Serving my High School Master

By Jagat Singh

Published on Feb 4, 2024


Chapter 11: Master Ankit's POV:

I gave the faggot 30 minutes to clean up and get ready while I kicked a ball around in the yard. It's fucking grand that as an alpha I don't have to worry about making my bead or keeping my room organized or even getting my shoes dirty like I'm doing right now. Fags will take care of everything. It's what they were born to do.

When the fag is ready, it comes to the lawn and kisses my feet. Then I drag it to the car and stuff it in the trunk along with my soccer bag, my regular bag and it's own backpack. And as cherry on top, I kick off my shoes and throw them in too.

"Make 'em shine loser!" I spit in it's face and close the lid.

In the darkness it wouldn't be able to see clearly so it'd have to lick the same area multiple times to make sure it's clean. I put some music on the radio and hit the gas with my socked feet.

I stop one block from school so nobody sees the fag when I go around and plop my foot on it's chest. It puts on my now clean-enough shoe( It'd have to take care of the rest later) and the same with the other foot. It has to kiss each one one more time for good measure. Before I let it out I order it to open it's mouth and spit the gum I'm chewing into it's mouth.

"Each time you chew on it think about the fact that it's been in my mouth has been covered in my saliva, your alpha's spit. And it better be there all day."

"Yes sir."

I drive off and reach the campus just as the bell rings.

Jason's POV:

I was late, and tired and chewing on Master Ankit's chewed on gum. As I was chewing I was thinking of what he'd said about how it's been in his mouth and in his spit. Damn! He's so hot. I could let him walk all over me and thank him. Oh wait! I have.

When I reach the class all other seats were occupied expect for the one next to David. David is on the soccer team with Master Ankit. It is surprising that this seat is empty because usually there is no shortage of girls sitting next to him. He has a reputation as some sort of a fuck boy. The class goes on no issues. I get a text from Master Ankit.

"Meet me in my car during lunch!"

As I was putting gathering my things to leave the class, a file containing Ankit's homework slips out and lande before David's desk. Everybody else had left so I quickly get there and crouch down to get it but then David puts his Air Jordans on them.

"Would you mind David?" I say.

"What you got there?"

If he found out it was Jason's assignment he wouldn't let it go. And yet I love up at him and his sharp square jaw and blond hair and how grand he looks with me at his feet.

He smirks. "Seems like you like it down there." He said and put his other foot on top of my head and pushed me down.

"Let me go David"

"Come on! We're having fun dude"

"Please let me go. Now!"

"Stop whining!"

"David come on!"

"Nahh Don't think so"

"Please let me go. I'll do anything."

"Anything huh?"

He was pressing my face into the floor. I would feel the treads of his shoes digging into my cheeks.

"Yes anything."

"Kiss my other shoe and beg me to let you go"

I immediately kissed his shoe. "Please David please let me go."

"Doesn't sound like you want it bad enough."

I literally made out with his other shoe. "Please David I'm begging you."

Finally he let go. He stepped on passed me but just as he was leaving he said, "You'll do my homework too. Just like you do Ankit's."

Oh shit. I thought. I'm in deep trouble and yet my pathetic faggot dick is hard.

End of Chapter 11.

Faggots can reach out to tribute via

Next: Chapter 12

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