Serving Hank

By Du de

Published on Feb 13, 2023


It had been years since my last encounter and with my new found freedom of living with a roommate while at Grad School got me yearning for cocks! So I did what was common, I posted an ad on a few sites that read as below:

Seeking Satin & Steel You: Aggressive, older, hairy dominant male that enjoys being serviced. Cut cock preferred, please. Married/straight welcome. Me: Submissive, young, curvy male in touch with my feminine side (straight acting in public) looking to please and satisfy a man with my body. Want to be seduced/dated and then used. Have pics to share.

I can host.

I got a lot of responses some total flakes some that seemed possible. I was horny and writing a response to two men that were gay but straight acting, older than I was looking for an in okay shape.

Just after I responded I got an e-mail, it simply read:


40 year old single male. Divorced but not gay. Love a big round ass. I'll treat you like the woman you are. Cut.


There was something about the honesty and plain email that got me interested. So I reached out and responded with my likes and what I was looking for. He asked a few questions, his emails always short and to the point. He lived 20 miles away in the middle of no where at the top of a mountain in what seemed like a sprawling farm. We agreed to speak on the phone and decide to meet. I had asked for pics and he said he didn't have any and he wouldn't send any. When he called he his voice was deep, almost scary. He was very curt and to the point, he asked me some questions about my body. It seemed more of an interview to me. He said he'd like to meet me, but he needed see me before we went on a date. He then asked me how many dates it'd take to get to 5th base, I was nervous so I said 5 and he laughed. Told me he didn't have time for that kind of courting but if I wanted he would go on 3 dates. He said the 1st one would be for 1st base, second one would have to get to 3rd base and the 3rd one would be the home run. I nervously giggled and said yes. He said he needed to see me naked before the first date to see if I was compatible. I offered to send pics but he refused and said he would come pick me up for our first date and I would need to show him the goods before the date. I agreed.

Two days later he rang the doorbell. He was tall, about an inch taller than me. Looked a lot like Kurt McVeigh but was bigger by about 15-20lbs. Had a much better moustache (in my opinion) and somewhat sunken kind but stern eyes. He had a dimple on his chin and a much more youthful appearance. He was dressed in jeans, boots, a jacket and a flannel shirt under it. He looked around and looked at me. I invited him to come sit, but he refused and said he wanted to get going and sort of lead me into the bedroom (thankfully it was mine). I got inside and he followed, he closed the door and said "Strip so I can see the goods." I nervously started undressing as he watched, he leaned against the door and in my shyness I turned away from him. I unbuttoned my shirt, took it off and laid it on the bed, I took out my under shirt and then my jeans. I hesitated, and he said the panties as well. I took off my undies, as I was slipping them down my calfs he got closer, I took them off and stood up. "Turn around" he ordered, I turned and covered my ever so tiny cock. He circled his fingers in the air implying that I twirl around for him, I did so. He then asked me to walk away I did, and then he said "come over", I walked to him, as I got close I saw his eyes staring at my chest and body. "You'll do just fine". He made like he smacked his lips and then said "I'll wait for you outside, dress up quick and don't keep me waiting". I dressed and went out, he lead me to his truck. He followed me to the passenger side and opened the door. I got in and he shut the door.

His car wasn't new but smelled clean and was tidy. The front was a nice comfortable bench seat all the way across from the driver to passenger. We had agreed on visiting a local display of lights for the holidays and getting some coffe/ice cream. He asked what I wanted and I said I was open to anything, then in a stern voice he said "You have to tell me what you want or I won't know." So I said coffee and we went to a coffee store, he asked me what I wanted and he got out to get it. He returned with two coffees and a bag of cookies. He said "For you". I took it nervously. We drove and talked a little it was more him asking me questions and my answering. My questions were answered briefly and a couple of times he flat out refused to answer them stating that didn't matter to me or some such. We saw the lights, he was clearly not interested. I looked at the clock on the dash, it had only been an hour. I offered that we could go if he was bored, he said, "Ill decide that." We drove around a little then he started to back up into a corner and he cut the engine. He unbuckled my belt and instructed me to move closer. I did. He took the coffee from my hands and put it on the dash and leaned in to kiss me. I kissed back, he was an amazing kisser. He was firm yet wet, he took control, he was not rushed he did bit my lower lip, his tongue explored my mouth and he seemed to enjoy it. I was in heaven. I reached out to run my hands at the base of his neck to pull him closer and we kissed more. He broke the kiss and asked me to remove my jacket, he turned up the heat, looked around and also took his jacket off. He resumed kissing this time his hands running over my body and caressing my breasts. We made out for a long time. A few people started coming around and parking not far from us so he stopped and said we needed to go it was getting crowded. I saw the clock it had been 2.5 hours since he had come to me. As he drove I tried to make conversation again with not a lot of conversation from his side. We drove around looking for another place to make out and finally gave up and he said he'd drop me home. We made out in his car for a bit and then he got out, opened the passenger door and walked me to our front door. He held my hand and when we got to the door we made out some more. When it seemed like he was ready to go, he broke off and asked "Did you like that babe?" I nodded yes. "Well I will court you but you have to put out, can't be a cock tease." He said sternly. I said "Yes" in barely a whisper. I asked him if wanted to come in, he thought about it and said, heck for a bit longer, yes. We went in being very quiet so my roommate wouldn't hear, he had returned from work when we were out. We went to my room, Hank and I made out with it leading to his laying on top of me in my bed. After what seemed a long while he broke it off, said he had to go as it was getting late and he had a long drive. I looked at it was 12:15am. I said okay.

He said I'll call you.

I went to sleep a happy little girl!

He didn't call the next day. Or the day after. I was so disappointed. I called him in the afternoon not being abe to wait any longer but didn't reach him.

He called the next day at 11, it was a Thursday. He asked if I'd like to go on another date. I said sure. He said there was a movie he wanted to watch and asked if we could go and then have dinner before or after. I said that was fine. He seemed pleased. He said he would pick me up at 7. He called again at 3 and said he had to take care of business and couldn't pick me up until 9 right before the movie. He seemed sorry and while he didn't apologize it was apparent in his voice, I said it wasn't a problem. He was at my door at 8:55 and I was ready. He gave me a big kiss and held my hand to the car, opened the door and let me in.

In the car he held my hand for a bit and drove us to the movie theatre. He would't let me pay for the movies or the popcorn. We went in to watch the movie. It was fairly crowded, I forget the name but it was a science fiction movie and half way through it I fell asleep. He woke me with a nudge when the movie was over. I woke up startled and embarrassed. I apologized and he said it was okay he hadn't asked me if I wanted to watch and he laughed, the first time he had done that. He lead me out and into his car, we didn't hold hands in public. He did open the door but let me close it. We drove to my place and when we got there he cut the engine in the parking lot behind the building and once again unbuckled my seat belt and moved closer, we kissed again for a while. He broke off and asked "Is your roommate in?" I looked at our ground floor apartment in a 1800's colonial house that was converted and saw that the lights in the living room and his bedroom were out. I saw that his car was parked in his spot.

"I said he's home but looks like he's asleep." Hank got out of the car and opened my door and took me to the apartment. We kissed at the front door very passionately. After a while he pulled away, looked into my eyes and said, "Babe it's time for us to get to third base." I gulped and didn't know how to respond. I did want to suck him but wasn't sure how to proceed, so I nodded and before I could say anything he said "We can do it here, or go into your room. Which will it be baby?" I looked at his face, he was serious, caring and I could tell there was lust and need in his eyes. I managed to say "inside" and he nodded. He took my keys from my hands, unlocked the door and led us in. He asked me where the washroom was and i pointed him to it. He said "I need to take a leak, take your clothes off and wait for me." I nodded and went into my room.

Being a fan of scented candles I lit a few and turned off the lights and started to undress. I managed to get out of my clothes before he came back, and in a moment of defiance I slipped into a short kimono style robe that went just past my ass cheeks. He came in a few seconds later. He had taken his jacket and boots off. He closed the door behind him and unbuttoned his shirt, he had a defined chest that had been built from his doing hard work, it wasn't overly muscular or soft, in my opinion it was just right. He was naturally hairy but not overly. He walked towards me, pulled me close and kissed me again, I ran my hands through his hair and then his body. He stepped back for a second and whipped my robe off me in such an efficient but firm manner that it hurt but was off in a moment. He didn't bother explaining. His eyes found my breasts he reached for them and cupped them and squeezed. His mouth followed his hands and he took a firm grasp on them with his mouth and hands and made me gasp as he sucked on them. After what seemed like hours of his attention to my nipples and mouth I couldn't take it anymore and I reached for the front of his pants to feel his bulge and cock. He brushed my hands off and took a step back.

"You're ready I see" he said. He was now a little red from the heat, his once perfectly brushed hair was tousled thanks to me and the desire in his eyes would burn a hole through me. I shivered naked. I could now see his bulge, it was huge. He undid his belt, and popped his button and said "On your knees." I dropped to my knees and he unzipped and pulled down his jeans, I helped him. His hand reached for my chin and he pulled it up so I was looking at him. He put one hand behind my head and brought it to his cock, I kissed his cock through his navy blue cotton boxer briefs. I got the smell of his masculinity and manhood, it wasn't disgusting or dirty just his scent but clean. He let go and pulled his underwear down freeing his rock hard cock. I helped pull it down to his knees and then looked up at it in awe.

It was red, pointing straight out and it was cut. It was BIG. It must have been about 8 inches in length but it was so thick, I had never seen anything so thick in my years of watching porn. He had big balls and there was just a little bit of hair around his cock. My mouth was watering, I looked up at it and he looked back and gestured for me to get started. He moved a bit closer, took the back of my head with one hand and his cock in another and guided it in my mouth. "Watch your teeth" he warned and I began to worship what would be the best cock I had ever sucked. He eased his way inside my mouth taking his time to allow me to adjust all the while going in and out and with each thrust going in deeper. I couldn't take the whole thing, about half way in he was hitting the back of my throat and I was gagging. He smirked and said "don't worry no one can take more than that". He was pre-cutting which helped keep things going. His cock was veiny, I followed the veins with my tongue and that seemed to give him pleasure, one vein ran straight up from his balls to his tip, another snaked up and two went around his girth. I started getting into a rhythm and before long he was almost at the edge, his grip on my head got tighter and his thrusts a bit deeper and his strokes quicker. I wasn't ready for it and the first volley of his cum hit the back of my mouth and surprised me, it came in quick succession after that. In no time was my mouth full and with his hand firmly behind my head, I knew that there was no option but to swallow and that I did. When he was spent he relaxed his grip and I continued to lick him clean until he was as clean as I though he'd get. He collapsed onto my bed, a thin film of sweat all over him. He pulled me to his side, and when I got on my back near him he held me in his arms. After a few minutes of silence he rolled onto his side and squeezed my left breast and said, "these are awesome, a bonus. It's going to be like fucking a babe only up an ass." I didn't know how to respond, he got on top of me kissed me, squeezed my breasts and then sucked on them. I could feel him get hard again. After a while he got up, his dick semi hard. I said "do you want me to suck you again?" He looked at me and smiled "No babe, you've done good for tonight." He pulled up his underwear and jeans and put his shirt on. I wrapped myself in my robe and he started going out. At the door he kissed me again and asked "are you free Saturday night?" I looked at him, he was so handsome and while he was stern right now he looked like a little boy. I said "yes". He said "would you like to go out for dinner?" I nodded yes, he kissed me again, said good bye and left.

The next morning as I was doing my thesis for grad school the door bell rang. A man appeared at the door and asked for me. When I said who I was he gave me a long rectangular box and another square box. I signed for it. I opened them and in the rectangular box were 12 red roses and in the other box I found a bottle of women's fragrance, a pair of smoky grey lace women's boy short panties, a bra and a teddy. In it was a card that said "to wear to our date". He called a couple of hours later and asked if I got the delivery I smiled and said yes and thanked him. He said he'd love to see me in it and take it off me as well. He said I was to wear it under my regular clothes and be ready at 7 he'd pick me up.

On Saturday I spent the day with butterflies in my tummy here I was with a man who was handsome, dominating and a real mans man and I had no control.

Evening came I bathed got dressed the lingerie made me feel sexy. I put a button down shirt n jeans on top. At 7:15 he was at the front door, we kissed and he squeezed my tits and we went out. I asked him where we were going and all he said was you'll see. When I got in his truck he patted my ass and closed the door behind me.

We drove away from town and after about half an hour got off the road to a narrow side road went up a hill and drove up to a two story house. The place was in the middle of nowhere with another house not too faraway in view and there was nothing but open skies and a few trees it was

beautiful but spooky.

I asked Hank if this was his home he said yes. We pulled into his garage and I noted lots and lots of tools but his garage was clean n neatly organized. He cut the engine, the garage door closed he got out and opened my door, I turned to step out but he stopped me. We kissed for a bit and he let me step out. As I was heading to the door he grabbed me by my arms n pulled me back and said in my ear "strip". I looked at him puzzled we were in his garage. "Strip baby, I want to enjoy you in the clothes I sent you and then out of them." He said clarifying his original instructions. I started taking my clothes off and had to take my shoes off as well. He stepped away for a second and returned with a pair of high heels. Put them down n I put them on, I had never worn heels so was a bit wobbly but he helped me into the house. He stepped forward and checked me out. Then he kissed me his arms around me squeezing my ass and my tits. He pulled away even though I wanted more. He took his jacket off he had on jeans (tighter darker ones), a white shirt and a blazer and he looked handsome. He took me to the dining room and he lit some candles. He motioned me to a chair. The table was set simply with two plates and cutlery. He brought some salad and bread followed by a lasagna that was store bought. I at little as I was nervous but he seemed to be fine. He had wine but since I didn't drink he had some water for me. We had little conversation but he did hold my hands once. He asked if I was comfortable in what I was wearing to which I said I was okay. He said he loved seeing a woman in just her lingerie and I filled the bra very well so he was enjoying the view. He told me I would be appreciative of how much I turned him on later with a wink.

After dinner he took off his blazer and I helped him clear away the dishes. I offered to do the dishes and he agreed, said he would enjoy his scotch and the view. He went off to the family room which was attached to the kitchen and he could see me as he was behind me. He sat on a big reclining chair turned it towards the kitchen while i did the dishes. When I was done I turned to look at him and clean my hands he sat staring intently at me. His pants showed signs of what was to follow next and he motioned for me to go to him. I was ready to get on my knees between his legs but he mentioned for me to sit on his lap. I felt his hard on press into my bottom, he took a sip of his scotch and kissed me. I could smell the alcohol on him and taste it, I tried to pull away but that was not an option. He fondled my breasts and with surprising ease undid my bra. He instructed me to take the teddy off and he pulled the bra off. He sucked on my tits and I pulled him closer as I ran my hands through his hair and smelled his manly scent. He stopped, dipped his finger in his drink and painted my lips with it. It made my lips tingle. He then kissed me deeply and licked my lips, he did the same this time the alcohol was on my nipples and he let it stay there so the sting turned to icy coldness. He then licked it off and sucked and almost bit my nipples, I squirmed in pain. He pulled his mouth away, and smirked and said "Princess with my pleasure comes some pain." He continued to stroke my thighs and my breasts and I began to unbutton his shirt wanting to feel his hairy chest and kiss it. He let me do that for a bit as I kissed his chest and trailed kisses to his belly button. I massaged his hard cock through his pants and wanted to free him but he got up and pulled me up by the arms, I almost slipped with the heels but he held me steady in a firm grip. He pulled me close to him and kissed me and then said "Baby, it's time to make a woman out of you." I looked at him puzzled and he added "Let's go upstairs its our 3rd date and we'll be going to 5th base tonight." He led me to the stairs, he let me go up first and stayed close behind. When I got to the top I waited and he pointed to one of the 4 doors, and went ahead and opened the door. The room was dimly lit, smelled like him. It was simple and bare no pictures or decor, simply a dresser, big bed and chairs. All in very masculine furniture. His bed was big, and his covers were blue cotton. He asked me if I wanted to go to the bathroom to freshen up, I said I would like that. He pointed me to the master ensuite. I went in and closed the door. I relieved myself, washed up, and cleaned myself up. Took a moment to look in his medicine cabinet and all I saw was shaving stuff, a bottle of advil and mouth wash. I used some of the mouth wash.

I stepped out, he was entering the room again with a glass of scotch. He offered it to me, "you may want this to loosen yourself up." I declined. He asked, "are you sure babe?" I nodded now beginning to doubt myself. He asked me "when was your last time, or is this your first?" I told him it wasn't my first but the last time was at least 2 years ago. He nodded and placed the scotch on the dresser and began to undress. I stood self conscious, I was in just the panties and heels in this big room. I had a handsome man's man staring at me and undressing me. He had made me feel sexy, wanted and horny but I had never felt sex being so organized.

He stripped out of his clothes and socks this time. No sense of self consciousness on his part his boner was HARD and pointed right at me. He walked up to me, kissed me, i stroked his cock and felt the hardness in my hands. He led me to his bed and pushed me down to sit on it. He pointed to the dresser and instructed me to open it. In it were hundred of condoms and a big bottle of lube. He told me to remove the lube. I was going to reach for a condom and he grabbed my hand and pulled it away, I looked at him and he stared at me and said "no babe, you'll take me uncovered. That's for the ladies that I don't want to impregnate, the beauty of fucking you is I don't have to worry about that." He pulled my head to his cock and fed me his cock saying "I know you fags love to suck cock, you were born to suck mine. Enjoy it before I split you open." I took him in my mouth. I sucked on him and he grew harder I thought about the first cock I had sucked and how I had come to love it after. He instructed me to get him real wet. After a while a little too soon for me, he pulled out and raised me up to my feet. We kissed n he squeezed my breasts. He turned me around with my back facing him and he kissed my neck and massaged my man tits, and he started whispering into my ears how he was enjoying milking me and couldn't wait to hear me moan. He trailed kisses down my spine n got to my panties he peeled them off and let them drop to my ankles. He made me step out of them (which wasn't easy with the heels). He kissed my inner thighs which drove me nuts the combination of his lips, tongue and mustache was unbearably arousing. He then took a big bite of my left butt cheek which was painful. He didn't apologize. He stood up and kissed the back of my neck and reached for the lube and lubed himself and inserted a finger in me. "Your damn tight I love it" he said. He pushed his finger in and added another and another making me gasp. I was prepping for what was to come. He pushed me on to the bed on my front. I rolled over and he asked me to roll back onto my front and added "I enjoy it from the back." He reached for some pillows and I put them under me and heard him lube himself again. I felt him part my cheeks and spit on my hole, and felt him at the entrance. I begged him "please be gentle and slow, please." He grunted something and I felt him push. He said"don't worry baby you're so tight I'll cum soon." I felt the tip enter and I shuddered, he pulled out and entered again, I relaxed. He was going to edge and hopefully before he was half way in he'd come. I was not prepared for what came next, he pulled out and spread my legs, held onto me and entered me this time his whole tip in. He paused and thrust so hard so brutally that he shocked my entire being and sent tidal waves of pain through me. I screamed out so loud I couldn't even describe the feeling. He said "baby I have to do it this way I'm 3/4 way in, and it feels so good. Umh umph you'll enjoy it when I'm all in." And with that he thrust himself in further tearing me apart and getting a louder scream from me. He paused and let me get adjusted and there was no way I could get adjusted to his girth. I couldn't talk or think of anything other than my pain. When he couldn't stand it anymore he began his withdrawal and thrusts back in, not paying any heed to my pain. When I was somewhat acclimated to the pain his thrusts got deeper and longer. His hands reached for my breasts and he squeezed them real hard. I gasped in pain and he loosened his grip somewhat but I could tell from his thrusts he was enjoying it. He then dropped his weight on me and lay on me, his hands reached for mine and our fingers intertwined and he held my hands down tight and thrust further n longer than before. He started his verbal domination "Does that hurt baby?" I managed a distressed yes hoping he'd be sympathetic and stop. "It's supposed to, your ass wasn't built for this but that's what you wanted, and it's what you'll get again and again." And then he said "you're so tight it's taking all of me from cumming I don't want to stop this feeling ... Your ass is big and round but your hole so tight it's fantastic." He got back up and started to jack hammer me and after a while he made some deep thrusts and then one major deep thrust and he collapsed and I felt volleys of his warm cum fill me up and leak out of me. He stayed on top of me for what seemed ages and I could feel his heart beat slow down he didn't get soft right away but when he did he got up and pulled out and it hurt. He walked to the bathroom washed himself and returned with some wash cloths and helped me clean up, I had his semen and blood from what must be a membrane burst in me to wipe away. He helped me up and I fell with the heels, he was kind and he helped me take them off and I wobbled and waddled to the bathroom. He came behind me with some towels and I got in the shower to wash myself. I took a long hot shower and washed myself. My pussy was hot and in pain. I got out toweled myself and realized I had no clothes to wear. Hank must have read my mind he walked in with a thin jersey robe that barely went past my ass cheeks and a new pair of panties. He had showered his hair was wet and tousled but he wore nothing his cock was semi hard. I wrapped myself in the robe and went out. It was clear I wasn't going home anytime soon so why waste time with the uncomfortable panties?

I stepped out and noticed Hank had light a log fire, I hadn't noticed the fireplace. He had turned down all the lights. He saw the puzzled look in me and said "I like the fire on cold nights and I turn down the heat so the whole house doesn't get warmed up for just me. And I hope it's okay for you to sleepover I would like a few repeats of the love making we had." He smiled and melted my heart. I said yes that should be fine. He mentioned for us to get in bed, we did and snuggled it was quite lovely. He asked me about the pain and I said it was bad, he offered to get me some pain killer and muscle relaxer which he did and then said he'd considered a roofie but it's not his style half the pleasure was from my being there in spirit. He went on to explain how much he was turned on by anal. His ex wife would only let him do it a couple of times he had met some women but they'd stopped halfway and others were too trashy. The guys he'd met were too boyish or manly, I had turned out just right. Curvy, with tits and a tight big ass and a practically non existent cock. Plus my attitude was just right. "You know all this talk is getting me horny." He said matter of fact. "Would you like me to suck you?" I asked hoping that'd be enough.

He smiled a cynical look on his face "as a start yes babe, but we'll be making more babies in you tonight. You're not going anywhere until I'm fully satiated." He pulled my chin and began kissing me, "do you like that babe?" He asked. I nodded and he continued. This time he got on top of me and we kissed for what seemed like only 2 minutes but ended up being an hour. He fondled, kissed and sucked on my nipples, he humped his cock between my legs until he started leaking pre cum. Hank got on his knees and sat on my chest he fed me his cock and fucked my mouth making me take more than I had in the past, pushing me to gag but pulling back before I threw up. When he had got super hard he got off and instructed me to get on my front and pulled my knees under me so I was rear up as a dog, he said "I need deeper penetration or it'll take me longer to cum and you'll be sore." He lubed himself and me and entered me slowly this time letting me savor the heat of his cock, the friction against my battered cavity walls. He was gentle until he squeezed all of himself and then he started rhythmic thrusts and pulled my hips to meet his, I found myself responding and beyond my self control I found my sphincter tightening around his engorged manhood to add friction which he enjoyed. True to his word we were at it for a long time I was sweating when I felt him move with urgency and explode inside me. He moaned and groaned and fell on me, I flattened myself and he got comfortable on me, his hand reached under me and cupped my breasts and we both drifted off to sleep...

I woke up hours later when Hank inadvertently dug his elbow into my back trying to get off me. I screamed in pain, he apologized profusely and staggered off to wash himself and take a piss. I got up cleaned myself and got in for a quick shower, dried myself and put on the robe. He put another log on the fire and then crawled into bed, we cuddled his arms around me cupping my right breast. He smelled of soap and manliness and I could bottle his scent. I was hard and noticed he was getting hard he pushed his torso into my back and after a while, he raised the robe, and pushed his cock between my thighs right under my ass cheeks. His grip on my breasts tightened and he struggled with the robe tie to remove it. As he was doing that his hands brushed by my penis, he hesitated and brought his back to it, and he fondled it. He whispered "I'm not a selfish lover, but I don't suck cock and most certainly won't let you fuck me. How do I get you off?" I turned and pulled him to kiss me and spread my legs, and asked him to get on top of me and to put his cock between my legs and fuck me. He obliged, he sucked my tits, I begged him to be gentle and this once he agreed, we kissed and he sensed I was close, so he held my hands down by pressing his palm into mine and intertwining our fingers, he was firm he looked into my eyes and started to hump me faster, the sweat and his precum had given him enough lube to really thrust and in no time I came and shot all over his abdomen. But he didn't stop his gyration and in no time he shot his cum all over me. "Fuck" he said between his panting and he collapsed on me. "That was hot" he added and he kissed me softly and gently. He wanted to roll off but I held him on top of him asking him to stay a little longer. He obliged.

We kissed a bit and he raised himself on his hunches and got up. He went into the bathroom. I watched him walk, he had a muscular and perfectly made butt, he had ass cheek dimples and his legs were hairy and so firm and muscular. I watched him wash his cock with water, he caught me looking at him from the mirror he looked at me over his shoulder and yelled out "I'm getting it nice and clean for next time, you'll want it nice and clean." Followed with a wink. He returned with two washcloths one wet and another dry for me to clean up.

He got into bed by climbing over me. He had relaxed a lot since I first met him. He told me, "I like you in the nude, clothes just get in the way" and we both laughed. He held me in his arms and we slowly fell asleep.

I slept deeply and woke up when the sun was out. I was nice and snug but naked and alone in bed. It took me a while to get my bearings and then I realized I needed to pee. So I got out of bed looking for my robe with no luck and went into the bathroom. I took care of business and saw a band new toothbrush on the vanity and my robe hanging on a clothes hook. He must have gotten up early, he had replaced the towels. Gosh we had used so many. I decided to shower and got fresh and slipped the robe and made the bed as best I could and clean up the room. I hoped he'd hear me and come in but Hank was nowhere to be seen. I ventured out. The other rooms were empty. I walked down the stairs trying to be quite. I got down the stairs and looked around. I was startled by his deep voice "Good Morning babe" He said. I turned around and saw him at a desk wearing a v neck white t-shirt showing his chest hair, and his well defined chest and arms, he was wearing matching white boxer shorts that fit snugly. He had a sheepish grin, he hadn't shaved so looked infinitely more handsome and rugged for me. He was wearing round glasses that were out of fashion but made him look manly. He motioned for me to go to him, I did. He pushed his chair back and motioned for me to sit on his lap. His hand made its way into my robe to squeeze my breast and he kissed me. He smelled of strong coffee. "I woke up with a raging hard on this morning, but you were sound asleep." He said. "I let you sleep, there will be plenty of time to catch up. Did you sleep well?" "I did, thank you!". I replied. "Want some breakfast?" He asked "Yes please, I am starved, I have had a busy night." I replied with a wink, surprised at my wit. He smiled and helped me up. I looked at his desk saw that like the rest of his house it was well organized, only the file he was working on had scattered papers that he was putting away. I saw a wedding band resting on a paperweight. I picked it up, it was cold. "Thats from my ex." He said, "Hmmm would you wear it for me?" I asked. "I'd rather wear a cock ring for you babe." He said looking into my eyes with the lust that had led to passion. "I am turned on by wedding bands on sexy men." I said. He thought about it and didn't say anything. I started walking towards the kitchen, he finished cleaning his desk and followed me. "Coffee?" he asked me. I nodded, as he poured the coffee I saw that he'd put on his wedding band. I smiled. We ate breakfast, or rather I ate and he watched as he had eaten hours ago. After I ate, he cleared up and I did the dishes, finding out more about him. He was putting things away and I stood by the sink looking out. The backyard was endless and looked beautiful. I started doing the dishes, he came up behind me and put his arms around me and held me tight. He kissed my neck and put his hands inside my robe again and this time undid it. "Do you have to be anywhere today?" He asked in a sexy low voice. It was a rhetorical question. I responded with some confidence "I do" and i felt him tense up "on my knees worshiping your cock, and on all fours ..." I felt him relax a bit. He whispered "I need you." In my ears as he kissed my neck while twisting my nipples he kissed my earlobes n his grip on the tip of my nipples tightened. "Where do you want me to bend you over and fuck you?" He asked huskily. I said "anywhere but please be gentle. I'm still very sore." "Sorry about that but babe we've got to fuck I'm horny." He replied crassly. He turned the water off and handed me a towel. "There are better things for us to do than dishes." He turned me around, I saw his cock tenting his tight boxer briefs. I put my hands on his hips and lowered the undies to free his beautiful cock. I got in my knees and took his cock in my hands and started to lick him, tracing my tongue over each vein following it, circling my tongue around the base of his mushroom head. He closed his eyes and his mouth opened wide he was loving this. I had been the obedient and subservient pussy for him. But it was my turn to enjoy hunky Hank! I licked, kissed and delicately enjoyed his penis, balls and thighs. He put his hands on my head ready to fuck my skull. Not so soon I thought. I got up quickly and he was caught by surprise. I took him to a chair, sat him down took his undies and threw them into a corner, pulled his Tshirt off. He looked sexy and vulnerable. I spread his legs, he got the message he was about to be worshipped and he was up for it. The precum leaking from his engorged cock was proof enough. I wasn't naive I knew I'd have to pay for this. He'd batter me with his baby maker later. I straddled him. I kissed him running my hands through his hair. I kissed his earlobes and his neck, I wanted to give him a hicky but I'd surely anger him. I ran my hands through his chest hair and flicked his nipples. I leaned in and traced my tongue around his nipples and licked then and kissed them. Then traced kisses to his belly button and licked around it. I went back up to his nipples and this time bit them a little and he squirmed but his cock jumped up more. I made my way down to his navel and his lower abdomen around his shaft and I put his ball sac into my mouth and sucked on it, he closed his eyes and his mouth was wide open he was in ecstasy. I spread his legs wider and I licked under his balls to his scrotum and then his inner thighs, followed his sexy muscular thighs to his equally tight calves. I lifted his feet and kissed his toes. Put his toe in my mouth and sucked on it circling my tongue around it. I opened my robe and cupped my breast and rubbed my nipples under his toes, he curled his toes and gripped my nipple with them. I ran my fingers up his legs and put his feet down and spread his legs around me and got back to where I belonged, his crotch. His precum had leaked all over I licked it all. In a husky voice he pleaded with me "baby suck me."

I obliged happily and he didn't waste time but went on to fuck my face no sooner than I had him in my mouth. And in no time I felt him harden and explode in my mouth. I swallowed every last drop and licked him clean. He picked me up from the floor. He pecked me on the kiss, in hindsight clear sign of a straight man not wanting to taste his cum on my mouth. Put his hand on my big bouncy butt and his finger found its way inside me. He said, "I'll be hard again and I better get inside your warm pussy before it gets tight again." With that he led me upstairs ... I was in for more battering.

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Next: Chapter 2: Prelude to Serving Hank 1

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