Serving my High School Master

By Jagat Singh

Published on May 23, 2024


Jason's POV: I was standing in the driveway waiting for David with his homework. In exchange for him not telling anybody about me doing Ankit's homework I was also doing his. I see him walking towards me. His tall frame and square jaw cutting through the air. He's really hot. Might be the hottest white boy in school.

"What's up buddy?" He says.

"Hi David"

"You got the stuff?"

I reach into my bag and hand him his homework.

He looks down at his feet. "Looks like my shoe laces came off. Tie them while I check your work."

The way he said it so casually made me weak in my knees again. I couldn't help but get down on the floor and tie the shoelaces.

"Do the other one!" He said.

"But it's already done."

"Then untie it and tie it again!" He barked this time.

I untied the laces and tied them up again. While I tried to stand up. He put his hand on my head.

"I stepped on some gum. Be a good boy and remove it for me."

"With what?" I asked and immediately felt a snack in my head. It was not strong enough to really hurt but strong enough to let me know that he could hurt me if he wanted to. I got the message. I used my fingers to pry off the gum. Thankfully it was one of those not very sticky kinds and came off without a huge mess.

He smirked, spit right in front of me on the floor and left with the homework I had done. Just then, Master Ankit pulled into the Parking lot.

"The fuck you doing here?" He asked getting out of the car.

"Just waiting for you sir." I improvised.

He spit in my face and told me to pick up the trash in his car while he vaped. I collected all the wrappers and receipts and tissues and food crumbs from the car and threw it all in the trash. He told me to open the hood and that he had a surprise for me.

It was large bag filled with clothes. They smelled bad. I look at him confused.

"Being them back clean. Plan to stay the night." I know what he means. I had already spent a few nights at his place serving master Ankit as his personal servant for whatever he wanted.

"What's that?" He pointed to the floor. "Some bitch spit his gum here. Pick it up!"

I picked up the gum that I had just removed from David's shoes.

"Now put it in your mouth."

When I didn't do anything. He stepped forward and kicked me in the nuts. I fell the floor.

"I said. In. Your. Mouth."

And so I put that dirty gum into my mouth.

"Good fag." He smirked, stepped on my face and spit in my mouth.

"Next time I give you an order. You obey. Immediately!"

I struggled to say "Yes sir."

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