Serving Casey

By Ben Coolen

Published on Oct 29, 2017


Serving Casey

By Ben Coolen

This story contains sexual acts (domination, submission, oral sex, masturbation) between young males. If you don't like it, or it is illegal in your country, state or community, please stop reading it immediately.

This story is 100% fiction.

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Thanks to Naughty Bard for proofreading the text.

Chapter 3

When I got home, I rushed straight to my room. I threw Casey's bag down, took off all my clothes, dumped them into the hamper and took a long shower.

I wasn't just washing the dried cum and tears off my body, I also tried to wash off the humiliation. It didn't go away of course. I had been labeled as a fag -- a water-resistant stigma -- and made publicly sniff another guy's jock.

To my horror I had to admit to myself that a part of me had enjoyed the ordeal. The painful truth was that I had been sexually aroused from being the object of mockery and amusement for those physically and mentally stronger boys; a fact that I had ultimately proved true by masturbating in the car while reminiscing of that experience.

When the news about what happened in that locker room would reach our school, my life would be over before it had even properly begun.

My only hope left in that cruel and hostile world was my friend Casey. He was one of those fighter guys himself and could hopefully talk them out of making the scene public. But the story was so juicy that I doubted even he could do anything about it. And, worst of all, they had the video.

I dried myself with a towel and glanced at the alarm clock. Casey should be home by now.

I ran downstairs with Casey's bag, jumped into the car and steered it to the familiar route towards his house.

His little brother Mikey -- a year younger than Casey -- let me in. I climbed upstairs and knocked on his door.


I went in and put the bag down. Casey was chilling on his bed comfortably, concentrated on his smartphone.

"Casey," I started and tried not to choke.

"What's up man," he said without looking up.

"I need your help. Badly."

Casey looked at me and grinned.

"Hey," he said.

"The guys gave you a bit of a hard time, right?"

"You heard already?"

"Yeah, I was just chatting with Shane. Did you like the smell of my jock?

"Casey! It's not funny."

"He-he-he-he, all right. They were out of line I guess. I'll talk to them on Wednesday when we have practice."

"Casey, today is Monday! The whole school will know about this by tomorrow morning."

Casey gave me a knowing smile.

"I very much doubt that."

"Really? Why?"

I already felt a bit relieved. I knew I could trust Casey; he would do anything to solve my problem.

"Why? Because the guys don't want the coach to hear a word about what happened at his gym today. Some of them might get kicked out of the club."

"Casey, I can't rely on that. Somebody talks to somebody... and they got a video too."

Casey didn't seem to be listening to me; he was chatting with somebody again and typed on his keyboard intensely.

"Casey, can't you... can't you do something? Please," I said with a shaky voice.

He sighed and picked up his phone.

"All right, all right. I'll talk to Logan if you want it that bad."

He pressed a speed dial button. Logan picked up almost right away.

"Logieeee, what's up man? Has the bitch put out for you yet? No? Ha-ha-ha, you'll probably stay a virgin for the rest of your sorry life he-he. Me? All I have to do is pull my cock out and chicks line up to suck it, man."

Casey chit-chatted with Logan for several minutes until he got to business.

"So Logie, I heard you and the guys were a bit hard on the guy I sent to pick up my shit today."

Casey listened for a good while.

"You know, he didn't take it too well. He doesn't know much about locker rooms, you see." He sounded apologetic.

"But tell me, what did you actually do to him?"

"Come on, you can tell me bro, you don't need to hold anything back. I wanna know."

Casey listened to Logan's description, biting his lower lip.

I was puzzled. Why did Casey want to hear all the details? Well, maybe he just wanted to know how hard he would have to be with those guys when he would meet them next time.

"Yeah? Aww, that was a bad start, ha-ha," Casey chuckled and glanced at me. Then he listened again for a good while.

"A-ha. Go on. A-ha. A-ha."

Then he grinned.

"Shane did what? Oh fuck, that's disgusting."

Listening to Logan's tale seemed to make Casey feel uncomfortable. He bit his lip, squirmed a little and slipped his hand into the pocket of his jeans.

"Shane made him do that? What, five times? In front of everybody? Fuck, it must've been a fucking riot in there. You're such a fucking badass Logie-man, did you know that? You do? Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha, I guessed you would say that."

Casey's hand rubbed his crotch inside his jeans absentmindedly. Was that a boner that was stretching the front of his pants? Did he get hard from listening to Logan's detailed description of me being tormented by those guys? No, impossible. I had to be imagining things. Post-traumatic stress they called it, I think.

"My bitch? Noo, he's... he's..."

A friend, I expected him to say.

"...just a guy who helps me out sometimes."

"Yeah, ha-ha-ha, exactly."

"Well, I wouldn't call him that but you can if you want, Eh-he-he-he-he!"

"He almost did what? Really? Shit, I know he's a wimp but that was a surprise," Casey said and gave me a disapproving look.

"But look Logie, you guys are gonna keep you mouths shut about what happened, right? Good, good." Casey winked at me.

"I knew I could trust you bro."

"Who took the video? Jimmy? Are you gonna see him tonight? Well, do me a favor and tell him to get rid of it, will ya? Tell him that I asked it as a favor. Good. No wait, tell him to send me a copy first and then get rid of it, okay? Good. Good. Thanks bro. I'll get back to you Logie-man. Try to get that bitch to spread her legs for you and then tell me all the details afterwards ha-ha-ha! Yes, Ah-ha-ha-ha! Okay bro, okay, yeah, I will, bye."

Casey dropped the phone on the bed and gave me a self-content smile.

"Problem solved. Nobody's gonna tell nothing to nobody, so you can just forget everything that happened today."

"Forget? Those guys gave me hell, Casey! They had no right to do what they did to me! I want you to tell them that!"

Casey let out a deep sigh.

"Logan told me you almost cried in front of the guys," he said, clearly annoyed.

"Well, I didn't want to but I couldn't help it, Casey; I felt so miserable."

"Well that was really embarrassing for me, Randy, you understand that? The locker room of a boxing gym is not a place for a man to cry. I was the one who sent you there, remember?"

"Embarrassing for you? What about me, Casey?"

Casey sighed again and sat up. He moved to sit next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I felt immediately better. Casey was taking care of me and my problems.

"Now listen carefully, buddy. I'm gonna tell you something important."


"Ever heard of alpha males?"


"Well, I'll explain it to you."

"Alphas are guys who are born to lead other guys. They are stronger and braver than ordinary guys. They tell the ordinary guys what to do and the ordinary guys follow their orders.


"Yeah. Now, do you see yourself as an alpha male, Randy?"


"That's right. You are one of the ordinary guys. Well, to be honest, you are softer than most of the ordinary guys. But anyways, do you see me as an alpha male?"

"Well, yeah, Casey. Sure do."

"And you're right again. Guys like me and Logan and Shane, we are alpha males. And all the other guys in that locker room are alphas too. Are you following me, buddy?"

"I guess so."

"Ordinary guys don't always like the things we alphas do, like when we skip the line at the cafeteria or steal somebody's girlfriend, but there's nothing they can do about it. It's just the way things are meant to be, Randy."

"It is?"

"Yeah. And the thing is, sometimes we alphas have too much energy in us. You know, testosterone, fighting spirit and shit. Usually we are able to let it out in a fight or in practice, and no one gets hurt. But sometimes that isn't possible. And today you just happened to have some bad luck, Randy."

"I did?"

"Yes, buddy. Today the coach gave a hard fucking time to all of us. He said we are just pussies and cowards who wouldn't last ten seconds in the ring with real men. Can you imagine that, Randy?"

"Well, I think he was being unfair to you guys. I know how hard you practice."

"Yeah, that's how we all felt like. So, the guys in that locker room are full of steam and anger and testosterone, looking for a way to let it out. And suddenly you show up, Randy."

"Bad luck?"

"Exactly. Bad luck. And Logie told me you acted like a real wimp, unable to say a word because you were so scared to be in the same room with them. When you think about it now, was that what really happened there?"

I looked at my shoes.


"So, you were scared and you showed it to the guys, right?"


"Well then, can you really blame them for using you to let out a little steam?"

"I guess not."

"Good. You get it now, dontcha?" Casey said and tousled my hair.

"Yeah, I get it."

"They just had some locker room fun with you, that's all, and they didn't really hurt you, did they?"

I suddenly felt ashamed for being so dramatic about some locker room fun.

"No, they didn't."

"So, in that locker room today you were just a regular guy with a little bad luck, scared to death for being the only weak guy in there, right?"


I thought for a while about everything that Casey had explained to me. I felt like I had let him down by shedding tears in front of the guys.



"I'm sorry that I acted like a wimp in there. I didn't mean to embarrass you."

Casey pulled me closer.

"That's all right buddy. It's already forgotten. Don't worry about it anymore."

I smiled for the first time in several hours. Casey was the best friend a guy could hope for.

"Thanks Casey."

"Don't mention it, buddy. So, how about we all forget about what happened today between you and the guys?"

"Yeah, let's do that."

"How about a game of UFC 3, then?"

I really didn't like the extremely violent games that Casey loved to play, especially when he was excited about something, but it was a price I often had to pay for his company.

"Yeah, that sounds great."

We played for a while, taking turns with the wireless console. I noticed that Casey seemed to be gradually losing interest in the game. During my turns he stared at the screen of his phone intensely and seemed to have lost his interest in anything else when I in turn offered him the console.

"What have you got on your screen that's more interesting than the game?" I finally asked.

Casey smiled and turned his phone so that I could see the screen. A young guy and a girl naked on a bed, fucking intensely. Casey turned up the volume and the girl's moaning spiced up the video.

"I'm so fucking horny," Casey grunted.

And as if wanting to tease me, he rubbed the bulge of his jeans. The denim was lighter and more worn there, a result of constant scratching and rubbing.

"Well, jack off then," I said, secretly hoping that he would do just that right in front of my eyes.

He snorted.

"I jerk off at least twice a day. I wish it was someone else's hand jacking it for me for a change."

I swallowed. That certainly was my wish too. I wished it would be my hand pleasuring Casey. But he couldn't have dropped that as a hint for me, could he?

I chuckled and extended my arm.

"Wanna borrow mine?" I said, trying to sound mischievous. My question rang constrained even to my own ears.

I kept looking straight to the screen, but from a corner of my eyes I saw Casey glancing in my direction.

"Yeah, I might do just that," he said and hooked his left leg so that his thigh rested on top of mine.

Did he really want me to jack him off or was he just playing with me? If he wanted to, I would certainly do it. Casey was such a good friend, and he had helped me so unselfishly today. Besides, he was one of those alpha guys and if he wanted something, he would get it.

I knew it was a crucial moment. If I wouldn't laugh off his comment, I might get to experience something new and exciting. Getting my hand into Casey's jeans.... That was something I had been dreaming about for a long time.

Or alternatively I might fall into his trap and be labeled as a fag for the rest of my life. Making a pass at Casey would probably end my friendship with him. I decided to play it cool.

"Sure. Just return it when you're done," I said, and placed my right hand on his thigh, halfway between knee and crotch. His firm leg felt so good against my hand.

A silent moment followed. I felt tiny drops of sweat forming on my forehead, but I kept looking straight ahead. Then I felt Casey's hand on my wrist. But instead of pushing my hand angrily away, he pulled it higher on his thigh. My little finger almost touched that forbidden bulge.

I tried to swallow but my mouth was dry. Acting like under a spell I moved my hand just a tiny little bit higher. I could feel my little finger touching his rod through the thin-worn denim. I didn't dare to move my hand any more, but I pressed on the bulge a little with my finger. I heard him breath in.

I knew I had to do it or I would regret it for the rest of my life. I moved my hand high enough to cover his hard-on. I rubbed it gently and felt his cock pulse.

"Lock the door," he ordered.

I got up and turned the key. Then I sat down on the bed again.

"You can take it out," he said. His voice was steady and confident.

I was still frightened to show my true feelings, to reveal my lust to my best friend.

"I don't... Casey I'm not.. I don't know if I..." I stuttered.

Casey chuckled.

"Don't try to pretend man, I know you wanna do it."

"What? No!" I quipped angrily, but Casey just snickered.

"You think I haven't noticed the way you stare at my package? I'm not that stupid. Go on, I'll let you do it."

I blushed. Casey had seen through my pathetic cover all the time. It was true that I was fascinated by his scrotum and loved to see his package move inside his pants.

I looked at him. He looked amused, but his eyes relayed expectance and lust. He grabbed a pillow and placed it behind his shoulders. Then he leaned back and crossed his hands behind his head.

"Well?" he said impatiently.

I lay down on the bed next to him and started to rub his crotch. I felt his cock react immediately by getting hard.

It was obvious that Casey was just going to enjoy my services, with no intentions of helping me in any way. I leaned closer and studied the sturdy belt that was keeping his jeans up.

With some resistance the thick leather gave in and I managed to unbuckle it. Then I snapped the top button of his jeans open, letting my fingers feel the warm skin of his lower abdomen and the slightly coarse hair of on it. I took hold of the tab of his zipper and pulled it downwards.

The flaps of his jeans parted, and revealed his pearl-white Hollister boxer briefs. I could smell the odor of something dangerous and forbidden... a teen boy in lust.

Casey sat up, took his shirt off and threw it on the floor. Then he leaned back again, crossed his hands behind his head and settled comfortably on the bed, with his legs spread. His cock was now really stretching his underwear.

I placed my left hand on Casey's stomach and let it slide down slowly. I felt his skin and the slightly sweaty valleys between the mounds of his sixpack. Then I reached the waistband of his boxers. I hesitated for a second but I knew I had gone too far to back down. I covered his bulge and rubbed it with my hand. Only the thin white cotton separated it from Casey's hard and pulsing cum-gun. I didn't need to ponder what I would do next.

I slipped my fingers under the broad waistband of his underwear. Almost immediately they met his black pubes. It crossed my mind that some of that coarse black hair that I was now touching, had been in my mouth a just couple of hours earlier.

When I got deeper into that warm and moist cave, my fingers touched the silky skin of his cock. I didn't hesitate; the most natural thing in the world for me now was to caress the warm and slightly sweaty shaft with my fingertips. After a moment of massage the rod became slippery as it was lubed by his precum, and the odor grew stronger. I was startled by the development and stopped moving my fingers.

"Don't stop. Take it out," Casey said with a hoarse voice.

I took hold of the waistband of his boxers and pulled them below his balls so I was able to free his manhood from its prison until it pointed proudly up. I had seen Casey's penis many times before, in the locker room or during our sleep-overs, and knew it was much bigger than mine; but this was the first time I saw it hard. I stared it in awe. It was a real man's sex organ, and I felt small and weak. Casey really is a true alpha, I thought, and now he is waiting for me to please him.

Casey lifted his butt a little; I got the message and pulled his jeans together with his boxers further down so his hairy ball sack got some fresh air too, dangling over the waistband of his underwear.

"You know what to do," he said and started to watch the video again.

After a minute or so Casey turned his head a little and looked at me. He didn't look happy so see me there.

"Fuck, this isn't working! Dude, seeing you so close is a fucking turn-off for me. You need to get to another position so that I don't have to see your face when you jerk me off."

"Well, what do you want me to do?"

Casey moved his butt closer to the edge of the bed.

"Get down on the floor. You can jack me off from there and I don't have to see you."

I got up and Casey spread his legs, showing where he wanted me. In an instant I found myself on my knees between the powerful legs of my best friend. I was now looking straight into his crotch and the plump ball sack that was hanging out of the fly of his jeans.

Casey held his phone up and restarted the video.

"Much better."

I took hold of his rod and started to jerk it again. My position was uncomfortable, but now I was able to change hands when the other one got tired. I rested my head on Casey's right thigh. The worn denim was so soft against my cheek and his leg was so strong that I felt safe from the evils of the outside world. My loyal alpha friend is protecting me, and now can I thank him by making him feel good, I thought to myself.

Thanks for being my friend, Casey, I said silently to myself and turned my head a little so I could kiss his thigh. The worn denim was slightly dirty, but I didn't mind.

My face was now so close to his crotch that I could smell it; it was the same odor than in his jock, but coming right off the source it was much fresher and sweeter. I took a deep breath and found that I liked it. I wondered what his cock and balls would taste like...

I jerked and jerked Casey's cock, my palm and fingers were covered by the slime that was leaking abundantly from the slit of his fuck tool. I felt numb and my both hands were dead tired, but I kept them working, listening to his panting. Suddenly he let out a guttural sound.

"Ahhhrr,,, ," he grunted and I felt a stream of warm sperm on my hand. Surprised, I let go of his cock, and the upwards pointing cannon shot another load of teen cum that landed on his stomach.

Casey recovered for a while. Then he raised his head a little and smiled when he saw my cum-covered hand.

"Go wash your hands before you smear my bed. And bring me some tissues."

I washed my hands and came back with the tissues. I offered him a bundle, but he just smirked and nodded at his crotch without a word. I sat down on the bed and gently cleaned his cock and wiped the cum off his belly while he watched me with a smile on his face.

"You loved it," he said. It wasn't a question, he just pointed out an obvious fact.

I blushed but couldn't find words for an answer. I wiped the last drops off jizz off his pubes.

"Okay, that's good enough."

I dumped the slimy bundle of tissues to his trash can and looked at him. He rested on his bed with his hands clasped behind his head, looking happy and content. I didn't know what to say, but Casey broke the silence.

"That was much better than jerking it myself. Next time I won't have to tell you what to do anymore."

That got me off guard.

"Next time?"

"Yeah. There will be a lot of next times, dude."

"Oh, okay," was all I could I could come up with.

"Well' I guess I'm on my way then," I said and grabbed my hoodie.

Casey got up, put his hand on my shoulder, and walked me to the door.

"You still remember what you said to me about your behavior in the locker room, buddy?"

"You mean when I said I'm sorry for behaving like a wimp there?"

"That's right. Did you feel better after telling me that?"

"Yeah. I did."

"It made you feel better. So why don't you tell it to the guys too?"

"What? Please Casey, I don't want to see those guys ever again."

"Well, they would be glad to hear that you regret behaving like a sissy in our locker room. And it sure would mean a lot to me."

"I dunno Casey..."

He tousled my hair.

"Well, let's talk about that later. See you buddy."

"See you man."

I felt confused on my way home. It had been a very strange day, people telling me what to do all the time. It suddenly occurred to me that I was losing control of my life. What was happening to me? And what was Casey going to do with the video?

Want the story to go on? Then please drop me a line or two:

Next: Chapter 4

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