Serving my High School Master

By Jagat Singh

Published on Feb 1, 2024


Readers and Faggot, donate to nifty and keep it alive. Note: I stopped seeing the old faggot for personal reasons and hence the writing here stopped but my new faggot will continue writing. The character won't change. It'd still be based on my alpha life and the hierarchy with some creative changes for the story. Don't worry your pathetic clit will probably stil get hard. LOL

Chapter 10: Sub's POV

Who would've thought that I'd have the best sleep of my life on the cold hard floor. But the masculine musk of Master Ankit's clothes and the heat from his dirty worn shoes on either side of my head led me to deep sleep. I felt like this is exactly what I've been missing my whole life. Right here is where I belong.

But of course sleeps come to an end. Faggot slaves like me weren't made for rest. We're made for serving our alphas and I'm glad that my vibrating alarm didn't wake up Master Ankit. He looks so sweet and gentle in his sleep. Sometimes I imagine what it'd feel like to kiss him. I wonder what those lucky bitches feel like when he grabs their face and kisses them. I fantasize about that day but I know better. He's an alpha master. He'll never allow a faggot slave like me to do that. In fact just allowing me to be his slave is generous enough. My place is at his feet.

So I go down and pull up the blanket just a little to expose them. I lick a foot "one", "two", "three" and repeat with the other foot. This is the routine to wake him up at the time I was instructed to. If he doesn't wake up I increase the intensity but once he stirs I lick gently again. I have to get it just right otherwise I'll get severe punishment. He stirs and wakes up kicking me in the process. Some days he talks to me, other days he just ignores me and we continue with our routine. Today he was nice.

"Morning fag. Another great day to be a man."

"Good Morning. Master Ankit."

After a few minutes, I suck on his toes. Then he throws away the sheet and I get on his dick. I usually don't know what I'll get cum or piss or both. Today it was just piss. Warm acrid piss went through my throat and into my stomach that growled in response because I hadn't eaten proper food in many hours. Then my tiny little dick gets hard.

"That's how you know what kind of a pathetic faggot you are" says Master Ankit spitting a glob on my face.

I get down on all fours and he climbs on my back like I'm a horse. With a swift kick to the side I take him to the shower. I kiss each feet and take him to the bath where I scrub every part of his body including his alpha feet. When he gets out I dry him. He sits down on the toilet while I put on his underwear through each leg and then white Nike socks and finally high top sneakers that I licked clean last night. I thought I'd put on his shirt too but he slaps me hard across the face.

"Just so you don't forget how cruel I can get" He says and slaps me again.

Repeat after me, "You're nothing!"

"I'm nothing" I say.


"I'm nothing"


"I'm nothing I cream."

He slaps me again and with while I was reeling with that the shoe that I kissed just before jabs into my groin and I Yelp in pain. He just pushes me into the bath.

"Clean yourself in my used water. I have special plans for you!"

He laughs and looks like the sexiest man on earth. My owner. Master Ankit.

Next: Chapter 11

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