldn't do anything to make you guys mad at me. Besides, if I tell, you guys aren't likely to do it again are you?" Jamie said with a smirk.

"You got that right dude. I would have to fuck you up if you did and you can bet it wouldn't happen again," Jacob said with a smile to take the sting from his words.

The conversation turned to more normal things. The bus arrived shortly after Jamie had and they all got on board. Jacob went to sit with Jen while Jamie and Jared took a seat together again.

"So, tell me dude, are you really 100% gay dude?" Jared asked Jamie.

"Yeah, girls don't do anything for me," Jamie said with a shrug.

"That's cool," Jared said.

"What about you?" Jamie asked.

"Nah, I don't know. I ain't gay, but I sure ain't straight either. I guess I am bi," Jared said with a sigh.

"Its cool guy. Nothing wrong with it. Hell, only idiots think there is anymore," Jamie said.

"Yeah, tell that to the average person around here and see what they say dude," Jared replied.

"So? Who cares? I don't," Jamie said with a grin.

"Yeah, fuck the lot of em eh?" Jared said.

"Yep, as many as I can," Jamie said, which had the desired affect of causing Jared to burst out laughing.

The two new friends chatted for a while before the bus arrived at the school. They said their good byes and went their separate ways. Jacob and Jamie met up outside of the bus. They walked over to Jacob's friends and stood around chatting for a while before the bell rang.

The group split up and went towards their separate classes. Crystal and Jamie and first block together and say in the back chatting. Jamie was surprised at how nice Crystal seemed and he noticed that she was very observant because she was always one of the first to answer the seemly trick questions the first block teacher was prone to asking.

As first block was winding down the teacher told the class they could talk amongst themselves. Crystal turned to Jamie and the two began to chat. It wasn't long before Crystal decided to ask a personal question.

"Jamie, I hope you don't get offended, but I have to ask, are you gay? If you are you can tell me I wont tell anyone," She said in a low voice.

"Well, I am not too sure saying yes to that would be a good idea at this school Crystal," Jamie said.

"Hey, I am cool. You can trust me besides I think my little brother might be gay too and I'm cool with it. I promise it will stay between you and me," She said with what Jamie could tell was real sincerity.

"Yeah I am," Jamie said.

"Awesome, we can talk about, which guys we think are cute," She said. They both giggled at that. "So do you plan on telling Jacob and Jared?" Crystal asked.

"Nah, I think I will keep it to myself for a while," Jamie lied. He didn't want to let anyone get the impression that Jared and Jacob might not only be ok with him, but be willing to fool around as well.

"Yeah, they might not take it too well," Crystal said.

They continued to talk until the bell rang. They said their good byes and Jamie headed to second block. His second class of the day was uneventful. When the bell rang for the midday break before lunch, Jamie headed towards his locker. As he got near his locker he heard some noise in one of the classrooms he thought were suppose to be empty.

Jamie's high school was a large building that actually combined the middle school and high school into one building. The school must have been built when the town was larger because it was far too big for the number of students it housed. This meant that several classrooms went unused except for storage.

He walked towards the unused classroom and peaked in through the door's window. He saw three boys in the room. One was a tall fat kid and a shorter skinny boy. They seemed to be picking on a younger kid that Jamie couldn't see through the window. Jamie opened the door and walked casually into the room.

The two bullies turned towards Jamie. They were both rather ugly and looked like a couple of thugs. "Get the fuck out of here little girl. This ain't none of your business," the fat boy whose name was Chris said.

"Yeah, fuck off," the other boy whose name was Daniel said.

Jamie finally saw the boy they were picking on. He was surrounded by his books and scattered papers. He stood about four foot ten inches tall and didn't look like he could have weighed all that much. He had large blue eyes, milky white skin, and strawberry blond hair that hung around his tear stained face to his shoulders. Jamie thought he looked a lot like Crystal and wonder if this was the brother she mentioned. He also thought the boy was really cute.

"Well I'm going to make it my business if you don't leave the kid alone," Jamie said.

"Yeah? What is a pussy like you going to do about it?" Chris said.

"A lot more than you might think you fat pile of shit. Leave the kid alone or else," Jamie said in a surprisingly calm yet hard voice.

"Why you little cunt. Who the hell do you think you are huh?" Chris said as he lumbered towards Jamie and shoved him. Chris was surprised when his shoved didn't knock Jamie down.

"I warned you," Jamie said. Before Chris could quite figure out what was happening he was staggering backwards. Jamie had punched the older boy in the gut. He approached Chris while the other bully was still recovering and gave the bully a round house kick to the chest causing him to fall flat on his ugly ass. Daniel was coming for Jamie now with both fists tight.

Jamie didn't even give Daniel time to hit him, but landed a surprisingly hard flat palmed punch to the skinny boy's solar plexus. It knocked the air from Daniel's lungs and he made strangled noises as Jamie swept his legs out from under him. Daniel fell hard onto Chris. The two boys lay there dazed as Jamie approached the young boy they had been picking on.

"Hey guy, are you ok?" Jamie asked softly as he began helping the kid pick up his stuff. "Yeah," the younger boy managed to get out in.

"Come on, let's get outta here before the morons get up," Jamie said. He put his arm around the younger boy and guided him out of the room.

"We need to get you cleaned up," Jamie said as he guided the boy to the restrooms.

"By the way, my name is Jamie. What's yours?" Jamie said as he set the boy's stuff down and wet some paper towels to wash the boy's face.

"Sebastian," the boy said.

"Nice to meet you. Here stand still," Jamie said and began washing Sebastian's face gently.

"Thanks," Sebastian said.

"No problem, how old are you?" Jamie asked.

"Twelve and a half," Sebastian said.

"Why were those boys messing with you guy?" Jamie asked

"They.. they.. Think I am a.. faggot," Sebastian managed to get out before be started sobbing again.

"Hey now. It's ok, you're safe now. Stop crying. Come on perk up," Jamie said while wrapping his arms around the younger smaller boys shoulders in a gentle hug. Sebastian kind of leaned into the hug still crying. "Sebastian, why are you crying? Did they hurt you?" Jamie asked. Sebastian shook his head `no'.

"Then what is it?" Jamie asked.

"I can't tell you," Sebastian sobbed.

"Yes you can. I am not like those guys. You can tell me just let it out," Jamie said soothingly.

"I.. I`m.. what they.. Think I am. There I said it I'm a faggot," Sebastian said and sobbed harder. Jamie hugged him tightly and didn't let him go when he tried to pull away after he revealed his secret.

"Sebastian, listen to me buddy. You have to ignore those assholes. Even if you like guys it is ok, guy. There's nothing wrong with it. Don't call yourself a faggot, dude. So you like guys huh? That doesn't make you a faggot," Jamie said softly.

"It doesn't? What does it make me then?" Sebastian said softly hugging Jamie back as his sobs began to subside.

"Like me. Gay," Jamie said.

"Your gay too?" Sebastian whispered.

"Yeah, it is ok. There is nothing wrong with me and there is nothing wrong with you," Jamie said.

"Ok," Sebastian said. His tears were clearing up and Jamie held him for several minutes before washing his face again.

"Come on, it's lunch time and after all that you have to be starving," Jamie said while looking at Sebastian and giving him a dazzling smile.

Sebastian smiled and nodded his head. Jamie's heart seemed to skip a beat when he saw Sebastian smile. He thought how cute the boy looked when he smiled.

They walked together in silence to the lunch room. They got two trays of food and looked around for a seat. Crystal was sitting with Kenneth and spotted Jamie and Sebastian. She waved the two boys over to her table. The two boys walked over and sat down across from were Crystal and Kenneth were sitting.

"Hey little brother. How did you and Jamie end up meeting?" Crystal asked with a smile on her face. Her comment confirmed what Jamie and thought. Sebastian was the brother Crystal mentioned.

"Uhmm.." Sebastian looked down at the table. Crystal turned towards Jamie with a questioning look on her face.

"I stopped by my locker on the way to lunch and heard some noise coming from one of the empty rooms. I walked in there and found these two boys picking on Sebastian. I made them stop and got him out of there," Jamie said.

"Made them stop? How did you do that?" Crystal asked.

"With his fists and feet," Sebastian said.

"Really? Who were they?" Kenneth asked.

"Two idiots I don't know their names," Jamie said.

"I do. Chris and Daniel they are both sixteen," Sebastian said bitterly.

"Chris tucker?" Kenneth said in surprise.

"Yeah him," Sebastian said.

"Damn Jamie, how did you take him on. He is three times your size, dude," Kenneth said in awe.

"I took martial arts for a long time. Mom wanted to make sure I could defend myself," Jamie said.

"It worked," Sebastian said.

"Yo, Bastian. Why were they fucking with you?" Kenneth said. The look on his face said he wasn't happy about it. Kenneth and Crystal had dated so long that he thought of Sebastian as his little brother.

"Because.." Sebastian looked at the table again. He appeared on the verge of tears.

Jamie put his hand on Sebastian's shoulder and leaned over motioning to Crystal. He whispered into her ear telling her what Sebastian had told him. She just nodded her face turning grim.

"Those two idiots have no right to fuck with you because of that," She said with real venom in her voice.

"'Cause what, baby?" Kenneth said.

"Jamie, you didn't tell her did you?" Sebastian blurted staring at Jamie like he had been stabbed in the back.

"'Bastian," Jamie said softly using the nick name he heard Kenneth use. "She already knew or rather suspected. It is ok. She doesn't care," Jamie said.

Sebastian looked at his sister. She smiled and walked around the table to wrap her arms around her little brother. Sebastian rested his head on her shoulder. "He's right, it is ok. I don't care. I still love you. You're my little brother," Crystal said stroking Sebastian's hair.

"Someone mind filling me in here?" Kenneth said while looking from Jamie to Sebastian and finally to Crystal.

"Honey, can I tell Kenneth? He can keep a secret. I am sure he will be ok with it," Crystal asked Sebastian.

"Tell me what?" Kenneth said a bit annoyed. Sebastian just nodded resignedly.

"'Bastian's gay baby," Crystal said softly.

"Is that all? Fuck, you know my favorite cousin is gay Crystal," Kenneth said as he finally began to get what was going on. His face began to change slowly as his mind put two and two together.

"I know. Sebastian didn't though," she turned and looked at Jamie. "Have you told Sebastian?" She asked.

"Yeah, he knows I'm gay too," Jamie said looking at Kenneth.

"Hey, I have no problem with it guys. If anyone gives either of you any trouble tell me and we will take care of it. Ya hear?" Kenneth said looking from Jamie to Sebastian. Both boys nodded.

Crystal stood up and went back to sit by Kenneth. Sebastian looked pale, but he was smiling. Jamie gave him a warm smile and quickly squeezed his hand under the table causing Sebastian's grin to get wider.

Crystal and the three boys sat talking while they ate their lunches. "Hey, Sebastian. Would you like to come to my house this afternoon?" Jamie finally asked as lunch was ending.

"I would really like that," he said while turning to his sister. "Do you think mom would let me?" He asked her.

"Yeah, let's call her now before class starts. She will be thrilled for you to be making friends. She worries about you," Crystal said with a smile.

"Here, you can use my cell phone. Just don't let anyone see you. We aren't suppose to have there here," Jamie said. "Will your mom want to talk to mine?" He asked looking from Crystal to Sebastian.

"Yeah, what's her number? Do you need to call her first?" Crystal said.

"Yeah. Let me call her and tell her what is going on and let her know your mom will be calling," Jamie said.

He pulled a small phone from his pocket and called his mom. She was eating lunch herself. He explained what had happened and that he wanted a friend to come over. He also told her that the boy's mom would be calling her. She asked if he and the boy were alright. When Jamie said yes his mom asked if the boy was cute to tease him. Jamie blushed when she said that and told her yes. After telling her that he loved her he said bye and handed the phone to Crystal.

She told her mom about Jamie asking Sebastian over. Crystal left out the detail about the bullies and vouched for Jamie being a good guy. Her mom spoke briefly to Sebastian and said that as long as it was alright with Jamie's mom he could go to Jamie's house for the afternoon. Their mom said that she would pick Sebastian up at six and she told Crystal how happy she was that Sebastian was finally making friends.

After getting off the phone Crystal smiled. "Well looks like you get to go hun," she said.

"Great!" Sebastian said a bit too enthusiastically, which caused Kenneth to snicker behind his hand. Sebastian didn't notice he was beaming at Jamie. The bell rang and the group split up. They had made plans for Sebastian to ride the bus home with Jamie after Crystal's mom called back saying she had talked to Jamie's mom.

The next two periods were uneventful. Sebastian met Jamie at his locker when the last bell rang and the two boys walked together towards the buses. As they were walking they spotted Chris, Daniel, and another crony named Ben of his heading towards them. "Shit," Sebastian said softly when the older boys reached them.

"What do you guys want?" Jamie asked loudly. He handed his book bag to Sebastian and stood in front of the other boy. protectively

"You think your something fag boy don't you? You're just a pussy that got lucky. Your ass is mine now you fucking pansy ass queer," Chris sneered loudly.

"Uh huh, I see you two morons decided that you couldn't handle two little guys on your own," Jamie said shouted looking at Ben.

"Fuck you, you smart ass little cunt," Chris growled while swinging at Jamie's head. A small crowd had gathered. They had been drawn by the shouting.

Jamie had pushed Sebastian further back behind him while he was talking to Chris. He was waiting for Chris to swing and easily dodged the punch. With Chris still recovering from missing, Jamie punched him hard in the face. Chris actually reeled as much from shock as from pain. Jamie didn't give him time to recover. He gave Chris a hard round house kick right to the gut, which caused the fat boy to double over. Jamie then kicked the back of his legs and caused him to fall to his knees while doubled over. To add insult to injury Jamie kicked Chris in the ass causing him to sprawl flat on his face.

The other two boys came at Jamie together. Ben got his arm kicked out of the way while Daniel got a punch to the nose. Ben managed to land a punch to Jamie's stomach and Daniel caught Jamie in the chest. Jamie recovered quickly though. Kenneth and Jared came up then and grabbed the two boys. Holding them back from Jamie who looked somewhat wild. His hair had come undone and he looked scary standing there in a defensive position.

A teacher finally arrived on the scene and asked what was going on. Sebastian who had been standing back in the crowd told the teacher what happened. Luckily the teacher was a friend of Sebastian's mom so was inclined to believe him. He asked others from the crowd to confirm it then told Jared and Kenneth to release Daniel and Ben.

The teacher ordered Daniel and Ben to pick up Chris and told them to march to the principals office. He turned to Jamie and told him to go on home that he wasn't in trouble. Jamie finally relaxed and nodded.

Jamie, Sebastian, Kenneth, and Jared all walked towards Jamie's bus. Crystal joined them all four were congratulating Jamie and telling him that they couldn't believe what they say. Jamie just smiled and shrugged. Kenneth and Crystal headed towards his car after Crystal gave both Jamie and Sebastian a hug and peck on the cheek.

Jared, Jamie, and Sebastian got on the bus together. With the last of the students finally on the bus the drive headed out. Sebastian sat between Jamie and Jared. Had the boys been bigger all three of them would have had trouble fitting in the single seat. This meant that Jamie and Jared were both pressed closely to Sebastian.

"Man Jamie, I didn't think someone your size could move like that! You fucking kicked that fat slobs ass!" Jared said when they had gotten underway. Sebastian seemed a bit shy with Jared there.

"What was up with that? Why were you kicking that guys ass?" Jared said.

Jamie glanced at Sebastian and smiled reassuringly before telling Jared the entire story. He ended it by telling Jared about him inviting Sebastian over.

Jared smiled at Sebastian who was a bit pale. "Hey, its cool. Me and Jamie are buds," Jared said.

"Yeah, trust me Sebastian. Jared doesn't mind what we are. Do you Jared?" Jamie said.

"Nah man. It is fine with me besides I was telling Jamie this morning that I thought I was bi," Jared whispered in Sebastian's ear. Sebastian looked at Jared in shock.

"You can't be," Sebastian said.

"I am. Ask Jamie," Jared said.

Sebastian turned to look at Jamie who nodded.

"Hey where's Jake Jared?" Jamie said after he looked around the bus as they were getting off.

"Oh, he has football tryouts today. Hey, if it is ok I might stop by later, but I got to run. I am going shopping today for some CD's I have been wanting to buy. I will see you two later," Jared said as he took off towards his house at a trot.

"See ya," Jamie said before turning to Sebastian.

"Let's go. My house is just through the trees here. You can't see it from the road," Jamie said while taking a hold of Sebastian's hand. The other kids and the bus had cleared out so that no one could see them.

Sebastian grinned from ear to ear and walked beside Jamie up the driveway to the front of the house. They went inside the house after Jamie cut off the security system. Still holding Sebastian's hand Jamie began to give him a tour of the house. He started with his bedroom and worked his way through the house to the basement and finally to the backyard. The entire time he and Sebastian were talking getting to know each other. Jamie hadn't let go of Sebastian's hand yet.

They were standing in front of the pool talking when Jamie turned to look at Sebastian. "Hey, do you want to go swimming?" Jamie asked.

"I don't have a suit," Sebastian said.

"Well, you could borrow one of mine, or we could go without them," Jamie said with a wicked grin.

"What? Skinny dip?" Sebastian said blushing.

"Yeah, mom doesn't mind and she wont be back for an hour. Besides no one can see us back here," Jamie said.

"I don't know," Sebastian mumbled.

"Come on," Jamie said. He finally let go of Sebastian's hand and began removing his jewelry and laying it on a table by the pool. He smiled at Sebastian as he pulled his shirt off.

Sebastian was staring at Jamie. He couldn't believe how sexy Jamie looked or the fact that he was starting to strip in front of him. Sebastian's three inch flaccid uncut cock quickly inflated to a surprising six inches of chubby cock.

Jamie noticed the tent that formed in Sebastian's shorts and began taking his shorts and underwear off as his own seven uncut inches rose to attention. Sebastian gasped when he saw how big Jamie was and couldn't help blurting out. "Your huge!"

"You don't look very small yourself Bastian," Jamie said while staring avidly at Sebastian's crotch.

Sebastian looked down and noticed that his shorts were tented obscenely and blushed.

"Hey, you know your cute when you blush. Come on strip," Jamie said moving towards Sebsatian.

Sebastian looked up from his crotch into Jamie's sexy green eyes. He raised his arms as Jamie grabbed his shirt and pulled it off of his head. He stood trembling as Jamie's long fingers undid his shorts. He gasped when he felt the warm summer breeze graze his milky white cock when Jamie pulled his shorts and underwear down.

Jamie stood up looking into Sebastian's eyes. Their cocks were just barely touching they were standing so close. "Come on let's swim," Jamie said smiling.

Sebastian was still blushing, but grinned at the naughtiness of standing naked with another boy outside with two boners rubbing against one another.

Jamie took Sebatian's hand and they ran together and jumped into the pool. They swam around splashing and playing just having fun. They would grab at each other and try to dunk the other boy. Their smooth bodies rubbed together and their cocks occasionally grazing various parts of the other boy's body. Neither one went completely soft during the entire time they swam. After a while they got out of the pool and went inside to dry off. As they were drying off they heard Jamie's mom through the intercom system. Jamie pressed the button and told her what they had been doing and where they were at. He told her they were going to head up to kitchen for a snack before going to his room. She said ok and that she would be in her study.

Jamie turned to Sebastian and grinned. Sebastian and started to put his clothes on, but Jamie stopped him. Taking two large terry cloth towels Jamie wrapped one around himself and another around Sebastian. Giggling Jamie gathered their clothes and began walking upstairs. Sebatian also giggled and followed.

They sat in the kitchen for a few minutes drinking soda and eating cookies before heading up to Jamie's room. They had been sitting holding hands when Jamie's mom dropped by the kitchen. She introduced her introduced herself with a smile and a wink at Sebsatian. Sebastian blushed, but Jamie hugged his mom and gave her a kiss on the cheek from his chair.

When they got to Jamie's room Jamie shut the door and turned to Sebastian. Grinning wickedly he removed his towel and quickly grabbed Sebastian's. He threw the two towel's on the floor and grabbed Sebastian's hand. He pulled a blushing erect and grinning Sebastian over to his bed. Jamie's cock had gone hard again as soon as he saw Sebastian's awesome six incher.

Jamie crawled into his bed and got under the covers and motioned Sebastian to follow. He turned on some music using the remote and laid on his side facing Sebastian. Their cocks pressed together as Jamie pulled Sebastian to him. He hugged the younger boy while looking into his eyes before kissing Sebastian on the lips. Sebsatian kissed back and soon the boys were tongue wrestling.

Jamie rolled over onto his back pulling Sebastian over on top of him. They humped their hard cocks together while Jamie sucked on Sebastian's tongue and rubbed his back. Jamie's cock was leaking a lot of pre-cum making both their cocks slick.

After what seemed like hours Jamie rolled Sebastian over onto his back and began kissing him while pumping his seven inches of thick boy cock against the stiff young cock below him. He kissed and nibbled his way from Sebastian's full lips and started working on Sebastian's neck and ears. Sebastian was whimpering as he felt Jamie's hot mouth and talented tongue licking and kissing all over his neck. He gasped when Jamie sucked on his ear and grabbed Jamie's ass tightly pressing his six inches hard against Jamie's seven inches.

Jamie grinned and looked into Sebastian's eyes before giving him a long French kiss. He then mad his way down Sebastian's body stopping at his chest to suck and nibble on the tiny erect nipples. He swirled his tongue around each nub and took them between his lips. He licked and kissed down Sebastian's trembling stomach. He stuck his tongue in Sebatian's cute innie belly button, which caused Sebastian to giggle and grab Jamie's head.

Sebastian didn't let go of Jamie's head as it moved closer to his throbbing erection. He couldn't remember ever being so turned on in his life. His body was shaking from the feelings Jamie was giving him. Jamie's mouth didn't touch his cock, but moved around it. Jamie licked and sucked on the smooth hairless flesh of Sebastian's thighs causing the younger boy to whimper in pleasure.

Jamie licked from Sebastian's knee to his thigh. His tongue traveled up his leg stopped to lick the sensitive spot below Sebastian's sac. He kissed the smooth balls one at a time before taking each one into his mouth and sucking on it. Sebastian's cock was twitching and throbbing as Jamie's tongue and soft lips worked on his sac.

Soon Jamie was kissing and licking his way up Sebastian's smooth shaft. He licked the pre-cum from the shiny pink cock head before sucking it into his mouth. Sebastian's finger's curled into Jamie's hair as Jamie began swirling his tongue under Sebastian's foreskin. Jamie rubbed his fingers across Sebastian's sac and down towards the younger boys white bubble butt. Sebastian instinctively raised his hips to thrust his cock into Jamie's mouth. Jamie was really driving Sebastian wild with his oral actions. The younger boy was thrashing on the bed and mumbling incoherently.

Jamie wet one of his fingers and then sucked hard on the head of Sebastian's cock as he touched to pale pink hole in the cleft of Sebastian's ass. Sebastian jerked as he felt the finger tip rubbing his ass and thrust his hips harder driving his entire thick six inch boy cock into Jamie's mouth. Jamie's nose was buried into the small soft patch of red pubic hair around Sebastian's cock.

He began working his finger into Sebastian's ass as he used his other hand to play with Sebastian's balls. Sebastian grunted as he felt Jamie's slender finger probing his ass and groan when he felt it brush that special spot inside of him.

Jamie had worked three fingers into Sebastian by the time the younger boy began to moan loudly. Sebastian's body convulsed and then went rigid before convulsing again as he squirted his small boy load into Jamie's hungry mouth. Jamie finger fucked Sebastian as he milked the last of the cum from the trembling boy.

He pulled his fingers out and slid up beside Sebastian. He wrapped his arms around the younger boy and kissed him soulfully. Sebastian was still hard and could feel Jamie's cock pressing against his sensitive cock head. He pushed Jamie onto his back and began kissing Jamie's neck as Jamie had kissed his. It was Jamie's turn to whimper as Sebastian showed a natural talent for giving pleasure.

Like Jamie Sebastian worked his way down the trembling boys body. He was soon taking Jamie's pre-cum soaked cock head into his mouth. Jamie was murmuring encouragement, telling Sebastian how good he was, and asking him if he had done this before. Sebastian sucked Jamie's cock greedily.

Jamie watched as Sebastian's full red lips stretched tightly as they slid up and down his pale tan cock. He could see Sebastian's bubble butt and knew what he wanted to do. He pulled Sebastian off of his cock and pulled him to his face. They sucked on one another's tongue like they were starving.

Jamie broke the kiss and looked into Sebastian's lust filled eyes. "Bastian? Can I fuck you?" Jamie said in a sweet, but lust filled voice.

Sebastian leaned forward and kissed Jamie. He sucked on Jamie's tongue before rolling off of him. He lay on his stomach and pushed his ass in the air and grinned over at Jamie. Jamie got up and scooted Sebastian into the center of the bed. He put pillows under the younger boy's crotch and then began kissing Sebastian's neck. He rubbed his cock head between Sebastian's cheeks. Sebastian's crack and asshole soon became coated in pre-cum.

Sebastian was surprised when Jamie began kissing down his back and bucked forward when he felt Jamie spread his ass cheeks. He ground his cock into the pillows as he felt Jamie long talented tongue licking his tight puckered hole. He couldn't believe how good it felt. Jamie's face was buried between Sebastian's milky white globes as he tongue fucked the boy's ass getting it all slicked up for his seven inch cock.

When Jamie was sure Sebastian was loose enough he slid up so that his cock was rubbing between the spit soaked ass cheeks. He spit into his hand and stroked his cock quickly. He lined his thick spongy head up with Sebastian's quivering hole. He kissed Sebastian's neck and shoulders as he slowly slid his cock head past Sebastian's anal ring.

Sebastian's whole body tensed when Jamie entered him, but he didn't cry out only whimpered sexily. Jamie rubbed the younger boy's back and continued kissing his neck as he felt him relax underneath him. As Sebastian relaxed Jamie slid the rest of his rigid cock into the stunningly hot gripping tunnel that was Sebastian's ass. Sebastian could feel Jamie's body laying flat across his back. The older boy's cock was throbbing in his asshole and his hips were pressed hard against his bubble butt.

Jamie sucked on Sebastian's ear as he began to grind his hips into the tight white ass. His cock was swirling around poking at Sebastian's insides at various angles as Jamie worked to loosen Sebastian up. Sebastian was soon grinding his ass against Jamie's crotch. "Fuck me please," Sebastian whispered.

Jamie slowly withdrew his cock from the boys ass until only the fat head remained. He slowly pushed into the hot tunnel at a slight downward angle designed to hit Sebastian's prostate as the fat seven inch tool slid back into the hilt. Jamie kept up this slow steady pace for sometime. By the time he started to speed up, Sebastian was squirming like mad and bucking his hips.

He increased his fucking slowly. He picked up speed as Sebastian worked hard to meet his downward thrusts with upward thrusts of his own. Soon they were fucking hard and fast. Jamie's cock was driving in and out of Sebastian's ass like a piston. He kept twisting his hips making his cock hit Sebastian's insides at different angle, which always brought gasps and groans from Sebastian.

It didn't take much of this hard fucking before the constant assault on his prostate and the friction from the pillows caused Sebastian to cum for a second time. It took another minute or so as Sebastian's body convulsed beneath him for Jamie to hit his own orgasm. He shoved his cock into Sebastian with surprising force as all the muscle sin his body locked and he trembled and jerked as he shot his load deep into Sebastian's ass.

He collapsed onto Sebastian's back and lay panting for several minutes. The boys rolled over and embraced one another. The kissed passionately yet tenderly for a long time before they got cleaned up and dressed. They were sitting on the futon watching TV cuddled up to one another when Sebastian asked Jamie a question.

"Jamie, will you be my boyfriend?" Sebastian asked.

Jamie looked into Sebastian's eyes and kissed him softly on the lips. "Yes, if you are willing to share me," Jamie replied.

"Share you?" Sebastian said with a confused look on his face.

"Yeah, you know with other guys. I didn't tell you, but me and Jared slept together yesterday. I would like to do it again, maybe even with you there with me," Jamie grinned wickedly.

"You did it with Jared? Really? Man, he is hot. I bet he is big," Sebastian said.

"He is. Like nine inches," Jamie said.

"Ok, I can share you as long as I get to join in the fun and as long as you tell me who you do it with," Sebastian said.

"Deal," Jamie said and they began kissing once more.

They talked for sometime before Sebastian's mom came to pick him up. Jamie actually kissed Sebastian good bye in front of Jamie's mother before walking him to his mom's car.

Next: Chapter 3

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