Serving my High School Master

By Jagat Singh

Published on Mar 5, 2024


Chapter 14: Jason's POV

By this point, I'd gotten quite used to being in the trunk of Master Ankit's car. So, I knew we must be riding on some rough road when I felt all the bumps. I couldn't see anything because it was dark in there, but I could see a couple rays of light creeping in through the holes and hear the bass of the music thumping through the car. This went on for a while until I felt the motion stopped and then I could feel weight on the back seat over me and after a while sounds of lips parting. Kissing, making out slight moaning.

I again felt the humiliation go through my body. Here I am in the trunk, the same trunk where I've spent many mornings licking his shoes or gagged with his dirty socks while he's right above making out with a hot girl. I can't see it but from the moans I can imagine she's very desperate for him. That lucky bitch. I would never know what it feels like to kiss him. The closest thing I can experience is his spit. But like he said I'm not worthy. I AM NOTHING! I don't deserve to be making out with him, the fact that he even lets me lick the dirt on his shoes and lick his spit is a huge honor for me. Every girl in school is dying to be with him while he spends time with me. It is my privilege to be his slave, to do his chores, his homework, to clean his shoes, to drink his piss. I feel a kind of wetness on my dick. It must be precum.

The shaking stops and the car start moving in thrusts. Several moans and groans later, everything is still and there's only the sound of music again. I guess it is over. Now I'm wet all over the groin, without touching myself. That's the power of my master.

We drive again and I have lost track of time or distance until I'm blinded by the light as the trunk opens. But when my vision returns, I see Ankit, in all his post not glory and sexiness staring down at me, at his property and I've never felt happier.

"Don't think I forgot about you,fag. I know you couldn't have lunch, so I brought you a little something."

With that he leans down, slaps my face once and pinches my jaw with his strong hands to open my mouth. Then he inserts something rubbery into my mouth.

"Enjoy my cum fixed with pussy juice. Bon Appetit!" He spits a logie on top of that and leaves smiling. While I'm left in the open trunk sucking on his used condom.

Next: Chapter 14

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