Servicing Straight Boys

By Rome Krone

Published on Jul 27, 2014


Author's note: This story is completely fictitious and pure fantasy. It contains depictions of sexual acts between adults and minors. If easily offended or if it is illegal to read such material where you live, please refrain from continuing or do so by your own volition. This story is the work of the author and should not be copied or posted elsewhere in any way without the permission of the author.

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Servicing Str8 Boys

I wasn't sure how much time had passed. My shivering, worse than wearing wet clothes in the winter, ended, to be replace by self-preserving debilitating numbness. On some buried subconscious level I knew if I thought about it the shaking would start again. And it did. The reign of hell was about to descend.

Four Hours Earlier

The last bell of the afternoon triggered the excitement of my four buddies and me whooping for joy. We were officially on spring break. No more school for the next twelve days. Rushing out of school we walked the mile to my house at the edge of town while grab-assing like we always did on Friday afternoons.

My little house is our hangout, off the beaten path and comfy. My mother works evenings at the medical center and my dad only comes around on occasional long weekends to pick me up to join him in some venture with his new family. Living three and half hours away from my dad, this doesn't happen very often. I love my mom and dad, but they don't love each other. Those days were long gone.

"Griffin, there's lemonade in the fridge. I left the house unlocked for you," mom called to me from the driveway on her way to work.

"Thanks mom," I shouted back accompanied by a chorus of `thank you' and waves from my friends.

"Dex, I swear, if I were sixteen years younger, you'd be my fellow," mom teased Dex from the car window as she backed out.

Dex turned scarlet, and we all laughed. Dexter Khouri was my very best friend. My mom loved him; and so did I; more than he knew. With a handsome Arab father and a beautiful dark Irish mother, Dex was a head turner. Flawless skin tone, dark eyebrows, long lashes, playful brown eyes flecked with gold, and ebon hair spun of thick silk that made people want to run their fingers through it. He had it all. Not to mention the noble nose, rich coral lips, the young teen dusting of dark hair on his fifteen year old forearms and legs; plus an acute instinct and intelligently wicked sense of humor that always left me in stitches.

Inside I grabbed the jug of lemonade mom left for us while Dex got the glasses ready.

"Did you get a look at the boobs on Misty today? I think they get bigger every time I look at them. Damn, would I love to put my head between them and try to breathe," Luke said with a frisky sigh as he swiped a stray blonde bang draped across his forehead.

"I'd rather slide my dick between them," Thorn snorted grabbing his crotch and humping air. I think about Thorn too, but not as much as I think about Dex. Thorn is our bad boy; slender with dark auburn hair that sparkles with shiny copper highlights when he's under bright lights or in the sun. I often wondered what color his pubes are. Hell, I wondered what color Lukes pubes are too. Both guys are fucking hot and straight! Thorn and Luke are as tight as Dex and me. For some reason, or the misfortune of the draw, none of my gym classes were with my friends. Never got a chance to see what they're packing.

Dex rolled his eyes at me. Luke and Thorn were always talking about some girl they'd like to do it with. All talk, no action. None of us had ever seen any kind of action beside our own hands in private. Small town with a high school built in the late 1950s and one addition and renovation back in 1995, our county only had a little over 600 kids in high school and that was from grade 8 to 12. No middle school. County didn't have the need or the budget. Just small grade schools dispersed throughout the county from grades 1 to 7 and from there all kids went on to one county high school.

It seemed to be a status symbol for the local girls to have boy friends from the adjoining wealthier counties, so I guess all of our neighboring teen lads were getting it from our girls but none of us were. Those few girls who had boyfriends from our school were already locked up by the junior and senior boys. I reckoned once they've had an older teen cock in them, they didn't want our fourteen and fifteen year old cocks.

"What do think WG, would you fuck her?" Thorn teased Ares. Ares pretended he didn't like being called WG, but we knew he didn't mind. Thorn started it when he learned Ares was the mythical Greek god of war. Thus, began the moniker War God, which Thorn eventually shortened to WG. No we all called Ares WG.

"Damn straight! I'd ride that pussy and suck those tittys," WG grinned.

We all laughed knowing there wasn't much chance in the world of any of us getting in her pants. One of the neighboring county boys was already tapping that stuff.

From the corner of my eye I admired WG. Taller than the rest of us, biracial with pale milk chocolate skin, he kept his black hair short and inherited his German father's facial features; he was a rare blue eyed beauty.

I secretly knew I liked guys better than girls. No one else knew. Life would be intolerable if anyone found out. `Gay' was the putdown slur used by kids in our schools.

I often imagined what it would be like to play with another guy's junk. I especially used Dex as my favorite jackoff fantasy with my other buddies falling in a close second; but Dex was always in the fantasy with them. More than anything, I imagined bringing pleasure to Dex and other guys with my mouth, but the reality was I didn't have anyone I knew or could trust with my secret that would let me suck them. Dex was straight; and I didn't want to chance ruining my friendship with the guy I loved more than anyone.

The flip side of the coin was Dex and I shared a straight sex life. We had a secret, and certainly not a secret that we would ever share with anyone else. A little over two years ago when Dex and I were beginning to go through `the change' and I was getting our first wisps of pubic hair I was staying at his house for the weekend. His family had a swimming pool that we were told was off limits after dark. Boys being boys, we sneaked out one humid night after his parents went to bed intending to take a quick dip to cool off.

Crouching down to avoid being seen from the large glass doors leading from his parent's bedroom to the back patio we both stopped in our tracks, frozen, looking into his parent's room. Dex's fine looking father was fucking his mom. Word's failed me before I came to my senses.

"Let's go," I whispered urgently tugging on Dex's arm. He didn't budge.

"Come on," I tugged again.

"No, I want to see this. You can stay too, but you can never tell anyone." Dex said, surprising the shit out of me. I watched him drop to the lawn on his stomach.

Excited beyond anything I'd ever felt, and nervous as hell, I plopped down on the grass in the dark and lay next to Dex.

"Come on dad, get off her for a minute so I can see her tits and pussy," Dex prompted in a whisper talking to himself.

My cock was so hard I thought I might drill a hole in the lawn. I couldn't look away. When his dad lifted off his mom, I sucked in my breath. His subtly bowed cock was ramrod stiff, thick and long, brushing the dark hair around his naval.

"Fuck," Dex and I uttered at the same time. He, looking at his mom as she turned over on her hands and knees presenting herself to her husband, and me, looking at the stallion who was about to mount Dex's mom again.

When he plunged into her from behind I came in my swim shorts.

"Grif, I just came in my bathing suit?" Dex whispered.

"Me too."

That was the beginning of us sneaking out every time I stayed overnight at his place and trying to catch his parents having sex. They never disappointed us. His dad was a horny stud who liked to have the lights on when he fucked his wife. We'd lie on the lawn until we came in our pants and then go back to Dex's room and each take turns cleaning up in the hall bathroom. His parents were never the wiser because their room was on the other side of the house. The whole time I never got to see Dex's junk or he mine.

And then the even more unbelievable happened. Dex's father's younger brother came to spend some time with them. I was staying over on Friday night after school and we did our usual sneak out and try to see his parent's having sex. I can't even explain how stunned and horny I was when I saw Dex's dad and uncle take turns tag teaming Dex's mom. I came three times that night before we went back to Dex's room.

Back in his room, Dex was deep in though. I kept quiet and let him process what we saw, ready to listen or talk if he was.

"You're my brother, my best friend. When I get married, you and I are going to take turns fucking my wife. That was fucking hot!" Dex firmly stated out of the blue.

I knew my best friend and I knew he was dead serious. He was going to marry a woman who would let us both fuck her or he wouldn't stay married. Holy shit! Imagining seeing Dex naked and fucking made me almost cum again. I wanted to tell him I'd pleasure him right then if he wanted, but was to chicken. Instead I chocked back the tears of joy because he called me brother.

"Hey man," Dex bumped me. "Earth to Grif".

"Huh? What," I tried to gather my thoughts and come back to the present.

"You day dreaming about Misty's tits?" Thorn grinned.

"Luke asked where your football is. Thought we'd toss a few passes before we head home," Dex said.

"Oh. It's in the closet in my room. I'll get it, but gotta wizz first. Be right back," I said.

In the bathroom, I fished out my dick and let the stream flow. Finishing up, giving myself a couple of tugs and shakes, I tucked my cock back in my shorts and left to get the football.

At the door to my room I stopped short. A cold chill ran through me. Luke was sitting on my bed with my wooden puzzle box beside him. The top was open and he had a magazine in his hand; the other guys were looking at it. I could have heard a pin drop it was so strangely quiet.

I panicked. My voice raising two octaves. "Did you open that?" I yelled at Dex.

They all turned to look at me. No one said anything. The look on Dex's face was stunned disbelief.

"I found it when I came to get the football. Got a box exactly like it and know how to open it. You got a thing for Dex here, huh?" Luke sneered throwing the photos of Dex across my bed. They were just ordinary images from over the years, nothing scandalous. But the erotic gay magazine in Luke's hand, hidden in the same box with the pictures of Dex, set my heart racing.

I lost my voice. My eyes pleading with Dex for understanding.

"Are you gay?" WG asked addressing the elephant in the room.

When I didn't answer, Thorn answered for me. "Duh! Fuck yeah he is. Why else would he have this shit?"

Thorn walked out, followed by Luke and WG. Dex looked like he wanted to say something, but decided to hold his tongue and brushed by me, angrily shoving me enough so that it hurt when my head bounced against the wall. I heard the kitchen door close and profound silence fill the house. The only sound; my heart thumping in my ears.

"Honey, what's wrong?" My mom asked me for the thousandth time. "Did you and Dex get in an argument? Give him a call. You and Dex have been inseparable since first grade."

I refused to look at her. "Just leave me alone, would you," I snapped.

"Okay. But I'm worried about you," mom said. "I have to leave for work in a few minutes. Are you going to be okay? I'll stay home if you want."

It was late Monday afternoon and mom was going back to work after hovering around me all weekend. She knew something was wrong, but couldn't figure it out. The worry was written in her expression.

"I'll be fine," I lied.

"There's mac and cheese in the fridge you can heat up for dinner," mom said picking up her purse and heading for the door.

"Thanks," was all I said. Mac and cheese. Comfort food. Mom was trying her best to make me feel better.

I listened to her start the car and back out of the driveway. Sitting on the sofa, I escaped into my protective numbness refusing to think about the hell that was going happen when spring break was over and all the kids in school heard what happened.

The incessant rapping made me jump bringing me back to the present. If I sat quiet and didn't move maybe it would go away. And why was someone at our kitchen door instead of the front door? No one but mom, me, and my friends used the kitchen door. `Go away,' I thought.

"Hey Grif. We know you're in there. Come on man open up." Thorn's voice shouted.

We', he said we'. Crap, there was more than one person at the door. What were they planning to do, beat the shit out of me? Fuck that. I wasn't answering the door, and I sure as hell wasn't going to let them in. They'd figure it out and go away soon enough.

"Grif, please, come on, please," Dex's voice melted my resolve.

Fuck! I stood up and walked to the kitchen door. My four `former' buddies were standing on the other side of the screened door. "What do you want?" I asked with more sharpness than I felt. I think they were slightly taken aback by the vehemence.

"We just want to talk with you," Luke said. "Can we come in?"

"So you can beat the shit out of me. I don't think so. Four against one, that's hardly fair," I sneered reaching to close the door.

"Dex, tell him we're not here to hurt him or cause trouble," WG said. "We just want to ask him something."

Dex hadn't looked me in the eye yet. He appeared ill at east. In a quandary.

"No need to ask. You guys think you have it all figured out. Now go away," I looked directly at Dex when I said it. I saw the hurt look on his face, and for a moment I softened, until I remembered he shoved me into the wall.

"Grif, we're not going to tell anyone. We've talked about it and we don't want to hurt you. I don't want them to tell anyone. Please can we talk?" Dex pleaded.

"You're really not going to tell anyone?" I asked not sure I heard correctly. "You want everything to be just like it never happened?

"Not exactly," Luke said. "Come on man, can we come in?"

"Fuck it. I told you he wouldn't go for it. Let's go," Thorn said.

"Go for what?" I asked.

Not a one of them said anything, waiting for the other to speak first. Slowly I pushed open the screened door as an invitation for them to come in. Walking away I went into the living room and sat in a chair by myself. They filed in, taking seats and looking a bit on edge. Actually, they all looked really uncomfortable.

"Well?" I broke the silence.

"We want to know for sure, are you gay?" Luke said.

Incredulous, I stared at him. "What difference would it make now what I said?"

"Are you a fucking cocksucker? Dex swears he doesn't know and you never gave him any signs you were," Thorn snapped in irritation.

"I guess I am," I shot back not willing to explain or clarify anything for them. No need to tell them I've never done anything sexual with anyone other than watch Dex's parents fucking, and there was no way I would betray that trust, even under these circumstances. I've seen Dex's dad's cock but haven't seen my former best friend's cock.

"Good, that makes this easier," Thorn said.

I sat in silence waiting.

"Shit. Okay here goes," said Luke. "We want to know if you would be willing give us blowjobs on occasion?"

"What? Why?" was the only stupid thing that crossed my tongue? I watched Dex cringe.

"Not on occasion. All the time," Thorn said standing up to make his point. "Dex made us swear not to tell anyone about the magazine, but there is a price we want for our silence. We've never had sex and we're looking for an on call cocksucker, not a onetime deal. You'd be the ideal guy.

"You're blackmailing me?" I asked.

"No, not if you don't want to do this. If you don't, we'll leave and still won't say anything. Isn't that right guys?" Dex asked, giving each guy a withering look.

"Please say you'll do it," WG spoke up for the first time. "We're taking a risk here too if anyone finds out we're letting another guy swing on our knobs."

"So if I don't agree, then you guys aren't going to want me around anymore?" I asked.

"It would be kind of awkward after what we just disclosed, don't you think? I mean we're talking about dropping our underwear and letting you mess with our junk. If we all do this then we're all in it together and all hang out together like before, except when we're alone, then it's going to be different. We're straight and you're our cocksucker. I, for one, plan on having my cock in your mouth a lot. So not cool, if anyone else finds out." Thorn looked straight at me not blinking.

All eyes were on me except Dex, who was still not willing to look directly at me. It was probably only a few seconds but they seemed to drag waiting for me to say something.

"How is this going to work?" I finally asked.

"You mean you'll do it?" Luke was genuinely surprised. I caught a glimpse of excited hope.

"Not necessarily," I said. "There have to be some boundaries and rules to protect each of us, especially me if I'm going to let you guys use me."

"What kind of boundaries?" Thorn asked, skepticism creeping into his voice.

"First and most important, you need to be clean and smell good down there, at least in the beginning until I get used to each of you. We can only do this when we are sure we won't get caught to keep all of us safe and out of trouble."

"Is that all?" Luke asked.

"For now," I said. "When did you guys think you wanted to try this?"

"We were thinking right now, if that's okay with you? Your mom is gone and this is the safest place we know," Thorn said. "We can use your bathroom to get ourselves ready."

"How do you want to do this?" I asked.

"We don't know. We've never done this. What do you want us to do?" Luke asked.

I shrugged, not really knowing what to do either.

"How about, if Grif is okay with this, we go to his room one at a time. Little more privacy the first time. Maybe in the future if this works out, he will begin to blow us in front of each other." Dex said, his voice hardly audible, but each guy listened.

"You okay with that, Griff?" Thorn asked.

"Okay," I shrugged, knowing that Dex loved watching live sex.

"Who's going first?" Thorn asked.

When no one answered, I stood and walked down the hall, "I'll be in my room. You guys come back in the order you decide."

I looked up when the door opened and Dex walked in closing and locking it behind him.

"So they let you go first," I said. "It was your idea to get me to suck you all to keep the other guys from telling, wasn't it?

Dex shrugged, but I knew the answer was yes.

"Why?" I asked.

"It seemed to me a win-win situation. I don't want to see you hurt. You obviously didn't want anyone to know and they get blowjobs for not telling," Dex answered.

"Is that the only reason?" I asked.

"Damn it Grif, I don't want to talk about it. Now is not the time for a lengthy discussion. The guys are waiting for their turn," Dex said.

"Fine," I snapped.

"How do you want to do this?" Dex asked.

"I don't know. I've never sucked a cock before," I was still a bit peevish.

"You haven't!" Dex was genuinely surprised.

"Who in the hell do you think I've been sucking? If anyone it would have been you," I said.

"Why didn't you tell me? I would have let you suck it. Then we might not be in this mess with the other guys finding out about you," Dex said.

"I thought you didn't want to talk about it right now," I quipped with a hint of sarcasm.

For the first time Dex looked me in the eye studying me. I could almost see the wheels turning inside his head, and I'd give anything to know what he was thinking. "Grif...," he started to say something and then clipped it off, stopping himself.

"Take your clothes off. I want you totally naked for this," I said dropping to my knees beside the bed.

"Grif, if you don't want to do this..." Dex started.

"'Would you just shut up, get naked, and put your dick in my mouth. I've wanted to see you naked and blow you ever since we were ten years old," I said.

Dex's eyes widened in surprise and then a shit eating grin spread across his beautiful face. "You got it," he said stripping quicker than I would have thought possible. When his blue boxer briefs hit the floor he stepped out of them and did a full male model turn to let me see it all.

I could only stare at this fifteen year old demi-god standing before me. He was the teen image of his handsome Arab dad. Perfect proportions, large dark areolas, the beginnings of a treasure trail descending to his still filling in thick bush of teen boy black pubic hair. An ass to die for; round, firm, with a hint of dark hair along the crack. And his cock, holy shit! Cut, thick, and long, standing straight up from two tanned hangers. Definitely a guy who would need support when playing sports to keep those bad boys from injury.

"You like, huh?" Dex teased giving his dick a couple of playful tugs, his expressive brown eyes sparkling.

"Fuck, you're even more beautiful than I imagined," I whispered in awe motioning for him to come to me.

There was no finesse our first time. We both wanted this. I wrapped my hand around his fifteen year old cock and guided him in my mouth where my tongue instantly lathed the surface while I moved his dick back and forth in the slippery warmth.

"Fuck!" Dex hissed when he first entered the moistness of my mouth.

Tears formed in my eyes, a combination of overwhelming joy and me trying to get as much of his long cock as far into my mouth as possible. I didn't even think about gagging. All I knew is that I wanted to bring this boy I loved more than anyone, as much pleasure as I possibly could. I went deep letting his cock head push against the velvet opening to my throat.

I let my hands roam as far as they would reach, touching his nipples, caressing the inside of this thighs, and cupping his teen balls. Dex shifted to give me more access to him.

"Oh my god, Grif!" Dex moaned. And then he began to move. Gently at first, becoming more urgent. Taking my head between his hands, entwining his fingers in my thick brown hair, he face fucked me, his rigid teen cock pistoning across my tongue. I inhaled his maleness each time his teen boy pubes brushed my nose. Intoxicating. Pheromones emitting subtle sweet ginger with a hint of mint and orange. It ought to be illegal for anyone to smell this good naturally. I already knew I'd do anything to get his cock back in my mouth in the future.

"Gonna cum!" Dex warned releasing my head and pulling his cock out, wrapping his hand around it, wanking toward my face.

I wasn't having any of that. I had waited long enough and I wanted to taste him. All of him. Taking both hands I grabbed his firm teen ass and quickly pulled him in to my mouth, not letting go, holding him there.

"Fuckin' cumming! Unnnggghhh!" Dex growled when the first spurts of teen boy cream forcefully splashed against the back roof of my mouth. He shoved in all the way, held still, and let his gratifying contractions flood my mouth with the remaining jets of his fifteen year old schoolboy cum. Twice he whimpered in bliss as he was squirting.

Reluctantly I released him, cleaning his beautiful cock and kissing the tip before he stepped back.

"Wow!" he said, leaning over to pick up his boxer briefs, giving me a view of his beautiful ass.

Stooping down beside me naked, Dex leaned in a whispered, "I have to brag about this; so don't be offended by what you hear. It's all part of keeping each other's secrets. Us watching my parents and you sucking dicks. You might be blowing these other guys because I arranged it to keep them from blabbing, but you're still my best friend. Besides, you know how I like to watch, and I'm looking forward to seeing you go down on them, especially WG. I've seen him in the locker room and he's got a long thick one for a fourteen year old."

Standing and sliding on his underwear, he grabbed the remainder of his clothes and walked out carrying them in a bundle, leaving the door open for the next guy. I was still trying to sort out what Dex just said.

`Damn, you took all your clothes off,' I heard WG say from the living room.

"Yep," Dex said.

"How was it?" Thorn asked.

"Wet, silky slick, hot, and way better than I ever thought it would be," Dex answered. "Felt so good my knees buckled while I was coating his tonsils. `Fucking awesome' doesn't even begin to describe how it felt!"

You mean he let you cum in his mouth?" WG asked.

"He wanted it bad and I gave it to him. Busted down his hot little cocksucking throat," Dex boasted. "Fuckin' amazing!"

"No way!" Luke said. "Did he swallow it?"

"Yep, my load is in his belly," Dex bragged with a chuckle.

"Fuck! I'm going next. Want to drain my balls in his wet hole," Thorn said. I heard his footsteps heading for my room.

"Get ready and lose your clothes. So much more freedom to move; and he has nice exploring hands while performing his service. Feels fucking good," Dex called as Thorn entered my room not bothering to close the door all the way.

"Said you wanted us naked," Thorn didn't wait for me to reply before he began undressing letting his clothes drop where they fell.

I smiled when his briefs got tangled around his ankles and he almost toppled over in his hurry to lose them. My mystery question was answered. Thorn's pubes were the same auburn and burnished copper as the hair on his head. Formed in a bushy tuft arching over his cock and down to beside his balls, he was still filling in. His crotch hair hadn't formed the triangle shape of older teen boys.

"You want this?" Thorn asked pointing toward his dick.

Fucking hot dick it was! Uncut, with the head peeking from the foreskin in the transition stages of going from flaccid to erect. Like the adorable bad boy he is, Thorn never really gave anything a lot of thought, he just charged forward like a bull and dropped on my bed putting his hands behind his head and spreading his legs as an invitation for me to get started. By now his teen staff was rigid and leaking.

"Damn, you're really nice," I couldn't help saying.

"Less talk and more action cocksucker. Get down on me," Thorn commanded. I caught a hint of pride and a satisfied smile at my compliment hidden behind his gruff demeanor.

I started to crawl on the bed and halted when Thorn said, "wait."

"What?" I asked.

"Take your clothes off," Thorn said.

"Huh?" I wasn't sure I heard right.

"Take your fucking clothes off. I don't want to be the only one totally naked. Feels weird having me in my birthday suit and you're fully dressed." Thorn explained.

Seems to me it would be even more awkward for a straight boy to have another naked guy on the bed with him, giving him a blowjob, but who was I to argue. I had a nice body and teen package and certainly wasn't ashamed of it. If this fifteen year old stud wanted me naked while I sucked his cock, then naked I would be. I took my clothes off and crawled across Thorn, accidently letting my cock brush his, getting to the other side and in position to blow him.

"Watch it," Thorn growled when our cocks touched, but he didn't move his hands or stop me.

Leaning on an elbow, my face level with his crotch, I admired his junk. Beautiful!

"Come on buddy, get busy," Thorn said.

I couldn't help it. I leaned over and licked my way up his cock from balls to the head. Laving the precum from the head of his dick I covered him, my mouth descending down his fifteen year old shaft until my nose nestled in his copper pubes.

"Yes!" Thorn hissed, raising his hips in eagerness. His hip action continued, up and down in my mouth. I loved it and explored his body with my hands while I pleasured his young cock.

"You like the hair around my dick, cocksucker?" Thorn teased when I kept running my fingers through it. "You mouth feels so fucking good. I'm going to let you play with it every chance we get."

"Dex said you swallow. Is that right?" Thorn asked his voice becoming husky.

I nodded without removing his beautiful cock from my mouth. I felt a hand on the back of my head holding me in place. Thorn arched up impaling himself deep in my mouth.

"Good. Because I'm cumming. Now! Fuuucccckkkk!"

Spurts of fifteen year old boy cream filled my mouth.

"Yes! Fuckin' yes!" Thorn shouted, unable to control his volume.

When he stilled and relaxed the pressure on the back of my head, I slowly released him.

"Swallow it," Thorn said.

I swallowed his teen cum. Applause made both Thorn and I jump. Standing at the door were Dex, Luke, and WG.

"We thought someone was dying in here," Luke teased Thorn for being so loud.

"Fuck you," Thorn tried to act irritated, but couldn't quite pull it off. "Actually, if I was going to die that would be the way I would want to go."

"Well, since we're all here and there sure aren't any secrets between us now, why don't we all lose the threads and take this to the living room where there is more room." Dex said. "That is if Luke and WG don't mind having their turn with us watching."

"Sounds like a plan," Thorn jumped off the bed heading for the living room before Luke or WG could respond. Luke and WG right behind him.

"You got undressed for him," Dex hissed in a not so pleased whisper.

"He told me too," I said, not sure why Dex was upset.

"Did he try to fuck you or talk about it?" Dex asked.

"No! That wasn't part of the deal anyway. Just blowjobs," I snapped.

"I don't care if you suck a thousand guys, your handsome ass is mine and I say who gets it and who doesn't," Dex snapped. "Don't forget it. Put your underwear on before you come out." Swinging around, he left me standing there totally bewildered.

Masking my irritation I put my underwear on. What the fuck was his problem?

Next: Chapter 2

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