Servant to a Soccer Stud

By Jake Tam

Published on Dec 18, 2018


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<Authoritarian, m/m, high school, college, feet>


Brad started getting dressed. "Fag 2, take my sock off your nose now. Then go get me some socks from the hamper and throw these ones in there. I don't want my feet covered in fag saliva." No one else was upstairs, so Tommy risked being seen totally nude as he dashed to the dirty laundry hamper to switch out Brad's just-worn socks with some even dirtier ones that had at least dried completely. When Tommy returned, I could see the rubber band marks on his face where the sock apparatus had been. "Put my socks on, bitch." When Tommy was done, Brad kicked him away and ordered, "Now go back to sucking Fag 1's feet."

Tommy did so, this time for the first time uninhibited by the sock that had been tied to his nose. My feet felt even better being nuzzled by more human skin and flesh than before. Soon enough, we could hear what were Kyle's footsteps. With Tommy slobbering all over my feet, Kyle enters the room. Tommy kept doing what he's doing, and I didn't move, either.

"What the fuck!" Kyle exclaims. "Brad, why you letting Connor get worshipped like he was a real man?"

"Cause I like playing with the fags," Brad replied. "And cause I knew you'd be mad."

"I ..." Kyle paused. "I don't like it at all."

"Well, bitch, then you'll like it even less when I tell you Tommy also sucked Connor off and guzzled down his sperm."

Kyle was wide-eyed and sighed, then looked back over at me and huffily commanded, "Connor, get over here and greet your Master properly."

Any other time I would've instantly dove at Kyle's feet, but with Brad in the room, I looked over at him for permission.

"Go ahead, faggot," Brad nodded.

And so I made a B-line for Kyle's feet, stepping on Tommy's face with my own right foot as I got up out of the chair. In less than a second, I was on my knees, head bowed all the way down to Kyle's right socked foot, and started kissing it respectfully and zealously. Then the left foot. I also repeatedly stated, "Master Kyle, I am and will forever be your slave."

Kyle would've wanted me to go on for a while, but Brad interrupted, "Enough, fag. Time for dinner. Get dressed. You, too, Fag 2."

Dinner was uneventful. The Petersons (including the Mom and Dad) did most of the talking, while Tommy and I sat mostly silently. We knew from past experience that Brad and Kyle didn't really like us calling them by only their names (as opposed to God, Stud, Master, etc.), but when we were "in public", we had no choice. So we all decided that Tommy and I would speak as little as possible altogether.

When we went back upstairs, Brad announced, "I'm going out for a while with my buddies. When I come back, I expect both fags in my room ready to perform my bedtime worship. I know tomorrow is a school day for Connor, but he'll survive. Why don't you go home now and do some homework, then be back here by 10." I could see Kyle starting to protest, but a steely look from Brad shut him up.

"All right, Fag 1, get outta here," Brad ordered as he once again put on that sexy varsity soccer jacket of his. I headed home. It was 7:15. Since I had just cum, I was for once not horny. I did 2 solid hours of homework.

At 9:45, I packed an overnight bag, said good night to my parents, and headed back to the Petersons'. When I went upstairs, Kyle's door was closed, but Brad's open, with Tommy (with clothes on) sitting inside on the floor reading a textbook. I think finals were coming up for him. Tommy signaled for me to join him in Brad's room, and I closed the door behind me. I sat down a few feet away from Tommy on the floor. Given all that had happened, it felt rather awkward. Tommy kept flipping the pages in his book, but I don't think he was really reading. I finally broke the silence, "So ... what were you doing just now?"

Tommy sighed, his eyes still glued to the book rather than make contact with me, "Kyle was really mad about everything Brad did today, and he took his anger out on me. He made me rim him for over an hour, farted over a dozen times directly into my nose, then slapped and kicked me repeatedly before pissing directly into my mouth. Of course I swallowed every drop. He then made me get him hard all over again, and I deep throated him for at least another half hour before he fed me his cum for the second straight time. Then it was back to kissing his feet until just now when he literally kicked me in the face out of his room to wait for Brad. I assume he's asleep now."

I nodded, "Ok ... I'm jealous."

Tommy finally looked up at me and started laughing. I started laughing, too. I was glad I could make Tommy laugh at least momentarily. He just seemed so sad all the time. Sad not that Brad and Kyle were brutalizing him, but sad that his homo genes wired him to want to be brutalized by Brad and Kyle.

So we just kept chatting. I asked him about Brad in college. He asked me about Brad growing up. He told me about his new massive crush on Kyle. I said I dreamed Kyle would be my boyfriend since I knew I was gay. He said he would be happy just being Kyle's footstool for the rest of his life. Later, I wondered just how messed up it was that we spent the entire time talking about Brad and Kyle.

Then the conversation shifted to the events of earlier in the day. I said, "Sorry about earlier. I mean, I really enjoyed kissing you, and that blowjob you gave me was freakin' amazing. But I'm sure you didn't want to, and you definitely didn't want to kiss my feet."

Tommy paused for a second, then said, "Well ... it's what Brad wanted, so making him happy really does make me happy. And ... well, look at you, you're hot. I've been so caught up with serving Brad that I've had no time to date or find a boyfriend, so I haven't kissed anyone in a really long time. So it felt really nice to kiss you, and obviously I like sucking cock and kissing feet, so ... happy to do those things for you, Connor, really." Hearing those words, I reached out and hugged him. He was so sweet. I could've started kissing him again but we heard the door open downstairs. The king was home. It was 10:45. We both rushed to strip our clothes off and get on our knees in position facing the door.

Then Brad walked in. He'd been drinking. He still looked hot. He closed the door, pulled his pants down, turned his butt toward my face, grabbed the back of my head and thrust it forward. Then he commanded, "Dig your nose right up against my anus, fag." I spread Brad's ass cheeks apart and nuzzled my nose in position. Then Brad laid a huge, loud fart directly up my nose. "Breathe that in, you stupid faggot." Of course I did, as hard as I had breathed in his feet earlier in the day. Then he farted again, like an aftershock of an earthquake. I breathed in hard some more. His farts smelled worse than Kyle's. Still, my dick was rock hard again. Then Brad turned around and aimed his cock at my mouth. "Open, faggot. You're gonna drink my beer piss, and you better not spill a drop." I had had considerable practice drinking Kyle's piss, so this was nothing new, except that beer piss usually comes in large quantities. So I had a lot to drink; still, I performed my duty like a good fag should. "So convenient with you fag toilets on demand. Don't even need to go to the bathroom." Then Brad had me rim him for a while while Tommy watched.

Then Brad hopped on his own queen-size bed. "Get me comfortable, Fag 1." That was me. I remembered Brad ordering this earlier on Fag 2 and the sock apparatus that had to be manufactured. I glanced momentarily at Tommy who gave me an encouraging nod. I crawled over to Brad's feet, removed the right sock, turned it inside out, and stuffed it toe-side first into my mouth. Remember, these had come not out of the dresser, but out of the dirty laundry hamper, so another night of wear made them extra crusty and grimy. (Needless to say, I loved the stench.) Then I took the other one off and started looking for a rubber band when Tommy handed one to me. I then mimicked what I saw Tommy do earlier, which was to turn this sock inside out as well and place the stinky toe area right up my nostrils, then tie the rubber band around my head to hold the sock in place, while the rest of the sock dangled over my mouth. With that chore done, I removed the rest of Brad's clothes all the while chewing one sock and inhaling the other.

"Yeah, bitch," Brad said. "After all the excitement from earlier, I didn't want you to forget your place. Inhaling my farts and drinking my piss is still a privilege and honor for you, even if Fag 2 is even more pathetic. Don't you dare forget that." With his sock in my mouth, I nodded my head vigorously in agreement with God. "All right, Fag 2, special treat for you. Come and get my cock-cheese." Tommy ran up to Brad's cock, peeled back its glorious foreskin, and started to suck the delicious juices underneath. Honestly, there wasn't that much cheese since I had just sucked him off a few hours ago, but the sexiness of Brad's foreskin still made Tommy dizzy with desire. I did my part by continuing to breathe in my rancid sock treat with gusto.

Until Brad said, "Fag 1, spit out my sock and take that other one off your nose. I know Kyle's taught you how to lull his feet while he falls asleep. You're gonna do that for me tonight, but luckily or unluckily for you, since tomorrow's a school day for you, and I'm sleeping in, you don't have to be at my feet when I wake up. That'll be Fag 2's job. And while you're at my feet now, Fag 2 will continue to nurse my cock while I fall asleep. He knows when he can stop, and then both of you can sleep on the floor." So I complied, burying my face in Brad's glorious size 13's. Above me, I could hear Tommy's mouth making sweet love to Brad's even more glorious semi-hard cock. And about ten minutes after that, we heard the sound of Brad's deep breathing, which mean we could stop and go to sleep ourselves. Exhausted, we both fell asleep instantly.

The next morning, I awoke to Tommy staring at me, inches from my face. I smiled. He smiled back. I planted a quick kiss on his lips and tiptoed out of Brad's room. Kyle grunted at me in the hallway, and after our uneventful morning routine, we headed to school together. Kyle again ordered me to be at home at 3. Tommy would later tell me that Brad spent the rest of the day abusing him as usual, though Tommy did receive both Brad's morning load and after-lunch load.

3 o'clock came, and Kyle showed up with Tommy. When we got to my room, Kyle slammed me against the wall and said, "Fuck you, you fuckin' faggot! I thought Brad was gonna educate you to make you a better servant. Instead, he lets you off easy, and even lets you get worshipped. Looks like I have to put you back in your place." First Kyle feeds me his afternoon piss, then he takes his pants and underwear completely off and tells me to rim him. I spread his ass cheeks apart and do my thing, while Kyle rips a few farts. Then he orders Tommy to blow him. Finally Kyle was feeling better again. Unlike Brad, Kyle had never had two people service him at the same time, so he was ecstatic to finally try it. And long ago he decided that the cocksucking/rimming combo would bring him the maximum pleasure. "Oh fuck yes, you fuckin' fags. Worship the hell out of me. Yeah, that feels so good." By 3:30, Kyle ejaculated into Tommy's mouth while my tongue was up his hole.

Then Kyle announced, "I gotta go. My grandparents are here for Thanksgiving, and they're staying through the weekend. That means we can't go to my house for a few days. And Brad and I won't see you at all tomorrow since it's Thanksgiving day. So Tommy's gonna have to stay here with you, Connor. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Brad and I will come by as we see fit. Connor, if you're hanging out with your family during those days, Tommy will be here to let us in and service us. But even better if you're here, too. For sure on Sunday, before Brad and Tommy drive back, he will want a nice send-off from both of his faggots."

"Yes, Master Kyle," I said. "Thank you for letting us serve you today." Tommy just nodded. Kyle slapped me in the face and walked out.

After Kyle left, Tommy and I just looked at each silently for a moment. I decided to take the initiative. I held out my hand to Tommy's, and led him onto my bed. We sat down, and then I leaned forward to kiss him. Tommy had a surprise for me; he had not yet swallowed Kyle's cum. My mouth was immediately flooded with not just the taste, but the full, what's the word, WAD, of Kyle's sperm. It was spectacular. The last time I kissed Tommy for more than two seconds, he and I only had remnants of Peterson cum to tongue swap. But now we got to feed each other Kyle's full load. We savored it. We treasured it. Tommy would pass the delicious semen into my mouth, then I'd swirl it all over with my tongue, coating the inside of my mouth everywhere -- roof, sides, teeth, gums. Then I'd pass it back to Tommy. Then we'd engage in the process of French kissing both each other and Kyle's cum -- passionately. It was truly glorious.

A few minutes into our first make out sesh alone, we fell back onto my bed, our mouths never leaving one another, and kept kissing. Our hands also explored each other's bodies, hugging and grabbing and massaging, just rolling around in various positions. Finally, after nearly 10 minutes, I sucked all of Kyle's cream back into my mouth and swallowed it all. We were both rock hard and traces of our excited pre-cum was everywhere. Our lips left each other for but a second before we resumed making out. Since I wasn't out, I had no ability to do this with any other guy. Tommy was the only gay guy who knew my secret, and the fact that I found him cute, adorable even, made it easy for me to be drawn to him. The fact that we both experienced a similar path with superior alpha studs made our bond that much tighter. It made it seem like I'd known Tommy forever; even though I knew so little about him and had met him so few times, that part of him I did know was all that seemed to matter. Our respective servitude to Brad and Kyle Peterson had so taken over our lives that the rest of our identity seemed unimportant.

Finally we stopped kissing, our heads on one pillow, as we faced each other, and just stared into each other's eyes.

I blurted out, "I love you, Tommy."

Without a second's hesitation, and without any stuttering, Tommy maintained full eye-contact with me and replied, "I love you, too, Connor."

I was reaching in for another kiss but Tommy had other ideas. He started kissing down my neck, chest, and abs, and I knew he was making his way to my cock. Unlike the rushed way he blew me yesterday with Brad looking on, this time he took his time, plus he didn't have Brad's sock in the way. And even though this blowjob was on Tommy's terms, Tommy's sole focus was on maximizing my pleasure. The careful attention he paid to every section of my throbbing dick, applying just the most impressive panoply of first-rate cocksucking techniques, went beyond words. If yesterday was my best orgasm ever to date, then today's came in second. My cum spewed into Tommy's waiting mouth in geyser-like fashion, the physical sensation more than matching the bombardment of emotions in my brain: that I just said I loved a boy, that he said he loved me back, that boy was performing an incredible blowjob on me, and yes, my ongoing crush and lust for Brad and Kyle, the size of their cock, the taste of their cum, the smell of their farts, and the sweat on their jock feet.

After he had swallowed the last of my voluminous load, I said, "My turn", and I started to switch places with Tommy, but Tommy stopped me.

"No, Connor," he said. "Please let me worship your feet and let me jerk off while doing that."

"But why? Don't you want me to make you feel good, baby?"

"Yes, but at this moment, all I want to do is make mouth love to your feet. That's what will make me feel good. Please, Connor, I'm begging you."

I had never been begged before. But I realized then that Tommy and I were not quite the same. I mean, obviously, there aren't that many white American gay guys around our age who whore themselves out to straight studs and also have massive foot fetishes. So yeah, for the most part, our DNA was the same. But whereas I was a sub because I wanted to be a sub to Brad and Kyle, Tommy was a sub because he wanted to be a sub, period. As usual, Brad was right: Fag 2 absolutely wanted to worship Fag 1. Serving a fellow fag made Tommy feel more inferior, and feeling more inferior made Tommy feel good. And Fag 1 (me) didn't mind this dynamic.

So Tommy made his way down to my feet and started doing his thing. He was every bit as good a foot worshipper as I was. True foot fags treat male feet the way other fags treat cock, and the way straight dudes treat pussy. Tommy's breathing, kissing, licking and sucking all showed just how much he was into male feet. Tommy, who had not cum in several days, started jerking his cock with one hand while continuing to make out with my feet, intensely and passionately. Within a few minutes, he blew his load all over my bedroom floor.

Then Tommy said, this time stuttering again, "Thank you, Connor, for letting me jerk off to your feet. I don't deserve it, and Brad never lets me do this, so thank you so much, Connor."

Then he got up and reached for some tissues on my desk. I decided to try something, "What are you gonna do with that?"

"Um, to wipe my cum off the floor."

"You don't need tissues to do that, do you ... faggot?"

"I ... no, of course not, sir." And then Tommy returned to his spot at the foot of my bed, bent his neck down, and went to work licking up the copious amount of his own cum off the floor.

When he was done, he crawled over to the side of my bed and remained on his knees. I got up, pulled him up, and gave him a big hug. Then I said, "I want you to know that if you want me to dominate you, I will do so out of love, not like Brad and Kyle, ok? And I think I know you well enough to know what you like, and I'll only ever ask you to do stuff I think you like, ok?"

Tommy's reply: "I love you so much, Connor. I'm actually relieved we get to spend the next 40 hours together free of Brad and Kyle."

"Me, too, sweetie."

Then we went downstairs for dinner. (I told my parents and sister that the Peterson grandparents were in town, so asked if Tommy could stay with us for the rest of the weekend. They had no problem, thinking Tommy would be sleeping in a sleeping bag, not curled up with me in my bed fully nude for the next four nights.)

After dinner, Tommy and I went back upstairs and hung out like boyfriends. It was so cool. We played video games, we kissed, he'd make out with my feet or my cock some more, and also sucked on my nipples. We were so excited that we were gonna get to do this four nights in a row. When it was bed time, we both got under the covers and held each other until we fell asleep.


Next: Chapter 18

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