Serving my High School Master

By Jagat Singh

Published on Feb 20, 2024


Chapter 12 Ankit's POV:

I was sitting on the back of my truck smoking when the faggot arrived. It was breathing hard must've run here as soon as class ended. I just raise my feet and it starts licking the shoes right there in the parking lot. I'm sure it's scared of getting caught but it's more scared of me. My dick starts getting hard thinking of how much power I have over this bitch.

While smoking I had used an empty bottle as the ashtray and was spitting in it.

"Still got the gum fag?"

"Yes sir."

It said and looked over at me. I gave it a solid kick in the face.

"Bitch I didn't tell you you could stop."

"Sorry sir." It said and crawled back to my shoes.

"Spit the gum" I ordered and the faggot did it promptly. It was probably glad to get rid of it but little does it know what's coming.

"Here. I've got a drink for you."

I took the bottle of ash and spit mixture and handed it to the fag still on it's knees under me. Of course the color drained from it's face once he realized what it was.

"Do I have to sir?"

I jumped down and kicked it in the stomach.

"Do not dare question me faggot."

"Sorry S-" I slapped it's face before it could complete the sentence. I did it again and again until it was lying on the ground. Then I walked over lifted my foot and stomped on the faggot's nuts. It yelped in pain but dared not scream for fear of being found. I think I saw a tear coming out of it's eye so of course I spit in his face.

I sat back down on the ruck.

"On your knees" I said and he got into his knees still disheveled. I put my now clean shoes on its shoulders and put a slight pressure down while handing him the bottle.

"Chug it all at once. Understood?"

"Yes sir." He said, clearly afraid. I slapped it's face with my sneakered foot and told it to start.

The faggot brought the disgusting mixture to it's face and began emptying it down his stomach. I could see the disgust on it's face but after the brutal lesson it won't disobey. It downed the whole thing and gagged but didn't puke.

"Good boy!" I said.

Just then I heard some foot steps and Kelce came into the view.

"What's going on here?"

She's this new blonde that I've been meaning to score and today is the day.

The white fag went paler than I thought was possible.

"Not much. Jason is being a good friend and tying my shoes. Ready to head out somewhere special?"

"But we're not allowed to just leave in the middle of school." She said.

"I don't need anybody's permission to do whatever I want. Besides Bernie over there is cool. He won't tell anybody."

Then I pulled her over for a kiss. We made out for a hot minute while the fag was still on it's knees recovering from his disgusting drink. I led Kelce into the passenger seat and came back.

"Don't think you're done yet faggot. You're coming with."

It looked shocked but I just grabbed it by the collar and pushed it into the truck.

"Now stay quiet. If you make a single sound, you'll pay hard for it."

With the faggot in my trunk and the bitch next to me. I drove out of the school waving to Bernie as I left.

Next: Chapter 13

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