Serving Casey

By Ben Coolen

Published on Jan 28, 2018


Serving Casey

By Ben Coolen

This story contains sexual acts (domination, submission, humiliation, oral sex, masturbation) between young males. If you don't like it, or it is illegal in your country, state or community, please stop reading it immediately.

This story is 100% fiction.

Please keep in mind that Nifty needs our donations to keep this great free service running.

Thanks to Naughty Bard for proofreading the text.

Chapter 5

----- "Let me give you a sample," Casey said and rubbed his precum on my lips. He even smeared it under my nose. The sudden smell and stinging flavor made me forget I was driving and the car swayed between lanes. "For fuck's sake, faggot! Don't kill us now, you'll get more of that when we get to my room," he laughed. -----

I managed to get the car under control and steer it without further incidents towards Casey's house. We didn't talk much, he just fumbled with his phone, constantly changing position in his seat impatiently.

His phone beeped for an incoming message. A wide grin appeared on his face when he checked it. "Hee hee..." he chuckled.

"What?" I asked, annoyed.

"Oh, it's nothing, I'll show it to you later."

Whatever that "nothing" was, Casey was totally focused on it for the rest of our short journey. He had that look on his face again, biting his lower lip with a lascivious little smile. I knew that look all too well by then, that was how Casey looked like when he was watching something enthralling, something forbidden. I glanced down: yes, he was rubbing the front of his shorts with his hand.

I parked my car in front of their house and Casey jumped out.

"Come on dude, grab my bag and move!" he quipped and rushed inside.

I followed him, carrying his gym bag. I said hello to his mom and climbed downstairs to his basement den.

Casey was waiting for me, lying on his bed, already shirtless. His legs were spread wide, as if waiting for someone to crawl between them, and he was rubbing a considerable bulge on his silky boxing shorts.

He smiled at me.

"Whatcha waiting for, dude!"

I dropped his bag on the floor and locked the door. Then I walked over to his bed and pulled off his scruffy white DC skate shoes. His socks came off too, and I threw them on the floor.

"You can kiss my feet if you want, foot-fag," he said and laughed heartily at his own joke.

"Fuck you Casey!" I snapped back and kneeled between his legs.

When I started to yank his shorts down, a steamy, stinging gust of teenage crotch sweat filled my nostrils, reminding me that he was coming straight from practice.

I grimaced.

"How about taking a shower first?" I suggested.

He chuckled.

"Not a chance."

I sighed and pulled his shorts down, revealing his protective jock. The sight of that black pouch brought back vivid memories from the locker room, having that jock pressed to my face and being forced to breathe through the sweat-soaked padding while all the boys laughed and jeered at me. I almost ripped it off and threw it on the floor.

Then I looked at Casey. He was watching me with a wide grin, one hand clasped behind his head. His cock was pointing up and he stroked it in his fist to make it fully hard. He nodded.

"Come on, suck me off."

I hesitated.

"I... I don't really know what to do."

He snickered.

"You'll learn, it's pretty easy. Just put my dong in my mouth and start sucking. Why don't you have a taste first, I'm sure you'll love it."

I did what Casey told me to, as usual. I leaned over and pressed my lips on the shaft of his protruding sex organ for a split of a second. It felt silky and warm against my lips and I knew immediately that Casey was right, I loved the feel of his cock on my lips. I gave it another go. This time I moistened my lips with my tongue and sucked in. My lips totally glued to the skin of his cum-sling, I took a tentative lick with my tongue. His cock tasted just as funky and impudent as it smelled. But the taste drove me crazy.

I lost the last bit of my inhibitions and personal dignity, stuck my tongue out and licked the underside of Casey's cock from the root all the way up to the crown that was already leaking precum. Without thinking, I lapped up the slime on the tip and got the first taste of cum. The thought of having just licked another boy's sperm shocked me at first and I pulled back, swirling the mixture of jizz and spit in my mouth, like a connoisseur trying to determine the value of a fine wine. My verdict: the taste of Casey's cum was far from unpleasant and I wanted more.

I used my right hand to feel his hard body, starting from his pubes and following the love trail on his lower abdomen, up to his navel, and finally reaching those rock-hard mounds of abdominal muscle that so many times I had admired and dreamed of, never having had a chance to feel them up.

I moved my mouth to his lower abdomen and licked it greedily, enjoying the tickling of his pubes on my lips and face. I had just started to explore his navel with my tongue when he grabbed a bundle of my hair in his fist and yanked my head back.

"Whatcha doing, faggot? I told you to suck my cock!" he grunted and moved my head back to his crotch.

I did what he wanted, of course. Casey was in charge, and the sole purpose of me being there was to serve his needs and eventually take his load.

How degrading it was to be a servant for another boy's sexual desires! I knew that a male cocksucker was the lowest possible creature in the eyes of other boys, but right there and then, while pleasuring Casey's sex organ with my lips and tongue, I understood that it was what I was meant to do, to be an eager and obedient supplier of sexual pleasure for horny young men.

I had already gone through every spot in Casey's scrotum, from the tip of his cock to his hairy ball sack. I couldn't taste his sweat anymore, I had swallowed most of it. He hadn't given me any further instructions, so I started over by licking the shaft of his dick.

But Casey slid off the bed, pushing me back and stood up, tightly holding my hair in his fist. He pressed his cock against my lips and I knew enough to part them for him. The final act was about to begin, and my mouth was now going to be fucked by my - until then - best friend.

He pushed two inches of his cock into my mouth and moved it in and out a couple of times. I really didn't know what to do and Casey was just as inexperienced as me, but his senses, hormones and brain worked together and told him how he could use me to get the best possible pleasure.

"Wrap your lips tight and suck." he ordered.

I obeyed and closed my lips around the shaft as firmly as possible. He started to pump again and the pressure of my lips on his cock worked just like a pussy in heat.

"Yeah, just like that. This is fucking awesome."

I had to agree. I was surprised of how naturally my mouth worked on Casey's cock, how my lips instinctively followed the shape of his rod, closing in when the crown had pushed past them, and giving way, when the slimy head pulled out again. And with every thrust his cock leaked more precum on my tongue and lips, lubricating them for his next thrust.

The only sounds in the room were Casey's steady panting and the squelching of precum and spit in my mouth.

His thrusts became deeper and more powerful. After pulling out he just slammed his cock back in as hard as he could, making me gag. I grabbed his buttocks, trying to slow down the movement of his hips. But the rock-hard bundles of muscle just kept working, tensing and easing, tensing and easing, driving his cock in and out of his cocksucker's mouth. I started to panic, fearing that I would faint or throw up.

But this was his first time, and he didn't last for long, nor had he the experience to control his ejaculation. He was just pulling out when his cock launched the first slimy shipment of teen jizz. My lips and tongue caught some of it but a great deal of it landed on my nose and chin. He managed to push the rod back in before the second and third shots, and my mouth filled with his warm seed.

Casey panted for a minute, still holding my hair. Then he pulled out and pushed my head backwards to get a good look of my face. The sight made him laugh.

"Ha-ha, you look like a real cocksucker now. Have a look yourself!"

He grabbed his phone from the bed and showed me the reverse camera. There was not the slightest doubt that he was right. A young cocksucker stared back at me from the screen, a firm hand holding his head in place so he had to look upwards. His eyes were watery and red, and his nose, lips and chin were smeared with another boy's cum. The cum dripped slowly down his chin, decorating his clothes with semen and disgrace.

"Open up. I wanna see my cum in your mouth."

I parted my lips, with strings of cum still connecting them, and Casey laughed.

"Awesome. Now, swallow it."

I swallowed the slimy liquid with a loud gulp, coughing a little.

"Ha-ha! Good cocksucker."

The name-calling hurt like hot iron, and I closed my eyes in shame but Casey just kept laughing. He let go of my hair.

"Come on man, it's no big deal. You just gave me some amazing head, be proud! A little practice and you'll be the best cocksucker in town, I promise you that!"

His rude comment brought tears to my eyes but he just smiled.

"Aww, come on, fag-boy. You made out with my cock like crazy. You loved it, didn't you?"

I looked down and sniffed.

"No. I hated it."

He pressed the front of my shorts with his bare foot and let out a scornful laugh.

"You're still hard. Don't try to tell me you didn't like it."

"I hated it."

He laughed again, but when he spoke, his voice had a commanding tone.

"We'll see about that. Take it out. I wanna see you jack off right now."

"What? No!"

"You've seen my hard cock a dozen times now, and you jacked me off every time. Now you have sucked me off and swallowed my load. Let's see how much you loved it. Take it out," he said and pressed my bulge with his foot again.

"I just wanna go home. Please, Casey!"

But he wouldn't budge until my humiliation was complete.

"You can go home after I've seen you jack off and cum."

I sniffed again and unzipped my pants. Then I pulled down my underwear and revealed my hard cock.

Casey snickered.

"Yeah, it's hard all right, almost three inches. Come on, start jacking. You can look at my body," he teased.

He sat down on his bed with his legs crossed.

"Go on."

I started to jack my cock slowly and looked at him. I loved to watch his naked body. But the situation was too humiliating to really enjoy it, masturbating on my knees while my friend watched and ridiculed me. I couldn't get myself into it. I just jacked my dick absent-mindedly because that's what Casey wanted. He saw it too and frowned. Then he smiled a little and picked up his phone.

He tapped the screen and turned it around, showing me a video player. Casey pressed the red arrow, and I saw myself on my knees on the locker room floor, holding a foot and rubbing it with my fingers. The owner of that foot or anyone else in the room but me could not be recognized, but the fashionable hi-top skate shoes under the bench hinted that the feet belonged to a young man. There was no question about my identity: my face was clearly visible. And anyone could see that I was totally focused in serving the youngster sitting on the bench.

The locker room was filled with out-of-control young voices but because the camera was aimed down, the shouts and comments in the locker room were just a porridge of rowdy jeering and cat-calls.

After a long while I interrupted my foot service and looked up, confused. The scene looked like I was contemplating what I wanted to do next. Then I crouched down and kissed the foot I was holding. Some booing could be heard, the young guys in the locker room clearly disapproved my disgusting act. I looked up again, as if searching for acceptance for my disgraceful behavior.

Whatever the other boys said to me, it looked like I couldn't control myself. I had to taste that foot again! This time I puckered my lips, pressed them on the young guy's foot and kissed it passionately. A loud slurp could be heard over all the commotion and someone yelled:

"Can you believe it guys, the faggot kissed another guy's sweaty foot!"

"Fuck, a guy can't get any lower than that!"

But I obviously could. I crouched down and kissed the young man's other foot passionately while my audience chanted.

"Foot-fag! Foot-fag!"

But I didn't really seem to be bothered. The owner of the foot raised it in front of my face, and the person filming the scene zoomed in. I took hold of the guy's ankle - I remembered trying to push Shane's foot away from my face, but my arm was no match for his well-trained leg. In the video though it looked like I was eagerly pulling the sole of his foot towards my face.

I worshiped the dirty sole of the boy's foot with my lips, rubbing it all over my face for a long time. Finally, the guy pulled his foot back like taking a lollipop from a kid. That was the end of the video. In the final scene I looked up to the guy, obviously pleading for his permission to keep on licking his foot. The tears shining in my eyes climaxed my total degradation and humiliation.

At that moment I shot my cumload. Without noticing it, I had jacked my cock franticly since the video had started.

Casey threw himself on his bed and laughed like crazy.

"Hahahaha! That was the funniest thing ever! You watched yourself smooch a guy's foot and you loved it so much that it made you cum!"

I waited in silence until he managed to get a hold of himself. He sat up again, wiping tears off his eyes.

I found a crumpled piece of tissue in my pocket and managed to wipe most of the cum off my hands. Casey watched me, smiling.

"You can go home now."

"Yeah. I'll just go and wash my face."

"Oh no, you're not gonna use any of my towels on that face, dude."

He looked around, reached out to the floor behind his bed and picked up a pair of light blue Express boxers. He tossed them on the floor in front of me.

"There. Clean your face with those."

I looked at the boxers. Casey wanted me to wipe my face with his dirty underwear.

"Don't you have anything clean?" I asked timidly.

He sneered at me.

"Clean? You just sucked my cock and swallowed my cum. And now suddenly my boxers aren't good enough for you, you fucking homo? Suit yourself, you can go with that cum on your face if you want."

I picked up the boxers and wiped my face as best I could.

He snickered.

"You can keep the boxers."

After ten o'clock in the evening I was ready to go to bed when my phone beeped. I looked at it: a message from Casey. The message contained just a link.

Another message beeped in.

"You can watch it while you sniff my underwear, hahahaha!!!" The message was decorated with four laughing emojis.

I opened the link: a video. It wasn't hard to guess what it was.

I sat down on my bed and pressed the play button. It was me again, this time looking straight to the camera. I was holding Casey's black jock in my hand and looking at it hesitantly. Then I poked my nose inside and took a breath. The sound in this video was clear, as the microphone had been pointing towards the people in the room.


A taller boy standing behind me spoke in a derisive voice.

"Awww, what the fuck was that? I told you take a good sniff. Try again!"

The person who had edited that video had blurred the upper part of the boy's face so he couldn't be recognized. But you could see his broad shoulders and spiky blond hair.

I sobbed and it was rewarded by jeering.

"Awww, the fag is crying now, haha! He wants to run back to his mommy!"

After another little whiff and more jeering, the boy standing behind me pressed the jock firmly on my face.

Looking at the screen I reminisced the smell of the worn-out jock. Suddenly I remembered something. I paused the video and fetched Casey's light blue Express boxers, still moist from his cum.

I lay down on my bed on my back and opened my pants. I pressed the play button again and watched my own face, my eyes wide, and the lower part of my face covered with Casey's jock. I tried to wriggle but the boy holding the cup was much stronger and had total control over me.

I remembered Shane's strong arm keeping my body in place with no difficulty while his other hand kept the cup tightly pressed to my face. His scornful words couldn't be heard on the video, but I remembered them clearly.

"Here, lemme help you, fag!"

On the screen I saw myself taking a loud breath through the jock. I pressed Casey's boxers to my face and took a deep whiff at the same time, inhaling the smell of his crotch and semen.


The boy behind me laughed, showing a perfect row of pearl-white teeth.

"That's right faggot. That's the smell of a man. You love it, don't you? Keep sniffing!"

"Yes Shane, I love it," I moaned aloud and took another whiff of Casey's underwear.


A powerful orgasm shook my body and I shot a spray of cum all over my shirt.

I recuperated for a few minutes, panting and looking at the cum stains on my shirt and Casey's dirty underwear that I was still holding in my hand.

Then something occurred to me. Casey, Logan and Shane had called me awful names. But I knew they were right. Wimp, pussy, fag, faggot, homo and cocksucker. That was me.

Want the story to continue? Then drop me a line or two:

Next: Chapter 6

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