Serving my High School Master

By Jagat Singh

Published on Nov 12, 2022


Everyday when I go to school, I stand by the entrance, inconspicuously enough to avoid any attention. I am waiting for Ankit. Ankit is in the same class as me. He's very smart but not the best in school, he's in soccer and fencing team but not the best at either, he's very very handsome but not the most. Yet somehow he is far superior than anybody else in my school. Heck he's far superior than anybody else I know. There's just some combination of all attributes- despite not being perfect in everything. He is perfect overall. That's why girls and guys just throw themselves at him. But he's straight which is the biggest injustice of all time because if he was my boyfriend. I'd worship him like a god and treat him like the King he is.

It was only a few months ago that I realised I am a submissive faggot. And as an ugly, nerdy, not athletic fag my only value is in the service of Alpha men like Ankit. But of course he doesn't know about the hierarchy of men and I am scared to even bring it up. I don't know why. I have nothing to lose. It's not like we are friends or anything. I've purposefully dropped things just so I could have an excuse to touch his feet. Last year I filled in for the waterboy and brought him water and towel during his soccer matches. He never thanked me. Instead it was me thanking him on the inside for the sweaty towel. Then there was that time when he had an injury so he couldn't bent down and when I offered to tie his shoes. He let me. Didn't say anything. Didn't say thank you. Just put his hands in his pocket and watched me as I tied his sneakers. That was probably the best day of my life.

But maybe today has the chance to change that. While I can't help myself from continuing to show my submission to Ankit, I knew there was a very little chance that anything will happen so I went on some sites and tried to find myself an alpha to serve. There were some embrassing fails, some creeps, some extreme masters and some fags pretending to be Doms but last week I finally found one I like. I haven't seen him but I can tell for m our chat that he's what I'm looking for. After school, today, I am going to meet him. I can't wait.

Next: Chapter 2

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